Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


New Story Title:Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

NOW MOTHER’S GONE (Incest/Erotica)

Summary: You and your tomboy daughter become closer.

Read and enjoy.

Comments welcome.


Nothing was quite the same after Mom left. Still, you didn’t blame her, not really. She had always been a free spirit, ever since you’d known her, you could only keep someone like that caged up so long. She’d stayed long enough to watch the daughter you’d made together flower into a beautiful young woman, then left you both in each other’s care. Said eighteen year old daughter was a little less forgiving about the situation, declaring often that it was not right for her to have abandoned you. Yet, there was an air of understanding and appreciation of increased freedom in her complaints. During her early teenage years your home had been host to an endless cycle of conflicts between the two women you loved most. Now you and your daughter were closer than ever, joined by a shared absence and slowly working out how to stretch out your limbs and fill that void.

It was possible you were now TOO comfortable together, you and your only child. Equals in slovenly comfort and insular relaxation. Working from home as a writer meant you rarely had reason to get dressed up or leave your quiet, little farmhouse. A state of affairs that suited you fine and seemed an inherited quality. She would walk in from school on a summer afternoon and quite promptly drop all her smart uniform in the floor in a pile, stretching out the day’s aches perfectly comfortably in just her bra and panties. Then she would meander around looking for snacks or entertainment before possibly finally finding a baggy t shirt to throw over herself. It was hard NOT to admire the slanting angles of her long legs as she lounged in some chair in the sun. Seemingly unaware of what a vision she produced just reading a book, half dressed and in complete comfort. She was so much like her mother in that way, blind to the constricting fear of others’ judgement.

When you emerged from your study she would greet you with a beaming smile straight out of her childhood, daddy’s princess since birth. She would stand up and demand a hug, asking how the words were flowing today. More often than not in fact she would choose to share your workspace with you. Sitting quietly and pursuing her own interests, yet always maintaining that bond of presence between you. If stuck for inspiration you could admire her at any moment, one brow raised below her short, dark, tomboy-cut hair.

Weeks went by, then months, since the third pillar of your family left, leaving the remaining two leaning inwards. Your daughter was spending more and more time at home, rarely going out with friends. You tried a few times to gently push her into socialising, but being someone more happy at home than out yourself it always felt a bit hypocritical. Besides she seemed happy enough, working through the situation in her own way and to be honest it was nice to have the company. Single life after so many years of intimate connection was… trying at times. You just couldn’t bare the thought of going out to meet someone new.

You were musing over these things in the shower one day when you heard the door clatter open. Remembering to lock it was a habit never picked up in this household. “Oh, sorry Dad!” was the chirpy follow up, though there was no sudden sound of the door being re-closed. Instead the patter of footsteps came further in, followed by the distinct noise of the toilet lid being raised. Now, your bathroom was not the largest or most lavish of spaces. The shower/bath separated from the other facilities only by a thin and translucent plastic curtain. The condensation on this made any clear view impossible, but vague shapes and colours were certainly visible. And below this, where the steam did not reach, you could quite clearly make out a pair of bare feet, panties hooked between them, twisting together in a sort of awkward dance.

“Honey?” You enquire, now acutely aware of your own nakedness and her shifting blur not a foot away. “Couldn’t you have waited till I’m done? Or used the other bathroom?”

“I was desperate though Dad, sorry.” You hear the telltale tinkle of liquid hitting liquid. “Besides, it’s not like you haven’t heard me pee before. You always mention you had to sing to me when i was on the potty, usually at the most embarrassing times you can…”

It was true, you had used that story as one of those little moments of vindictive parenting one is allowed in revenge for all the other unfair advantages a child has over their parent in the battles of love. It would seem she had come to recoup those losses, though why now you could not guess. You heard her finish up and move to the wash basin before talking again.

“Anyway I don’t see why you should be embarrassed by it. You and Mom shared a bathroom for years! ‘Family shouldn’t feel the need to hide from family.’ That was one of the few things I agreed with her on! So…”

Suddenly a face appeared between the shower curtains, resplendent with a cheeky grin. “Move over and make room for me!” You were so stunned by her giggling confidence that there was no time to argue as the girl clambered in beside you, naked as the day you watched her enter this world. The water poured down around you both, rivuletting between her budding breasts. She had not quite yet filled out into the curves that would clearly mark her sleek womanhood, but the thin, angular form she held was perfect in itself. You tried your best to avert your eyes and hide your shame… but there was no denying the pull of her beauty. She laughed high and clear at your attempts to cover your crotch with a hand towel.

“Oh Dad, don’t be like that! I’ve seen it all before. The internet exists you know… and it’s not just boys that look at porn. Here, I’ll turn around if that makes you feel better.”

She did, but it didn’t really. Now you were just presented with her round little ass, given a rosy glow by the hot water washing over it. Still, you were aware enough to notice a heavy slump that came over her shoulders in that moment. As if a weight had been sitting there, held off by sheer will until she’d led herself into this moment of exposure.

“Can you… can you wash my hair for me Dad? Like you did when I was little?” The laughter fell out of her voice into a soft, wistful sadness. A true voice, washed free of all pretences.

Again caught off guard, you paused, but then moved to comply. Pooling some shampoo in your hands, then gently swirling it into her scalp. You could feel her begin to relax even from the first touch of your fingers, awash with the tenderness of nostalgia.

“I still… miss her. You know… despite how angry she makes me… I miss what we used to be…” She shuffled back a little, into your arms, yet the strength began to build back up again behind her words. “But she’s gone. We need to accept that, and move on. She left us both and we need to fill in the gaps for each other where she’s missing.”

Your magnificent daughter now turned around to look up at you and pulled her body into your’s with a tight embrace. “I’ve never said thank you, Dad, for staying close to me… even when you were left behind to pick up the pieces… I’m going to make sure that never happens again! To either of us, okay?”

She didn’t wait for an answer. It was a statement instead. The girl gave you one more squeeze then stepped back out through the curtain. Leaving you alone once more, with just the sound of water pouring away.

It was a few days later than that strange encounter. Little had changed except your daughter had now taken to leaving the door completely open when she showered, as if enforcing the notion that you both had nothing to hide from each other. You tried your best to just accept that this was a phase of her working through the troubles, and just tried not to be trapped on the landing when she stepped out dripping. It always seemed to happen though, more than coincidence would allow. Seeing her like that just brought back flashes of the feel of her body against yours as the water poured over you. The softest of her skin in that naked embrace. You had to hurry away, shaking the words ‘it’s not just boys that look at porn’ out of your head.

She still stayed mostly clothed, most of the time though. In the sticky, early summer heat you could hardly blame her for existing mainly in panties or short shorts. Her school uniform was still ditched unceremoniously every afternoon, although now it was often accompanied by an apparently ‘uncomfortably sweaty’ bra. At first you believed this was replaced with a new one, but any stray glance at the shapes her loose t shirts now cut across her perky chest told otherwise. She lounged and you wrote, often late into the evenings, ordering takeout when time had slipped away too quick to cook. One evening she demanded you watch a movie with her, a long held tradition you’d let go slack of late. She selected some sci-fi masterpiece you’d both seen a thousand times before and dragged you to the sofa, where she had constructed an elaborate nest of cushions.

Lying across this was just about the most comfy thing possible, though the reduced room meant the pair of you had to slot into each other to stay stable. Still, snuggling up during the movie was part of the nature of the tradition and you could wrap an arm around your daughter’s stomach without having to think too hard about her bralessness above. A little way into the movie, however, another problem arose. The girl had lain before you in the natural pattern your bodies meshed together with, which meant her prim little bottom was resting against your crotch. Now, thankfully today she was at least wearing shorts, but you yourself had been lazily dwelling in a just dressing gown and boxers all day. Boxers which were now becoming distinctly tighter within their enclosed space.

This was propagated by the fact that the girl was clearly having trouble getting comfortable. She kept shuffling around absent-mindedly, causing random bouts of friction between your two bodies. You could only hope she was too engrossed in the movie to notice the effect this was having on you. It certainly seemed to be the case because, if anything, she seemed to be bringing herself closer to you, squeezing your already swelling bulge into a tighter crevice. Her ass just kept wriggling from side to side, playing havoc with your boxers until… the nightmare grew worse. Your now full blown erection slipped out through the opening at the front of your shorts, the button having clearly popped open in all the movement. In panic you felt that hot, sensitive flesh resting against the soft silk of her shorts and, at the tip, even the skin of her back.

Everything froze, both you and her. By some miracle coincidence she had finally found a position of comfort just as you slipped free. For a minute or more you didn’t dare move a muscle, petrified by the feel of cool air and the slight fur of her back against your second head. Then, almost imperceptibly slowly, you attempted to free an arm to fix this awful situation. Except… you were foiled! With a quick movement she grabbed your arm into her own and pulled your embrace tighter.

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