Sexy, Seductive, and Sultry

Chapter 47: Attack

“Save him, get another room ready!” The doctor bellowed as Mario was rushed in.

Another doctor waited behind, asking Alessandro to see him.

“They were poisoned and we’re lucky they were rushed here immediately.. the president is awake but the two ladies are still unconscious” The doctor informed and he nodded, thanked the doctor and went to see the president.

“Is everybody fine?” Roberto demanded and Alessandro nodded, sealing his lips.

“Are they awake?” He coughed and Alessandro nodded, urging him to rest.

“You should get some rest, you would see them later” Alessandro instructed and he closed his eyes.

Alessandro went to Isabelle’s ward, she was still unconscious and his heart tightened, sadness burned in his heart as he thought of the kind of pain she must have experienced.

He sat on a chair beside her, put his head beside her and closed his eyes.

“Alessandro, is that you?” Isabelle stuttered, touching his head slightly, she had sat up and was staring at him through her lashes.

He raised his head up, eager and joyous, he stared at her with happiness and hugged her tightly.

“You got me so scared, I missed you” He muttered and she smiled.

“I missed you too”

“Where’s my father? Is everything okay?” She demanded and he sighed sadly, averting her gaze.

“What’s wrong? My.. my father is any.. thing wrong… with him.. he’s okay right?” She stuttered, tears beaming in her eyes and he nodded, closing his eyes.

“He’s fine.. just that Andrea.. he’s dead” He dropped and she gasped, her eyes widening with horror, shock and sadness.

He hugged her tightly, wiping her tears.

“We weren’t friends but death wasn’t what I wished for him” She muttered, sobbing and he brushed her hair slowly, trying to pet her.

“What about Ann and my father? They’re fine right?” She inquired, looking at him and he nodded sadly.

“When would we be discharged?”

“Probably in a day or two, the doctors would have to watch you for a day” He replied and she nodded.

“What about Mario? Is he aware?” She asked.

“He’s unconscious, he entered when the doctor disclosed Andrea’s death” He replied and they both sighed deeply.

Andrew and Annabella rushed to hug their mother immediately they sighted her, they went to Isabelle neck who hugged them tightly.

“I’m so happy to see you” Annabella confessed and Isabelle smiled, brushing her hair.

“Should I walk you to your room? Do you feel okay?” Annabella requested and She smiled, nodding.

“I’m fine now, you don’t have to worry” She informed Annabella and smiled broadly.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

Mario’s House

He burst into tears immediately as he entered his room.

“Andrea, my only son! I have other illegitimate kids but Andrea was my only pride. The greatest thing I had”

“I’ll never forgive you Roberto! I’ll make you pay for this with the life of everybody around you, you would never become the president”

“Hello sir, I’m sorry for your loss” Liam comforted, entering the room.

“Sorry? Would the apology bring back my son? I instructed you to poison the president and his family but you killed my son instead” Mario ranted viciously.

“I’m sorry sir, the problem was that your son was at the president’s house the day she decided to poison them and she wasn’t aware, the maid is dead already” Liam replied, bowing slightly.

“I want Isabelle dead at all costs. I want her death to be very painful.. Kill everybody close to Roberto, I want him to feel what it’s like to lose someone special” Mario instructed vilely and Liam nodded.

“When would Andrea be buried? Word has gotten to the public that he was poisoned” Liam disclosed.

“It’s up to the president, we plan on giving him a public burial, when would you eliminate Ann, she’s a big thorn in my flesh” Mario frowned.

“I’ll end her this week, probably at the burial” Liam disclosed and Mario nodded.

“Once again I’m sorry for your loss” Liam bowed and left. A few minutes later, Roberto, Ann, Isabelle and Alessandro walked in.

They were all wearing black and Mario tried to conceal his hatred.

“I’m terribly sorry for what happened, I didn’t like him but he was still my friend” Isabelle wept, hugging Mario who wiped his own tears.

“Take heart my friend, Andrea was my most trusted minister and the brightest, a rare gem is gone” Roberto asserted, giving him a brotherly pat.

“I feel sorry for him, he traded his life for ours… I pray vultures eat the person who instructed the maid to poison us, I’ll surely get to the bottom of it and avenge his death” Ann replied staring Mario with a sly smile.

“Ahh, that’s very true. We couldn’t get any clue since the maid died too, I’ll check the security cameras and try to figure it out, when do you want him to be buried? How did word get out that he’s dead?” Roberto demanded and Mario shook his head.

“We can arrange his burial tomorrow, we could declare the next day as a holiday and proceed with the campaign next week…” Ann trailed.

“Have you no shame woman? How would you feel if you lost one of your kids? Can’t you forget about politics for once? Do you think everything is about position? Don’t you have a conscience? How are you able to sleep with all your evil thoughts?” Isabelle cut in.

“Why should I be mourning someone who planned my downfall and took it?”

“What are you talking about?” Roberto inquired.

“Let’s start making plans for the burial… make the announcement today, I want it to be the talk of town” Mario instructed and Ann rolled her eyes, muttering some words to herself.

The church was filled to the brim with high ministers both from inside and outside the country, different shades of black ruled the day and Roberto, Mario and Isabelle could be seen at the front.

The priest called out people who had something to say and Isabelle stepped out, using a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

“Andrea and I had our worst times but we also had our best. We were friends from childhood though I can’t say the same for now… Death has snatched away a very rare icon and I have a deep feeling of emptiness inside me whenever I look around and can’t find Andrea..” She sobbed and Lettice hugged her, taking her outside.

Reporters filled the area and at the slightest opportunity, their cameras flicked and speakers were thrown at anybody.

They all proceeded to the morgue, reporters tried to get words from Isabelle and Roberto but they were blocked by guards, Ann who had been at a close distance was seen with several reporters surrounding her.

“I know everyone is aware that Andrea wasn’t the only one who was poisoned but sadly he was the only one we lost. We would never have another person like him, his family’s pride, the nation’s honor. We all sympathize with his parents and we’re aware that nothing can take away the pain but they should accept our condolences” Ann said sympathetically and reporters stared at her with admiration.

As Andrea’s coffin was lowered into the ground, everyone couldn’t control their tears except for Ann who had a smirk on her face, her face was covered with the hat she wore.

Selena was at a side, weeping and refusing to be comforted, Lilian was at her side, having a sad countenance on her face.

Isabelle stayed behind, Alessandro behind her. Selena walked over from her side with Lilian, looking like a hungry tiger who was about to devour its prey.

“What do you want here? You’ve killed him now so what else do you want?” Selena demanded, wiping tears away from her face angrily.

“Let’s respect the dead and not exchange words, you of all people should know that I have no hand in his death. There’s nothing I would gain from killing him…” Isabelle replied soberly and Selena laughed hysterically.

“He ate from your table, how could you survive while he died? Isn’t there more to it? How could the three of you survive yet only Andrea died, I’ll make sure y’all pay for this!” Selena yelled angrily, moving forward to grab Isabelle’s hair but Alessandro blocked her.

People began staring and from outside, reporters focused on them, trying to capture the moment.

Selena kept flinging herself at Isabelle who was repeatedly blocked by Alessandro.

“You killed my husband! You’re a murderer, you killed the father of my child! The only perfect man in this world!” Selena yelled, scattering her head and ripping her shirt.

She began screaming, laughing viciously as she continued ripping her dress.

Lilian tried to hold her back and calm her but she refused, pulling out her hair.

Mario’s guards rushed towards Selena who was shouting and crying like a mad woman, they tied her hands and legs then took her away.

Lilian stared at Isabelle viciously and Isabelle glared at her back.

“You are bad luck. A family that was once peaceful, you’ve ruined it”

“You are the one who’s bringing the bad luck, you’re related to Selena who is a mad hag and now Andrea is dead, I wonder what the fate of you two would be, ruining the lives of your close friends” Isabelle replied.

Lilian’s face swelled with anger and her eyes were filled with fury but she managed to stay calm.

“Don’t think everything is going to be okay, my family has gone down the drain, yours will go down soon. Rejoice while you still can because I know Andrea’s death would be avenged.. the person who poisoned Andrea would surely come back for the president…. Watch your back closely, even your friends would turn your enemies” Lilian replied and walked away.

A gun shot was heard and Alessandro held Isabelle tight, leading her through a different exit, teargas was thrown inside the cemetery, causing panic and confusion as everyone tried to save themselves.

Gunshots were heard around and the guards rallied round the president and his entourage, leading them to a safe environment, guards were shot and soon Roberto began running with his special guard.

Ann, who had been prepared, hid behind a pole, holding a gun.

“Drop your gun now!”

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