Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 37: Ch.36/ Declaration Of Love

Chapter 37: Ch.36/ Declaration Of Love

Alessandro's POV:-

After getting out of the car I hurriedly get inside the mansion with Anhuphama in my arms. I take her straight into our bedroom before I lay her down on the bed. I don't want to leave her but she needs to get a check-up so I leave her with Mrs. Ganguly who comes into the room with her medical equipments. I stand outside of the room with Mr. Ganguly who gives my shoulder a assuring squeeze.

I hear hurried footsteps but I don't look up because I only want to concentrate on my wife's recovery. However, I feel a tug on my pant so I look down to see that my princess is standing there while tears stream down her chubby cheeks. I crouch down in her level and wipe her tears with my thumb before I hug her tightly feeling her weeping silently.

"Shhh, baby calm down. Mum-mum is going to be alright." I tell her but she only shakes her head.

"Me wan mum-mum Papa. Me go mum-mum." She replies with hiccups.

"Not now princess. Your Auntie is taking care of mum-mum so please you go with Nonna and play with your brothers." I tell her and being the obedient daughter, she goes to her Nonna who takes her away from there.

It's been half an hour since Mrs. Ganguly is doing a checkup on Anhuphama but I just want to go inside and demand to know what's wrong with my wife. I am becoming restless to know about the whereabouts of my Cara. Suddenly the door opens and Mrs. Ganguly comes out of the room.

"How is Anu doing Jasmine?" Mr. Ganguly asks.

"Like I have assumed Anupama has fainted due to sudden shock. However, she is still unconscious but don't worry I have given her medicine so she will be up in an hour or two. You can go inside Mr. Bianchi but remember not to disturb her. Whenever she wakes up please don't forget to inform me." Mrs.

Ganguly answers making me sigh in relief. I thank her and get inside the room before closing the door. I sit beside Anhuphama and take her left hand in mine.

I caress the back of her hand with my thumb while looking at her sleeping form. I have never thought that there would be a day when I have to see her in this state. She is my salvation and I will be damn if something happens to her.

"Mrs. Ganguly has told me that you are fine but I don't have the heart to believe her Cara. So, please wake up sweetheart and look at me with your mesmerizing eyes. Because only then I will believe that you are completely fine and healthy. My existence is nothing without you because you're the only one who completes me. Before you come into my life, there was nothing precious in my life except my business. However, after meeting you I realized that money can only bring temporary happiness in anyone's life but can not bring permanent happiness that you have brought in my life. So, you need to wake up from your sleep and if you don't then I will surely get angry with you." A lone tear trail down my cheeks but I don't wipe it because I am not going to hide my feelings from her anymore. Despite not knowing what love feels like I realize that my growing feelings towards her are more than love.

Soon, my eyelids start to feel heavy and before I know it I fall asleep while holding Anhuphama's hand. I don't know how long I have slept, because in the middle of my sleep I feel her trembling before she starts mumbling up some incoherent words while tears streaming down her face. I try to wake her up but that only makes her panic more.

"N-o-o not him too. No pl-ea-s-e." That's all she is saying for the past ten minutes.

"Hey, Cara look at me. Stop panicking love, please calm down." I try to calm her down by wrapping my arms around her but she starts to thrash in my hold.

"Ale-ssan-dro ne-ed me. I ne-ed to s-a-v-e h-im." Finally, I realize that she thinks that something has happened to me.

"Cara open your eyes and look at me. I am completely alright sweetheart." I tell her and put her quivering form on my lap. Slowly she opens her eyes and looks at me for some time to observe as if I am saying the truth or not before clutching my shirt tightly in her fists. Heavy sobs wreck her body making my eyes moisture.

"You scared me so much, Cara." I mumble in her hair as I try to hold back my own tears.

"Please don't leave me, Alessandro. I don't want to live without you." She replies while crying.

"Neither I nor you going anywhere so stop crying love. I hate to see tears in your eyes." I tell her and wipe her tears with the pads of my thumbs. She nods her head and wraps her arms around my neck tightly. I rub her back while kissing the side of her head.

"I need to call Mrs. Ganguly to let her know that you are-" She shakes her head rapidly stopping me in mid-sentence.

"No, don't leave me alone please." She cries out making me sigh.

"Okay, I will not call anyone. Shh, now calm down." I reply before running my hand through her hair. After some time she pulls away her face from the crook of my neck and looks at me with fear visible in her eyes.

"Talk to me, Cara. Why are you looking so scared?" I ask her.

"I thought that I have lost you Alessandro." She answers back while playing with the buttons of my shirt.

"How can something happen to me when I have a daredevil wife?" I try to lift her mood by joking however she doesn't seem to like my joke because more tears fall from her eyes.

"You don't understand what you mean to me, do you?" She asks with a sad tone. But I don't have any answer to her question because I really don't know what I mean to her.

"You are my heartbeat, Alessandro. Without you, there will be this body but there will be no heart in it. You are the feeling that I never want to forget nor do I want to break away from you. When I saw that chandelier falling, the only thought I had was to save you. Because I love you so much that I can't bear to let anything happen to you." My breathing seems to stop for a second after hearing her heartfelt confession because I have never dreamt of her loving a monster like me.

"I don't care if you love me or not because that will not stop me from loving you." She says while looking intentionally in my eyes. I don't reply instead I kiss her passionately to let her know that I feel the same way as her. She kisses me back with the same passion making me feel thrilled to know that finally, I have someone who loves me with my flaws.

"I love you too Tesoro." I tell her after we pull away from the kiss. She gives me a small smile and puts her head on my chest where I am sure she can hear my rapid heartbeat.

"I hope now you clearly understand what you mean to me." She whispers after some time making me chuckle.

"Thank you for loving me, Cara." I reply softly. But I don't get any response so I look down at her to see that she has fallen asleep. I lay her on the bed carefully before covering her with a blanket. I give a lingering kiss on her forehead while caressing her cheek with the back of my hand.


Anupama's POV:-

When I wake up this morning I realize that I am alone in bed. There is no sound coming from the washroom so I know that Alessandro is not in the room. I bit my lips when suddenly I remember the

incident from last night. It still feels like a dream that both of us have the same feeling for each other. I just hope that nothing can separate us anymore.

Without wasting more time I get out of bed and get into the washroom to take a warm shower. The weather has been very cold for a few days so I have chosen a woolen long top with a pair of leggings as I will be staying in the house today. After taking the shower I brush my teeth before getting ready for the day. However, when I get out of the washroom my eyes widen in surprise seeing a half-naked Alessandro coming inside the room.

I put my palms over my eyes not wanting to see anymore. When I don't hear anything I take one palm from my eye and notice that no one is there. Haa! How can that happen when I have clearly seen him.

"Are you looking for me, Cara?"Someone whispers in my ear from behind making me turn around to see that Alessandro is standing there with a playful look on his face. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Not at all." I reply with a blush but he doesn't seem to believe me. Because he puts his arms around my waist and pull me towards him. I can feel my heartbeat quicken by the close proximity between us.

"You are a very bad lier, Cara." He says and put a stray hair behind my ear.

"I am not lying. But may I know why you are walking half-naked in the daylight?" I retort while crossing my arm in front of my chest.

"This is my house, this is my bedroom and you are my wife so what's the big deal if I walk half-naked or fully naked? Don't you like what you're seeing?" He asks winking at me. I swat his arm before pushing him away from me. He starts laughing loudly making me smile because I always want to see him this happy.

"You are such a pervert." I swat at his arm playfully. He looks down at me with eyes full of love and give me a kiss on the lips while he wraps his arm around my waist.

"I love you Cara." He whisper after putting his forehead on mine.

"I love you too Alessandro." I reply back making him smile against my forehead.

"I am going downstairs to prepare breakfast. Come fast if you don't want to miss anything." I inform and walk away from there with a silly smile on my face.

Upon arriving in the kitchen that Jasmine di and Mama Melody are already preparing breakfast-making me pout. It's been long that I have prepared breakfast for everyone because with my study and office work I don't get much time to spend in the kitchen like before.

"What's with that sad face Anu?" Jasmine di asks while stirring something in a pot. I go in front of her and look over her shoulder to see that she is making Ghugni while Mama Melody is frying Luchi. My mouth water seeing my favorite breakfast is being made.

"Hmmm, I guess someone is impressed with our preparation Jasmine. Just look at her face, she is drooling." Mama Melody comments making me wipe my mouth but then I realize that they are making fun of me.

"Both of you are so mean to me." I grumble under my breath.

"That's right. Why are you pulling my sister's leg so early in the morning?" Riya asks coming into the kitchen. She puts her arm around my shoulder while giving me an 'I can feel you' look.

"We are not pulling your sister's leg Riya. We are just trying to know why our dear Anupama is glowing so much as if she has accomplished something precious to her." Mama Melody replies making me cough loudly because I am not expecting her to say something like that.

"Here Anu drink some water." Jasmine di hands me a glass of water which I drink in a go. When I put down the empty glass on the counter I notice that three pairs of eyes looking at me in accusation.

"Why are you giving me this look?" I inquire.

"Come on Anu, now spill the beans already. He didn't even inform me when gained consciousness last night. When I saw him in the morning and asked about your condition that's when he told me that you are absolutely alright. But you know what? He has the same glow as you have in your face. So, I am sure that something must have happened between you two last night." Jasmine di explains and anyone can hear the pin-drop silence around us before three of them starts to throw question after question towards me.

"STOP!" I scream making them halt. I narrow my eyes and point my finger at them.

"I am very hungry right now so first feed me and then I will think if I want to tell you everything or not," I announce and get out of there before sitting on the dining table. Advira and the dogs are already eating their breakfast but when they notice me Advira starts to call out to me while the dogs start whining to get my attention. I get near them and bend down to kiss all of their heads before feeding them one by one. Soon enough they are done with their breakfast so I clean their mouths with wet wipes and tell them to go play in the backyard.

When I turn around I bump into three nosey people who are giving me pleading looks but I ignore them and sit down in one of the chairs. They groan in defeat but suddenly someone put a plate full of Ghugni and Luchi in front of me on the table.

I look up to see that Dadabhai is the one who has put the plate on the table. I ask him to join me and he does that with a smile. He tears a small part from the Luchi and wrap some ghugni in it before feeding me a bite of the deliciousness.

"That's unfair Subho. We were having a very important discussion then why did you come here?" Jasmine di accuses but only gets an eye roll in response from Dadabhai.

"You guys were harassing my sister so I have to come to her rescue." Dadabhai replies with a sass.

"We were not harassing her, we were just asking her some questions." Riya replies while putting her hands on her hip.

"Okay, children calm down. You guys can argue as much as you want but first, eat your breakfast." Mama Melody orders.

We all eat our breakfast while talking with each other but Alessandro doesn't arrive yet so after finishing my breakfast I take his breakfast in our bedroom. Surprisingly, I don't find him there. I decide to call him but then I notice that his phone is on the nightstand. I come downstairs and ask the maids if they has seen Alessandro, they inform me that he is outside talking with Samuel.

"I have gotten to know that there was no problem with the chandelier when it was set up before the party. But when I asked the technician about the reason behind the accident, he informed me that someone must have cut the chain of the chandelier for it to broke down." I hear Samuel say this to Alessandro who looks very furious.

"Did you get the details about who could be the person?" Alessandro asks.

"Not yet, Boss. But I believe that by tomorrow I have all the information in my hand." Samuel replies confidently.

"I want the correct information by tomorrow and if I don't get it then you are going to have a bad time Samuel." Alessandro threatens and dismiss Samuel from there.

"I told you to come downstairs for breakfast then why didn't you come?" I ask while standing beside him. He looks at me and hug me from sideways.

"I know you have already heard what Samuel told me." He says making me pout.

"But I wasn't listening to your conversation intentionally." I complain.

"It's alright to listen because I don't want to think that I am hiding something from you. Actually, I was coming for breakfast but then I got Samuel's call so I directly came here first to know about last night's incident." He replies.

"But why would anyone do this?" I ask.

"I don't know about that but I can say that someone wanted to kill both of us or maybe one of us." He replies making me scared. I clutch his sweater tightly in anxiety because I don't want to lose him. I have already lost so many people in my life that just the thought of something happening to him is frightening me to the core.

"Hey, why are you crying?" He asks while wiping the tears with his thumb. I don't even know when I have started to cry.

"I am scared, Alessandro. I am scared to lose you." I confess with a shaky voice.

"No one can separate Alessandro from his Cara and if anyone dare to even try separating us, they will have to face the beast in me. I may be loving and caring with you but not with my enemies. So, stop worrying so much and smile because tears don't suit you." He says and hugs me gently. I snuggle close to his chest feeling content to know that my husband will keep his promise.

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