Thirty Five

Thirty Five

"Are you sure, you really want to go. Like, the semester would soon be ending. Why don't you wait

instead." Sophie said to Alexia, as she packed her stuff.

"I have to leave now. I can't stay here anymore. I just have to go back home." Alexia replied Sophie,

throwing more clothes into her bag hastily. She felt so much pain in her heart, and that is why she feels

returning back home, would be a soothing balm to her heart. She could heal and forget about Aaron, if

her parents are there with her. She just needs her mother's arms wrapped around her, in a comforting


She sighs, then zips her bag. She turns around, and hugged both Jenny and Sophie. "Believe me, I

would miss the both of you. But don't worry, I will be back. It's not like I'm going away forever. I will be

back next semester, and you are welcome to come visit me, during the break. I love you guys." Alexia

said then hugged the both of them really tightly. Jenny and Sophie returned the hug, then they helped

her in carrying her bags, and together the three of them left the room.


Alexia stepped into her father's house, with a sad look on her face. She sighs tiredly, dropping her

luggages on the ground. She looked around the room, sadly.

She was wrong when she thought coming here, would heal heart. No! It didn't do that, instead it worsen

the case. She loves him, she loves her brother so much. And everything in the house, reminds her of


She sighs, then drags her bag on the ground. She was about climbing the stairs, when her mum came

out of the kitchen. "Steve, is that you. Are you back? Why are you... Alexia?. You, are here. I thought

you and Aaron are supposed to be back, atleast in a month time." Mrs Greg said, staring at her

daughter, with a quizzical look.

"Yeah, but I decided to come back more early. Aren't you glad to see me?" Alexia questioned changing

the subject.

"Yes of course, I am happy to see you. But are you done with your exams?. I'm just worried."

"I am done with my exams mum, exams are over, like since last week." Alexia replied her mum, and

she wasn't lying. Exams were already over, students are normally asked to spend another month in

school, and she couldn't stay for another month, due to the immense pain that she's feeling.

"Ohh I see. But.."

"There's no but, mum. I am here, and you should be happy to see me." Alexia said frowning deeply.

Her mum sighs, "yeah sure. I am indeed happy to see my daughter. I am so happy. Come give mummy

a hug." Mrs Greg said, spreading her arms wide. Alexia wasted no time, in rushing into her mum's


"You are welcome home sweetie." Her mum whispered in her ear, hugging her daughter really tight.

"Thanks mum." Alexia replied back.

"Well... Dinner would soon be served, so you go take your bath. And then get ready for dinner, once

you are done. Come back downstairs, and eat some food. You look really tiny. Ugh, look at what

university has done to my poor daughter." Mrs Greg said pouting.

Alexia smiled, deep in her heart.. she knew university wasn't responsible for her slimming down, but no

other person but Aaron.

She smiled at her mum, then climbed up the stairs, drawing her luggage behind her.


"Are you sure you don't want to eat more. You should really eat some more, you have grown really thin.

I can't even recognize my baby anymore." Mrs Greg cried out.

"Mum, I said I'm okay. You wouldn't want my stomach to explode, would you?." Alexia said frowning.


"Come on darling, if she says she's okay. Then let her be." Mr Greg said, looking up.

"But honey.." Mrs Greg pouts.

"Leave her, she just came back. Darling, you need to give her some pace. She's no longer a little baby,

that can't tell when she's full or not." Mr Greg argued. Mrs Greg pouts but didn't say anymore word.

"I need to take a walk in the garden, I will be back." Alexia stands up from her chair, and then walks out

of the dinning room without waiting for her parents to say a word.

"What do you think it's responsible for her moodiness?." Mr Greg asked his wife, chewing on crabs leg.

"I don't know. But I will have to find out, seeing her like this is killing me."Mrs Greg uttered tiredly.

"Do you think it's because of Aaron has refused to change schools?." Mr Greg asked thoughtfully.

"Aaron refused to change schools?." Mrs Greg asked shocked.

"Yes he did. But I don't think that should be enough reason for Alexia to be in such state."

"I don't know honey. When the both of them find out that they were going to be in separate schools,

they were really sad. So.. it's surprising that Aaron has refused to change school. But do you know

what, I will go talk to her and see what's going on." Mrs Greg said standing up from her chair, she

placed a kiss on her husband's cheeks and then walked out of the dinning room.


Alexia walked around the garden in complete silence, her mind drifting to the very first day her brother

kissed her. She touched her lips involuntarily, remembering every detail of that very kiss.

She remembered when he first touched her in the kitchen, and in the dinning room. And now, she's not

only inlove with her brother, but she's also addicted to him.

She sighs, then crouched down to the ground and plucked a lillie flower. She takes in a huge whiff from

the flower, drawing in the scents. She was once like this lillie, beautiful, white and delicate. She was

once pure and never a sinner in the sight of God.

Everything changed, since the day her brother kissed her, he shouldn't have kissed her that day. He

shouldn't have made her his girlfriend, he shouldn't have given her hope that their relationship would

last forever.

Maybe if he hadn't kissed her that day, she would still remained oblivious of the fact that her brother

loves her. And she in return, would try her possible best not to pass her boundary, or fall very in much

inlove with him. She would never had even dreamt of being under her brother, or try to even tell him of

her feelings. No! She would have done well.. to keep it hidden.

She sighs, then wiped away a few strands of tears rolling down her eyelid, she hugged herself looking

up at the sky.

"I knew I would have found you looking up at the sky, but what I didn't expect was to see my daughter,

wiping away tears from her eyes. Are you going to tell me what it is, that is disturbing my daughter. Are

you going to tell me what it is, that is making her cry." Mrs Greg said softly, standing behind Alexia.

Alexia turned around, "I'm sorry mum but I can't tell you anything. I wish I can, but the words are too

heavy to be spoken. I'm sorry." She said tearfully, wiping away more tears from her eyes.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

"Could you atleast, let your mother hold you. And maybe, try to ease some of the pains that you are

feeling." Alexia smiled at her mum tearfully, then ran into her arms. She placed her head on her

mother's shoulder, then started crying. Letting all the pain that she felt within her, out.


"So.. you won't be staying for the extra one month?." James asked Aaron, watching him intently as he

packed his bags.

"Yeah, besides... I don't see the need for me to remain here, when I'm already done with exams. I think

it's best, if I go back home now, that way... I could atleast get prepared before Alexia comes back

home." Aaron replied him, zipping his bag.

"Okay, if you say so. And I hope you get things sorted out with Alexia." James said to him getting up

from his bed, he exchanged the bro shake with Aaron, and without another word. Aaron left.


Aaron walked into his parents house, dragging his bag slowly behind him. "Aaron, you are here!." Mrs

Greg exclaims in shock, standing up from the couch.

"Yes, I'm here. Why? Am I not welcomed In my father's house, any more?." He asked with an eye roll.

"Of course you are. I'm just surprised, that you also cane back home today."Mrs Greg uttered In

uttermost shock.

"What do you mean by, *that you are surprised, Because I also came back home today." Aaron asked,

his heart beating. Did Alexia also come back home today?. Is she in the house, right now?. He thinks.

"Alexia came back home today, she just retired to her room not to long."

"Ohhh, well... I would go keep this bag in my room." Aaron said, already walking towards the stairs.

"Uhm... What would you like for dinner." Mrs Greg asked. Aaron turned around, "Anything is fine mum."

He answered.

"Okay son. Once dinner is ready, I will let you know."

Aaron nods his head, and then climbed up the stairs. His sister's room was before his, so when he got

to the front of her room, instead of doing the most wiser thing, which would be to head straight to his

room and bath. He decided to do something really stupid and foolish.

Without knocking, he turned the door knob of Alexia's room door, and walked into her room.

Alexia who was busy staring out her window, turned around on hearing her door open. Her heart got

struck in her throat, her lips stuck together really tightly. She was unable to say a word, instead she just

stood right there, and stare at her brother.

To her it was an imagination, and her brother wasn't really standing before her in real life. Everything

was all her imaginations. She must have thought too much about her brother, and that is why his

imaginary self is standing before her, in her bedroom.

"Alexia." Aaron called, more like in a whisper. A whisper that fly through the air, and got to her ear,

resounding a thousand times.

Aaron stared at his sister and he wanted nothing but to have her in his arms, to make love to her and to

make her his again, never to let her go ever again. Without thinking, he rushed to her and then pulls

her really close to him, and lowered his lips on her.

The kiss wasn't like anything they had ever seen, it was different from their other numerous kissing.

This was hot and passionate. This made their stomach rumbled, and explode with deep flames of


By the time the kiss ended, the two of them were already out of breathe, "I'm so sorry Alexia. I love

you, I love you so much. I wanted to so much break up with you, cause I wanted you to be happy, with

a relationship that is not hidden. With a guy, that you could introduce to our parents. But I'm sorry, I

can't live without you. You are the air I breathe. I am sorry if I am being selfish right now, but I can

never let you go Alexia." He uttered holding onto to both her hands, placing kisses on her face as he


Alexia held her brother face lovingly, gazing deep into his eyes. "I don't want you to ever let me go

Aaron. I want you to be selfish, I want you to be selfish."

Aaron smiled her tearfully, then kissed her on the lips. The kiss deepens and in no time, clothes were

flying around the room.

Aaron carried his naked sister and placed her on the bed, then climbed on top of her. They had no time

for foreplay, so he plunged into her deeply with his d*ck.

"Alexia, have you seen your brother... I... Oh my God, what in the world is going on here. Are the both

of you having sex right now!." Mrs Greg exclaimed in shock, staring at both her kids.

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