Chapter 104

Hardin’S POV

“Man, are you alright?” Miguel asks as he catches up with me.

“All this is just crazy. From one trouble to the next. What exactly is going on”

“The Elemental Battle”

“But it seems unfair. I can’t have one peaceful day in my life. I’m am not a touble maker, yet I am the most targeted person in this battle. My pack , my subjects are the only ones facing the effects of this war. It is totally in fair to all of us!”

“Hardin, that’s why the Moon goddess has given you all these powers, so that you will be able to tackle every challenge that comes your way”

“I know Miguel and I’m not trying to question the moon goddess’ decisions, but it’s difficult. Lately, whenever I go to bed, all I think about is the next drama that will unfold and indeed, drama unfolds the very next day”

“And you always find a way to deal with the challenges. The keep attacking but you keep winning”

“Until when?”

“Until the Moon goddess says it’s over. We can’t escape this”

“You know, sometimes I wish I wasn’t Alpha, sometimes I wish I didn’t have the burden of the entire pack’s safety on my shoulders. It’s exhausting man. Sometimes a man just wants to live a simple life with his mate” I lament .

“That’s why you have me bro. I’m here for you always. I mean always, you don’t have to feel alone, we are in this together and I will help you carry every burden because I am your Beta and your best friend and I will always be here for you”

“Thank you so much Miguel” I thank as I hug him tight.

I swear if Miguel wasn’t here with me. I would have failed this pack a long time ago and lost my sanity.

I thank the Moon goddess for pairing us as Alpha and Beta. I couldn’t wish for another Beta.

“So when are we going to get the girl?”

“Immediately. I’m not letting my Shewolf stay in a dungeon. I just have to go now and talk with Reign, I promised her we were going to spend the day together but it seems like the plan changed.”

“You can stay with her while I go with Clark and the Gamma”

“No, I want to be there myself. I want to give him one last warning, because the next time he touches any shewolf of mine ever again, I will kill him. I want to look him in the eye and tell him these words.” I say bitterly as I grit my teeth.

“Oh… okay. Signal me when it’s time”

“I will do just that” we both separate and I make my way to the castle.

As I ascend the stairs leading to my bedroom, there’s this weird uncomfortable feeling in my stomach and I know it’s because I’m nervous. I am Just a minute away from canceling plans I made with Reign last night and to be honest, I feel very guilty about it.

Ever since I brought her here from Goodland, we haven’t really had an entire day for ourselves, it has been from one crises to another, from one kidnap case to the next and it’s really annoying.

When exactly are we ever going to have peace?

When I arrive at the door, I exhale heavily as I creak the door open and walk in. I meet Reign seated on the bed and what she has on, turns me on totally and I feel like crying.

I don’t deserve this.

“Why do you look so sad?” She asks worried as walks over to me.

“Babe” I call silently as I hug her.

“Is everything alright?”


“What happened?” She asks alarmed as she disengages from the hug and looks at me. “Talk to me babe, what happened.”

“Alpha Lance has captured a junior shewolf”

“Not again! What the hell do these Alpha’s want from us?” She asks clearly angered as she placed around the living room.

“He wants us to return his mate, else he’ll have men rape the girl he captured”

“Sweet Moon goddess! Then what are we waiting for, let’s go give his miserable mate. What do we want with her in the first place?”

“Aren’t you angry?”

“Of course I am! They are all nothing but a bunch of cruel beasts, Alpha Ralph threatened to decapitate five year-olds and hang their heads on spikes and now Lance is threatening to have a junior werewolf brutally raped. They are all sick people!”

“Yeah, they are, but I was talking about the fact that we had to spend the day together but can’t anymore because we have to go and take our Shewolf”

“Well, yes I’m a bit disappointed that that won’t happen, but that’s not enough reason for me to get mad. I’m a Luna and I have to put the safety and happiness of my subjects before mine. So don’t feel guilty about it okay. I totally understand and we can always reschedule like we did yesterday” She says with a sweet smile as she kisses me passionately.

I swear every man needs a Reign in his life!

“Babe” she calls.

“Yes love”

“Can I go see her, alone first?”


“Well, I just want us to have a little girl chat. Nothing dangerous, I promise”

“Are you sure?”

“One hundred percent sure”

“Alright then , don’t be long”

“I won’t” She goes into the closet to change and moments later, she comes out with a pair of black fitting jeans and one of my plain white t-shirts that seem to be over sized on her, but I totally adore her in it. The pair of Snickers on her feet makes her look smartly dressed, but I frown when I see her hair tied up I’m a pony tail.

“How do I look?”

“Smart and ravishing. I love it!” I compliment as I walk over to her and plant a kiss on her lips and without warning, I let loose her hair and it falls gracefully on her back and I smile.

She did not see that coming.

“What was that for?” She ask aghast.


” I am going to keep this argument for another day!” She says furiously as she storms out of the bedroom and I just laugh.

Reign’S POV


It took me a while lot of minutes to get that pony tail in tact and it took him barely one second to let it loose. That is beyond annoying and he even has the guts to smile at me.


I will make sure he begs me before I let this go.

Once I get to the dungeon, I walk over to the silver prison where I meet Yves, seated on the floor looking as horrible as you can imagine.

Her punishment is that she stays in the silver prison all day and at night, she takes a shower and spends the night in another bedroom. You have no idea how much I had to beg Hardin to make these adjustments for her.

“Yves” I call and she snaps her head up to look at me and the moment she sees me, her face darkens.

She hates me to bits!

“What are you doing here?”

“I want us to talk”

“I don’t want the talk to you”

“Do you really have to do this?”NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“Do what exactly?”

I mean you have lived here all your life, Wall Street Pack is your home, why are you trying to conspire against us?”

“Did you miss the part where I said Alpha Lance is my mate?”

“No I did not”

“Then you got your answer”

“You very well know what he’s doing is wrong”

“I don’t know anything and stop assuming. You are just saying this because you are the Paramount Luna and every where you go people now to your every will. Don’t you think I want to experience what that feels like?”

“Is that why you are siding with Lance?'”

“It’s Alpha Lance for you!” She reprimands and I smile.

“I am the Paramount Luna, and I can call him whatever I want!”

“Proud bitch. My mate is going to bury that proud ass of yours”

“Best of luck to him. It’s such a shame that you are proud to call such a scumbag of a man your mate!”

“Well, at least he hasn’t tortured me and showed me hell on earth unlike you, don’t you have any shame? Or is just your thirst for power that will make you accept a male who did all those horrible things to you? Don’t you have any dignity?”

“Look who is talking about dignity? When you will sell off an Alpha who has done nothing but protect you and your entire family for as long as you can remember because of some power that isn’t even certain yet! A man who encourages rape!”


“I wish I was, but I’m not. Your mate kidnapped your fellow Wall Street Shewolf and is threatening to have his men rape her if we don’t bring you to him” I explain and she chuckles in amusement.

“Brilliant! So, you are here let me go”

“You don’t have to do this Yves. You don’t have to be with that kind of man, I will talk to Hardin an he’s going to let you stay in the pack. Don’t follow the wrong person”

“I don’t remember requesting for a personal advisor. My life, my choices, my decisions, my mistakes, my regrets, Ma’am! I don’t need you to stuff my mind with you worthless conscience talks. Nothing you say will make me go against my Alpha”


“Seriously my dear!” She says firmly as she stands akimbo and I juts6 nod my head.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you”

“That day is never going to come” She says confidently and I just leave the cell before I have a heart failure.

Yves’ mind has been made up. Nothing I say can make her change her decision.

How on earth did it even happen that her mate is Alpha Lance!

What exactly is wrong with this generation of ours?

Where did we go wrong?

Sweet Moon goddess!

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