Taming My Arrogant Husband

Chapter 70: You fucked up, dude!

Chapter 70: You fucked up, dude!

"Please? So you know now how to say 'please', sweetheart? Yes, I love you. I fell in love with you but it

doesn't mean I will let you play with my feelings again! I couldn't remember how many times I asked

you to listen to me, to let me explain, but did you give me the chance to do it? No, you pushed me

away, Mr. Kelley!"

I gulped, closing my eyes as I remembered the time I came home and talked to her. She was crying

that day, asking me to listen to her but I didn't give her a chance to speak. I was so mad with her and at

the same time, I was afraid she would go back to his-fiance and continue their wedding.

"There's nothing happened between us---" I tried to talk but she interrupted me again.

"The hell I care!"

She screamed. I can see the rage that showing in her eyes.

"I didn't come here to listen to you and I don't care whether you banged her or you banged each other, I

don't fucking care! You said we're not a couple and I was just your fake wife, so I have no right to

interfere, right? I just came here to give you this!" and she waved the divorce application in front of me.

"No!" I shook my head. I won't let her do this.

"I am a person with one word, Mr. Kelley. I have already signed it, so all you have to do is sign your

name and file it in court, and that's it! You're finally free from this marriage and finally free from this


She took my hand when I refused to take it from her, while still shaking my head.

"Once it is granted, you will never see me in your life again!"

I don't know, but her words sank deeply into my soul. I don't want to let her go.

"By the way, I will never take a single centavo from you, or even the smallest thing that you gave me!

Goodbye, Mr. Kelley!"


I tried to call her again and was about to chase her when a hand stopped me.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I swatted Chloe's hand and gave her a deadly glare. "What the hell are you

doing here?"

I followed her as she went back inside.

"I helped you last night because you were so drunk and I asked you if I can stay here and use the other

room, and you said yes." She shrugged. "So I stayed here all night and took a shower this morning."

"Get out!" I yelled, massaging my temples.

"What the hell, Daniel---"

"I said get out!"

"Are you crazy? You want me to walk outside only with this towel?"

I balled my fists before brushing my hair up in frustration.

I sat on the couch to calm my raging nerves when the door slammed open and Andrew came to our


"What did you do to Sophi----what the hell is this, Daniel?" He asked, screaming and walked to where I


"It's not what you think, Andrew! I was drunk last night and she just helped me to-----"

"She just helped you in bed and to undress you!"


"Who would believe you? Anyone who saw you both wearing a towel this morning would think you just

did something in the shower!"

"We didn't do anything! I didn't even know she was here!"

"Do you think I care whether you did something or not, Daniel? I came here to ask you why Sophia was

crying after coming here?"

"She's crying?"

"What do you think will be her reaction after seeing you both in a towel and after she admitted that she

loves you? Do you think she will be happy, she will celebrate?"

He turned to Chloe and then shook his head.

"Knowing how this woman likes you, I won't be surprised if she even helped you with your needs last



"Why? You said you were drunk, so how do you know if she crawled on top of you while you slept?"

"I didn't do that, you're a fucking idiot!" Chloe shouted, narrowing her eyes on him.

"Get out, Chloe! Didn't I tell you to get out?" I also shouted at her while Andrew had just raised an


She stamped her feet towards the guest room and slammed the door shut.

I closed my eyes and dropped my head into my hands which rested on my knees.

I didn't notice that Andrew was looking at my every move.

"Isn't this what you wanted from the very beginning? To get rid of her, to show her who's dominant

between the two of you and to divorce her once you've got Mr. Giovanni's signature? Well,

congratulations, because you don't have to do it anymore. She's now making all the moves to get away

from you. She already called her lawyer and prepared the divorce pa----"

"No, Andrew! I won't let her go! I won't fucking sign this divorce application!" I stood up, getting the

paper from the center table and tore it to pieces.

"Why? You said you didn't love her."

"I didn't say that."

His mouth opened wide in mid-air.

"I never said I didn't love her, Andrew!"

"What the hell?"

"I love her! And I know I love her from the very beginning, but I just don't want to admit it to myself.

Honestly, I love her and I will love her with or without Joseph de Lucca in her life. And I don't care if

how many men did she gave herself in the past, it's not important to me. I love her and I will do

everything for her."

"Then why didn't you tell her? Instead, you accused her, you pushed her away from you!"

"Because I was afraid, Andrew! I thought she still in love with him and I don't want her to come back to


"You should have told her! Do you remember that you also accused me of flirting with her last night?"

"I'm sorry, I was just jealous----"

"Fodgodsake! You're jealous of me? I can't believe you!"

"Because I know you also like her."

"Tss! You fucked up, dude! You fucked up! You don't know how Sophia loves you that she did

everything just to escape from your security team. She hides in the trunk of the car and came here just

to see you, but what did you do? You just fucked up and completely pushed her away out your life!"

He gave one last glare before heading towards the door.


I sat back on the couch with regrets and disappointment dancing inside my chest.

End of flashback...


I crumpled the paper in front of me as I remembered what happened in San Diego a week ago.

I leaned on my seat while looking at my wife's photo on my computer screen. I really wanted to call her,

to see her and explain to her what she saw but I don't know how to do it.

I was in the middle of my thoughts when my phone suddenly rang and the number of my private

investigator flashed on the screen.


"Good morning, Mr. Kelley"

"Do you have any news about him?"

"Yes, Sir. I found out that he is buying Mr. Del Mundo's sausage company in a very small amount and

he's now processing all the documents to transfer it to his name. The company is now struggling and

Mr. Del Mundo is still indebted with his father. And they were using that million dollars to take

advantage of the old man."

"How much exactly does Mr. Del Mundo owes them?"

"I'm still not sure of the amount, but as I have heard, it's thirty million dollars. But he already returned

the first ten million, so there are only twenty million dollars left to return to them."

"Fodgodsake! What did he do to the money?" I asked, gripping my phone. That's a huge amount to

take in.

"He used it to pay his other debts from the different local banks in Bologna and he used the rest of the

money to buy new machines and devices for the company."

I let out a deep and long sigh, analyzing the situation of the old man's company.

"By the way, Mr. Kelley, this father and son were also forcing Mr. Del Mundo to pay them by the end of

this year, otherwise, they will take the company as a collateral of his debts."

"What the fuck! How would he return the twenty million dollars in just six months if he's company

earned that amount in a year?"

I stood up and slammed my fists on the table as I felt the rage start to bubble inside my chest.

It's not been five seconds after I ended the call when I saw it ringing again, my investigator is calling


I scrunched my eyebrows but I have no choice but to take it.

"I forgot something important to tell you, Mr. Kelley."

"What is it?"

"It's about your wife, Sir."

I straightened body and inhaled sharply as I felt my heart hammering from inside. I don't know why I

suddenly felt nervous.

"What about my wife?"

"Do you remember when you asked me to know the reason why she left her family and why she left


"Yeah, go ahead!"

"She was raped! It was almost seven years ago----"

"What did you say? She was fucking what?" I yelled out of shock and curiosity.

"Well, she wasn't exactly raped but she was harassed and molested seven years ago."

My knees buckled and I found myself seated back on my chair. I don't know exactly how I feel after

hearing that news. I felt my world spin around me and slowly crushed down my feet.

"Mr. Kelley, are you still there?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm listening, continue what you're saying." Clenching my jaws, I asked the question that

bothered me from a long time ago. "Who was that fucking bastard who tried to rape her?

"Her ex-fiance, Joseph -----"

"Fuck him! I'm going to kill that fucking son of a bitch!" I shouted not worrying if the person I was talking

to on the other line became deaf.

"I had a small conversation with their old neighbours who still lived on the same block and one of them

confirmed that she was abused and molested by Joseph De Lucca in his own room, one week before

their wedding. She and her have friend tried to file a case against him, but the saddest part was that

her father didn't support her. And as from their neighbours, they said that Mr. Del Mundo accepted a

large sum of money from Senior De Lucca just to withdraw the case against his son."

Because of the guilt and anger that swirling inside my chest, I didn't notice the way I held the pen. I just

suddenly felt the pain before realizing that it was already cracked and broken on my palm.

But realizing the pains and sufferings that Sophia had experienced after what that fucking bastard had

done to her, and not to mention those harsh words, insults and judgements I gave her, this pain I felt

and the wound I got from the broken pen, it is still not enough compared to what she's been through.

"What happened to her case?"

"It was completely vanished, Sir, even from the social media accounts created by her friend it was

completely gone."

"What do you mean it was vanished? And who was her friend who helped her?" From NôvelDrama.Org.

"Well, as I heard, they used their power and money to delete all the news about what happened. They

even hired an expert to hack Mr. Delgado's account and filed a case against him."

"W-Wait, Mr. Delgado? You mean, Sophia's friend---"

"Yes, Sir. The only friend she had and had helped her during those times was Mr. Bryan Delgado, who

now runs his own detective agency in California."

I shrunk in my seat when I heard his last news. So I was wrong about him, no, I was wrong in

everything. The only thing I did right was the feeling I have for her, that I love her, but the rest were

totally fucked up!


Sophia's POV:

I was reading an article from a social media account about the new dance competition that will be

announced tomorrow on national television when I noticed that my phone is vibrating on top of my


It was a call from an unregistered number and I am hesitating to answer it, so I just let vibrate until it


But the caller seems so persistent as he or she tried to call again.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I took a deep breath before deciding to answer the call.


I waited for the caller to say something but I didn't hear anything, only a loud sigh from the other line.

"Hello, who are you?" I started to become confused so I looked at the screen and then put it back in my


A few seconds have passed but I haven't heard any words from the caller.

"You know what, the next time you dial my number make sure you have something to say because

you're just wasting my time. I will end this call now----"

"No! Piccola mia, sono io." (No! My baby, it's me."


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