Stolen Virtue

Chapter 13: Back to reality

I hate high school. There will be a time when high school will no longer get to me. I just wished that time could hurry up and come. As if my embarrassing night, of, meet the family wasn’t humiliating enough, my morning was a follow-up of more mortifying family visits.

I woke to the smell of eggs and strong coffee. I smiled, knowing that Clyde was up and making breakfast. I stretched the stiffness out of my body. I really needed more sleep. My body was complaining from my night time activity. I smiled remembering, then my face got red hot when I remembered that Clyde’s family probably thought I was no good for him.

I took my lazy ass off the bed and went to the bathroom. I peed, then brushed my teeth and wash my face. Looking in the mirror, I could see a few hickeys on my neck. Great, now how was I going to cover that up? I reached for my concealer, dabbing at the marks to try and concealed them. Suffice to say, it was no use. I still gave it a good go, concealing as much as I could. I put away my concealer and left the bathroom in search of Clyde.

I came to an abrupt stop when I saw that Calvin was sitting at the breakfast island with Clyde. Their backs were to me and they were talking.

“So, this one must really be serious if you let her spend the night, and it hasn’t been just one night, it’s many nights,” Calvin said in that hair-raising voice of his, causing me to shudder.

Clyde stiffened the spoon that was halfway to his mouth falling back to his plate. He turned to face his brother, his voice filled with warning.

“Let get something straight here Cal, I will never be discussing Juliet with you. She’s off-limits, to you and everyone else.”

Calvin smirk, his brows raising in amusement. “Well, well, the great Clyde has been whipped. I guess you’re no longer Captain of that love em and leave em ship of yours.”

Clyde ignored him and continued eating. Calvin chuckled shaking his head.

“I can see why she would appeal to you, her wide-eyed look of innocence is very attractive. However, judging from who she’s with and the way you two were behaving last night, I’d say she is far from innocent.”

I gasped, then brought my hands to my mouth to cover it up but it was already too late. Both brothers turned to look at me.

“Ah, the beautiful, Juliet.” The way Calvin dragged out my name made me wanna puke. I plastered a fake smile on my face, pulling at the hem of Clyde’s shirt. The one I always sleep in. Note to self, dress before you leave the room. I felt self-conscious, standing there with Calvin undressing me with his eyes.

I fidget on the stop, swallowing the lump in my throat.


I said, as Calvin thoroughly undress me with his eyes, making me squirm where I stood. Clyde moved so fast, jumping from his spot at the table, pinning his brother up against the wall. I screeched when I saw the knife Clyde had in his hand and it was pressed up against his brother’s throat.

“Cal, you’re my brother and I don’t really wanna hurt you, but this is your last warning. If you don’t stop eyeballing her, I will cause you pain. Got it?”

Calvin held his hands up in surrender but his smirk was still on his face.

“You’d hurt your own brother, for a girl.”

Clyde didn’t take the bait he was setting. He moved away from Calvin, set the knife back down and came over to me. He took my hands, leading me to a chair as far from his Calvin as possible, then sat me on his lap. I felt a little more at ease however, I was still freaked out. I mean, what the hell Clyde!

When we were seated, he asked.

“How did you sleep?”

I turned my face to the side so that I could see him.

“Very good actually.”

I felt his chest shook as he chuckled.

“You’re a terrible liar.”

I smiled cheekily. “How would you know if I’m lying? I could be a master liar.”

His face turned serious and he captured my face in his hands.

“There’s a lot of things I know about you Juliet and one of them is that you’re not a liar.”

I smiled sweetly at him and he smiled back. Someone clearing their throat breaking the spell we were in, bringing us back to reality. Clyde glared at his brother and I blushed.

I fix myself a bowl of cereal, whilst Clyde and Calvin fell into a conversation about cars. After spending a painful 15 minutes eating breakfast with Calvin trying not to watch me, I was more than ready to have a hot shower. If only to watch Calvin’s eyes off of me.

After having my shower, I felt somewhat clean. I’ve never before had a problem with guys looking at me, however, since that night in Clyde’s basement, it made me feel dirty whenever a guy would look at me. Weird enough, I never felt that way with Clyde. He’s the only guy I actually trust. Some would say he should be the last person I trusted, but they don’t know him like I do.


Back to school. I so did not want to go back, because it meant coming out of my little world, the one I built around Clyde and the safety he offers.

The two weeks we spent together were magical, a vacation away from all my problems. Not once in those two weeks did I think about what happened to me, because Clyde wouldn’t let me. Every time it looked like I was drifting off to my dark place, Clyde would dive in and pull me back to the surface.

Now, it’s back to reality. Back to real life. Backing to facing what happened to me. Back to getting answers.

The drive to school was done in awkward silence. I was sitting in Clyde’s car contemplation whether it was a good idea to show up at school with him. I knew the looks I would receive from my fellow students. The stares, the name-calling, the whispering behind my back. Was I really ready to deal with that kind of drama, coupled with my own? The frantic way my heart was beating against my chest was telling me no.

When we arrived at the school, Clyde parked the car, then turned to look at me.

“Ok, let’s have it. You’ve been sitting there, biting at your beautiful lips, the moment you sat in the car. Care to tell me what on that brilliant mind of yours?”

I bite at my lips some more, avoiding his eyes. I instead looked out the window. Some students were getting out of their cars, greetings their friends. Others were laughing and talking, acting happy and carefree.

They were happy to be back, happy to see their friends. Wanting to know how each other spent their vacation. Couples were hugging and kissing, they all seemed glad to be back. About ready to continue the rest of the painful school year.

“Hey, Juliet, what are you so worried about? Is it showing up at school with me or is it something else?”

Clyde’s voice was filled with concern. I dragged my eyes away from all the happy go lucky student and focus on Clyde. His face was masked with concern and on his lips, he wore a small reassuring smile. I let out a breath and shrugged my shoulders. I broke eye contact with him and looked down at my hands. I started picking at the hem of my shirt.

Clyde captured my hands with one of his, using the other one to tilt my head up. A lone tear escaped from my welled up eyes. He used his thumb to wipe it away. Leaning in, he kissed me on the lips softly.

“Whatever it is you can tell me about it. I promise we’ll deal with it together.”

I wanted to believe the sincerity in his voice, I really did. However, I didn’t think he’d understood.

“Come on Juliet,” he pleaded.

“I um. I…” I cleared my throat and started again. “I don’t think I can do this Clyde. No offence, but showing up at school with you, will make me a target. I’m already weird, I’m the quiet girl, the one no one ever sees. Showing up with you will make me visible. Every girl who put claims to you will hate me and every guy will think I’m easy.”

I paused to look at his face. He had a strange look on his face that I couldn’t place. A cross between hurt, anger and something else. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. He nodded for me to continue and I did.

“I don’t think I can deal with it all on my own. Dillon’s not talking to me, Sanity’s hurt I haven’t told her why I chose to stay with you instead of her. And to top it off, there’s someone in that school, who hate me so much, the drugged me and left me to get rape.”

I squeezed Clyde’s hands, gripping it tight. “Can’t we just leave, can’t we just go back to the way things were these last two weeks?” I pleaded in a wobbly voice.

Clyde squeezed my hands back. “Juliet, I can’t take back what happened to you that night, I would if I could. I can only promise you that, I will find the sick bastard, and giving him what’s coming to him. The fact that it happened by my hands, that he would use me to hurt you, makes me wanna kill him, painfully.”

He cupped my face, kissing my lips, soft and slow. It was only a slight touch of lips, but I felt my heart rate kicked up, memories from the night before resurfacing, causing me to blush.

“As for worrying about what people will say and do, don’t. Once you’re with me, no one would dare cross you and if they even try, I’ll deal with it. And for the record, you’re not easy, you’re the most decent girl in this entire hell hole.”

I smiled my appreciation then frown, I needed to know before we left the car what we were to each other. What we were doing, what was our relationship called. If we were even in a relationship. I continued to hold his hands, not wanting to let go of my safe place.

“What are we doing Clyde?”

He looked at me confused, so I rephrased the question.

“What are we to each other? What do we call our relationship? What do we tell people when they ask?” I looked at him as he contemplated his answer.

After a little while, he blew out a breath then answered. “Firstly, we are whatever you want us to be, the ball’s in your court. Secondly, we call our relationship, together because that’s what we are, together. And lastly, we tell people to mind their own damn business and get a life because ours doesn’t concern them.”

He paused, brushing a few strands of hair away from my face, before speaking again.

“I just want to be with you, Juliet. I know I don’t deserve to have such an incredibility beautiful, talented, brilliant and extremely caring person, after all the bad things I’ve done in my life. However, I’m too selfish to give you up. I love you, Juliet, I’ve loved you from the moment I first saw you. I know with my reputation, it will be hard for you to believe it, but I will prove it to you.”

Wow. When I asked him those questions, I was expecting him to feel caged in or backed up into a corner. Or even avoid the question altogether. What I got though, blew me away.

A confession of love from Clyde Davis. He loved me. Me! I mean, this is Clyde bad boy Davis, Mr I don’t do relationship, but I would do you. This is the guy, whose motto is, ‘A week is worth it, two weeks is pushing it, three weeks and it’s lost its magic, time to dump it.’ He can get any girl he wants with just one look, but he’s settling for me. Why?

So that’s exactly what I asked.


I was finding it hard to believe that he would love me. Yes, the last two weeks had been great, but he could have any girl he wanted. He had been nice to me lately, he kissed me a couple of time in school, but before that he’s never spoken to me. Why would he now think he was in love? I know it wasn’t about us sleeping together because he’s slept with a lot of girls. What made me so different? What changed?

A thought came to me and I gasped, pulling my hands away from him. No, it couldn’t be that, could it?

“Are you saying that because of what happened in that basement? Is this some stupid way for you to feel less guilty? Because if it is, you can keep it. I don’t need your guilt or your pity. If this relationship is just base on sex, fine. I’m ok with that, but don’t you make me feel like a cause. Don’t pity me because you feel guilty. You might think it’s the ‘right thing’ to do, but it’s not. I’m a person, not glass, I won’t break if you tell me the truth. And even if I do, I will pick up the pieces and put myself back together, and come out stronger for it.”

Clyde looked taken aback and slightly amused. He threw his head back and laughed. I sat there staring at him. Was he seriously laughing at me right now, I could handle his smart mouth, but him sitting there laughing at me was just too much. I turned to open the door, I didn’t want him to see the way he hurt me or the tears in my eyes. My hand was on the handle when I heard the click of the lock. What?! Did he want me to sit there and listen to him laugh at me?

“Hey, Juliet, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing at this sense of morality you think I have. I’m not a good person Juliet, my reasons for being with you are purely selfish. Just the thought of another guy experiencing what I did last night and this morning with you, makes me wanna kill him. You’re mine Juliet and it has nothing to do with wanting to do the right thing and everything to do jealousy and being hopelessly in love with you.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, so I said nothing. He unlocked the door and got out. He came to my side of the car, just when I was about to get out, and he opened the door for me. When I stood up, he pushed me up against the car door banging it shut.

He used his foot to spread my legs. Stepping in between them, he put one hand around my waist and the other into my hair. With a jerk, he pulled me flat against him. My hands resting on his chest, eyes wide, gazing into his.

The raw emotion I saw there made my heart rate sped up. His lips were down on mine before I could fully take in what I was seeing.

The kiss was passionate, sexy, caring, loving. It spoke volume, it told me things that words couldn’t explain. I moaned into his mouth and kissed him back. His grip in my hair tightened and his hold on me became strong. I knew I’d have to break the kiss for the sake of breathing. However, I didn’t really care for breathing at that moment. Breathing was so overrated, who needed it anyway?

When we broke away from each other, Clyde was smiling. He kissed the tip of my nose.

“I love you, Juliet, don’t ever forget that. You’re the only person I’m capable of loving.”

I opened my mouth to tell him I loved him back, but he shook his head.

“No, don’t say it. Don’t say it until you’re absolutely sure this is what you want. Ok?” he intertwined our hands and I nodded my head, saying.


When we moved away from the car and started walking, I saw that almost everyone was looking at us. Some faces were frozen in shock, somewhere whispering and some were sending me death glares. However, the faces that really brought me back to reality were those of the Queen Bs, whose looks said, I needed to watch my back. Sanity wore a look of excitement and Dillon, who just looked hurt and dangerously furious.

Clyde followed me to my locker and waited until I got my books. Henry saw us and started walking over to us. He had a big grin on his handsome face.

“It’s about time, we were starting to think, that you were going to pine over her for the rest of your life.”

I blushed when he spoke, but returned his smile. Clyde slid his hands around my waist and nuzzled my hair, making me giggle.

“Yeah well, the very best things are worth waiting for.” My heart rejoiced when he said that and I felt the love in his words.

“Wow, can I have one? I want one too.”

We all turned to see Sanity with a dreamy look on her face. Clyde chuckled, kissing the top of my head. Henry, however, was giving Sanity his 100 watts, sexy as sin smile.

“Sweetheart, I can be the answer to all your prayers.”

My best friend was blushing and giggling. I didn’t know if I trusted Henry with Sanity, not after what happened with Billy Newton.

Henry made to move closer to Sanity, but Clyde stopped him, by placing a hand on his shoulder.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

“Watch it, Henry. She’s my girl’s best friend, I wouldn’t wanna have to hurt you.”

I turned and smiled up at him. Henry held up his hand in surrender. “Chill man, I just wanna talk to the girl not sleep with her. I do have standards, you know.”

I watch as Henry makes my best friend laugh and blush. It warmed my heart seeing her smile. We were all standing at my locker talking and I was really seeing Henry in a new light. I was starting to enjoy myself, trying to not to let what happened to me ruin my life.

Clyde still had his hands around my waist, only instead of nuzzling my hair, he was whispering sexy little words in my ear. The things he was saying was making me blush. I saw Sanity smile, giving me a knowing look, then her smile change and her sweet face filled with hatred. She was looking at someone behind me, so I turned to see who it was. I glared at Billy Newton when I saw him approaching us.

“Clyde, my man. I see you finally got the girl, it took you long enough.”

Clyde’s hands tighten around me protectively. “What do you want Billy?” He asked, his voice taking on a chilling edge. Billy turned his eyes on Sanity and Henry moved closer to her.

“Hey San, how have you been doing?” The way he asked, he actually sounded like he cared.

Sanity glared at him then answered. “Good, now that you’re not in my life.”

I had to give her props for being strong and controlling her rage. Billy’s face showed a flicker of hurt but then it was gone, replaced with a boastful look.

“Last time we were together if I remember correctly… the words that were coming out of your mouth were, I love you, Billy, make me yours forever.”

Sanity took a step back as if his words threw her back. A small sound escaped her lips, like a wounded animal. This sent me into a fit of rage. I broke away from Clyde and punched Billy in his unsuspecting face. I was about to deliver another one. However, I wasn’t fast enough, because his hand caught mine before it made contact. His grip was painful and I hissed in pain.

Billy dropped my hand just as fast as he caught it. He backed away from me, with his hands held up.

“Hey man, I was just protecting myself from your girl.”

I turned to see Henry trying to restrain Clyde. The amount of malice I saw in Clyde’s eyes was shocking. Henry was trying his best to hold him off, but Clyde’s anger was driving him.

He finally broke away from Henry, moving towards Billy. As much as I hated Billy I did not want to see him dead and there was no doubt in my mind that Clyde wouldn’t kill him. I cut Clyde off before he reached Billy.

“Clyde, don’t. Please don’t.” I lay my hand on his arm and he seemed to snap out of his trance. He gently held my hand and inspected it where Billy had grabbed.

When he was satisfied I wasn’t badly hurt, he turned to look at Billy.

“Never, ever lay your hands on her again or so help me god I will end you.”

He pulled me into a strong hug and I felt his body slowly relax. I loved that he was protective of me, but that kind of display of protectiveness was a little scary, if not downright frightening.

I jumped in Clyde’s arms when I heard a loud bang. I turned to see Billy pinned up against a locker by Henry.

“Where do you think you’re going? You’re not leaving here until you apologies to Sanity and you better make it good, because I’m sure I can persuade Clyde to carry out his threat.”

Billy looked about ready to shit himself. He nodded his head shaking.

“Um, sorry for what I said, it won’t happen again, promise.” Henry shoved him hard one last time, saying.

“It better not or it’s not gonna be Clyde who’s gonna coming after you.” Henry was about to let him go, however, Sanity stopped him.

“Wait a minute. I have to know. Did you really made a bet with your friends to sleep with me?”

We all wanted to hear what Billy’s answer would be. When he didn’t answer, Henry shoved him again.

“The girl asked you a question, now answer it!”

“Alright, alright. No one made a bet with me. I just said that to end it.”

Sanity nodded, swallowing and Henry let him go. Billy quickly hurried away, while Henry comforted Sanity.

He offered to walk her to her class, and she accepted waving goodbye to me. Clyde and I held hands as we walked to our class together. At that precise moment, coming back to reality didn’t seem so bad, after all.

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