Sinful desires{steamiest short stories}


Nthing helped. The rm was just t stuffy t sleep n. Suzanna got up and groped sleepily fr the windw.

She pened the windw sashes and pushed the shutters wide pen. Fresh night air immediately streamed in, strking her sweaty bdy and making her shiver. But that was muh better than almst suffating.

What did the ld landlady, wh had warned her t sleep nly with the windw lsed? therwise, mnsters uld enter the rm, she had mysteriusly whispered. Pah! Thse were just superstitius fairy tales, ghst stries fr yung hildren.

The damp fabri f the thin nightgwn, whih reahed dwn t the ankles, stuk t her bdy, thus underlining the ntrast between her flat stmah and slender legs mpared t the lusius female urves in exatly the right plaes.

Her nipples std up in the l and squeezed themselves learly under the fine shirt.

Absentmindedly, Suzanna pened the laes ver her nekline and strked a drop of sweat frm the deep valley between her full breasts with the bak f her hand, whih slwly ran dwn there and tikled her.

Then she raised bth hands behind her nek and shk the lng red- blnde urls linging t her nek and bak. As pen as pssible, she ffered her whle bdy t the gentle breeze, wh aressed her and tk away the misture frm her sweat. A sigh f relief ame frm her red lips.

Suzanna gazed melanhly at the almst irular mn ver the frested slpes f the arpathian Muntains in frnt f her windw. She lved thse bright, mild mnlit nights in early summer.

When her father was still at the urt f Versailles, he had taken her t the balls frm her sixteenth birthday. n suh nights yu uld strll and dane in the parts f the park that were nt lit by trhes, fire baskets and andles, until the firewrks annuned the limax and nlusin f the ball.

She had met Pierre the same night ver tw years ag. He was harming, lked gd and, like her, ame frm an ld and wealthy nble family. Suzanna was as pius and haste as Pierre was elquent and daring. S there was the first intimate kiss in the shade behind a thik hedge. But n mre.

Beause they bth knew what was apprpriate. Sn they were engaged. But befre the day f their wedding uld be set, the revlutin brke ut n them.

Her father brught Suzanna and her mther t safety n his untry estate. When he said gdbye t Paris, Pierre made her prmise t wait fr him. He himself wanted t g abrad t fight the hated new regime frm there.

But when the mb that pillaged the untry huse killed their father, they had t flee. Her mther lst all urage and will t live, s that she died f a serius illness a few weeks later. Suzanna was fred t sell her mther’s jewelry, the nly ne f her wrth left, t pay fr her funeral.

And with the rest f the mney she bught a tw-hrse arriage and hired a ahman t drive her t the Blak Sea, where Pierre set up a regiment f Frenh exiles and ssaks.

S it was in the last letter frm Pierre that had still reahed her. Again and again she read his hpeful lines and pressed the paper desribed in his bld handwriting n her breasts, whih made her feel lse t her lved ne.

A pleasant shiver made her slim bdy shake. h Pierre! The thught f the man she had prmised made her knees weak.

She lsed her eyes and her muth pened just enugh fr the tip f her tngue t prtrude and wet her trembling lips. Hw muh she lnged fr Pierre’s kisses! After his gentle tuh. As sn as she fund him, they wuld see a priest. And she wuld be the same night.

Frm afar she heard a wlf’s lnely hwl and deep-seated fears hilled her iy shiver dwn her spine. Her eyes invluntarily sanned the edge f the frest.

But n, she almed dwn, n wild animal wuld apprah the lights that burned all night, prteting the huses and their residents. Her mind wandered again t Pierre and the destinatin f her trip.Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

She was abslutely ertain t find him thrugh her lve and lyalty ne she was in the plae frm whih he had sent the letter. Just like it happened in the many fate nvels that she devured. And every night she prayed t Saint Valentinus, the patrn saint f lvers, that he wuld bring them tgether again.

Tmrrw, frm this rest huse, the asent ver the steep pass rad wuld begin, then yu wuld sn reah the sea and finally yu wuld be reunited with Pierre.

She pulled herself ut f her wnderful thughts and yawned and went bak t the waiting bed. The heavy tp sheet knked her bak and nly lay bak n the bed vered with the almst dried nightgwn.

Then she pulled the lng shirt up frm her ankles t her thighs s that the fresh air uld als be brushed ver her legs, and finally she strethed all furs far away t give ff as muh warmth as pssible.

Satisfied, she snuggled int the sft mattress, withut wrrying that the wiggle f her hips made the hem f her shirt slide even higher, and finally sank int the deep sleep f exhaustin. The send wlf hwl n lnger heard her.

Like every night, he was hunting. As he trtted ut f the shadws f the frest, the silver light aught in his gray, shaggy fur, under whih strng musles emerged, and made it shimmer.

His sharp fangs flash dangerusly. At the edge f a liff, he sat n his hind paws, strethed his nek and hwled at the pale mn, his allies, his urse. n thse nights near the full mn, he was the strngest but als the mst restless, his thirst fr bld the strngest.

But peple had learned t stay behind the safety f their walls and walls n suh lear mnlit nights. S he was ften withut prey and his hunger was nt satisfied.

When he drew deep int the night air, his keen wlf senses reprted a smell that he had nt ntied in a lng time. Hardly did he want t believe that he uld finally find a prey that night.

He heked the weather again. The sent f this persn was unmistakably that f a yung wman. Her bdy dr was dminated by sweat, but with a slight hint f summer flwers that he had never ntied in this area.

Anther undertne in the fragrane nte, very faint, s that nly his supernaturally sensitive senses uld pereive him, tikled anther instint in him that he thught he had lng frgtten.

As far as he had extended his territry, he had never been able t find a female f his kind. His send howl sunded almst melanhli. Wlf nature has dminated his pursuit and atin fr years. That he had previusly lived a different life was an almst faded memry that nw returned uninvited.

The beast snrted relutantly. Hunger and hunting instint tk ntrl. His nse learly shwed him the diretin in whih t mve. He traveled mile after mile in the sharp wlf trt until the dim light f a urtyard lantern indiated that he was apprahing an inhabited human dwelling.

The sedutive smell was nw s strng that there was n lnger any dubt that its sure had t be here. But where? The big wlf irled the settlement suspiiusly.

As usual, he saw n human sul. N ne dared t g utside after the mnrise, despite the bright lamps that were used t dispel the darkness and fear. Then where did the sent me frm that had drawn him here?

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