
Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Graysons POV

Missing her was the constant in the f**king muck I was trudging through.

then I was to


I had been gone too long when I got the brief respite in her arms and then, I was torn away and brought back to the dark reality that had been forced upon us.

The only reason I was out here in the forest sleeping on the ground is that I wanted to put this mangy dog down for good. Then I’d go home to my wife and the baby she carried and live the life this bastard so desperately wanted.

“I want this camp for the captured prisoners complex by the end of the week Darren,” I explained over the phone.

We were getting more and more of their fallen warriors and I wanted them all held in one spot.

Maybe if he truly was stupid he’d try and break them out. Then I’d get to kill him and go home.

He must be relishing knowing I had been pulled away from her again. He probably would have gone for her if her

brother wasn’t there.

Alpha blood like theirs had a particular effect on the wolves around them. They radiated their strength and it was obvious to other wolves like strong scent or echolocation. We just knew they were there and

they were the strongest.

Alphas did that in general and I did that better than most but they had a golden lineage. For the past six generations, Annette’s family had been born of two alphas. She was a homing beacon of authority. Any wolf in a ten–mile radius knew someone powerfully strong was nearby.

That’s why she was so sought after and no doubt why a petty scuffle over a sigmas death has been stretched out so long. No doubt they knew who my mate was and no doubt they saw her as an eye for an eye, and a way to raise their


That’s why I swallowed my pride and called her father. I wanted him to realize how badly he fucked up by threatening her. So I called her dad and told him I needed Charlie and I needed someone with experience to protect my pack and

the others.

“You will finish this I hope,” he spoke calmly over the phone. “I’ve put up with a lot because you are her soulmate a gift from the goddess to my baby girl. But….if I have to seat away a fly like this for you I won’t be able to entrust her protection to you,” he explained to me. O

Annoyed he even questioned my ability to protect her I wanted to tell him to stay home but I needed to think of my


“I’ll take care of him I swear sir,” I vowed to him.

I hadn’t beaten him that day we fought. He had surrendered for her sake and because we were soulmates, but I understood that if he had to take care of this for me I was no man. He knew what she

deserved, Annette deserved a man that could shelter her from anything. I would be that. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.


Chapter 78

“Well they’ve either got every wolf on the eastern seaboard working for them or there’s something we’re missing.” Steven threw a gum wrapper over his shoulder and rested his feet up on the table.

“They’ve got allies too, but they still aren’t

supplying the wolves we’re facing.” I shook my head. No these wolves all

smelled the same but my friend wasn’t wrong there were too many of them.

“Have they conscripted the rouges?” James asked.

“Probably,” I nodded looking over the map.

Shit,” Steven took his feet off the table. “That means they’ll have a lot more to throw at us,”

“Yep.” I looked over the next routes to take.

They had both bridges on the river we had to cross covered. So I figured the best way to get around that was to blow up the bridges.

“I still think we should attempt some sort of stealth mission instead of you know blowing them to pieces,”

“No, it’s fine. These bridges cover shallow ground, they’re just there for ease no other reason, we have all–terrain vehicles which means we don’t have to worry about that,”

“Yes but blowing up bridges might get the attention of the human government, Leon tried to counter me.

“War has been called. They know the treaties. We are allowed to fight in our territories and do what damage we want as long as no humans are hurt and there are no lasting effects on the land,” I corrected him. I know he wanted to keep me from going overboard but that was all that was left.

I wanted them to have nothing left. I wanted them bankrupt, broken and buried.

“Scorched earth is a strategy,” James nodded backing me up.

“You aren’t going back out on the field for a while,” I told him.

He huffed and almost pouted. “You need some time away from the blood I want you to practice restraint,”

“I know restraint,” he growled.

“You have the same blood as your sister and you don’t see her at her happiest with brains in her hands. I don’t want to send you back to her a madman. Besides you need to be able to hold your nephew without breaking him.”

James shut up at the mention of his sister’s babe. I had found that all love and devotion he held for his sister had also been placed upon our child and was using this to get him to listen to me.

I looked over the map again. Not blowing up the bridges would be better but the message it sent was important.

“What if we go scorched earth in a different way? Send a message in kind,” Steven side–eyed me.

“What do you mean?”



Chapter 78

“A stealth mission, but. We leave them strung up this time, he shrugged.

I heard her before I heard myself. “We’re not petulant children these are living beings,” she’d say.

“No. We won’t be cruel like them,” I shook my head.

“Grayson. Save this for something else even if they can’t reprimand us the humans won’t thank us and we still have to live our lives after this. We need good relations with them, Leon pressed me.

I shut my fists tightly and my knuckles cracked Leon shuffled and Steven rolled his eyes.

“Don’t blow up the bridges,” Steven sighed. “He’s got a point, plus my wife will think it was my idea. I would like to go home to her not completely in the dog house,” he huffed.

“We leave at 0400 hours then. Two groups one for each bridge,” I told them.

We went over the plans and then we all ate and when to sleep.

My alarm went off and I blinked pulling myself out of the dream I had every night.

She was sleeping beside me and I ran my fingers through her hair and felt the baby kicking in her belly before she woke up and saw me so excited to see my face and k*ssed me welcome home.

Then I would wake up and go kill someone. Tonight’s no different. Hopefully, only one or two people would make the mistake of challenging me.

We headed out in the trucks.

Steven and Leon would take the other bridge and I would take this bridge with Xander the Alpha of the Crescent Mountain pack.

“It is beyond time for us to finish this. I do not blame you, Grayson we have a lush and bountiful area it was bound to happen with the four of us being so young and all coming to power,”

The only other alpha of us four to have a straight–shooting mind like mine. Darren was only interested in his park and was doing this simply because they’d been attacked, and Steven. Was Steven.

“Thank you. I do know I have sweetened the pot binding to my wife. He’s made a few threats…” I trailed off as I imagined cracking his skull open like a quail egg-

Xander nodded. “I agree, that poor woman. I can only imagine how terrified she is. It’s lucky she has a mate as stronie as you,” he patted my back.

The only issue with Xander is he tended to have an issue speaking to people.

We got out three miles from the bridge and then waded into the water. We swam across in damn near freezing water.

Then we got out on the other side took off the first layer of completely drenched clothes and got to work.

We made our way over to their camp by the bridge. 15 soldiers in total, three on both sides of the bridge, four in the

Chapter 78

woods on either side and one sniper who thought he was hidden.

If he’d tried to cover his sent he might have been. I

I motioned to go to one of the two warriors with us. He went back and go in on the sniper with his bow. Silver, tranquilizer–laced tipped arrow.


what you will about Steven but his men have excellent marksmanship…

I took out my night vision goggles and watched the arrow go right through the snipers wrist on his trigger finger.

He’d been propped up in a tree on a platform and attempted to grab the arrow before the heavy sedation kicked in. The silver was an accelerant and potent.

He was out and so then I went after the men in the forest.

They thought this river would hold us back enough to give them a chance to get a proper stronghold. They were


I would have this done by morning and then I’d get to work on the rest of them.

We’d work our way back across the bridge and have the trucks meet us with reinforcements. As long as we could get them down before they could call for back up then we’d be in luck.

All we had to do was get them down.

I walked up behind the first guy and clearly couldn’t be bothered leaning against I tree. I bet he assumed this many men were a waste of their time.

I grabbed him from behind in a chokehold a tricky thing to only knock someone unconscious and not kill them with a choke hold you don’t want them to come back right away but too long and they’ll die.

Xander took out another one with a swift punch to a knockout point.

At this point, one of their other men came over to see what the noise was. I backed up to be more behind the tree and left his other man for him..

“Daniel?” The mag whispered.

Daniel I assumed was knocked unconscious in front of me. I moved around the tree slowly and just as the other man realized the b*dy.

I grabbed him spun him and punched him once, twice, three times and he slumped over too.

I zipped and tied their hands and feet together and then pulled them aside into the bushes.

One more was wandering around and the fourth of our group took him down.

The three men on the bridge must have sensed something was wrong because they started moving forward.

Chapter 78

I grabbed a rock, useful things. I used all the force my arm could manage without breaking itself. Hit him right in the head.

One went down and the others went to radio and call for help. But Xander and the bowman had them down in seconds. The others on the opposite side of the bridge probably would have gotten to give out an alarm if the trucks with our soldiers weren’t waiting.

The issue with a bridge you can drive the trucks up without the men on the opposite side getting away.

“You’ll all be fine. You and your fellow men will be escorted away safely,” I announced.

“Leon copy,” I radioed over to the other bridge.

“Copy…” he didn’t sound as fulfilled as I did.

“What!” I bit out hoping I had misheard his tone..

“One of them got away, we’ve got the bridge but I don’t know if we can hold it,” he admitted.

“Fine,” I growled.

Can’t trust a single person.

The trucks held the bridge now which meant it was fine to send more support to the other. One step closer to home. Time to get to work

Thanks everyone for the wait the next chapter will be out tomorrow morning.

Chapter Comments


seat / swat


were / was a waste





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