Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox)

Chapter Ten: A Glimpse of the past

Chapter Ten: A Glimpse of the past

Aria paused trying to digest the information. How was it possible? It had always been obvious that they

were two completely different wolves but never for one second had she thought that they weren't really


"But I don't understand. How are we not sisters? We were born on the same day."

Lilian nodded, "You were. A really surprising coincidence. Your father had a twin brother, are you


"Yes. But it wasn't really something my father talked about. He only mentioned that he was gone and I

just assumed that he was dead but not banished. Is he still alive?"

"I don't know. No one has seen or heard from him in over twenty five years."

"Why was he banished?"

"It's a really long story. I'm afraid standing is not going to do us any good."

Lilian led her to a tree and they sat underneath it.

~Twenty five years ago~

The moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the Silvercrest pack's territory.

Gabriel stood in the heart of their domain facing his twin brother Lucas with an expression twisted with

anger and frustration.

Gabriel folded his arm, "Lucas you have to stop. You are going to be Alpha. No one is going to take

that away from you but if you continue with your plan, there will be dire consequences. Father is a great

Alpha. Wait your turn Lucas." NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Lucas snarled, "Father is weak. He is clinging to power while our pack stuffers. He's become

complacent, blind to the opportunities that lie beyond these borders."

Gabriel clenched his fist, "The pack thrives because of him. He keeps us safe within the borders."

Lucas laughed mockingly, "Safety? We've stagnated, Gabriel. There are alliances to be formed,

territories to be claimed. Our pack deserves more than mediocrity."

"This is not the way, Lucas. Our loyalty lies with our father and our pack. We should be working

together, not plotting against him."

Sneering, Lucas glared at his brother, "I don't know why I bother with you. You are weak and what does

loyalty do? Do you think loyalty will bring progress? We have the strength, the intelligence to lead this

pack to greatness. It's time for a change, Gabriel. With me as Alpha-"

Gabriel interrupted him, "You will be Alpha when father is in his grave because he died of natural

causes and not a moment sooner . We are family, bound by blood. Can't you see the damage this will

cause? A son killing his father to claim the position of Alpha."

Lucas' voice dripped with venom, "You always have to be the golden child Gabriel. Father has always

favored you more, for all we know I might not even be chosen as his heir even though I am the older


Shaking his head Gabriel sighed, "You have to stop before it's too late. Father loves us both equally. I

won't say anything because if father finds out, you'll be sentenced to death but if you try anything make

no mistake Lucas, blood or not, you will pay for your actions."

Lucas' eyes blazed, "Then you've made your choice, Gabriel. When the time comes, don't expect me to

show mercy."

With those final words, Lucas turned on his heel and stalked off into the darkness, leaving Gabriel

behind. The echoes of their heated argument hung heavy in the air, the chasm between the brothers

widening with each passing moment. The destiny of the Silvercrest pack teetered on a precipice, and

the bond of brotherhood stood shattered in its wake.

Lucas made his way deep into the woods under the cover of the night. The flickering campfire

illuminated his face as he stood opposite the leader of the Crescent pack.

Ryan narrowed his eyes, "How do I know you won't betray me once you have gained power?"

With a smirk on his face Lucas spoke, "My loyalty lies with those who share my vision. Together, we

can shape the future of our packs. Once I ascend to alpha, I will honor our alliances. The Silvercrest

pack will be a force to be reckoned with and so will the packs that stand beside it."

Ryan crossed his arms, "An alliance is all you plan to offer us? And what makes you think that you are

worthy of leading?"

Lucas leaned forward, voice dripping with confidence, "Power, my friend. Power and expansion. With

your support, we will claim territories beyond Silvercrest, forging a new order. Our packs will thrive, and

we will be the alphas of a new era."

"But what if your father discovers your plans? The consequences could be dire for all involved."

Lucas grinned wickedly, "Fear not. I've taken precautions. Our meetings will remain secret. Our plans

will be executed swiftly and with precision. No one will suspect a thing until it's too late."

"And what about Gabriel, your twin brother?Will he stand with you?"

"Gabriel has chosen the path of blind loyalty to our father. He will be dealt with accordingly. Let him be

blinded by his delusions. Our true strength lies in unity, in our determination to seize what is rightfully


Ryan nodded, "Very well, Lucas. You have my support. But remember, the moment you falter, the

moment you betray us, it will be your downfall."

"You have my word. Together, we will rise, and our enemies will tremble in our wake. Every pack will

bow before us."

As the moon cast its dim light upon the gathering, the pact was sealed. Lucas had gained the support

of the rival pack leader, setting in motion a dangerous plot that threatened to shatter the tranquility of

the Silvercrest pack.

Gabriel paced as he waited for Lucas at the entrance of the pack house.

On arrival, Lucas walked past his brother ignoring his presence.

"Lucas, we need to talk."

Lucas stopped as he ground his teeth in irritation while his wolf growled in his head.

He turned to him, "I have nothing to say to you unless you have had a change of heart."

Gabriel sighed, taking a step towards his brother, "You have to stop. This path you are on….it will only

bring destruction and chaos. Alpha Ryan is not a wolf to be trusted."

Lucas' eyes flashed black as his wolf lunged to the surface but then they returned to it's normal color,

"And how do you know about Alpha Ryan?"

"I followed you into the woods yesterday after our argument. You have to stop Lucas or I'll have no

choice but to tell father. I will not just sit back and watch you kill him."

Lucas crossed his arm, his voice resolute, "I've made my decision, Gabriel. Our pack needs a new

leader, someone who will push us to reach our true potential."

"Very well then Lucas. You are not going to change your mind so whatever happens next. It will be on



"Aria, we are leaving." The two female wolves turned to look at Ryder.

"I can't leave now. I am not done listening to the story."

Lilian laughed, patting Aria's hand affectionately, "Don't worry honey. There will still be plenty of time to

finish the story."

Aria stood up reluctantly following Ryder to the car where Knox was already seated.

"Aria." She turned back at the call of her name.

JB came running up to her, "We didn't really get a chance to talk. I know you don't really remember me

since you were so little."

"Lilian told me. I'm really sorry that I don't but with the alliance formed between the two packs I'm sure

we will be able to make up for lost time."

JB grinned, showing all his teeth, "I would really like that." He pulled her into a hug.

Aria got into the car and Knox's eyes flashed black. He could smell another male's scent on her and it

made him want to draw blood.

"I would gladly leave you. Afterall you were supposed to go to the Moonlight pack."

Aria ground her teeth but remained silent. Knox was fishing for a fight and she would not give him the


Ryder cleared his throat as Aria caught the smile on his face through the mirror, "Are we all set to go?"

Aria said yes at the same time Knox scoffed.

"You are an Alpha. Stop acting like a petulant child."

Knox turned to her, his eyes narrowed, "If I remember correctly. You eagerly agreed to join my pack so

that makes me your Alpha and as such you will accord me with respect."

Aria rolled her eyes, folding her arms which pushed her breast up. Knox's eyes traveled down and for a

moment he thought of how they would feel in his hands, how she would moan out when he marked

them with his teeth.

He froze as he realized the impact of his thoughts. He was never going to mark another wolf.

Rebecca's betrayal still hung heavy on him.

"You are an Alpha yet you pout your lips like a child. You pick unnecessary arguments like a child. I

don't even know JB neither am I interested in fucking him."

Knox tried to speak but she stopped him, "Neither am I interested in fucking you so you can save the

fucking attitude for someone who actually gives a fuck."

She finished, gasping out from her outburst.

Ryder laughed, "That is an awful amount of fucks Aria."

She folded her arms looking out the window angrily. Knox faced the other side of the window glaring at

the trees they passed.

Ryder laughed again muttering under his breath, "Children."

Immediately they got back to the territory, Aria flew out of the car.

Knox stood staring at her retreating back.

Ryder leaned on the car with a small smile on his lips.

Knox turned his glare to him, "If you have something to say just say it already."

Ryder raised his hand in surrender, "I don't have anything to say."

"Then stop looking at me with that knowing look. It's fucking annoying."

"Aria is right. You are acting like a child. You are both acting like children. A wolf needs to blind not to

see it so why don't you two just stop tormenting each other and fuck already."

Knox sighed, "It's not as easy as that. My wolf thinks she is his mate."

Ryder's eyes widened, "But how is that possible, she was rejected by her mate and you found your-"

Ryder stopped without completing the sentence.

"I don't understand it either but there can never be anything between the two of us."


Aria made her way to her room. How did he manage to drive her so mad when she had hardly known

him for a week.

She bumped right into someone.

"Fucking watch it." Sophia glared at her.

Aria's wolf stood ready to attack. She was in no mood to deal with the shewolf today.


Aria looked at her, "Well what Sophia?"

"Aren't you going to apologize?"

"Apologize for what?"

"You walked right into me. Here I was minding my business and you are here stirring up trouble."

"Sophia I'm really not in the mood for you. I've had a really long day, I just really want to go to my room

and rest."

Sophia laughed, "Your room? Don't let Lydia or those two bitches deceive you. You are not part of the

pack and you will never be. We were existing in peace until you came along and now the territory is

being threatened. Believe me when I say this Aria, most of the pack members share my resentment."

Aria's wolf wanted to claw at Sophia's face.

"Like I said Sophia. I'm tired. If you will excuse me."

Aria walked to her room, she opened the door but before she entered she heard Sophia say, "He will

fuck you and then discard you. Just like he does to everyone else."

If Aria didn't know better she would have thought Sophia was heartbroken.

Aria fell on her bed. Everything was becoming overwhelming. She was going to need to go back to the

Moonlight pack to hear the rest of the story. At the back of her mind, as much as she tried to push it

down, the conversation of the lone wolf with his men resounded in her head. Someone wanted her


She was about to close her eyes when something caught her eye.

She sat up, reaching for the necklace that was left on the table. There was a note beside it.

A little gift to show that you are welcome.

She smiled wondering which of the three she wolves had kept it.

Without another thought, she unhooked the necklace and wore it around her neck.

She closed her eyes still with a smile on her face, as she succumbed to the pull of sleep. The necklace

and the mark on her wrist glowed.

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