The Alpha

Chapter 10: 9- Therapy

Chapter 10: 9- Therapy

Beta Mallory came in the morning to get me. He took me to get breakfast and then said it was almost

time for the therapy appointment.

Truthfully, I didn’t want to go. What would it do for me? They expect me to confide in some random

person and tell my whole life story so they could ‘help me’. No. Pointless. What help could they

provide? Could they take away twelve years of abuse? No.


We arrived at some office. It was a nice size, a dark brown interior with maroon furniture.

Quickly I met a doctor. He was about an inch taller than Beta Mallory. He had darker skin, possibly of

Spanish descent, curly dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes that stood out with his natural crow feet.

“Good afternoon, I’m Doctor Socorro. Nice to meet you.” He held out a hand to shake and a smile on

his face.

It was quite friendly and infectious. Dang it, I wasn’t supposed to like this.

“V-v-violet…” I mumbled and shyly shook his hand.

'It’s your fucking name and you can’t even say it.'

“Alright Violet, lovely name, shall we get started?” I nodded and he said his bidding to Beta Mallory and

took me to his office.

It resembled the lobby, with maroon furniture and nut-brown walls. It had a window, a desk, a beanbag,

a sofa, it was very inviting.

“Please, make yourself comfortable.” He walked over to his desk and grabbed a clipboard and sat in

the seat across from the sofa I sat at.

“How about we start by telling a little bit about ourselves? I know very little about you, only your name

and a glimpse of your past- in fact not a lot of people know what you’ve been through…” he had a very

smooth, nice voice, “so, I’ll go first.”

I nodded as he waited for a sign by me.

“As you know- my name is Socorro. My parents are from Spain, and I was born there but moved here

when I was younger. I do visit often. I’m forty-three. I have a beautiful mate, we’ve been married for

twenty-four years and we have three wonderful children. One boy and two girls.” He smiled at the end

and let me speak.

There isn’t much to me.

“I-I’m t-twenty one….” I had no clue what to say, “...u-umm… A-alpha D-Derek i-is m-my mate.” In the

end, I shrugged. There wasn’t anything el-

Oh my. What if Alpha Derek didn’t want people to know we’re mates?

Tears pricked my eyes as I knew I’d be punished for my slip-up.

“Violet, it’s okay.” He assured seeing I was getting upset.

I nodded and sniffled.


'You’re seriously gonna cry?'

'About something you said?'

'Fucking pathetic...'

“It’s okay.” He smiled. Something about him made me want to talk to him. It was frustrating to me, I

didn’t want to do this but he made it seem different.

“Now through-out this whole session- if you don’t want to answer or go into detail, you are never

obligated to. If you feel uncomfortable- you are welcome to leave.” Again, I nodded. “And of course, this

is confidential.”

“So, Violet, what brings you here?” He inquired.

I shrugged.

“A-alpha wanted m-me to c-come.”

He wrote on his board and gave me a reassuring smile.

He asked me some more ice-breaker questions and quite truthfully I found it a little easy and slightly

refreshing to talk to him.

Have you ever met with a counselor?

Generally, how do you feel? Describe your mood?

What are your views on therapy?

They were fine, the next one was not.

“Violet, one thing I’ve been filled in on- some suicidal tendencies…” He trailed and looked at me, it

wasn’t full of judgment, it was full of acceptance and it was understanding.

“Now, what causes you to feel this way?”

“Th-the...v…”’ I stopped. No. I couldn’t tell him.

So instead of answering, I shook my head.

“C-can we s-stop?” I was hesitant in answering and I felt like it was wrong of me to do.

He smiled at me and shook his head ‘yes’.

He got up and as we walked out, he said I did well and he would like for me to come back, I nodded.

Beta Mallory walked me back to Alpha Derek’s house making conversation on the way.

“B-beta M-Mallory-” I started only to be cut off by him.

“Viv,” he stopped me using his nickname for me, “I’ve told you, just call me Mallory.” He lightly chuckled

and I gave a small smile.

“Viv, is that a smile?” He teased, which caused me to blush a little bit.

I lightly shook my head as a small laugh left me lips.

“O-okay, M-Mallory, do you l-live in A-alp-pha D-Derek’s h-house?” I questioned.

“Technically no, but I do have a room there. I mean, I’m over there quite frequently so sometimes I’ll

just stay the night- but I do have my own house. In fact…” He trailed and then directed his hand to a

house we were passing, “that’s my house.”

It was a light beige, single-family home. A two-story with some windows and a set of patio chairs in the


“I-it’s cute,” I told him honestly.

“Why, thank you.” He chuckled.

We arrived at the house and stopped by the kitchen to get some food. I had some fruit and water as I

wasn’t really hungry.

'That’s why you’re not gaining weight.'

'Chris would’ve already fucked you for not following his orders.'

I knew they were wrong but it was hard to argue with the voices in your head. Weight isn’t something I

can bump up overnight. Beta Mallory and Reseda both told me that. Alpha Derek hasn’t so much, I

don’t recall us talking about it.

Then, again, the need to see my mate struck. Sage was whining to see him.

“M-Mallory, is A-alpha De-Derek in h-his office?” I was hesitant in asking him, but my wolf was


“Yeah, do you want to see him?” A smirk grew on his face when he asked, I blushed and did a mousy

nod, “awe, the bond, adorable…” his eyes zoned out for a second meaning he was mind linking

someone, most likely Alpha Derek. “Alright, yeah I’ll take you. Follow along, madam.” He cheesily said

and did a fake bow which earned a small giggle from me.

He walked me from the kitchen upstairs and till we reached a big brown door. His office. I felt winded

just from walking up the stairs, come to think of it, I’ve done a lot of walking today.

My heart fluttered as Mallory knocked on the door, announcing his name as well.

“Come in.” A gruff reply came from the other side. Mallory opened the door and told me to go in,

greeted his Alpha, then left.

I found myself standing there in the middle of the door and the chair by his desk. Subconsciously, I

started to rub my wrist while waiting for one of us to break the silence.

“Flower, take a seat.” Obediently, I shuffled over and sat in the familiar seat, appreciating it’s comfort.

Silence, yet again, fell over his study. And yet again, my hands found my wrist and started to wring it.

A low growl emitted across from me. Alpha Derek.

“What did I tell you about that, Violet?” I felt my heartbeat pick up knowing I was in trouble. “Stop.”

It took all of my will to pry them apart and to keep them from finding each other, I put my hands on the

outer sides of my thigh and suck them slightly under.

“S-sorry, A-alpha…” I cringed at my stutter.

“Derek…” he mumbled. I looked up at him as he continued to read his paperwork.

...Wow, he's so pretty...

“W-what, A-alpha?” I was confused. Did he want me to call his Alpha Derek? Did he not like just


His eyes were still focused on his work when he spoke, “call me Derek.”

“O-oh, yes, s-sorry Al…” I trailed as I was about to call him his title, but he didn’t want that.

Again it was quiet in the room. I was looking at Derek as he did his work. He was breathtaking. His

straight dark brown hair looked so soft.. His deep-set blue eyes focused on the papers in front of him, a

slight crease between his eyebrows due to his attentiveness to his work. His full lips were set in a

straight expression as he read.


It sparked something in me. Feelings I wouldn’t- no, feeling I don’t feel. It’s not me- it’s my wolf, Sage.

“Flower, was there something you needed?” His voice was cold as he asked me and my submissive Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

side kicked in.

I shook my head as his iced eyes flicked up at me.

“T-the rea… um… m-my wolf w-w-wan...” I trailed, not having confidence in my sentence anymore.

“Finish your sentence,” Derek demanded in his wintry tone. Why was he so cold to me?

'He doesn’t like you. Stop complaining about his tone.'

“Umm, I-I was j-just s-saying that umm… m-my wolf wanted t-to s-see you…” My face lit in an

embarrassed blush.

He hummed and continued to work. My wolf wanted his attention and to be honest a little bit of myself

wanted it as well.


( ‘Violet, don’t listen-’ )

A snap broke me out of my thoughts. Focusing back into the present, Derek was now out of his seat, in

front of his desk leaning on it.

“Flower..” he started to tsk- but his eyes flashed and he stopped, “I asked how therapy was,” he

repeated his tone taking a cold nip at the end.

“O-oh, s-sorry. It was o-okay…” I nodded along, my voice was small.

“Violet, what did I tell you about repeating myself?” he questioned as he pushed himself off the desk

and walked closer to me grabbing my chin, slightly bending to meet my eyes.

I involuntarily flinched at the sparks.

“I-I’m s-sorry, D-Derek… I-I zoned off…” At this point, my voice is practically a whisper.

He moved his hand off my chin motioned for me to stand. I did, my eyes reached his lips. He was taller

than my five foot seven figure, he was probably six foot or maybe six one? I don’t know.

His hand found my chin again, “speak up,” he murmured, his face close to mine causing my breath to

get caught in my throat.

I kinda like how close he is.

'My- such a fucking slut…'

“I-” my voice came out weak and raspy so I cleared my throat to stop further embarrassment, “I’m s-

sorry D-Derek, I um z-zoned out…” I managed.

My heart rate was beating out of my chest. He was so close to me. Something in me wanted him

closer. And truthfully, I don’t think I could blame it all on my wolf, or even the bond.

“Say my name again..” He trailed, dipping his face in the area in between my shoulder and neck.

“D...Derek…” I was sure he could hear how loud my heart was. He left my chin and made it way down

to rest on my lower back, and his other hand found mine. The sparks were incredible- indescribable.

He pressed me closer to him, I swear I was transported to heaven. He told me to say his name again,

and in a small voice, I did. He slowly, gradually brushed his nose up my neck and I couldn’t restrain the

shudder I felt.

This felt so right. So necessary.

'But when Chris did it, you freaked!'

'You’re such a tramp!'

( 'Violet, don’t listen to them, he’s your mate…' )

Derek brought his face back to mine and stared into my eyes. I was lost in his, so breathtakingly blue, a

deep, comforting blue.

His eyes flickered to my lips and then back to my eyes.

“Violet…” he murmured ever so softly. My russet orbs fell upon his full lips. So welcoming.

Derek leaned in and tenderly placed his lips on mine.

My. Heart. Died.

Sparks were everywhere.

You would imagine a man such as Derek would be a rapid, rough kisser, but this was so soft. Light.

Once my shock wore off, my lips moved calmly against his smooth lips. Derek pulled me closer into his

body. My mind wanted to freak out a little bit, but it didn’t. I’ll blame my wolf.

Holy Goddess…

I didn’t know if I was a good kisser to him, I hope I was. I’ve never really had experience kissing back, I

was mainly frozen when Alpha Chris kissed me.

I didn’t focus on it for too long, but in the back of my mind, I was hoping it felt just as good to him. Just

as warm.

He pulled apart and my eyes fluttered open and gazed into his navy globes, they seemed ten shades


My breathing was staggered due to the moment we just shared.

Slowly and lightly he pushed me off and took a step back, his hand leaving mine but his other staying

on my back. I saw him lick his lips as he sighed out.

My eyes fell to the floor as I felt my cheeks heat up.

Derek fully pulled back his arm off my lumbar. And cleared his throat.

“Flower… I have to finish some work, I’ll get Mallory…” His voice was his usual cold tone but it was

ever so slightly raspy.

I nodded and brought my hands to my front.

Within a few seconds, Mallory knocked and then led me out of Derek’s office. He took me downstairs

and we decided to watch some movies in Alpha’s home theater.

My whole mind and body still not back from the high that his kiss brought me.


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