Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


She was beginning to buckle, down toward the cliff edge. Her arms drooping against all her stubbornness and the barrage of your thrusts. Pulling her back, you span her around, pinning her down now facing you. She looked stunned for an instant but then grabbed at you, splaying her legs up around you to pull you back into her. She reached her arms up around your neck to pull you in close for a kiss. You felt the first waves of an orgasm rock through her as she did, her legs writhing out at all angles while she shoved her tongue down your throat. You were not done yet though, so you only increased you pace once more, driving up into still places you had yet to reach inside her. As her orgasm fell away she had to pull back from the kiss, gasping for air and relief. She could barely focus on you, grinding slowly up the rock again as you reached the very edges of your strength and stamina.

“FillmeupDaddy! I want it inside me! I-want-it! I want your cum Dad! Fill me up! FillmeupfillMeup Fill. Me. Uuuuuuuuup!”

Her words were near gibberish, yelped through a mouth full of saliva. But you felt yourself still chained to such commands. With a final heaving effort your whole soul pulsated with the act of pouring semen into her. Your only child shrieked with pure unadulterated joy as she felt spurt after spurt of hot gunk flow into her. With a few last ricocheting thrusts you pushed it all in, filling her with all that you could give. Everything she had asked for. Then you collapsed, trapping her against the cliff, as the pair of you gazed into each others eyes and gulped for cool air.


The two of you lay there, next to each other, in the last light of the day. For awhile you could get nothing out of your daughter but hyped up thank-yous, spieled out as her earlier demands had been: in delirious repetition. She rolled around with shaking limbs, unable to keep still with all the adrenaline still burning through her. Which revealed to you the state of her back. The stone plinth you lay on had been fairly smoothed by centuries of spray and rain, but several small chips of gravel had still scratched long red lines across her skin, stinging you more than her it would seem.

“Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou… Oh, don’t worry about that Dad. I’d lie down on broken glass if we got to do THAT again! It was awesome! Incredible! Amazing! Better even than that first time you grabbed me in the dark! In fact, seeing as you were fully awake this time, I declare THIS the moment you took my virginity!… Can we do it again in a sec?”

You could only smile at your hyperactive horndog of a daughter. No, you couldn’t do it again. Not for a while at least… And to be honest, despite all that energy, you didn’t think she could either. Helping her up, her legs were still shaking and she had to sit back down on your lap for a bit. Leaning against the rock that had apparently now inherited her virginity and leaking a little puddle of mixed juices onto your leg. It was getting dark now, the sun having stayed just long enough to watch you both climax, the old pervert. You needed to get back to the car before it became impossible to see. As soon as she felt she could walk you climbed back into your clothes and set off. Of course she had no options there, having locked her own outfit half a mile away. Summer or not, you soon spotted goose pimples rising across all her fair skin.

Fortunately you had brought your phone, so had some small light available. Still, picking your way along precarious cliffside paths in the dark was not well advised, particularly when one of you was wearing absolutely nothing but sandals. The waves on either side took on a more sinister sound now, as if telling you they had seen what you’d done. You were glad to get back into the wider, forested section of land. Your daughter stomped along happily though, at your arm or wandering ahead. She hummed absent minded little tunes to herself and looked out for the trees she’d climbed earlier. In the swaying light she became a grey ghost, flitting between the shadowy trees ahead. Small trails of silver slid down her inner legs, chasing drips of your semen as it escaped her young slit. Little wonder, considering how much you felt you’d poured into her. Your worries were creeping back up on you now, hoping those pills she’d got worked as they were supposed to. You shook them off though, you had come all this way to escape such thoughts, for the moment at least. She was pure and beautiful, and you had defiled her in a manner that was, in all honesty, quite satisfying. What was it about man that took such perverse joy in corrupting that which seemed most innocent? Watching her little ass bob you could still feel that primordial self of yours growing hungry again, remembering how it had felt to crash against it.

You made it back to the mainland without pouncing her to the ground once more however, and then other problems presented themselves. Lights. The flickering kind from a fire interspersed with the more directed beams of phones and torches. Some kind of party had descended upon the small patch of beach right next to your carpark. Kids, by the look of things, about your daughters age and having driven their half-owned teenage wagons down to drink, out of sight of parents or authorities. You turned off your own light immediately. Your daughter clung to the last tree on the path, looking decidedly nervous. There was a lot of open ground between you and the car and a whole selection of eyes to catch a naked girl and her father limping back from the middle of nowhere.

You rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Now it was her turn to worry you felt the parental need to take charge and calmly assess the situation. It wasn’t impossible. The path to the carpark skirted higher than the beach, and was surrounded by patches of long wavy grasses. Even better, there was a shallow ditch to one side which looked like it could conceal a young body if she needed to duck herself into it. The best idea would be for you to casually walk back to the car like some avid late-night birdwatcher, signalling to your girl when it was safe to dash from one bit of cover to the next. Still, there were some long stretches without any obvious hiding spots and all it would take was one drunk kid turning around at the wrong moment…

There were no other options though. So as soon as you had explained the plan you both set off, the glint in your daughter’s eye somewhere between pure terror and a return of that hyped up sexuality she’d been filled with before. This was as much a part of it as the sex for her, you realised and admired. Perhaps on leaving her clothes behind there had always been the slight, dark hope that something like this would happen, repressed only by her fear of the consequences.

The first half of your journey went almost too smoothly, you walked along at no great pace while she skipped from ridge to ridge, shadow to shadow. Like a rabbit sensing hawks. In fact it was only just as you were reaching the final slope up to the level ground of the car park, the point closest to their campfire, when disaster struck. A beam of light flicked on and swung directly toward you, blinding you without consideration or remorse. You heard the distinct rustle of your daughter diving into the ditch, huddling up to a miraculous little bush that had stubbornly planted itself in the sandy soil just where she needed it. Not that it was perfect cover, you could still see her perfectly in the outwash of the approaching stranger’s light. The torch was held by a swaying boy in his late teens, as you expected. He seemed surprised to find you at the end of his light, despite having pointed it directly at you for his entire climb up from the beach.

He cheerfully said hello, in a doubtful slurring manner, as if still unsure whether you were a cop… or his mom. Once he realized you weren’t he walked right past, clearly with other pressing needs on his mind. To your horror you watched him walk right up to the bush your daughter was hiding under, un-slinging his belt before he even got there. You had full view of your child’s wide-eyed face, curled into a naked ball as the boy pulled up alongside. Just above her head he pulled out his cock and immediately began releasing an erratic stream of urine, over the top of her and into the ditch below. Noticing you were still present he was a bit nonplussed, but decided to spark up a conversation as to why you were here. Unable to focus on anything but your little girl’s tortured expression, but needing to keep his attention away, you made up the most bullshit description of a long birdwatching trip you could think of, relying on him knowing as little about the subject as you did. It worked though, the boy was clearly so bored and unnerved by you he finished pissing as soon as he could and shuffled back off to join his friends. As soon as the coast was clear your daughter made a mad dash to the car, a streak of wonder in the moonlight. You walked after her at a steadier pace, not wanting to draw yet more attention.Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

Once you both were inside she pulled her seatbelt straight on, between still exposed breasts, ordering you to “Just drive!” Only when you were safely back on the road did the pair of you burst out laughing. A mad, elated cackle that didn’t really stop all the way home. “He splashed me a bit.” She admitted in a half-disgusted, half-giggling tone. “And practically wiped it on my hair when he was finished and shaking. Ugh, boys are so disgusting… Why do you have to use the same thing I like to suck on as a hose? It makes me feel all dirty just thinking about it.” She shivered, but didn’t put her clothes back on all the way home. Trusting that your quiet road would be silent and empty when you finally pulled back onto it.

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