Rise of the She-Wolf

Chapter 38 Colin

Colin’s pov,

Colin clenched his lips around his cigar while carefully counting the coins in front of him. There had been a good profit today, his pack would be happy with the extra bonus. Colin was the alpha of the Irish wolf packs in Ireland. He became rich by gambling in dog races. As a werewolf, he was extremely well at predicting which dog would win. He could sense it somehow. His family was big with 3 brothers, 2 sisters, and his mother. They started with nothing, but their pack quickly grew together with their riches. It only took him 2 years to become the Alpha of all the wolf packs in Ireland.

Nowadays he owned pubs in every city, and he had a large collection of smuggling boats. Everything Colin touched turned into gold and the world knew it. He had no shortage of business offers from packs in other countries. He worked hard to become the best trademark to get goods into Europe. But he was always looking for new business opportunities. His newest project was getting into the rum business. He gave his brother Donny the lead over experimenting with recipes but so far everything tasted like pure shit. But he would figure it out eventually because he always did.

He took a sip of his whiskey before leaving his office and joining the after-party from the race. Everyone cheered his name and raised their glasses when he walked in. He was loved by many because he always shared his profits with his pack. But they also knew they should not fuck him over because disloyalty was the one thing Colin could not stand. He had no mercy for snakes and had no problem taking ruthless actions against enemies. Many high-born ladies looked at him longingly with their doe-eyed eyes and perfect pose when he walked by. Colin did not even glance their way; he knew every eligible lady and they all bored him to death. He would rather be alone his whole life than marry one of those submissive doves. He was still waiting for the day that he would meet his match. Which was unlikely because it was a man’s world currently. There weren’t many men that would encourage a woman to think for herself. Colin however got raised by his mother all on her own. She made sure they survived by using her clever mind. So, in Colin his opinion women could also do remarkable things if they got the chance.

Annie his younger sister ran towards him and dragged him to the dancefloor. She was a lively thing with big green eyes and long red hair. Many had already asked for her hand, but Annie was a free spirit and Colin would hate to see her crushed. “Please dance with me brother. I cannot seem to escape Sir Donnols grips.”

Colin smiled warmly at his sister and waltzed with her over the dancefloor. He whispered, “Don’t worry love. I would never give your hand to that piece of gobshite.”

He danced with all his sisters until his mother Maggie came to him and said they should have a family meeting. Colin instructed his brothers and sisters to get in the car who would drive them home. They arrived at their big country mansion and colin lit the fireplace before he sat down on the couch. He looked at his mother and said, “Well out with it Mum. What was so important that we needed a family meeting right now?”

His mother looked almost excited when she replied, “We just heard that alpha Don Lorenzo and alpha Carlos have been killed.”

Colin frowned, “Killed by who?”NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“By Carlos his luna Julietta and the new beta of Don Lorenzo, Vanessa. They took over the Latin American and Italian American packs and got accepted as the new alphas.”

His sisters gasped and Annie said stunned, “They are women, and they became alpha? That is so cool.”

Colin coughed, “Now, now dear let’s calm down and not applaud murder immediately.”

He looked at his mother, “Who is this Vanessa? I never heard about her.”

“I asked around a bit and apparently, she came to work for Don Lorenzo his pack just a couple of months ago as an omega. She climbed the ranks quickly they say because she was very smart. They also say she has moon-souled eyes and is a rare beauty. It is all very strange and remarkable.”

Colin mumbled, “Interesting indeed.”

His mother brought out some glasses with drinks and toasted, “Well we all know both those alphas were cunts, so I say good riddance.”

Colin could not disagree with his mother. Carlos had been an arse. He had tried to scare Colin into doing business with him. But Colin immediately knew he was as thick as shite and only half as handy when he met him. The stories he heard about Don Lorenzo weren’t any better.

“Are you going to do something about it, Colin?” Donny asked.

He shook his head, “Nah they pose no danger to us so. I am sure they will get in touch with us anyway because who wouldn’t want to do business with the great alpha colin, oi?”

And of course, he was right because a few weeks later his men brought in a muscular, black man with ember eyes. Colin scanned his calm composure and knew this must be the famous spy: Shadow. He had heard many stories about the black wolf that seemed to be able to get information everywhere. Colin had nothing to hide so he welcomed him into his home.

“What can I do for you Tomasso?” he asked. He could see a hint of surprise in Tomasso his eyes when Colin revealed that he knew who he was. He quickly regained his composure and spoke with a calm voice, “I am here on behalf of alpha Vanessa and alpha Julietta. I am sure you have heard what happened and they would like to meet with you to discuss business opportunities.”

Colin lit a cigarette and said, “I get business offers daily. What makes you think I would be interested in meeting with these alphas?”

Tomasso did not break eye contact when he responded, “They are not any alphas. They took over 2 large packs by making a plan, strategizing it, and working towards it in secret while holding composure until the right moment. Sounds like people that have business qualities to me don’t you agree?”

Colin laughed, “All right you have piqued my interest.”

“I can arrange transport for you to come and meet them,” Tomasso said.

Colin frowned, “Oi, Oi, Oi lad let’s not forget who wants to meet who ej? They want to meet me so they can come to me on my territory. Tomorrow night at 8 at the docks in Cork. It will be the first and only meeting I will grant them.”

Tomasso gave him a concerned look, “That is a bit short- notice don’t you think?”

Colin walked to the front door and held it open for Tomasso, “Well you better go then, lad. Come on don’t be a tool and go deliver the message.”

Tomasso gave him a baffled look before he left the house and colin shut the door behind him. He had no doubt both ladies would be there tomorrow, and he had to admit he became quite curious.

The next day at 8 precisely his oldtimer cars drove onto the dock. Colin brought a couple of his men and stood in the middle nonchalantly with his hands in his pockets. One of the women stepped out she was beautiful with long black hair, dark eyes, and a curvy body. Colin was just thinking that it wouldn’t be so bad doing business with these new alphas when the other door opened.

A delicious and intoxicating scent immediately clouded his senses. The scent of citrus fruit and flowers only got stronger when he saw an attractively long leg step out of the car. When he saw the woman completely his heart skipped a beat. His wolf Bolt was going crazy in his mind, “MATE, MATE, SHE IS OUR MATE. WE HAVE TO CLAIM HER NOW!”

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen with her round lips, round cheeks, and wavy brown hair. But mostly he couldn’t stop staring at her pale blue eyes that seemed to look right into his soul. He knew at that moment that his life was about to change.

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