The Alphas And The Orphan

Chapter 50

Saturday 21st January

Alexei POV

Watching the love of my life laughing with her father fills me with happiness. She has gone through so much, and always comes through it bruised but full of hope.

“They look happy. I haven’t seen Liam this happy for a very long time.”

I study the man beside me. A few days ago, I saw him as our principal threat. I mean, he is f*****g huge, at least seven feet tall and built like a mountain.

“Yeah they do, Fairy-girl is definitely a survivor. The amount of s**t that had been thrown at her would break most. It’s about time something good happened.”

He nudges me with his shoulder, fucker nearly locked me over, I scowl at him and he grins, “I would say things had already been looking up for her, I mean, three mates! And Alphas at that, she is a very lucky girl.”

I smirk. “she knows exactly how to handle the three of us. We are all wrapped around her tiny little finger, plus you felt her aura last night. She is more than capable of bringing us to our knees. My big, tough Alpha wolf rolls over like a f*****g puppy for her.”

His laughter bellows out, “goddess our wolves act all tough and superior until something pretty distracts them. Hero, my wolf, sits up and begs when Liam puts on a show.”

I chuckle, “so how did you two finally get together? You have known each other for year’s right?”

“Aye, I have known Liam since we were pups. He was my best friend and my first crush. He supported me when I came out as gay, and gave me somewhere to live when my parents kicked me out.”

“s**t, man I hate that there is still so much stigma around same-s*x relationships, two of our warriors came out last year, they hid their mate bond for fifteen years, it makes me so angry that they felt they had to lie and suffer because of archaic views of a few wolves.”

Campbell gives me a look of appreciation, “it’s getting better, more and more wolves are coming out. I found my mate when I was nineteen, a month before Liam found Thalia. and goddess, he was something, he was a warrior and we had ten amazing years together. He was killed in a rogue attack.”

I feel the pain rolling off of him, “Liam and I grew closer than ever after that, sharing in the loss of our mates, as the years rolled by our feelings grew, until about five years age, we had a huge argument, you know the violent smashing the house down kind, he was out of control, so I pinned him to a wall and kissed the s**t out of him, the shocking thing was he kissed me back, the rest as they say is history.”

We are just passing a row of cottages near the border when a shrill scream fills the air. The four of us take off in the direction of the noise.

A little boy runs out of of a cottage screaming for help, a rogue close on his heels, Campbel and I both shift, but I already know we won’t get there in time.

I am just a metre from the child, the rogue pounces, claws ready to tear into the child, but a small tunnel of wind picks him up and blows him past me, I don’t even have to look to know Star has him, safe and sound.

I rip into the rogue severing his head from his body and run into the cottage. A couple are fighting off four rogues in the living room, and I hear more children screaming from upstairs, “star others are more children upstairs,”

A flash of silver fur sweeps past us, disappearing up the stairs. As we finish off the rogues downstairs, we hear load banging and howls of agony from above.

Throwing the body of the last rogue onto the floor, I turn to the stairs to see the love of my life stalking towards me. There are two small children on her back and a struggling blanket in her mouth.

She gently lays the blanket on the floor in front of the couple, revealing a newborn baby, and lies down for her other charges to slip off her back. She nuzzles both the children before coming to stand before me.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

She rests against me, snuggling into my side as the male wolf drops piles of clothes on the floor for us.

I shift back and throw on some shorts before grabbing a large t-shirt for Star and leading her into the kitchen so she can shift.

I pull her it my arms. “f**k Star, I thought that kid was done for. You saved him and the kids that was incredible.” she is shaking like a leaf so I rub her back as storm purrs to her soothingly.

“How the hell did they get in? Where were the patrols?” before I can answer, the border alarms go off and we all get a mind link from one of the warriors, “we are under attack on the south border, there are rogues everywhere.”

I hear both my brothers, Kurtis and Jonah, link to say they are on the way. And I do the same, “baby, you are our last defence. Can you get this family to the bunker and help mum protect them?”

She grabs my face and k****s me. “go my warrior, be safe. I will get everyone to safety.”

she shifts again and lets two of the children get on her back.

The mother grabs the blanket containing the baby and Liam lifts the last child onto her back and they take off.

I quickly inform Liam about the attack before the three men and I shift and race to the southern border.

We get there at the same time as my brothers and join the fight.

it’s a never-ending flow of f*****g s**t, where the f**k are all these rogues coming from, for every one I kill two more jumps at me.

I feel one asshat sink his teeth into the back of my neck. Rearing up, I throw myself onto my back, crushing the fucker under my weight. I rip him open from throat to c**k, spilling his guys over the b***d-soaked ground.

Looking up, I see Campbell, in his human form, battling rogue after rogue. Just his hands are transformed and the big fucker is laughing as he shreds his way through the never ending wave of filthy bastards.

Finally, we make headway and are left with just a few stragglers who turn tail and run. My brothers come towards me and I see Ace limping badly, leaning on Ash for support. A trail of b***d follows their progress.

They collapse when they get to me and both Ash and I lick Ace’s wounds, helping him to heal. Med team arrives and lift Ace into the back of a truck.


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