Timothy almost groaned out loud, but instead he returned her gaze, “Hi,” he replied. A little courtesy wouldn’t hurt anyone right?

“I’m Mirabel” said the redhead, batting her ridiculously long lashes at him. “Nice to meet you”

“Timothy” he said simply and she flashed him another smile. Timothy gripped his glass harder, and hoped that the Lady would just get the message that he would rather be alone tonight. But luck was not on his side today, because she made no effort to leave.

“So what are you doing sitting here all by yourself?” asked Mirabel. “You didn’t get stood up by your date now, did you? Of course you didn’t. Who would do that to a cutie like you”

Timothy shook his head. “No, I didn’t get…. stood up” he replied, “I mean, kinda. I was supposed to hang out here with a friend but he had to cancel. I figured I’d just have a coupled of drinks before I head home”

Mirabel smiled at him again. “I thought so, because who wouldn’t want to go out on a date with a man like you. Well I guess it’s okay your friend canceled then, since you have me to keep you company” she said. “I got stood up once by a blind date, and believe me when I tell you this, but it wasn’t funny at all. One of the worst nights of my life so I understand.”

Timothy wanted to repeat the fact that he didn’t get stood up because he wasn’t on a date, but he decided not to as there was no point. Maybe he would just wait for her to finish her drink and return to wherever the hell she just emerged from and he could finally have some peace again. Again, he was wrong because soon he felt her hand on his arm and he looked up to see her smiling at him.

“Wanna dance?” she asked. “You don’t seem too happy and I think I could help you fix that. Everyone is having fun… There’s no reason why you shouldn’t too. The band is good”

Timothy was fed up. All he wanted was some time to himself and this lady just wouldn’t let him have. “No, thanks. I think I’m fine” he said, then after a pause, he added. “And I appreciate the gesture but I would really love to be alone right now. If you don’t mind…”

Mirabel’s smile faded and her hand immediately left his arm. “Fine.” she said, her voice a little tense. “Have fun being alone”

Timothy almost laughed as she left. It was very funny when some women got rejected and they made a big deal out of it. Men got turned down all the time and they didn’t get all dramatic over it… at least he didn’t know any guy who did. Clearly Miss Mirabel wasn’t used to being told no. She was obviously one of those women who thought they could always get any man anytime they wanted.

Timothy returned his attention to his drink. He lifted the glass to his lips and was about to take a sip when someone else slid into the chair Mirabel had just left. He groaned inwardly and hoped this person wasn’t going to be as chatty as Mirabel was. The last thing he needed right now was to engage in any small talk with anyone.

“Is this seat taken?” the person asked in a feminine voice. Great, probably another chatty lady who isn’t used to being told no, Timothy thought.

“Yes, it is” he lied without thinking and hoping that she would just go away.

The woman chucked. “But there is no one sitting here,” she said.

Timothy’s ears perked up. He knew that voice, he thought. He would recognize that voice anywhere. In fact that voice had been stuck in his head for almost two weeks now. He turned his head in her direction, and of course it was her. Chloe Gilbert, standing next to him and staring at him with those beautiful eyes of hers and soft smile on her lips…

She had a confused look on her face, but she didn’t move away. “The chair is empty” she said, “So who is sitting here?” Immediately the question left Chloe’s lips, she regretted it, because, what if he was on a date? Maybe his date went out to the restroom or something. The stab of jealousy she felt at the thought was alarming, but it couldn’t be helped. It was just the way she felt and a sigh of relief almost left her lips when he said :

“No one. My friend, Charles was supposed to meet me here, but he canceled because he got stuck at work or something, so I’m pretending that someone is sitting there. Also, I lied because I’m trying to have some time to myself and I didn’t feel like engaging in any sort of conversation with anyone. Didn’t know it was you at first…. So… Sorry about that I guess”

He was blabbing like a nervous teenager, Timothy thought, and he hated himself for it. Just one question she asked and he was giving a stupid speech that he was sure she found extremely boring.

Chloe simply smiled at him, “So I guess I should move along then?” she said, deciding that it would be fun to tease him a little. “Wouldn’t want to ruin this… Whatever you got going on with your…. Imaginary friend sitting beside you.”

“Oh don’t be ridiculous” Timothy said and he flashed her a smile that made her toes curl and her silly heart do a little flip.

“I meant strangers…. And you are not… Well,… you are not a stranger”Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Wow. All those pauses. You are really trying to find a word to describe what I am.” Chloe said, but she took the seat. “I will try hard not to be upset about that”

Timothy didn’t really know how to reply, so he chose to be silent instead while Chloe ordered for her drink. The drink she ordered was brought almost immediately, and Chloe gulped down most of it at once, while Timothy watched her with surprise written all over his face.

“Everything okay?” he asked her as she dropped the glass back on the table.

“Hmhmmm” Chloe mumbled. “Why do you ask?”

He pointed at her almost empty glass, “Well, because of that. Don’t you think you should go easy on it. That stuff is really strong. And don’t you have to drive home?”

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