Chapter 148

Reign’S POV

“Miguel, is everything alright?” I ask Miguel who is panting about restlessly”

“Reign everything is not alright, Hardin just mind linked me earlier, he said the staff has gone missing!”

“What?” We all ask in astonishment as we rise up from our seats.

“No, that cannot be true. That could not have happened!” Uncle Leonard screams in agony and we look at him confused.

“Do you children know what mess we are in right now? We no longer have the staff of Edification with us. It is over!”

“We are going to get it back. I trust Hardin, I trust our soldiers, we are going to trike back and get it”

“How did this happen in the first place? How did they get in here and steal it without anyone knowing. What kind of trick did they use to do this?”

“They didn’t use any trick. They used someone from within. A castle maid. It happens that her mate, who is dungeon guard hates Alpha Hardin so he decided to conspire with the enemy against us”

“Where is that traitor? I want to be the one to chop his head off. How dare he commit such an abomination? How dare he betray his Alpha. How dare he!”

“Uncle Leonard you need to calm down”

“No Carl! I can’t calm down. All of these Alphas around hate our Alpha, they hate our pack as a whole, they hate all of us. If we dare lose this battle, we are finished. Even rogues will have more value than us. They are going to kill us all. We cannot afford to lose this battle. We just can’t!” He Laments and I swear right now I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. My legs are suddenly wobbly and I absentmindedly sit on the nearby couch. I feel like I want to vomit this instant.

We cannot loose this battle. We just can’t. The last think I want is for me or any of my subjects to be miserable. We had better find a way to get that staff else I’m going to lose my mind. I swear I will lose my damn mind!

“Where exactly is Alpha Hardin? He needs to be here so we can start figuring out how to strike back and take that staff. I don’t like this feeling I’m getting at all”

When you see a full grown ass man panting, trembling, worried and lamenting as such, that can only mean one thing, danger is lurking at our corridors and terror is knocking at our doors. We are indeed in deep shit.

Right now what we need is a miracle!

“I ask about the people who did this and no reply came, where is the guard and his mate?”

“They escaped already Uncle Leonard and right now what we need to do is device a plan to go and get that staff, not to chase them, we can always do that later”

“Yeah, that’s true and for the umpteenth time, where is Alpha Hardin?” He asks in fury and just then, the door opens and Hardin majestically walks in.

I expect to see him looking devastated and pale but he looks the exact opposite.

Totally unbothered!

“For a man who just lost the most valuable asset in his life, you look too relaxed” Uncle Leonard fires at Hardin as he makes his way towards us but he doesn’t say a word.

“Hardin is what I’m hearing true” I ask hoping he’d say no.

“And what’s that?”

“The staff of Edification, is it really missing?”

“Wait, is that what’s making you all restless?”

“Seriously? Are we supposed to drink and jubilate aboutthe fact that it’s missing? Of course we are restless and almost losing our minds right now! We are at the verge of losing a battle!” I retaliate and he laughs.

He fucking laughs.

“Look Hardin” That’s Miguel. “This is not funny, this is nothing for you to laugh about so cut it. You are stepping on my nerves”

“Why does everyone look so restless in here?” Kol asks from the door.

“The staff of Edification has been stolen” Miguel announces to him and he pauses on the spot and laughs as he shakes his head.

There is a moment of silence as we wait to see his he’s going to react.

The smile on his face disappears and he looks at us long and hard.

“Wait guys, this is the moment you all laugh and tell me it’s a joke. This is a joke right?”

“I’m afraid it isn’t Kol. The staff has been stolen indeed”

“But… how? How was it stolen?”

“Well, a dungeon guard conspired with our enemies and made things happen. He sent his maid who used to be a castle maid to go into Alpha Hardin’s office and steal it”

“No… no way. This cannot be happening!”

“It is happening”

“Hardin… what are we going to do about this?” He asks as he turns to face Hardin who is still looking at us like we have gone mad.

I hate the fact that he is joking about this.

“Guys, the staff of Edification has not been stolen!” Hardin announces and… there is a moment of pin dropping silence as we all exchange confused glances.

“Then what was the meaning of the mind link a while ago?” Miguel asks clearly annoyed.

I can bet on my life that he so badly wants to give Hardin a hard punch in the face right now.

“I said the staff of Edification… wait… is that what I said?”

“Yes! That is what you said. You said the staff of edification was stolen and that I should call a meeting. Remember?”

“Well, my bad. I missed a word in that entire sentence”

“You missed a word?”

“Now I’m confused, can someone enlighten me on what is actually going on here?” I cry.

“Me too. Alpha Hardin can you please just come clear? We are losing out minds”

“Guys, please come with me”

“To where exactly?” Kol asks giving him a suspicious look.

“Bro stop giving me that kind of suspicious glare, I just want to make clear what is going on”

“Please lead the way already” Miguel pleads impatiently and Hardin just smiles as he walks out of the living room and we all follow him.

He leads us out of his chambers over to that of the formers Alphas.

The part I have never been to because it is highly restricted.

“And… why are you taking us to the restricted area of the castle?” Miguel asks worried.

“You will know once we get there”

“Oh, goody!”

We get to a door and dips his hand in his coat and takes out a very old key which he uses to open thebig doubled door. The door sways open with a very loud, eerie sound that causes me to take two steps backwards.

“This is your father’s former office” Miguel points out and Hardin smiles.

“I knew you’d remember, remember all those times we got mercilessly lashed in here by both our fathers?”

“Those times were crazy Hardin, I don’t want to think about it”

“Of course you don’t” He walks in and we all do same.

Everything in the room has been covered with white sheets and it is way more spacious that Hardin’s office. There is a whole library of books that occupies an entire angle of the room. I just smile.

They all like to read.

Even Hardin has a mighty library of books in his office.

“So, why are we here?” That’s Uncle Leonard.

“Well, like I said before, I omitted a word in my previous statement”

“So what’s the word you omitted?”

“Fake! I had to say the fake staff has been stolen!”

“Hardin, please can you tell us exactly what is going on? I swear I’m confused right now!”

“Yes I will. Remember I told you guys there was a puzzle I needed to solve before figuring out how to hide that staff”

“Yeah, you said that”

“Well, it wasn’t actually a puzzle, I had to find something and that thing was the fake staff of Edification.”


“Yeah, so when I found it, I put in my office and hid the real staff in here, right…” Here walks over to table and picks of the staff. “Right here!”

We all instantly let out heavily sighs and I can feel the uncomfortable burning sensation in my stomach stop and my nerves start functioning the way the should.

We are not doomed!This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

“I’m sorry the news got out the way it did. Guys, I would rather die, than let anyone take this from us. It is ours and we are going to use it edify our pack and become as strong as we are supposed to be.”

“Of those guys are as smart as they claim to be, they will know that staff is fake” Kol chips in.

“And how will they know that?”

“Well, you said a maid stole the staff and we all know only an Alpha can hold it. That is enough reason for them to reason it out that it is fake!”

“Well, maybe they don’t even know that’s the rule.”

“Guys that’s their problem, so let them deal with it! The most important thing is that we still have the staff with us and we are going to do our very best to guard it till the end of this battle”

“We are going to do just that!”

“So, now that we have the staff, what next is going to happen?” Carl asks.

“Well, no one knows. We are all just waiting for the moon goddess to reveal it and while we are waiting, we have to be prepared for anything other Alphas throw at us. Remember they are scheming wizards and they can decide to ambush us anytime, we need to be prepared for them.”

“Wait, you guys said a castle guard conspired against us right?” Kol asks with a creased brow.


“I want us to find him and that mate of his and punish them severely. We can’t just let them go free” Kol insists and I agree with him.

“We don’t have time for that right now…”

“Then we are going to make out time. Bro that guy used to be a guard, he knows a lot about us, about ourmilitary force and he is going to rat out our secrets, our strengths for the enemy to use against us. I don’t even want to think of what his mate will say to them, she knows this castle inside out because she used to be a maid here. She is going to lead them right in here and that’s what we don’t want. They already have Yves who know a lot about this castle, they can’t have that girl too”

“Kol has a great point Hardin”

“Guys, I get you all, but the thing is, right now we have a lot of enemies on our tails. If not all, but lost of the Alphas out there want us to lose this battle and they will do everything in they power to make us lose. If any of us go out there in search of these two traitors, our enemies are going to capture and kill us. They will do anything to lure us in their traps and finish us off. If we all stay here and plan properly in how to guard this castle, they won’t get to where we do not want them to get or take anything even if they have the map of the entire castle. Let’s forget about them, those are side distractions we do not have to pay attention to. We have a tough battle at hand and we are going to focus on it only. I hope I’m making some sense”

“Yes you are and you are right. Going out there to find them is too risky, let’s just stay here and plan to go about winning this battle”

“Thank you for understanding”

“Well, if that’s all, then I’ll take my leave. I was having fun training the shewolves before Miguel called” Kol says as he exits the office and both Miguel and Leonard follow him.

“Babe I’m so proud of you” I say with a smile as I walk into his outstretched arms and he gives me a tender hug.

He is indeed the best leader ever!

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