Chapter 140


The staff of edification.

How exciting it will be to get that staff for myself. Its power is definitely tremendous and I will use it to edify my pack and myself as well.

I have to win this battle.

I just have to do so. There is so much to gain if I win and so much to lose if I don’t win.

If I win, I won’t have to bother about Alpha Hardin ripping my head from my shoulders, on the contrary, I will be the one to do so.

If I lose, there is so much to lose, especially as he has found out about the way I treat the poor werewolves in my pack, how I have turned their daughters into sex slaves and their sons into laborers. I know the only thing stopping him are the universal laws which state that no Alpha is to barge into another Alpha’s pack and make decisions without a general meeting being held, not even the Paramount Alpha.

That is the only law covering me up right now. Even if he wanted to organize a meeting, it won’t hold because we are in the middle of a war!

So you see, I have to win this war if I want to stay alive!

I need to use Alpha Ralph and his Elementals to get that staff. I will make sure it is in my keeping after we get it and once the war is over, I will get all the powers.

How exciting that feels!

I creak open the door to my bedroom and when I step in, I spot my Luna, Yves sitting on the bed, wide awake, probably waiting for me.

I have grown to love dearly. When I first found out she was my mate, I wanted to reject her because she was from my enemy pack, but when she made it clear to me that she hated her Alpha and would do anything to bring him down, I took interest in her.

Right now I love her and I’ve grown so attached to her. I can’t do without her.

“Babe” She calls with her calm soothing voice as she gently slides down from the bed and walks over to me. My eyes remain focused on her slim, slender body that’s completely naked beneath there transparent night gown she has on. I can feel blood filling up my dick at this moment and all I want to do is take her back to my bed and make love to her all night.

I love making love to my Luna.

“What happened, why did they need you so urgently?” she asks concerned and without uttering a single word, I pull her closer to my body and when her warm body gently brushes against mind, there is a thunderbolt in my entire body and a wave of emotions wash through me like electric current.

I stare into her deep emerald green eyes that has got a thousand different emotions swimming in them, among which are lust, mischief, passion and love.

Love for me.

Yves is a mixture of good and evil.

She can be so nice and kind if she wants to be and can also be mischievous if she wants to be and they one of the reasons why I love her the way I do.

She is the perfect Luna for me.

Once I decide I have gotten enough of her big her beautiful eyes, I inch my face closer to hers downwards and capture her lips in an ardent kiss which gets all my hormones raging within my body.

My breath hitches the moment she kisses me back and the slow kiss becomes a hot hungry kiss driven by raging passion and hormones.

I don’t miss the opportunity to thoroughly explore her mouth with my tongue, claiming her lips as mind and indirectly marking my territory.

Her lips taste like strawberries.

Once we break the kiss, I look at her and smile.

“Nothing serious babe”

“I still wanna hear it” She insists “Is it good or bad news?”

“Actually…” I take her hand in mine and lead her to our bed where we both sit down facing each other.


“It is very good news”

“Yay! Tell me about it”

“We finally figured out what it is we are fighting for” I announce and she gives me a queer look, eyebrows raised and mouth twisted.

“Uh… wasn’t it to defeat Alpha Hardin”

“Yeah, it was and still is, but there is more”

“Oh… is it”

“Yes babe, much more. You see after the battle, power has to be released to the Alpha who wins and that power will be used to edify both him and his pack and you don’t think that power will just come from nowhere”

“That means the power is being stored in something, is that the thing you are talking about?”

“Yes it is, my love”

“What exactly is the thing?” she asks curious

“Well, it’s a staff and it’s called the Staff of Edification. That is what I will use and the end if this battle to get all the powers I want.”

“Wow, so, where is it? Did you bring it along?”

“Now, that is the problem.” I lament as I bow my head down.

Honestly, the thought of going into the wall street pack to get that staff freaks me out a great deal.

I literally tremble every time the thought crosses my mind!

“Whets wrong babe?”

“It’s with your former Alpha, Alpha Hardin. It’s in his keeping and we have to go get it”

“Now that is messed up!”

“Yeah, it is”

“But, we can’t just stay still because he has it, we have to go get it”

“Yeah we have to, that’s what we plan to do this night”


“Babe, we are gonna be needing you”

“Needing me? How?”

“You are the only one who know that castle inside out, you are the only one who can locate that staff, steal it and bring to us”

“Oh no! No! Not me please”

“Babe, babe look at me” I cube her face in my hands and urge her to look at me. “You can do this”

“That is Alpha Hardin we are talking about, he is going to kill me”

“If, he finds you, but he won’t. We have got this all planned out babe, we are going to cover you up. All you need to do is sneak in, get the staff and sneak out”

“Are you sure about this?”

“You very well know I would never get you into it any trouble. I have this all planned out. I promise”

“Okay, I will do it”

“Thank you baby, thank you very much.”

“Anything for you babe”

“I love you” I whisper as I take her lips in mine once more.

There is no better way to end such a good day than making love to my mate.

ALPHA RALPH’S POVThis is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ugh, I hate the fact that I cannot attend these meetings with you” Mr. Callan Laments as I step into my office.

“We wouldn’t want to raise suspicions now, would we?”

“Of course not”


“So, what’s up?”

“The war just got more interesting and intense”

“Nice, what new findings did you guys make?”

“The staff of edification.”

“Staff of what?”


“And what in heaven’s name is that?”

“Well, it’s a staff that wields the powers that have to be unlocked once this battle is over”

“Oh, I see. So where is it?”

“That’s the trouble now. It’s at the Wall Street Pack with Alpha Hardin.”

“Holy impossibility!”

“Yeah, we have to go get it”

“And how are going to do that?”

“Ambush, distract them and send someone to go get it”

“There’s so many loop holes in that plan of yours. You very well know Aloha Hardin is always ready for you right?”.

“That is why we are going to ambush them tonight at about ten when they least expect it”

“Oh boy! Why does it always have to be this difficult”

“I’m guessing you very well know that nothing good comes easy”

“Indeed it doesn’t. So what’s the plan”

“Well we are going to attack as planned and when we get them all distracted, Alpha Lance’s mate is going to go in and get it since she is versed with the environment and then we will retreat and head home”

“Supposing that works, who is going to keep the staff?” He asks with raised brows and I go mute.

That has never crossed my mind.

That is a very valuable asset in this battle. The instrument that is going to unleash the powers I’m out for, it needs to be with me. But we all know Alpha Lance will be thinking the same thing. If we are not careful, there is going to be a clash!

“Well, I think that’s where there’s going to be a problem, because I want that staff to be with me and I’m very sure Alpha Lance has the same plan”

“I suggest you let him have it!”

“No way! I can’t do that, I need those powers at the end of the battle”

“I know you do, but right now you still have a long way to go in this battle and what you cannot afford to do is clash with your ally. You both succeed in getting the staff, cool, he wants it, let him have it. You both stay on the same side for the rest of the battle and once it’s over, you can clash all you want. For now, play the fool.” He explains and I look at him long and hard.

What he just said actually makes sense.

Knowing the kind of man Alpha Lance is, I know he has his own background plans of getting that staff for himself and getting all the powers. He is also very smart and an excellent planner. If I’m not careful and if I want to this game with him, he is definitely going to outsmart me. That’s why the best way to go about this issue is to play the fool. Behave like I know nothing about what is going on, like I have absolutely no interest in all this, let him feel himself as the superior and I’m going to strike when he least expects it.

He wants the staff once we get it, I’ll let him have it, but I definitely know when to get it.

“I think I’m going to do as you have advised. Play dumb and strike back when he least expects it”

“Trust me you are not going to regret this. This is the only way you can use to outsmart Alpha Lance”

“Cool. I want that power for myself and I’m going to get it at all cost, even if it means playing the fool in this entire battle”


“We attack tonight, at ten pm. Wanna come?”

“Nope, I don’t want to face that guy just yet.”

“Of you say so then I’ll just organize my Alpha Beta, Elementals and soldiers for the ambush, see you around”

“Good luck!”

“Thank you!” I say I will exit my office once more.

Nothing is going to stop me from getting that staff from Alpha Hardin tonight.

Absolutely nothing!

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