Running Into Figure Six


Rooney’s POV

Rooney Wayne looked up when the gym clothes he placed on the counter fell straight into his washing machine.

“That’s a smart move, dude ” he chuckled, adjusting them and pouring detergent into the fabric with a smirk on his lips.

It was a warm day, and he had just gotten warmer from all the press-ups he did that morning. Music and breakfast was the next thing on his agenda after his cool bath, and so he still had his earphones in. Music and breakfast was like ‘bread and jam’ in his case.

Walking towards the kitchen in long strides, and dressed in a pair of track shorts and a fitted vest, he hummed to himself the lyrics of It’s a Sunny Day by Nicole Mckinney. His kitchen was almost empty. Only thing he could manage to prepare was pancakes. He got out everything he would need for the cooking, and then went back to his room in quick steps as if he left something.

The sun’s rays was starting to seep in through his plush yellow curtains, and the only thing he could think of, was if his female neighbour next door had shopped for curtains yet, or if she had breakfast yet.

He had seen her the previous night, and she hadn’t looked too good. His phone beeped before he could decide what to do with his thoughts, but he ignored it. It was his associate, and business was the last thing he wanted to talk about now.

“I should see if she’s fine at least. She has no one to talk to ” he soliloquized, not realizing he had mistakenly picked the call.

“You should, if it bothers you this much” the voice at the end reminded him he was not alone in the room even if the other person was not physically present.

“What is it, Cole? It’s too early for a call, I’m not your girlfriend. ”

“Relax, man. It’s good news. We got the contract. We fucking got it!” Rooney unplugged his earphones quickly because the man was yelling.

“Okay, you could have presented that better, I almost lost my hearing ”

“It’s because i’m happy. We should celebrate. Let’s see, a drinking spree tonight at your place, with the boys?”

“No, hell no. No drinking at my place”

“At my place then or Wills’?”

“Text me the address after you decide. Bye for now, buddy ” he said, hanging up first. He was going to check on his neighbour.


I was not expecting anybody since I know nobody in New York , so I was a little jittery when my doorbell rang.

I also grabbed my phone immediately because Gerald said to dial 911 if I sense anything fishy. The quarters is mostly always quiet- I’m usually alone in the whole of the building, like now.

“Who is it?” I whispered, instinctively grabbing a fish pole in a corner of my room.

“Anyone home?”

“I said who the hell is it? Stop ringing my doorbell too much, I’ve got an headache!”

By this time, I already saw him in the window and I didn’t care that I was yelling. He seemed to enjoy making me jump.

“Sissy, it’s me” For the first time since he had been talking to me, i felt his voice in my stomach, it went through my ears, scrunched into my heart and dropped in my stomach. It was masculine, very serene and intimidating at the same time.

I had to give that to him- he’s got a sexy voice. No, I shouldn’t use sexy for a stranger. Maybe nice. Very nice.

“Can I come in?” I slowly opened my door and was met by a pair of inviting turquoise eyes. “Sure” I found myself saying, letting him in. I should send him away but I did not.

He smelt so good like mint and strawberry dipped in chocolate and something else I can’t place my hand on. It should be a crime to smell that good, for real. I wanted that smell to linger in my room a while longer.

No of course, it had nothing to do with him. I’ve met with many attractive men and this one with me was attractive without trying, but it’s none of my business. I just appreciate nice smells is all. He smells like my boyfriend too.

“Are you okay, sissy?” I don’t know why he asked but I was angry at that question

“Clarissa” I clipped, trying not to yell.


“Clarissa is my name, don’t sissy me!” For a girl in such vulnerable circumstance, I must have been a little too overbearing to this tallllll, sweet-smelling stranger in my room.

But I was not in the least bothered. I was a little sure he could never hurt me and I had no idea where the confidence came from.

“Oh, Cla-clarissa, I’m Rooney, nice to meet you”. I was too pleased to hear that he called my name so perfectly well that I didn’t realize I was grinning. That must have made him a little uncomfortable because he started to look nervous.

“I was worried. About you. You have not been out of your room since you returned from work last evening. I personally think you work too much” I thought of the best way to respond when he added, “You’re my newest neighbour and I should care “. Dammit, he really had to say that.

“Yeah, I’m a little indisposed. No appetite and high fever too” I responded, matter-of-factly.

“I figured”

I badly needed someone to get me some medicine because I was too overwhelmed emotionally to go out yet. The voice of Gerald’s whore would not leave my head even with the movie and cereals. As silently as i could, I muttered the question that’s been on my mind since I realized he was my neighbour “Are you stalking me?”

“Had any breakfast yet?” He responded like he didn’t hear my question, or perhaps he chose to ignore me. He must not have heard bexcuse I barely heard myself too.

“Huh? Have you eaten?”

I pointed to the cereals on my thighs and he laughed. Fuck, he could compete with Gerald for real.

“You need real food, Clarissa. Real food. I’ll be right back, okay?” He then dashed out of my room in a jiffy. I almost asked him how he knew my name, then I remembered I told him a few minutes ago. I really should shut this guy out before he started to pose threats on my life. That’s far from what I needed at that point in my life.

For some reason, he felt familiar, the way he chatted with me like an old friend, or maybe he was just like that- carefree and friendly. Not just familiar. He felt danger too.

When he returned fifteen minutes after, with a plate of chicken salad, chopped lettuce, mayonnaise and peas mixed with diced tomatoes, plus some tablets in a customized nylon, I temporarily stopped regretting coming to New York.

I almost bowed down to him in adoration.

No, I actually did bow.

“Thank you, I appreciate this”

He laughed because I bowed, and then he said, “I’m sorry I didn’t buy you a drink”. I simply nodded and took out my apple drink from my drawer. Wills Taylor’s meetings definitely served the best apple drinks in the whole wide world.

“I promise it will be jambalaya next time”

I cut my eyes to him and opened my mouth wide because he caught me off guard. How did he know I liked jambalaya?

“With lots of chicken, yes” he said, tapping his forehead as though he were wracking his brain for something .

“So, Clarissa, how have you been coping with everything?”

“Can you not be here in the next second?” I deadpanned , and he glared at me, his eyes holding a resolve to remain in my house or I do my worst.


“Because I want to enjoy my meal” I said, hoping he would take the hint and go out. Surprisingly, it worked, because he walked out after giving me a wry smile.

But he had only walked as far as behind my door. I didn’t know, so I began to eat, and oh my, was the food so tasty.

“Is it going well for you here?” He whispered from my window, his voice sending chills down to the pit of my stomach.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Quite well. I’m enjoying every thing, I swear” I said, drinking and munching like a voracious bitch.

He laughed again, and said, “You know what I meant, but your sense of humour is top-notch ”

“You meant everything, like working and returning home? Fine, i guess” I sighed, biting into my chicken salad which tasted like heaven. I don’t know what i was doing really.

“Do you ever get calls from home?” He mumbled, waltzing in at the same time, and I could do anything to save myself from that embarrassment. Whether it was the oily bits of chicken on my cheeks or the offensive question he asked, I did not know. All I knew was, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

when he asked that obviously offensive question, I stopped eating and faced him intently, and could not look away because I was flushed.

I wanted to send him out of my room but his face was too friendly, too perfect to be stained by my aggression.

How could he destroy our chat with that annoying question?

“Why are you asking? You know nothing about my family”

” I just want to be friends with you, and friends talk about families and work”

“I don’t want to be your friend” my voice was back to being curt. ” I don’t know you, Randy”

“Rooney” he corrected and I scoffed. He’s just too annoying.

“So it’s Rooney like I said” he reiterated

“Don’t be stupid, I’m not deaf, and I still don’t know any ROO-NEY.. Sounds like an ass-licking character from a movie with no sales” I mocked.

“I’m glad you’re eating my homemade meal without knowing me though. It’s a honour” he said, deliberately ignoring my words, and looking painfully serious.

I had to stop eating already. For real, what was I doing?

I literally didn’t care. This man can cooook. Was he a chef or something?

“What do you want, stranger?” I stood up, facing him. “My mood is ruined as it is, I don’t want anyone making it worse” It was a lie- I couldn’t wait to get back to my mouthwateringly blissful chicken salad.

He stood up too and I had to take a step back because his height was intimidating. “To bring your appetite back. That’s what i want” he simply stated, matter-of-factly with a smirk on his lips.

“Fine, you failed ” I objectively announced. ” Go away please”

“No, i didn’t fail, but I will just get out anyways. Don’t forget to swallow the pills too. I guess nothing helps a woman when they’re PMSing” he said and hurriedly walked out before i could react to his last statement. Who told him I was on my period?

“Please don’t come here ever again or I’ll call the police!” I yelled after him

This guy was really going to either make me regret my renting a space here or make me call 911 first.

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