Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


“Fredrick it’s not such a big deal” Aerial said añgrily but pretended not to by faking a smile.

“Well you should ask my girlfriend because I don’t think she would agree to such ridiculous thing” Fredrick said rudely.

“She’s your girlfriend and not your wife” Queen said but Fredrick interrupted her

“I did say before that Gold and I would be getting married so what’s the hell is wrong with you people?” Fredrick asked rudely referring to Queen and her mother.

“Wow that’s great news” Collins said smiling but Aerial immediately interrupted him.

“Collins don’t you think Gold is too young and fragile to get married now” Aerial complained but Collins happily answered her.

“Of course not, she’s already an adult and of marriageable age”

“How can you say that? She’s just Seventeen” Aerial barked.

“Step mother, why should you care about when I get married?” Gold asked amused by the way Aerial was reacting to the news but then a voice interrupted their conversation for a moment.

“Wow looks like I arrived just in time” Caleb grinned as he walked into the dinning.

“Who invited him here? This is supposed to be a family dinner for goodness sake” Aerial said angrily

“He is part of our family so I invited him over”Gold replied the raging Aerial.

“How dare you Gold? Does this look like your house for you to make some funny decisions?” Aerial said angrily approaching Gold but Collins held her back

“Aerial let her be. she’s right and he’s part of the family”  Collins added so Caleb immediately took the seat sat beside Fredrick and Queen frowned.

“I was supposed to seat there and not you” Queen said then Caleb chuckled

“But I didn’t see your name on this seat and you were not seating on it either” Caleb said mockingly then Queen felt defeated as she sniffled and went to seat beside her mother.

“Cry cry baby” Gold muttered and Queen chuckled.

“Mr Collins, why are we here? I obviously can’t stand your daughter”

“Me neither” Gold scoffed.

“How dare you talk back at me? Collins will you just sit back and watch her talk back at me without doing anything” Aerial asked but Collins was quick to shut her up.

“Aerial will you shut up and listen” Mr Collins said getting irritated.

“Collins, did you just tell me to shut up?” Aerial asked not believing that Collins could actually say something of that nature to her.

“Of course he did” Aerial heard a familiar voice that made her stiffen up replied her instead of Collins so she turned her head slowly and was shocked to the bone to see Irene then she felt tears slip out of her eyes and she momentarily lost her voice.

Everyone looked surprised, well except for Collins which made Gold wonder if he knew about what was going on.

“Mom?” How? I saw you buried” Gold said and without thinking twice she ran to hug her.

“Mom I’ve missed you” Gold said crying heavily but her mum consoled her

“I missed you more Mama. I’m going to explain every thing to you later” Irene said patting her daughter’s back while she nodded and they disengaged from the hug.

“Wipe your tears Mama. I’m here now” Irene smiled and wiped the tears rolling down her eyes.

“Mom I’m sorry I failed you” Caleb who was already in tears apologized but Irene smiled

“Come here Caleb” she said pulling him into a hug and smiled again but then a loud grunt followed and Gold chuckled seeing that she kicked him on his private region.

“Ouch” Caleb groaned holding his dick.

“That’s for raping my daughter” Irene said to himAll content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“I did apologize but now how do I get my wife pregnant without this?” he muttered but Irene told him to Figure it out himself?”

“You are so mean” Caleb muttered.

“What did you say?” Irene asked marching towards him but he denied saying anything

“Mom, this is my boyfriend Fredrick and Freddie meet my mom”

“Nice to meet you ma’am” Fredrick said smiling softly.

“Same here. Fredrick, my daughter is fragile I hope you won’t break her heart?” Irene asked him sternly.

“Be rest assured ma’am. I love your daughter very much and I would protect her with my life” Fredrick assured

“Wow, its great to know someone loves my daughter that much and you look responsible so let me give you the benefit of the doubt”

“Mom” Gold called her mum because she was talking way to much then Aerial decided to speak.

“Irene, how are you still alive?” Aerial asked.

“Where you expecting me to die? I came to take back what’s mine Aerial” Irene answered her fearlessly.

“You might end up loosing your life for real this time” Aerial warned but Irene laughed

“Should I take that as a threat or what?” Irene asked

“No dear, It’s an advice” Aerial responded harshly with an evil grin on her face

“Bitch” Irene muttered under her breath but Fredrick asked an alarming question.

“Are you indirectly telling us that you planned to kill Gold’s mom?” Fredrick asked but Aerial nooded negatively

“I don’t know what you are talking about. Let’s just eat” Aerial saide faking a smile.

“Trying to change the conversation right? That proves that you are guilty” Fredrick said then Aerial became very angry.

“Fredrick how dare you try to lie against me?” Aerial yelled.

“Feigning annoyance over a direct question actually proves you have something to hide so start talking” Fredrick threatened.

“Aerial did you really plan with Kennedy to kill me?” Irene asked fuming in anger.

“Kennedy ? so Kennedy my stepfather planned to kill mom” Gold muttered

“Answer the question you bitch” Collins yelled.

“I… don’t know what you are talking about” Aerial stuttered fearfully and Queen interrupted them rudely

“Listen up everyone, my mom didn’t do anything so stop accusing her” Queen said defending her mother.

“Will you shut up there” Collins yelled and she flinched.

“You have two options Aerial it’s either you confess right now and you walk away a free woman or you don’t confess then I will dig up every single criminal activity you’ve been in and trust me I will find something and you will spend the rest of your life in jail” Collins threatened.

“You bastard!” Aerial Yelled in anger, fear and pain.

“I’m going to count to five and you know that I don’t joke with my words Aerial, I’m dead serious” Collins threatened and began to count down

“1… 2…. 3… 4…” Collins counted before Aerial decided to speak

“What you said is true, I planned with Kennedy to kill Irene”

“You bitch I hate you” Irene said to Aerial audibly.

“You witch, so you planned to kill my mom. Who knows if you didn’t plan to make him rape me?” Gold yelled in tears and Fredrick pulled her to himself and tried to console her..

“I didn’t plan for him to rape you. I only wanted him to marry me then I’ll make your lives miserable but he ended up falling in love with you. Knowing Kennedy was a dangerous man, I told him you were cheating on him that was why he planned to kill you” Aerial confessed crying profusely.

“You deserve to die” Gold said angrily rushing towards her but Fredrick held her back

“Tell me Aerial is Queen really my child or was It also part of your plan to destroy my family” Collins asked but Queen interrupted.

“Dad I’m your daughter” Queen said confidently but Collins glared at her

“Who asked you to talk to, Shut up”

“She is your daughter Collins” Aerial said but Collins yelled as he charged towards her angrily

“How dare you Aerial, how dare you lie to me?

Answer me this moment before I strangle you to death” Collins said really angry but Aerial insisted that Queen was still his daughter.

“Aerial what do you take me for? You bitch” Collins slapped her and immediately she began talking….

“She is not your daughter Collins” Aerial yelled in tears.

“Mom what are you talking about?” Queen asked her mother already getting confused about the whole scenario.

“I’m sorry Autumn but your real father is Kennedy”

“What? she can’t be my sister. I have an evil father now I have to cope with an evil sister too” Caleb protested.

“I’m not evil and mom tell me you are lying” Queen said crying already.

“I’m not lying, I’m only saying the truth” Aerial said to her daughter.

“So you knew Queen wasn’t my child and you destroyed my family?” Collins said but just then, they heard police sirens fast approaching.

“I thought you said no police, I can’t go to jail” Aerial said.

“Well, I lied about that” Fredrick smirked.

“You bastard, I rather die than go to jail” Aerial said and picked up a knife.

“Aerial what are you doing?” Collins asked

“Mom put the knife down” Queen said crying already.

“I can’t live anymore” Aerial said and with that she slit her throat with the knife then collapsed on the floor with blood gushing out of her neck.

“Mom” Queen cried holding her mother.

“Don’t… be like me… Queen my darling” Aerial said stuttering and breathing heavily then finally gave up the ghost.

The police soon arrived and Aerial’s was put in a body bag then Queen cried profusely

“I really feel her pains, I felt that way too when mom died or almost died because she is yet to tell me the full story” Gold muttered inwardly.

“Gold you douchebag, you are the reason why my mom is dead. You killed her” Queen said in tears as she attempted to hit Gold but Fredrick pushed her back.

“You witch, how dare you accuse my daughter of killing your mom. Your mom killed herself after confessing to all her numerous crimes” Irene said harshly to Queen.

“Officer, she killed my mother so arrest her” Queen said to the police men

“I’m afraid we can’t do that. We’ve checked the CCTV footage and it was clearly seen that your mother killed herself so my advice to you is go home and mourn your mother” The police officer said.

“But…” Queen wanted to insist but Collins interrupted her

“Caleb take her along with you, she is now your responsibility”

“Ok” Caleb sighed and looked at Queen

“Come on evil sis, go pack your bags” Caleb said to her rudely.

“I’m not evil” Queen retorted

“Whatever, just go” Collins said to them as the police officer faced Irene.

“Mrs Collins, we would like to have your statement now. Tell us all that happened and how you survived” The detective whose name was Jelin asked holding a note pad.

When Irene was narrating her ordeal, Gold felt hot tears slide out of her eyes   “Kennedy sure is evil, he planed to kill my mom, killed doctor Bright and his wife, raped me and many more, he deserves to die just like Aerial.

It’s still hard to believe that Aerial is no more. She separated our family for seven years for a child that wasn’t my dad’s. She’s wicked just like Kennedy and I bet she’s roasting in hell right now” Gold said bitterly

“Do you have any evidence to present to the court to strengthen the case we have against him?” the lawyer asked because Fredrick actually hired him because he was one of the lawyers in the US.

“The doctors house actually had CCTV cameras but the cameras went blank during the operation which means Kenedy hired someone to hack them. It was a planned operation they couldn’t have been evidence” Detective Jaelin said.

“Actually there was a mini wireless CCTV in the flower vase”

“How do we get the footage?”

“It’s actually a sent footage to a mini chip at the back of the doctor’s ears”

“That man sure is wise. Like he planed everything out” Collins said

“Where is the chip now?” the detective asked

“It’s with me” Irene said


Queen cried endlessly in her new room.

“Why would mom leave me just like that. I hate you so much Gold, your ill fortune caused this, I  hate you Gold” Queen yelled smashing the flower vase on the floor then Caleb ran into the room and stared at her and then the broken flower vase then be immediately became angry after seeing what she did.

“Are you crazy? Do you know how much this cost. God, I can’t do this anymore and I think you should go be with dad in prison” Caleb yelled. He actually took to his house earlier, but she didn’t realize he had his own house and car as well.

“Why should I go to prison? You should be the one in prison and not me” Queen yelled back.

“I hate the fact that you have to be my brother, you are just like that witch Gold”

“You are the witch Queen” But just then Esther walked in

“What’s happening here?” Esther hissed when she saw Queen.

“What are you doing here?” Queen asked.

“I should be the one asking you that. What are you doing in my boyfriend’s house. Wait a minute did you come here to seduce Caleb like you tried to do with Fredrick?” Esther asked mockingly.

“So she’s actually he’s girlfriend, he really lacks taste” Queen muttered inwardly

“Babe, she’s my sister” Caleb said

“What? how? I thought she was Collins daughter”

“We thought so too but it turned out her mom lied about her paternity” Caleb said to the dumbfounded Esther.

“How are you sure she’s your sister?” Esther said eyeing Queen

“We are getting a DNA test done tomorrow” Caleb said

“What? A DNA test don’t you believe I’m your sister” Queen asked getting angry already.

“I wish you are no and ensure you clean up the mess you made. Come on babe, let’s go” Caleb said to Queen and dragged Esther along with him to the room

“She really is my enemy. Why would Gold’s bestie be my brother’s girlfriend? Traitors” Queen muttered inwardly


“I hate the fact that I have to be responsible for her. Dad should be the one doing this and not me” Caleb said to Esther

“Look, I dislike her alot but she just lost her mother Caleb, try being nice to her so she doesn’t make wrong choices and end up like her mom” Esther adviced Caleb.

“She’s not being nice to me either she’s just too difficult” Caleb complained

“You are her brother and if anyone can help her it’s definitely you”

“I’ll give it a try thanks Baby” Caleb said as he smiled

“You are welcome ‘Mon Amour'” Esther said and Caleb raised her brows at her.

“That’s sounds like French”

“Well it is. It actually means my lover” Esther said

“Oh you should know, I’m not French but Nigerian”

“You can at least try” she muttered.

The next morning, Caleb smiled as he watched Esther sleep peacefully. He kissed her forehead, got out of bed and wore his

trousers then proceeded to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

When he walked into the kitchen, he found Queen cooking.

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