Chapter 112


Proud jerks!

Heartless jerks they all are.

No doubt the Moon goddess has never let any of their ancestors win this battle. All I could see in their eyes was ambition, greed, selfishness, heartlessness and all the vices you could ever think of.

I would die before I ever fully give my support to them. With what I did to that Alpha Lance of a man today, I’m sure when he’s going to be the first to order for my execution the moment this war is over.

I have agreed to join forces with them verbally, that’s not what I have in my heart. I can never fight with people who have done nothing but reject me all my life.

I know what I’m up to and they won’t even see this coming, they all think they are going to use me to fight this battle, instead I’m going to use them and when I’m done, they will be sorry. Especially that weasel of a man called Alpha Lance. When I’m done with him , he is going to be sorry.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sweet smell of lavender as I pass the boundary between the Far North and the Wall Street Pack and I do not need a sorcerer to tell me that that is the smell of my mate. I will know the smell of her pheromone anywhere, any time. I wonder what she is doing here. This place is quite far from their residential quarters.

Could it be that she came to wait for me?

I ask myself rhetorically as I take calculated steps towards the smell of the pheromone and indeed I see my mate, the gorgeous Diana seated on one a fallen tree trunk looking worried.

I scan around to see if she’s all alone, I wouldn’t want any unwanted person seeing us together.

“Diana” I call once I confirm that we are alone. The moment she snaps her head up and sees me, she instantly gets up from the tree trunk and flies on my body and hugs me with all her might. I engulf her petite frame in my muscular arms and inhale her sweet smell.

I wish I could run away with her right now. I wish I could take her away with me so we could stay together, but I can’t. If I do, Alpha Hardin will wage a war against me for absconding with one of his shewolves. If there is one thing Alpha Hardin is known for, it is the fact that he doesn’t play with his Shewolves. He protects them with all his might. Also, I don’t have a pack. The last thing I want is for Diana to be like me or bear me pups that will have no pack to call home. Yes I’m kind of well off right now, but I’m still packless and that’s a fact about me I don’t like and lastly, but most importantly, I don’t want any of the other Elementals or Alphas to know my mate is from this pack else they will start getting skeptical about my support to them. I don’t want them to suspect me in any way.

“I miss you” She cries as she disengages herself from the hug and looks at me straight in the eye. Her emerald green eyes are gorgeous and I could look into them all day and night without batting an eyelid.

“I miss you too”

You didn’t even tell me your name last time”

“Um sorry I didn’t, my name is Kol, Kol Bradfords”

“Nice name” She compliments as she leads me to the tree trunk she was sitting on a while ago and we both sit down.

“Thank you”

“So Kol, which pack are you from?” She asks with an innocent smile and I swallow dryly.

I’m suddenly scared, what if she rejects me the moment I tell her I’m a rogue?

Oh boy.

“Well..” I say as I nervously scratch my head. “Actually, I’m a rogue” I announce and she looks at me with a raised brow.

She’s shocked!

“A rogue?”

“Yeah” I answer and she looks at me long and hard.

“This is the point where you laugh and tell me you were just kidding”

“No I wasn’t. I’m serious, I’m a rogue” I answer with a serious look on and she nods.

“Wow, you are one very hot and handsome looking rogue.”

“Really now?”

“Yeah! Have you seen you? I’m still finding it difficult to actually believe that you are a rogue. You look amazing, rich if I may say, I’m so proud to have you as my mate”

“You are?”

“Of course I am. What do you think?”Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well, for a while, I thought you would reject me”

“For what exactly?”

“Cuz I’m a rogue”

“Tss… I would never do such a silly thing. You are my soulmate sent by the Moon goddess, she knows we are best for each other that’s why she paired us. I have no right to reject you. Besides, you are perfect, I would never have wished for someone other than you. I love you” She explains confidently and to quietly pull her into my arms and give her a gentle kiss in her forehead.

She makes me proud.

“Thank you so much for accepting me and I love you too Diana, I bless the Moon goddess for giving you to me. I couldn’t wish for a better mate. You are just perfect”

“Aww… I’m blushing” She says blushing hard as she buried her face in my arms and I cuddle her.

I would die before I let Alpha Ralph or Alpha Lance ambush this pack and hurt my mate. Because of her, I will serve as a spy for Alpha Hardin, but I won’t make it too obvious.

I don’t want to work for either of them, but I don’t want my mate to be hurt either, so I’m just going to be in the middle.

“Kol” She calls with her sweet angelic voice and I look at her.

“Yes Diana”

“I want you to mark me” She requests and I look at her in awe.

“I can’t do that, what will you tell your parents?”

“I’ll tell them my mate marked me” She says with a careless shrug.

She is so innocent that it hurts.

“Sweetheart, I’m a rogue, even your Alpha won’t be please with this”

“So what am I supposed to do, abandon you because you are a rogue?” She asks annoyed. “I can’t do that. I don’t care about the fact you are a rogue Kol. You are my mate and I love you dearly. That is all that matters. They will all learn to accept you. Besides you are not a trouble maker, you are a very nice person” She defends and I smile heartily.

She is a fighter, very strong willed and very stubborn.

I love her. I love he so much and yes, I’m going to mark her. I don’t care if Alpha Hardin hunts me after this.

“Can I kiss you first?” I ask calmly and she nods her head. I stare once more into her stunning emerald green eyes and smile as I gentle caress her soft pink cheeks with my fingers.

She looks fragile and I would die before I let anything bad happen to her.

I gently connect our foreheads together and my heart’s starts pounding in my chest as I bring our lips closer. Since I was born, I have never held a girl this close to me, not to talk of kissing one. Right now I can only hope that I don’t disappoint her. I can’t believe I’m about to get my first kiss.

“Go ahead” She urges once she senses my hesitation and gently, carefully, I connect our lips together and immediately, I feel electric sparks all over my body. All the butterflies in my tummy rise as I gently explore every inch her soft plumb lips that taste like chocolate.

I don’t want this moment to end.

My breath hitches when she wraps her arms around my neck and deepens the kiss.

We both take turns in exploring each others lips and I swear, I have never felt so good in my life. I actually feel like absconding with her right now.

When we break the kiss, I start trailing tantalizing kisses down her neck and when I get to the spot I want to mark I playfully nibble it with my nose and that causes her to burst into laughter.

She’s ticklish, I see.

“Please don’t do that, I’m ticklish.”

“I’m happy I found one weak point of yours” I say as I kiss the spot. “Close your eyes” I whisper with a husky voice and when she does as instructed, I sink my canines into the spot and she lets out a brief scream as I lick up the blood that’s oozing out and hug her tighter.

The only thing I can feel right now is our mate bondstrengthening.

I can kill for Diana right now.

Hardin’S POV

I’m seated in my office, rounding off some paper work, when I hear a gentle knock at the door, when I give the signal for whoever it is to come in, Dylan walks in with a young girl of about Reign’s age by his side and I instantly recognize her. She was amongst the girls we found in the woods yesterday and she’s the Air Elemental’s mate.

I wonder why she’s…

Oh boy! He definitely showed up again!

“You may leave Dylan.” I instruct and he gives me a slight bow and walks out of the office. I motion the girl to walk closer which she does with her head bowed down and when she arrives in front of my table, she stops and the first thing I notice on her neck is a werewolf bite.

That is no ordinary werewolf bite, she has been marked by her mate.

Bloody Air Elemental marked my Shewolf without my consent!

“You let him mark you without my consent?” I ask in fury.

“Alpha, he is my mate”

“I don’t care if he is your mate, he is a stranger to this pack and there’s protocol he has to follow!” I shout with my Alpha voice and she trembles in fear as she takes a few steps backwards. “He had no right to mark you without seeing me first, next thing I know is that he has absconded with you!” I scold yet again and I can see tears trickle down her cheeks.

For heaven’s sake why are they so weak and soft hearted. Just a little scolding and she already crying and now I feel guilty for making her cry.

Tss… that’s why I always let Miguel handle them. I just can’t stand their weak and overly emotional nature for a single moment.

I let out a heavysigh of frustration as I struggle to calm myself down so I can try talk to her nicely. No matter what, she is my Shewolf and I need to respect her.

“Wipe your tears” I instruct with a rather calm voice and she instantly does as instructed. “I don’t hate you, I don’t hate your mate, I’m just worried for your safety. I don’t want him to take you to a place where you won’t be comfortable. This is your pack and you belong here, no where else!”

“Yes Alpha”


“He actually sent news”

“And what could it be?”

“He said to inform you that both Alpha Ralph and Alpha Lance have joined forces to battle against you, together with the Elementals and tomorrow, they are planning an attack at Dawn. He also said to tell you that you should act like you never heard this news before hand because they all think he is on their side. However he is not.”

“So whose side is he on right now?”

“No body”

“So, right now it’s your duty to convince him to join us. He is your mate and whatever you say to him, he is going to consider. Can I trust you to do this for me?”

“Yes Alpha”

“Good and when next you meet him, tell him I said thank you for the heads up”

“I will tell him Alpha” She accepts with a slight bow.

“You can leave now”.

“Thank you Alpha Hardin” She thanks and turns to leave.

“What’s your name?” I ask and she stops on her tracks and turns to face me.

“Diana Ross”

“Diana, I’ve been wondering, from which pack does your mate, the Air Elemental hail from?” I ask curious and I can see her face drop.

After a brief moment of silence, she finally lets out a heavy sigh as she looks up at me.

“He is a rogue”

Bloody hell!

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