The Alpha King’s Human Mate by HC Dolores

Chapter 84

The Alpha King’s Human Mate

Chapter 84 Chapter 84

“Having something and losing it, it’s much crueler than never having had it?)

Victoria Schwab

Griffin knew one thing: he hated playing politics. It was one thing to get your hands (and fur) d*rty in the midst of dealing

with a political problem, but standing in a room with middle-aged men droning on about insignificant disputes?

He would rather tear his hair out with his claws.

Unfortunately, playing politics came with the crown, It was tolerable most days, but tonight, he was feeling particularly on

edge. This night was supposed to be for his mate, his little fox. Every moment that he was away from her side felt like an

eternity, and the balding man

rambling about pack lines in front of him certainly didn’t help.

When this conversation is over, I swear I’m throwing her over my shoulder and taking her to the bedroom. I don’t care if

the entire castle hears… actually, I do care. There’s no way in hell anyone besides me will hear what my little fox sounds

like when she moans, Griffin thought to himself.

In the back of his mind, Griffin felt his wolf stirring awake. Chapter 84

You could just tear off all their ears, his wolf rumbled inside of his head. They don’t need them. That way, we’ll be the only

ones who ever hear the

lovely sound of her voice again.

At that moment, Griffin couldn’t help but think that didn’t sound like a terrible plan. It’d be worth it as long as he got to

be buried inside his little fox’s p**sy, got to hear the way her breath caught when she orgasmed.

And now he was hard ~ great.)

Not that the man in front of him — Alpha John? Alpha James? – seemed to notice that Griffin’s mind had strayed. It was

only when he could no longer hear the man’s monotone voice that Griffin realized he was waiting for a response.

“The pack lines have been drawn for centuries,” Griffin said, “There’s no reason to move them now. You’ll be encroaching

on someone else’s territory, and unless you get clearance from the neighboring Alpha, they’ll stay where they are.”

Alpha John ~ or James, whatever the f**k his name was ~ seemed satisfied enough with his answer. And if he was

unhappy, he certainly wasn’t stupid enough to complain about it in front of him.

No, just stupid enough to take away time I could be spending at my mate’s

side, Griffin grumbled silently.

“If that’s all,” Griffin sai

, “I have a mate to get back to.” Chapter 84

“Of course, of course,” the man nodded profusely, “Thank you for your time, Your Majesty. Your opinion on this matter is

highly-valued.” He bowed his head in respect a final time as Griffin made his exit.

Now, I’ve just got to find my mate.

The room was far too crowded for Griffin’s liking. So many people, so many scents masking the smell of his little fox. Her

scent was unlike anyone else. He had tried many times to put a name to her unique scent, and the only way he could

describe it was the smell of fresh air. More specifically, the scent of clean, fresh air he’d smelled the first time he’d shifted

into a wolf and trekked deep into the forest. It was pure and clean and it had consumed his senses, like waking him up

for the first time. (2)

Since that first shift, he’d never been able to catch that fresh scent again no matter how hard he tried or how deep he

ventured into theThis is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

forest.) He’d even forgotten about it — until his little fox, that is.

He could still remember, as clear as yesterday, the way he’d walked into that meeting and got smacked in the face with

the scent of clean, fresh air. Even more potent than he remembered and almost addicting.

The fact that he was smelling clean forest air in a stuffy room full of teenagers and his father had only confused him for a

moment. Almost immediately, his wolf had gone stir-crazy in his head, howling and shouting about their mate. Chapter


And then his eyes had met hers.

The emptiness inside of him, the black pit that had only been growing larger and more prominent with each passing year

he spent alone, had disappeared within an instant. He had stared into his little fox’s big, wide brown eyes and his world

clicked into place. Whatever ties tethered him to this world ~ his father, his pack, his crown, his subjects ~ might as well

have been ribbons compared to the thick, steel cable tying him to her.

He hadn’t even known her f**king name then, and he would’ve given them all up just to hear her voice.

And when his father had threatened to harm her? Well, killing him hadn’t been the hard choice that so many of his

subjects seemed to think it was. At that moment, he hadn’t viewed his father as blood or the man who raised him – he’d

only viewed him as a threat to his mate. His wolf practically sang in approval when he’d sliced his father’s head clean off.

No, it had been an easy choice.

Everything was an easy choice when it came to his mate.

The decisions he’d made these past few months to protect her or keep her at his side were some of the easiest decisions

he’d made in his life.

His mate came before everything, even his own crown.

The only choice he’d never been able to make was letting her go. Chapter 84

It had been almost laughable (and kind of adorable) when she’d tried to convince him that he didn’t want her as a mate.

That he should mate with a she-wolf instead, and let her go on to live a human life.

As if it was that easy — as if he could trade in mates like used cars or real estate. As if everything about her wasn’t his

perfect match, crafted by the Moon Goddess for him and him for her.

He knew it had been selfish to hunt her down and keep her with him, but he was okay with being selfish. Being selfish

meant that his little fox stayed safe, in the castle and away from a dangerous world. |!

Griffin’s thoughts only made him more eager to find his little fox in the crowd, Whenever he thought about her ~ which was most of the time ~ it only made him more anxious to be with her. To scent her. To touch her. To see his mark on her


He made his way through the crowd, but there was no sign of his little fox. He was beginning to get annoyed now – even

amongst all these people, she would’ve stuck out like a sore thumb. She was the most beautiful woman in the room.

And then he spotted someone. It wasn’t his mate, but it was someone who could potentially lead him to her ~ Lily

Bellevue. The blonde girl was seated at one of the back tables, curled against her mate, Alpha Alessia.

Oh, Griffin knew exactly who Alpha Alessia was. Not only was she the woman who’d helped his mate leave, but she’d

made quite the name for Chapter 84

herself in the past year. She was a female Alpha, and that was rare in itself, but the way she’d gained power was memorable too. Slaughtering her father’s beta and seizing power by force? It was enough to unsettle most wolves,

especially other Alphas.

But as someone who’d also seized power by force, Griffin couldn’t help but respect that about her.

Without a second thought, he strode over to the pair.

As soon as she was in sight, he watched Alessia straighten up, Lily following her lead. He was used to this behavior now. Most people, with the exception of his mate, tended to throw up their guard whenever they sensed his power. Even if

they didn’t know he was the king, their wolves could still sense raw power.

“Your Majesty,” Alessia said, her eyes narrowing just a fraction. “Is there something you need?” Her posture wasn’t

hostile, but Griffin hadn’t missed the way she’d tugged Lily closer to her.

“Have you seen my mate?” he asked.

Lily nodded. “Just a few minutes ago actually. She said she was going out to get some fresh air.”

Griffin suppressed a growl.

He should’ve been surprised that his little fox would try to skip out on her own party, but he wasn’t. That was very incharacter for her, Chapter 84

sl*pping away from his line of sight just as he turned his back.

“And did she take a guard?” He asked, his voice coming out a little harsher than intended.

Lily and Alessia shrugged. “Not sure,” Alessia said, “But ~”

Whatever Alessia meant to say suddenly turned into background noise as Griffin felt his wolf suddenly jerk to life inside

of him, howling and growling and snarling with a force he’d never felt before.

Mate! His wolf screamed. Mate is in trouble! Help mate!

It wasn’t just his wolf yowling in his head, it was the shot of fear that swept through him so suddenly he almost lost his

balance. It was fear that didn’t belong to him.

Griffin didn’t think. He simply took off, letting his instincts guide him.

And as soon as he was out of the reception hall, his nostrils flared and he smelt it — clean, fresh air that wafted through

the halls.

He sniffed again and then he growled.

His little fox’s scent wasn’t the only one in the hallway. There was another scent too – the musky odor of an unmated


Griffin barely registered that his claws had come out or that they were Chapter 84

digging far enough into his skin to draw blood.

Find mate! Mate needs us!

He followed Clark’s scent like a trail of breadcrumbs, and it only took him a minute to reach a small balcony. He pushed

the glass door open so hard that the glass shattered on impact, scattering across the stone floor of the balcony.

It was empty.

It was f**king empty. Where the hell was she?

“Where’s my sister?”

Griffin didn’t bother to turn around to address Lily or Alessia. To be honest, he hadin’t even realized they’d followed him

out here until Lily said something.

He snarled something in response to Lily’s question that was supposed to be an ‘I don’t know.’

Mate! Help mate!

His wolf was unrelentless in his head, and it did nothing to help Griffin’s anxiety. (7

His eyes scoured the balcony and he felt his stomach drop when he caught sight of something on the balcony. Chapter

84 Wordlessly, he walked over and picked it up, his wolf screaming in the

back of his mind the entire time.

It was Clark’s crown, which was supposed to be on her head. Not sitting on the edge of a balcony, somewhere he knew

his mate would never leave it.

But the crown only kept his attention for a moment, because a second later, he saw the note lying underneath it.

I think we have something that belongs to you. Alpha Liam will be in touch for negotiations.

One of Griffin’s hands, which had been gripping the stone balcony, crumbled the edge into dust.

His panic skyrocketed — his mate was in danger. She’d been taken, kidnapped under his own nose.

The grow! he let out was deafening, and had he turned around, he might’ve seen the way that Lily and Alessia cowered at

the sound. The people in the reception hall didn’t hear, but they felt it – the tremor of his raw power rocking through the

entire building.

Griffin knew one thing: Alpha Liam was a dead man walking.

Author’s Note: Hey everyone! I’ve made a Facebook page for this book (and future stories I’ll be posting) that you can

follow if you’d like! I’ll be posting Chapter 84

updates about this book, future books, and other announcements there. That way, I don’t have to keep bugging you guys

with these ANs 🙂 You can find me there under “HC Dolores Books.” As always, I appreciate the support! (

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