Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox)

Chapter Thirty Seven: A Silent Omen

Chapter Thirty Seven: A Silent Omen

Aria ran a trembling hand across the now darkened mark etched on her skin. The once vibrant symbol

had turned into a deep, ominous blackness. She had always believed that when the mark completely

blackened, the whispers in her head would grow unbearably loud, consuming her every being until she

couldn't control the overwhelming urge to kill. But now, everything has been silent. Aria's inner turmoil

remained veiled behind a deceptive calm. Everything was silent, too silent.

She knew Silvercrest wolves were tending to their healing pack members. Aria knew that for now,

Julian wouldn't be a bother. She took a deep breath, hoping to alleviate the weight that had settled

upon her shoulders.

Just then, a soft knock echoed through the room, drawing her attention to the door.

"Can we come in?" Shana's voice carried a playful tone, mirrored by the mischievous glint in her eyes.

Aria's frown transformed into a warm smile as Shana and Melody stepped into the room. Behind them

stood Sophia, her presence more reserved but undeniably welcome.

Aria raised her hand in surrender, " I promise I don't bite."

Sophia stepped inside, a small smile gracing her lips.

Aria's eyes immediately went to the mating mark on Sophia's shoulder, still fresh and vibrant. "Mark

really went all out," Aria commented,

Sophia rolled her eyes, "Don't start. I've had enough from those two over there," she replied, motioning

toward Shana and Melody.

"So…." Shana started.

"So…" Aria repeated.

With her arms folded and a slight pout on her face, Melody spoke up eagerly. "So... spill it, Aria. Where

have you been? Why couldn't Knox find you? And why did you leave in the first place?"

Aria blinked, a mixture of surprise and confusion crossing her features. "Knox tried to find me?"

Shana nodded emphatically, her eyes filled with concern. "He went into the woods every day for the

past three weeks, searching for you. You should have seen him. He was like a wolf going insane."

"He was like a wolf who had lost his mate," Melody interjected, her voice carrying a gentleThis material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.


The revelation took Aria aback, her mind struggling to process the implications.

"You are Knox's mate?" Shana's question hung in the air, the weight of its significance palpable.

"I don't know," Aria admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I already found my mate. I mean, I

thought I did. I was so sure of Liam."

Sophia's voice held a note of empathy as she offered her perspective. "Maybe the connection you felt

with him clouded your judgment, or maybe the moon goddess took pity on you and gave you another


"A second mate," Melody mused, her tone laden with curiosity and wonder. "Have you spoken to Knox

about it? He seemed very interested in forming the mating bond."

Aria scoffed, a flicker of defensiveness creeping into her demeanor. "Please. I have nothing to say to

Knox, and I am not interested in anything that concerns him."

Sophia couldn't contain her mischievous smile any longer. "That's not what we heard happened on the


The memories of the day before flooded her mind, and the lingering emotions threatened to consume

her once more. She took a deep breath, steadying herself as she met Sophia's gaze.

"I've been dying to say it from the moment I stepped inside here," Shana added eagerly, unable to

contain her excitement. "I can't believe you shifted. How did it feel?"

Aria's shoulders relaxed slightly, a flicker of amusement crossing her eyes. "You shift all the time.

Shouldn't you know?"

"Don't give us that indifference crap," Melody chimed in, her voice teasing yet filled with genuine

curiosity. "I heard your entrance was epic, and your fur is as white as snow, a perfect match to Knox's

black wolf."

Aria shrugged, her nonchalant facade masking the deeper emotions swirling within her. Her wolf

growled in annoyance, demanding acknowledgement. She finally smiled, unable to suppress the thrill

in her voice. "It was the best feeling in the world. I felt her—the strength, the power. She consumed my

entire being. I don't know why or how she finally broke free, but it was...marvelous."

Shana, Melody, and Sophia exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. "Isn't it

obvious?" Sophia's voice held a touch of certainty. "Knox was in trouble. Your wolf wanted to reach her


"I don't think that was it," Aria countered, her voice laced with a mix of defiance and confusion. "There

was something more, something deeper."

"Why do you keep fighting it, Aria?" Shana's question hung in the air, the weight of their collective

concern resonating in her words.

Aria sighed, the weight of her conflicting emotions pressing upon her. "He said he would never be

interested in forming the mating bond."


"You told her you were not interested in forming the bond?"

Ryder's piercing gaze bore into Knox, his eyes filled with disbelief and a hint of accusation. They stood

in Knox's study, tension hanging heavy in the air.

"Not in those exact words," Knox replied, his voice tinged with defensiveness, arms folded across his

chest. He could feel the weight of his mistake pressing down on him, regret coursing through his veins

like a bitter tonic. He desperately needed a moment to collect his thoughts and find the right words to

explain himself.

Ryder clicked his tongue disapprovingly, frustration etched on his face. "Now is not the time to try to

play smart, Knox. That was why she left, wasn't it?" His voice carried a mix of disappointment and

annoyance, his words laced with a touch of exasperation.

Knox sighed, finally relenting. "I know I made a mistake. I wasn't thinking clearly," he admitted, his

voice tinged with remorse. "Can I have a moment, please? I need to gather my thoughts."

"You acted like you didn't know why she left. Then you went all crazy searching for her," Ryder

continued, his tone reproachful. "You could have saved all of us the trouble, that's all I'm saying."

Knox's lips tightened, and a flicker of pain crossed his eyes. "I know," he conceded, his voice laden

with guilt. "I just couldn't shake the weight of everything that happened with Becca. And then I made a


Ryder interrupted, his voice filled with frustration. "When you thought Rebecca was your mate and you

lost her. Besides, haven't you already broken one vow?"

A wry smile tugged at the corners of Knox's lips, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. "That was

satisfying," he admitted, a hint of pride coloring his voice. "If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that Julian

will be reconsidering that alliance. I'm certain your wolf had a field day."

"He has always wanted a taste of his blood. So, yes," Ryder replied, a touch of amusement cutting

through his stern expression. The tension between them momentarily eased, giving way to a shared

understanding of their primal desires and motivations.

A heavy silence enveloped the room, both wolves lost in their thoughts. Ryder broke the stillness, his

voice softer now, filled with a mixture of awe and reverence. "She shifted."

"I know," Knox responded, his voice tinged with a hint of longing and admiration.

"She was magnificent," Ryder whispered, his words carrying a sense of wonder and reverence.

Knox nodded in agreement, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. "I know," he murmured, his voice

holding a tinge of regret. The realization of what he had lost weighed heavily upon him, overshadowed

only by the daunting task of finding a way to make amends.

Ryder's voice broke through the silence once again, urgency returning to his words. "When are you

going to go find her and talk to her? Considering the fact that she is the only reason we won. Jacob is

right. She is a wolf sent by the moon goddess."

Knox's expression turned pensive as he considered Ryder's question. "I need to figure out a way to get

that Crystal off her, so we can finally have some peace," he replied, determination seeping into his

voice. "The witches are coming. Their leader said she has something that can help. I hope it will

provide a permanent solution."

Ryder nodded in agreement, hope glimmering in his eyes. " I hope so too," Ryder said, his voice filled

with anticipation

A momentary pause hung between them, allowing their thoughts to converge on a different topic.

Ryder's pride shone through his eyes as he shared his news, a glimmer of excitement illuminating his

features. "By the next full moon, the Nightshade pack will have their first mating ceremony."

Knox's eyebrows furrowed, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. "I still can't believe she's getting

mated to Mark," he muttered, his voice tinged with a hint of astonishment.

Ryder patted his Alpha on the shoulder, "Everyone in the pack shares the sentiment."


Sophia flopped down onto Aria's bed, her expression filled with frustration. "I don't know what to wear.

It's getting really frustrating," she lamented, her voice tinged with exasperation.

Shana, lounging on a nearby chair, rolled her eyes at Sophia's dramatic statement. Her gaze wandered

around the room, "You're being melodramatic, Sophia. Besides, if you don't know what to wear, just

wear nothing," she quipped, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Aria, perched at her vanity, turned to face the others, a playful smile playing on her lips. "That is a very

nice idea," she chimed in, her voice carrying a hint of mischief. Sophia responded with a mock hurt

expression, furrowing her brow in feigned offense. "I thought you guys were supposed to be helping

me," she protested, a playful pout forming on her lips.

Aria leaned forward, a sly grin spreading across her face. "Why don't we go to that lone wolf who

makes clothes? I need clothes too, considering the fact that I packed mine for the Moonlight pack and

left them there," she suggested, her voice filled with a touch of regret. Memories of the pack tugged at

her heart, laced with a sense of guilt for the pain she had caused.

The worst part was that she didn't know to what extent she harmed him.

"Aria, are you okay?"

She snapped out of her thoughts to look at Shana, "What?"

"I asked if you were okay. You completely zoned out."

Aria blinked, "Yes. I'm fine. Sorry I was just thinking of something. But I'm fine. So you were saying we

should go to the lone wolf's shop tomorrow?"

"I think we should even leave now. My mating ceremony is in two days. What if we don't find something

by tomorrow and we need an alternative. What if—"

"Sophia." Melody stopped her, "Relax. Everything is going to be fine. You are going to have the best

mating ceremony any wolf had ever seen and we will go find you a beautiful dress by first light


Sophia sighed in relief, the tension slowly dissipating. She felt grateful for the support of her friends,

knowing that they would do whatever it took to make her special day a memorable one.


Meanwhile, down the hallway, Kira walked with purpose, heading in the direction of Aria's room. Her

footsteps faltered as she found herself face to face with Knox right in front of Aria's door. The two

locked eyes, a charged silence enveloping them.

"Alpha," Kira spoke finally, her voice laced with a mixture of respect and defiance. The corridor's dim

lighting highlighted their contrasting expressions.

Knox glared down at her, his eyes narrowing with a mix of disappointment and frustration. "You were at

the border when they came. Why can't you stay out of trouble?" he questioned, his voice tinged with a

hint of weariness.

"I—" Kira began, her voice faltering for a moment as she sought to defend herself. "You never said we

shouldn't go to the border. You said we shouldn't leave the pack grounds," she retorted, her arms

folding across her chest in defiance.

Knox's lips tightened, his gaze unwavering. He found himself momentarily caught off guard by Kira's

audacity, a reminder of her youth and the stubbornness that often accompanied it. "So, you think you're

so smart, right?" he challenged, his voice laced with a mixture of frustration and bemusement.

"No, but I think you should stop being so mean," Kira retorted, her voice carrying a note of defiance.

Her gaze remained fixed on Knox, unwavering in its intensity. The exchange of heated words between

them revealed a clash of wills, the tension palpable in the air.

Knox, realizing the futility of arguing with a headstrong teenager, took a moment to compose himself.

"No, I haven't been glaring at you," Knox began, his voice softer, "It has just been a couple of rough

weeks. You are a part of the pack, no matter how much headache you are causing."

Before Kira could respond, Knox abruptly shifted his focus, his thoughts consumed by the task at hand.

He raised his hand to knock on Aria's door, anticipating a swift resolution to their current predicament.

Yet, as the moments ticked by without a response, a sense of unease settled within him.

The room was bathed in a soft glow, the gentle light casting a warm ambiance. Knox's gaze landed on

the slightly ajar window, a realization dawning upon him. There was an undeniable absence.

His attention was drawn to a note resting at the center of Aria's bed. His brows furrowed as he read the

words written upon it: "Sophia needs a dress, try not to miss us." The growl building within Knox

reverberated through the room, a mix of frustration and concern fueling his anger.

Why couldn't they just stay put?

At the door, Kira couldn't help but stifle a laugh, finding a semblance of amusement in the situation.

She observed Knox's reaction, the ferocity in his eyes, and couldn't resist teasing him. "Are you going

to ground them again, Alpha?" she asked, a playful smirk dancing on her lips.

He was about to make a comment but something caught his eyes through the window.

Knox felt the anger brew, that was how Julian entered the pack so easily.

Lydia's concerns were right. They had a mole within them.

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