Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Scarletts P.O.V

Oliver disappears for most of the night. Its not until you awake on 1am, roused by an emotional dream

that you find yourself ascending the stairs quietly. Upon arriving to the main floor, you frown when you

hear exaggerated whispers coming from the kitchen.

Who the hell is up this late? Oliver?

You walk towards the noise, mouth falling slack when you realise its Oliver and your mom in a heated


"I don't care. If you really care about her, you'll do what's best"

"Who are you to tell me what's best for her?"

Are they talking about me?

You move to press yourself against the wall when the floor gives way to your presence with a groan.

"Hello? Scarlett? Is that you?"

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

You hold your breath, unsure of what to do when you hear her probing voice again.

"All I'm saying is she has a lot going for her. She doesn't need to be distracted right now. Especially

with someone who..."

The silence that follows is intense, only derailed when. Oliver spits his next words angrily.

"Someone who, what? Finish your sentence."

"I think you know what I mean"

"Why don't you say it?"


"Ya know, I really don't think you're in any position to say whats best for her"

Your chest tightens from the sound of hurt in his voice. His anger, although only prominent in the gritted

hushed tone of his voice, is domineering.

"Watch it, Oliver..."

"Or what? You'll hand me over to the police. Our daughter can fend for her fucking self. And until she

says so, I'm not going anywhere"

Oh god. They are fighting over me. He said he's not going anywhere...

Your heart swirls with a flustering warmth that makes you dizzy.

Dammit, that makes me happy... I'm in way too deep with him.

You sigh soft enough so no one will hear and pinch the bridge of your nose as you address that reality.

Doesn't matter, though. Because I don't want it to change.

"I'm warning you..."

"Don't. Its pointless. I'm in love with your daughter. Whether you can come to terms with it or not"

He finally said. Fully said. In love with me.

Despite the fact you feel like a giddy, love sick fool, you cant hold back the wide smile that forms on

your lips as you let his words sink in and fill you with excited passion.

The sound of his footsteps startle you into action and you find yourself scurrying as quickly a you can

be back towards your bedroom. You're fast enough to avoid getting caught. When you finally reach

your bedroom, you slip inside and press yourself against the door, panting breathlessly as his footsteps


I cant believe my mom was bombarding him about me. She has always managed o screw everything

up. Thank god Oliver is too stubborn to let her ruin this.

As his footsteps draw closer you expect them to disappear into his room, but you're unnerved in the

best way when they stop in front of your door and you hear him sigh. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

"Would you like to come out now, Scar?"

Well shit... he caught me

You turn around, opening your door, and masking the guilty expression on your face as you step out of

your room to face him. As usual, he looks absolutely irresistible. You note the tension in his shoulders

and jaw as his eyes roam your face.

"You were reckless today"

I did what I thought I had to do.


He quirks a brow, and steps forward, lifting his large hand towards your face to stroke your jaw. Your

eyes flutter closed briefly when his fingers glide along your skin in a feathery embrace.

"You could've gotten hurt. Or prosecuted"

"Same for you"

"That doesn't matter"

Your eyes flutter open at his words and you frown, reaching up to grasp his had and pull it away from

your face.

"Doesn't matter? You get arrested charged for hurting the douchebag who beat on you and your mom?

But I cant stick up for you?"

He shakes his head, and yanks his arm to pull you into his firm body.

"No. Not if you put yourself in danger. Not happening"

"Too bad I make my own decisions"

A soft chuckle leaves his lips, and he uses his other hand to cup your chin. Your eyes widen when you

realise there's a small bandage over it

He got that cleaned and fixed up. Good.

"I'm reckless. So are you"


"Sound like a good fucking match"

You open your mouth to retort a snider remark when your interrupted by a feverish kiss. He moulds

himself against you, his monstrous erection pressed against your hip as he cups the sides of your face.

I cant get enough of him.

"Mm, Oliver"

You moan his name against his lips and the guttural groan that tears from his lips makes you clench

the walls of your wet core. The urge to stroke yourself makes you slip your hand in between your


"Fuck, Scarlett. What's gotten into you?"

Soon, you, hopefully.

You hike up your dress, splaying your hand over your puffy mound as you begin to stroke your soaked


"Your mother is..."

"Fuck my mother. I want you. Now. I need you."

Your tone is frantic, possessive in a way that ignites the ravenous desire within him. He answers you

with a passionate growl, as he twists to pull you into your room and closes the door.

Oh god. He's so.. overwhelming

You enjoy the taste of him as your tongues dance together in an erotic fight for dominance over one

another. As your near your bed, with courage that is amassed out of nowhere, you shove him

backwards until he falls back onto the bed.

I want him to watch me.

"You say I'm frustrating..."

Your words are faint, breathless, yet you continue speaking as you drop your dress from your body, and

step out of it, climbing above him on the bed.

"Say I'm fucking reckless..."

You reach for his pants, undoing the button and zipper before you moan softly when his thick, throbbing

rod is released from the denim. You both synchronously groan when you rub him against your slick

wet, slit.

"But you're the one who's driving me fucking crazy. Now its my turn"

You press him against the entrench of your taut hole, and marvel in the way his jaw slackens and he

tosses his head back when you slam yourself down his rigid length. He stretches and fills you

endlessly. You cry out at the invasion and how your body is swarmed with pleasure when you begin to

ride him senselessly.

"So fucking good"

His hands cinch your waist a you flick your hips back and fourth, grinding yourself against him until

you're one.

"Too fucking good. Too fast. You're gonna make me cum"

Oh fuck yes...

You bounce your hips wildly at his omission, tightening your walls around him greedily as you feel the

hot assault of your orgasm forming deep in the pit of your stomach.

"Fuck. Slow down"

Your muscles flex, tension building as he digs his fingers in your hip, warning you to slow down. But

you don't. You cant. Not when you're determined to shatter his reality with pleasure only he can bring.

You're too busy chasing the high that is Oliver.

"Fuck, Scarlett... I don't think I can hold on"

You make eye contact with him, your hair flying wildly about as you utter your next words.

"Didn't. Cum for me, Oliver"

"Oh shit!"

You feel his length swell inside of you, and miraculously, as you feel the warm flood of his orgasm, your

muscles clench and you're obliterated into ecstasy, your orgasm a powerful entity that blinds you and

makes you collapse atop him.

When you come down from your orgasm, he's stroking your back, and your head is resting in the crook

of his neck.

"I want to bring you somewhere tomorrow"


"A date"

"A date?"

He angles his head away from you to shoot you a look before he shakes his head and chuckles.

"Why do you sound so surprised?"

He just doesn't seem like the kind for soft romance. More angry, violent romance. The kind that

consumes you fiercely but you continue to chase it.

"Where are you taking me on this date?"

"Well, I figured we could go hiking like we planned"

God... hiking? As a date?

"Uh, are you sure that's a good idea?"

You trace the outlines of his muscular pecs with your finger, smiling when he chuckles and motion

vibrates his chest.

"I don't know if you want to see me all sweaty and tired from hiking"

He tightens his grip around your waist and takes a deep breath as he places his face against your hair

"What the hell is the difference between you sweaty and tired now and you sweaty and tired while


"For one, I'm satisfied now. Hiking I'd be agitated. And who knows what the hell I'll say or do."

"Mm, aggressive Scarlett. Sounds fucking hot"

You roll your eyes and sit up, dragging a hand through your hair.

"I'm sure I could make it worth your while"

You twist your neck to peer down at him with an expectant expression. His boyish grin makes your

stomach flutter as he slowly trails his hand along your thigh. He sits up, moving behind you as he

wraps an arm around your breasts to hold you firmly against him as he cups your sensitive, wet folds.

"How do you plan on doing that?"

You watch his hand, mesmerised by the way he teasingly grazes the area just above your slit. You

wiggle your hips slightly, and he shakes his head while clicking his tongue.

"Well if I promise to fuck you senseless, would that make the trip more worthwhile?"

Hm... now I'm interested.

"Very tempting"

You reach for his hand, and guide his fingers to your moist slit, gasping when the friction sets your core

ablaze as pleasure stirs alive again.

"Keep talking"

He groans softly, and begins rubbing circles along your folds.

"I could bend you over, and pound that delicious, thighs fucking hole between your thighs"

"Almost convinced..."

You eyes flutter closed as you feel another orgasm budding dangerously.

"Maybe I'll taste this..."

He cups your puffy, met mound and a soft moan leaves his lips that makes you clench around the

finger he insists inside of you.

"Fuck you with my tongue and lick you clean when you cum all over it"

You open your mouth to reply, but all that comes out is a strangled cry of passion as your orgasm

barrels through you swiftly, causing you to arch your back and press your hips down against hips hand.

Your insides tighten around his finger like a vide, and your limbs shake.


He withdraws his finger from you when you stop shaking, and grins at you when you finally peer at him

beneath hooded lids, exhaustion settling over you.

"Will you go on a date with me?"

"Hell yeah"

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