Stolen Virtue

Chapter 3: Loser

“Really, Juliet. Are you really gonna make me study on a Saturday night?” Sanity was looking at me like I just dropped from space or something. I rolled my eyes at her and pushed her homework book in front of her.

“You told your mom you were coming over to study, so that’s what we are gonna do.”

She grabbed the book, buried her face in it and groaned. “You are such a buzz kill. We must be the only teenagers in the world who study on a Saturday night.”

As if to prove her point, my sister Jenny walked in, wearing a super cute, black skinny jeans and her black lace bra.

“Hey Jewels, can I borrow that cute pink top that our step-monster gave to you?”

“Sure, it’s in the back of the closet. Where are you off to?”

Jenny was already going through my closet when she answered. “Oh, a group of us are gonna go to the movies. Wanna come?”

She got the top and put it on. Looking in the mirror, adjusting her boobs.

“Ah, no thank you. I’ve got to study. Does mom know?”

Jenny turned to face me, rolling her eyes. “You’re such a Nerd and of course mom knows.”

She started to leave, but turned back, “How about you, San? Wanna ditch the nerd and come have some fun?”

Sanity actually looked torn. After a while, she sighed dramatically, “I really, really want to, but I can’t. Your sister can be really mean when she wants to, and if I leave she will never speak to me again. So go, have fun for the both of us.”

Jenny laughed, “Ok, see yah losers.” with that she left the room.

“Have you decided what you’re gonna wear to the school fundraiser on Friday?” Sanity asked, pretending to study.

I laughed, “You can stop pretending to study now. You’ve been on that page for the last half hour and to answer your question. No, I haven’t because I’m not going.”

She sat up, closing her book. “What do you mean you’re not going? I need you there Juliet, you’re my wing-girl.” Her wing-girl? Really?

I rolled my eyes at her, then turned my attention back to my book.

“Nope, not gonna happen, last time I was your ‘wing-girl’ you ended up with that jerk Billy Newton.”

Sanity gasped when she heard Billy’s name. I sat back up feeling like crap.

“I’m so sorry San, I know you don’t like to be reminded of Billy.”

She put on a brave face and smile, “It’s ok, that was a long time ago, and I’ve put that all behind me now. But you’re still coming with me to the dance, even if I have to tie up and drag you there.”

I ignored her and continued with my studying. Me, going to the school fundraiser, so not gonna happen.

We study for another two hours; then Sanity had to go. Her parents wanted her back at home, to babysit her little sister, while they go hunt down her other little sister, who had snuck out of the house to go to a party. I finished off the rest of my work, then lay on the bed wondering why Sanity’s parents were so strict.

Well, since Sanity turned 18 a month ago, they have been giving her a little more freedom. However, before that, her curfew was 10 pm, no later. She was only allowed to go out in groups, never alone. Sanity always followed the rules her parents set. Unlike her 16-year-old sister, Purity, who always breaks them.

I know what you’re thinking. Who in their right mind would name their daughters’ Sanity and Purity, and let’s not forget the other sister, 6-year-old Clarity. And I thought my mom was weird, naming two of her kids with M and the other two with J. And whenever she wanted to call on us, she would shout, MJs, instead of using our full names.

Anyway back to what I was saying. Mr and Mrs Love being strict parents. My mom, on the other hand, was far from strict. She’s kinda like a rich hippy, she believed in being free and trusting her kids to do the right thing.

So long story short, I can go to parties and sleep out if I wanted. According to my mom, it’s all part of being a teenager. She says it’s better that, she knows what we’re doing and where we’re doing it, opposed to us sneaking out and her not knowing anything at all. In which case she has a point. Sanity loves my mom.

I started drifted off to sleep about one in the morning when I heard Jenny entering her room. Mom might not be too worried about her comings and goings, I on the other hand will definitely be speaking to her about it. Stupid girl doesn’t she remember what happened to Mary.

“So did your parents ever find your sister on Saturday night?” Dillon asked Sanity. We were in free period. This is the only class we have together. Every Thursday. Our free period was not like other schools free period. We were not allowed to leave the classroom unless it’s an emergency. We were to study or do our homework, nothing else.

“Yeah, they did. She was at her boyfriend’s house, having a duo party if you know what I mean.”

I gasped and Dillon laughed, “No way, what did your parents have to say about that?”

Sanity snorted, “What didn’t they have to say.”

Dillon laughed quietly, “I guess they’ll have to change her name from Purity to Impurity.” We all laughed and got a warning look from the teacher monitoring the free period.

We were walking in the Hall, on our way to the cafeteria. Laughing and talking.

“So have you decided which dress you’re gonna wear tomorrow? The red one is my favourite, but the white one looked so sexy on you, Juliet.” Here we go again, I have heard nothing but talk of the school fundraiser from Sanity all week. The girl was truly obsessed.

I gave Dillon a, please save me look, but he just shrugged his shoulder and mouthed, “Don’t look to me for help, I’m going to the fundraiser to remember.”

I gave him an evil look, letting him know that he was forever in my book of traitors. Dillon laughed, then edged closer to me and whispered,

“If you really don’t wanna go, I can tell San that we promised to help my mom out tomorrow?” I turned and gave him my biggest smile, nodding. My smile, however, was short-lived.

“No! I don’t care if you promise Jesus you’d be his best friend for a day, tomorrow is not that day. You two are going to the fundraiser and that is final.”

Dillon laughed and I pouted. He threw his hand around me saying,

“I tried, but I’m no match for her.”

We continued on our way, not really paying attention to our surroundings and bumped into the three Bs.

“Watch, it losers.” They said, all of them together, at the same time.

I was about to apologise, not wanting to get on the Queen Bs bad side. But Sanity, bless her insane heart, chose that moment to stand up to them.

“Who are you Calling losers, you plastic, triple bitches?”

OMG! We are dead, we are so dead. The Bs took a step closer to us, the look in their eyes promise revenge.

“You three stooges are going to pay, no one talks to us like that.” Brenda was the one who spoke and the other two Bs were smirking at us. They walked off flicking their hair when their warning was delivered.

A few students were looking at us. Some with pride and others with pity. Most of the students walked as far away from us as possible as if just breathing in the same air around us will make them a target of the Bs. This year was getting from bad to worst.

Dillon turned to me, brushing my hair away from my face, standing a little too close for comfort.

“Are you Ok, Juliet? You look a little pale.”

I don’t know why, but my eyes were drawn to the far corner of the hall. There I saw Clyde standing with his friends. His eyes were trained on me, cold but yet warm. I felt bare like he saw pass the act, to the real me. The vulnerable, insecure me.

I couldn’t take my eyes away from him. I didn’t want to take my eyes away from him. In those eyes, I saw safety. My heart started beating out of my chest, slowly everything and everyone started to fade away and all I could’ve seen was Clyde. He took a small step away from his friends but stopped suddenly.

His eyes zoned in on something, and I swore I heard him growl before his eyes returned to mine. The emotions there were so strong, I couldn’t read them. However, I am dead sure anger was one of them. Why would he be angry at me?

I felt a light squeeze on my waist, which brought me back to reality. I turned to focus on Dillon and smiled. He asked me the same question as before and I was just about to nod, when this loud bang, made me almost jump out of my skin. The entire hall became eerie quiet and stunned, looking to where the sound came from.

Clyde friends were holding him back, from punching another hole into his locker. His eyes caught mine again and my breath caught. Shrugging his friends off, he walked away.

Dillon snorted, “Typical tug. Destroying school property for no reason.” I wanted to defend Clyde, I wanted to say he had his reasons, but I didn’t, because I didn’t know what his reasons were. Dillon asked me if I was ok again, only this time his fingers were making small circles on my waist.

I stepped a little away from him and answered, “Yes, I’m fine. What I want to know is… What the hell San? Why would you egg them on? Do you not like our lives? Because I sure as hell like mine, all I wanted to do was get through senior year, without getting picked on by the Queen Bs.”

“Sorry?” she squeaked, picking off an invisible thread off her red jumper.

I sighed, “Come on, let’s hope they forget about us.” But I knew different. The Bs never forget. We had something coming, and whatever it is, it’s gonna be big.

“He was not, you’re seeing things again, San” I rolled my eyes at my best friend, even though I knew she was right. San threw a baby carrot at me and I gave her a dirty look.

“Ugh! This friendship is never gonna last if you keep being violent to me.” She threw another carrot at me and I held my heart,

“We’re on our last leg, one more carrot and we’re doom.” Just as I finished speaking something cold hit my nose. I pushed my lunch tray away and fold my arms,

“That’s it, I’m filing for divorce from the friendship, but I want shared custody of Dillon. There’s no way I’m letting you have him all to yourself.”

Sanity sighed dramatically, throwing her hands up. “Ugh! Would you stop and be serious for one minute, please. This is may-jo important.”

She paused for a moment, looking around, like whatever she was about to say was top secret and cannot be overheard by anyone. On a whisper, she said, “Clyde Davis was checking you out in the hall earlier. Dude made the locker door his bitch, when he saw Dillon touching you.”

She leaned forward, her eyes were set seriously. “Juliet, you know what this means?”

Huh? I shook my head from side to side, “No. What does it mean?”

She squealed happily, causing me to cringe, “It means that you guys are gonna fall madly in love and have lots of beautiful babies.” I stared at her dumbfounded for a few second. Snapping myself out of it, I rolled my eyes then burst out laughing.

Sanity looked offended by my outburst and I stopped laughing, trying to look serious but failing at it.

When I was composed enough, I said, “We are so not falling in love and having any babies. And why would Clyde care if Dillon touched me? Have you seen his groupies, I pale in comparison.”

Sanity rolled her eyes at me, “You have no idea how beautiful you are. Juliet, your wavy dark brown hair is so god damn beautiful and you haven’t been to a salon in years.”

I smiled, I must admit I do love my hair, they are my best features.

“Your eyes are freaking teal. Teal! Who the hell have teal eyes? Your body is amazing, you have the tiniest waist I’ve ever seen, and your breasts are fun size.”

My brows knitted in confusion, huh? What the heck is fun size breast? So I asked as I unconsciously cupped my breasts. “What the heck is fun size breasts?”

Sanity laughed, “It means, their just the right size to be played with.” I gasped in horror, “Why would anyone want their breasts to be played with?”

Sanity was about to answer but stopped when Dillon sat down to join us with his lunch tray. He reached into my plate and stole one of my fries and I swatted his hand away causing him to laugh.

“Touch the fry and die” Dillon stopped laughing and looked at me strangely.

“You’re so beautiful when you’re pretending to be angry.” I looked at him confused for a while. Then I rolled my eyes laughing.

“Nice try buddy, but flattery will get you nowhere. You still can’t get my fries.” A look of hurt pass over Dillon’s face, but then it was gone, replaced by a smile.

He shrugged his shoulders, “Hey, at least I try, right?”NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Sanity had a smirk on her face and she was looking from me to Dillon. “What?” I asked when she just kept on staring. She shook her head, then laugh.

“Juliet, you are so clueless. Something I wonder how someone so smart can be s…” she did not get a chance to finish her sentence, because at that precise moment Dillon was being covered in multi-coloured slushy. I screamed when some of it touched my skin. Damn that shit’s cold.

Dillon jumped from his seat with his fist clenched and fire in his eyes. He looked about ready to beat the crap out of whoever did it. You’d think that because Dillon is best friend with two girls that he’s a shy, weak nerd, but you’d be wrong. Dillon is a nerd alright, but the hot kind.

He’s 5 feet 11, with dirt brown hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. When Dillon’s not spending time in the lab mixing chemicals, he’s in the gym beating the crap out of a bag. So you can guess what his body looks like.

I almost felt sorry for whoever did it. However, that was until I saw a smirking Brittany and a fake shock looking, Brianna.

“I’m so sorry, I just wasn’t paying attention, I thought this is where the trash is supposed to be.”

Sanity and I jumped up when it looked like Dillon was going to hit her. “Dill, calm down, ok. Don’t do anything stupid.”

Brianna looked at me with scorn, then turned to Dillon, “You should probably listen to your girlfriend.”

Dillon shrugged us off of him and took a step closer to Brianna and Brittany. The entire cafeteria was silent. Everyone was waiting to see what Dillon would do. Brittany and Brianna took a step back, fear evident in their eyes. Dillon now eye to eye with them spat out.

“I will get you bitches for this!” With that, he walked out of the cafeteria, leaving us all staring after him.

Sanity and I looked at each other, shocked. We have never in our lives seen Dillon so pissed. Brittany and Brianna came out of their shock state and walked away, but not before casting death glares at us. In their eyes, we could see their meaning as clear as day. You’re next.

It was the night of the fundraiser and I was forced to wear my white dress, by my bully of a best friend. I wasn’t too keen on wearing it. Not that it didn’t look hot, it just wasn’t me.

“OMG, Juliet you look super sexy.” Sanity said after she finished styling my hair in a half up and half down style. I took a step over to the mirror and gasped at my reflection.

The white dress hugged my body like a second skin. It was elegant and sexy at the same time. The dress was a one sleeve, slit front, mermaid beaded crystal, white chiffon and tulle evening dress.

For you to understand why I said that this dress was not me, I’ll have to break it down some more. Ok, so here goes. The side of the dress with the sleeve was sheer and designed with beaded crystals. Half the back of the dress was made with the same sheer material and beaded crystals. The slit that stopped mid-thigh again had the same material and beaded crystals. Yeah, so not me, I wanted to be invisible remember.

Sanity wore a green mid-calf, sexy strapless, body-con hl bandage dress. It looked amazing on her, hugging her curves in all the right places. Her red hair was styled in an elegant braided updo, and her make up was very simple, bringing out the gold in her eyes.

Dillon arrived in his father limo to take us to the fundraiser he looked very handsome in his tux.

As we were leaving my sister started to complain, wanting to know why she wasn’t allowed to go. Even though we did go to the same school, but in different buildings.

Sanity went ahead of me, leaving me behind to walk with Dillon. She got in the limo and I made to follow her, but Dillon stopped me. I turned smiling at him.

“You look absolutely beautiful, Juliet.” I thanked him for the compliment and we proceeded to get into the limo.

When we arrived at the school, the function hall was filled with student and teachers. All dressed elegant and stunning. In case I forgot to mention, the fundraiser was put together by a few of the student, in order to raise money for a better more equipped sports hall.

After about an hour of having fun in the function hall, Clyde and his crew walked in. The way he commanded a room was amazing. I was sitting at the table, Dillon, Sanity and I shared, my feet were killing me from all the dancing I did with Dillon. My head was resting on Dillon’s shoulder and I was watching Clyde as he moved around the room.

The moment his eyes made contact with mine, my heart stopped. I slowly lifted my head off of Dillon’s shoulder and stood. For the life of me, I don’t know why I did it. Both Dillon and Sanity asked,

“Juliet are you ok?” I didn’t answer, however, I just stood there unable to take my eyes off Clyde. The way he was looking at me made me feel beautiful, sexy and desired.

He started walking towards me, and with every step, he took my breath got a little less shallow. Clyde approached me and held out his hand.

“May I have this dance?” He asked. I placed my hands into his without a second thought and nodded my reply. Clyde led me away from the table towards the dance floor. I never took my eyes off of him, so I didn’t see Dillon’s angry reaction or hear Sanity squeal of delight.

When we reach the dance floor, Clyde pulled me into him, one hand on my lower back and the other further up. I slid my hands around his neck. My lips were slightly parted and begged him with my eyes to kiss me. His eyes went from my eyes to my lips and back again.

He leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “Absolutely breath-taken, like a goddess, that’s how you look tonight. Elegant, sophisticated and sexy as hell.”

His lips touched my skin like a light breeze causing my breath to hitch. I closed my eyes as he slowly pulled away, the emotions running through my body were all new to me. I’ve never before wanted a guy to touch me, much less put his lips on mine.

I opened my eyes and looked at Clyde and in his eyes, I saw passion, desire and something else. My inside started to slowly burn when his head dipped. I waited in anticipation for his lips to meet mine.

“Clyde, there you are, we were looking everywhere for you.” My body stiffened and I saw the muscle in Clyde’s jaw tighten. My hands slid away from his neck and I stepped out of his arms. How could I be so stupid, this was Clyde Davis? He has almost every girl in the school throwing themselves at him. However, he just takes what they offer and moves on to the next.

I was disgusted with myself for being exactly like those girls.

I turned to face the Queen Bs, who was glaring at me. I must admit they all looked beautiful. They wore the same dress but in different colours. A deep V front, floor-length body-fitting dress. I made to move off, but Clyde grabbed my hand and held me back. I looked at the hand on me then back at him. However, he just kept on glaring at the Bs.

“What do you want?” He hissed through clenched teeth.

Brenda, the leader of the Bs, stepped towards him and placed her hands on his chest. She pouted her lips as she spoke and batted her eyes at him.

“You did promise to dance with us earlier, we were just wondering what was taking you so long.” I stood there, shocked. People were starting to look our way and I was feeling like an idiot.

With his free hand, Clyde moved both of Brenda’s hands away from him.

“I’m busy,” Clyde said, offering nothing more. Brenda pouted at him, then turned and glared at me.

“With that?” She spat the words out as if they left a bad taste in her mouth. Clyde’s hand tighten on me, but I didn’t feel it, I was too busy feeling embarrassed.

Having had enough, I pulled my hands away from Clyde and walked away. I walked with my head held high all the way back to my table. Dillon saw the look on my face and came to me. He opened his arms and I stepped right in. I buried my face into his shirt and he walked me out of the hall, with Sanity following. The ride home was done in silence and that day was never mentioned again.

Three week’s had passed since the fundraiser and nothing happen. I was starting to think that maybe, just maybe the Bs had forgotten about us. Boy was I wrong. It started when we arrived at school on Wednesday morning, everyone was looking at us and laughing. Well to be more precise, they were all looking at Sanity and laughing.

We were at our lockers, getting our books for the first bell. The stares were getting worse and a bit annoying. We ignored them as best as we could. After retrieving our books, we started to make our way to class. By then the stares had turned into whispers and smirks. Something was off.

I knew whatever it was, it wasn’t going to be good. About five minutes later my fears were confirmed. We each got a ping on our phones at the same time. I took my phone out and checked the video. I gasped when I saw it was a video of Sanity, in bed with Billy Newton. The guy who took her V-card and broke her heart last year.

Sanity gasped, finally understanding why everyone was staring at her. Her eyes welled up with tears and she took off running. I moved to follow her, but the Bs came in my face, cutting me off. They looked at the phone in my hand and smirked,

“I see you’ve got our message. Don’t look so sad you’re gonna be next.” they laughed and walked away. I started to launch for them, screaming,

“You dumb bitches! How could do that to her?! You’ll pay for this, I promise, you’ll pay.” Dillon got me just before I made contact.

It broke my heart so much, I knew how torn up and heartbroken Sanity was when Billy did that to her. He claimed that he loved her, and after he slept with her. He left her the next day, and to make it worse, he told her, the only reason he ever gave her the time of the day, was to win a bet he made with his friends.

It took Sanity months to get over that, now to have the Bs throw it back in her face, must have brought back all her bad memories.

Dillon was still holding me, I was a bit uncomfortable, but I let him. I need the support more. We took off in the direction Sanity went, we search everywhere, but we couldn’t find her. We eventually had to give up and go to class.

I sat through all my morning class, worrying about my best friend. Where was she? She wouldn’t just skip class that’s not like her. Granted, what happened in the morning, was cause enough for her to skip. What I don’t get, is why she didn’t tell me or answer any of my calls or texts.

At lunch, Dillon and I were sitting in the cafeteria at our usual table. My head was resting on his shoulder and we were just staring at our untouched food. Clyde came up to our table. I smelt him before I saw him.

He smelt like minted body wash with a hint of honey and cinnamon. Oh, how I love honey and cinnamon. I inhaled deeply and let my breath out with a sigh. This action caused Dillon’s hand to tighten around me.

Clyde took a seat across from us, he had a slightly worried look on his handsome face. And god was he handsome. Standing a little under six feet, with the body of Hercules and a face to match. His hair, a deep, deep coffee brown was just begging to be run through.

The intense green in his eyes, made me feel like, getting lost in that forest colour would be life-changing. Oh, and his smile, God have mercy that smile would make a nun strip. The dimples are what does it for me. And don’t even get me started on his lips. Just one word, delicious.

The cafeteria was so quiet that had a pin dropped, it would have been heard by all. The student from the popular table was looking over at me like I was worth less than the dirt they walk on. And they couldn’t believe that Clyde was fraternising with me. Clyde, on the other hand, did not seem to care that he was drawing attention to us.

Clyde leaned across the table and took my hands. Shocking me so much, I bolted upright. I didn’t, however, removed my hands from his. He rubbed the pad of his thumb across the back of hands, sending little thrills through my body. I’m not sure, but I think I moaned because he smiled.

He leaned a little closer, and it was like a magnet because I found myself being drawn towards him.

“I’m sorry about what the triples did to your friend. It was uncalled for. Is she ok?”

That brought me right back down to earth. I leaned away from him and removed my hands from his. Why would he care?

“Thank you, and yeah, she’s gonna be ok.”

He smiled and stood, “Glad to hear it, and don’t worry. I’ll get them to layoff you, from now on. I would not want to see that beautiful face of yours sad and without a smile. That’ll just put me in a bad mood, and no one likes when I’m in a bad mood.”

He turned to leave but stopped. Looking at Dillon then back at me

“Are you two dating or something?”

I answered, “What!? No!”

The same time as Dillon said, “So what if we are?”

Clyde laughed, “I don’t think your friend got the memo princess.”

He leaned down and pushed my hair behind my ear. “Such sexy lips.” He said his hands linger awhile before he moved back.

The moment his eyes landed on my lips, flashbacks of the fundraiser night come to me. “See yah around, beautiful.” He drooled. My eyes darken with desire, and my face was red as a tomato.

He walked off then, with all the confidence of a Boss. I watched him take a seat with his friends at the popular table. The cafeteria went back to normal. However, a few students were still looking at me, some with curiosity, some with envy and some with hatred.

I sighed when Clyde cast one last look at me and smiled. All the while, I felt Dillon’s anger like a heatwave. Dillon glared at Clyde, who was sitting and laughing with his friends, then spat, “Loser.”

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