Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox)

Chapter Forty: The Price of Healing

Chapter Forty: The Price of Healing

Stories had been passed down through the generations about the Whispering Wood, its mysterious

aura capturing the imagination of those who dared to listen. JB had been fortunate enough to hear

some of these tales, but one particular story had stuck with him, resonating deep within his being. It

was a cautionary tale, warning that the Whispering Wood was not a place to be ventured into, for those

who entered its realm never returned.

Now, JB found himself standing at the entrance of the foreboding forest, his heart pounding with

trepidation. The line that marked the border seemed to be a threshold, a gateway that sealed his fate.

He couldn't deny the fear coursing through his veins, the uncertainty gripping his soul. To make matters

worse his wolf was no longer there. Its absence felt like a void, a loss that weighed heavily upon him.

Closing his eyes, JB took a moment to gather his thoughts. Memories of his mother's face flooded his

mind, the warmth and love he saw reflected in her eyes. He longed to make it back to her, to see that

tender gaze once more. Two choices lay before him, each with its own consequences. He could turn

back, return to the safety of his pack, and live out the rest of his days as an ordinary man. Or he could

muster the courage, take a risk, and venture deeper into the Whispering Wood, uncovering the

unknown possibilities that awaited him. With a resolute sigh, he made his decision, steeling himself for

the challenges that lay ahead.

As JB cautiously stepped across the boundary into the Whispering Wood, his senses heightened. He

expected to be enveloped by an ethereal symphony of whispers, insidious voices that would fuel his

darkest fears. Yet, an eerie silence greeted him instead, broken only by the gentle rustling of leaves in

the wind. He pressed on, each step carrying him further into the heart of the mysterious forest.

After walking for some time, JB decided to take a momentary rest. Finding a small clearing bathed in

dappled sunlight, he settled down, his weariness overwhelming him. Exhaustion washed over him like

a tidal wave, and before he could fight it any longer, he succumbed to a deep slumber.

Unbeknownst to him, JB's sleep was soon interrupted by a hushed conversation nearby. The voices

seemed to dance through the air, faint and barely audible. As he stirred, slowly awakening from his

unconscious state, he caught snippets of their discussion.

"Do you think we should wake him? Perhaps he's lost and needs help finding his way out," a gentle

voice whispered.

Another voice, tinged with impatience, responded, "June, I've told you before, learn to mind your own

business. Let's go; Mother asked us not to stay out too long."

Struggling to open his heavy eyelids, JB managed to focus his bleary gaze on the source of the voices.

Standing in front of him was a young girl, her face etched with worry. She couldn't have been more than

fourteen or fifteen years old, her innocence juxtaposed with the enigmatic nature of the Whispering


As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, JB's attention was abruptly diverted. His eyes locked

onto the figure that stood beside the young girl, his heart skipping a beat. It was as if time stood still, for

before him stood a vision of ethereal beauty. Her long, flowing white hair cascaded down her back like

a waterfall of moonlight, its shimmering strands a stunning shade of blue, reminiscent of the ocean's

depths. Her eyes, framed by dark lashes, held a captivating hue, a blend of azure and sapphire, as if

the moon goddess herself had bestowed upon her the most enchanting of features. Despite her

captivating appearance, a deep frown marred her otherwise flawless face.

With arms folded across her chest, she regarded JB with a mixture of suspicion and defiance. "Why are

you looking at me like that?" she demanded, her voice tinged with a hint of annoyance.

JB blinked, his mind racing to comprehend the scene unfolding before him. Slowly, he attempted to rise

to his feet, his muscles protesting against the effort. However, before he could regain his full stature,

Winter's claws extended, a warning not to make another move.

"Don't make another move or you'll regret it. I'll ask you once: Who are you, and what do you want?"

Winter's voice carried an air of authority, a fierce determination.

The younger girl, June, sensing the tension, interjected with a voice filled with compassion. "Winter,

please, you're scaring him. Can't you see he might be lost?" Her gaze softened as she turned her

attention back to JB. "Are you lost?" she asked gently.

Finally managing to rise to his feet, JB towered over the two females, his expression a mix of curiosity

and determination. "I'm not lost," he replied, his voice steady. "I'm here to find someone—the ancient


A momentary pause filled the air as Winter's piercing gaze bore into JB's soul. Her lips turned

downward even further, deepening her frown. "There is no one here for you to find," she stated firmly,

her voice laced with an undercurrent of warning. "Leave. You do not belong here."

The fire within JB's spirit flared, his patience wearing thin. Narrowing his eyes, he locked his gaze with

Winter's, his voice tinged with defiance. "And who are you to tell me that?" he challenged, his

determination shining through.

The tension hung thick in the air as JB and Winter locked eyes, their gazes clashing like opposing

forces in the Whispering Wood. Moments passed, each filled with an unspoken challenge, until Winter

finally broke the silence.

"I am Winter," she declared, her voice carrying a hint of resignation. "Protector of the Whispering Wood.

And you, stranger, should not have come here."

JB's gaze softened slightly as he absorbed Winter's words. He understood the weight of her

responsibility," Look, I don't want any trouble. I heard there is an ancient healer here. I took a risk

coming in here so please."

June, the young girl who had remained silent until now, stepped forward, her eyes filled with curiosity

and compassion. "Winter, maybe we should listen to him. There must be a reason he's risking

everything to come here."

Winter's frown deepened, her apprehension evident. "There will be consequences for the path you


JB's voice carried a sense of determination as he interjected, "I assure you, Winter, I am willing to face

those consequences. I've come too far to turn back now."

A flicker of empathy danced in Winter's eyes, her icy exterior momentarily thawing. She sighed,

relenting against her better judgment. "Very well," she conceded, her voice tinged with caution. "I will

take you to the ancient healer, but be warned, the path is treacherous and the price steep. She never

heals without a price."

JB nodded, gratitude and hope glimmering in his eyes. "I understand. I am prepared to face whatever

challenges lie ahead."


The dimly lit chamber was heavy with tension as the three she wolves exchanged wary glances.

Shana, her wild hair cascading around her face like flames, broke the suffocating silence. Her voice

was laced with disbelief and accusation as she addressed Aria, her voice trembling with emotion. "How

the hell did this happen, Aria?"

Aria, her silver eyes shimmering under the muted moonlight that filtered through the room's small

window, struggled to find her words. Fear and confusion danced in her eyes as she stammered out her

explanation. "I... I... was in... She came in and asked that Melody come see some other dresses, then

she came back into the room. I... I don't know. She was in front of me one minute, and the next, she

was on the ground. I don't remember touching her, I swear on the moon goddess's name."

Melody took a step forward, her emerald-green eyes blazing with concern. Her voice held a touch of

urgency as she voiced the troubling reality they faced. "What are we going to do about her? You could

be exiled for taking another wolf's life unprovoked."

Aria's voice quivered as she responded, her gaze fixed on the cold stone floor. "I didn't mean to. I didn't

even see it happen."

Shana took a determined step toward Aria. "That's it. We are taking that fucking necklace off you."

In a fit of rage, Shana lunged forward, her hand reaching out to grab the necklace and yanking at it

angrily. But as her fingers closed around the Crystal, an unexpected surge of energy radiated from it,

causing Shana to recoil with a piercing scream. The force of the wave sent her crashing into the

opposite side of the room, leaving the others startled and alarmed.

Aria and Melody rushed to Shana's side, their hearts pounding with concern. Aria knelt down beside

her fallen friend, her voice filled with worry. "Shana, are you okay?"

Aria shook her head, panic evident in her eyes. "Melody... she's not moving. Why isn't she moving?"

Melody's voice wavered as she struggled to comprehend the situation. "Shana, this isn't the time for

your jokes."

But Shana remained still, unmoving, casting an eerie silence upon the room. Sophia checked Shana's

pulse, her brows furrowed with deep concern. "She's breathing. She's just unconscious. We need to

get her back to the pack."

Aria's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she closed them, reaching out to her mate, Knox, through

their psychic bond. "Knox, I need your help."


Knox stood near a basin made of smooth marble, methodically cleaning the remnants of blood from his

hands. He knew that Melody would be devastated when she returned, but his actions were necessary.

He couldn't allow treachery to go unpunished, not when the very fabric of their pack was at stake. The

weight of responsibility settled heavily on his broad shoulders as he considered the implications of his


A soft knock interrupted Knox's somber thoughts, and he swiftly dried his hands with a soft napkin

before granting entrance to Ryder. This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

Ryder stepped into the room, his gaze respectful yet guarded, aware of the gravity of the situation.


Knox maintained his silence, his piercing blue eyes fixed on Ryder, silently urging him to speak. Ryder,

his expression unreadable, returned the gaze but remained silent, as if gathering his thoughts.

Growing impatient, Knox finally broke the silence, his voice laced with a tinge of annoyance. "Well?"

Ryder's gaze met Knox's, unwavering and filled with unspoken understanding. He hesitated for a

moment before responding. "Well what?"

"I'm waiting for you to tell me I made a mistake, that I should have waited for Melody to return before I

killed her mother."

Knox's features softened, recognizing the weight of his own expectations. as Ryder continued,"You

didn't make a mistake. She deserved it. None of us would be standing here if the narrative had

unfolded differently. But I do have a question. How did you know?"

Knox's eyes sparked as he began recounting the events leading up to the confrontation. "I saw her

through Aria's window. She was glancing around, looking suspicious, before she suddenly shifted and

vanished into the woods."

Ryder nodded, his mind processing the information with growing curiosity. "I thought the healers said

she was badly injured and that I shouldn't shift just yet."

"Exactly. So when I saw her shift, I followed her into the woods. It was there that she was meeting with


"Julian." Ryder completed.

Knox shook his head, " No. A wolf from the Silvercrest territory. I managed to catch snippets of their

conversation. I waited until she returned to the pack, and then I confronted her and she confessed to

only being here as a spy for Julian."

"Are you going to tell Melody the truth? That her mother was nothing more than a spy in our midst?"

Knox sighed, "What choice do I have?"

"Do you think she will forgive you?"

"I don't know but I did what had to be done."

Silence followed before Ryder broke it, "What about Aria. You saw Adeline through her window. Have

you spoken to her?"

"They left the pack—"

Knox stopped talking as a psychic wave washed through him.

"What is it?"

"It's Aria. She has done something to Shana and she is not moving— and her pulse is weakening."

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