Rise of the She-Wolf

Chapter 30 Ready for revenge

Vanessa’s pov,

Spirit jumped in the air but before she could reach Don Lorenzo, Shadow tackled her. She fell off the stage hard and the impact made her transform back into human form. Shadow changed back into Tomasso and hurried towards her. He kneeled, “I’m sorry Vanessa. I couldn’t let you attack him. Carlos and his pack would have ripped you to pieces.”

Tears rolled down my face and I looked back at the stage when I heard screams from different people. Scar and Reaper were now ripping apart the other she-wolves starting with the stomachs of the pregnant ones. I could see the disgusted and shocked looks on the faces of my pack members and I stood up to run back to the stage again. Tomasso quickly picked me up and lifted me over his shoulder dragging me away from the executions. I screamed and yelled wanting to get back there and try to save them. My pack members were all looking at me, but their faces became a blur because of the tears filling my eyes.

Tomasso brought me to his room where Lianna was already waiting. Lianna opened her arms and I let her hold me while I cried my eyes out.

“It is all my fault. I promised I would keep them safe and now they are dead because of me,” I sobbed.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Lianna shushed me, “You couldn’t have known this would happen, Vanessa.”

I cried out, “But I could have thou. They trusted me but I got so arrogant and distracted that I didn’t take the time to think of every possible outcome and prepare for that.”

Lianna pulls up my face with her hands and looks at me strictly, “Listen to me, Vanessa. Everyone makes mistakes but what will you do now? Will you let their death be in vain or will you make sure it meant something?”

“I couldn’t do anything even if I wanted to. Don Lorenzo will want my head on a plate after I tried to attack him.”

Tomasso grunted, “Not necessarily, he is a proud man if you would beg for his forgiveness, behave submissive, and flirt with him he will probably forget it. You could trick him, so we have time to work out a plan.”

I looked at him confused, “A plan? What are you talking about?”

He exchanged some looks with Lianna and said, “Well Lianna and I have talked about the fact that you would actually be a much better Alpha, but I wanted to wait and see if Don Lorenzo could redeem himself. After tonight it’s pretty clear he can’t. He crossed a line, there is no coming back from what I just witnessed. He is not what is best for the pack anymore, but I think you could be what this pack needs. We just have to figure out a plan and see how loyal the rest of the pack still is to him.”

I looked at him with an open mouth and my mind was racing. I had always been reluctant to drastic measures but tonight had changed everything. Seeing Allie and the she-wolves die would haunt me forever. The mistakes I made and the guilt would follow me everywhere, but I could only change the future, not the past. I could make sure Don Lorenzo would not hurt anyone ever again!

I stared at both of them and said, “I might have a plan.”

Later I went to my own room and took out my phone and dialed a number. I heard the phone ring a few times before someone picked up.

“Hello, this is Julietta.”

“Julietta, it is me. I wanted to let you know that I changed my mind. I am in. Let’s meet in the forest between our territories at the grey oak at midnight in 2 days.”

I then went out through the back door, changed into Spirit, and ran into the forest. The meeting point was far away so I almost took no breaks. The burning in my lungs and my sore paws actually felt good. It distracted me from the pain I felt inside for being responsible for so many deaths.

During the trip, I talked with Spirit about what happened. “I am sorry that I lost control and took over,” Spirit said remorsefully.

“It’s okay I wanted to rip his head off just as bad as you did. Which is probably why I couldn’t stop from transforming. I just really thought we were being so smart all the time but now I know that it was just arrogance.”

Spirit replied, “Still, not telling him was not an option either. He would have found out at some point and who knows what the doctor would have said about you then. But maybe if we spend more time planning, we could have found a way to protect the she-wolves. Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore we should focus on making sure that the new plan is solid.”

“You were probably right that I got too distracted with Duke and trying to have a normal life. It won’t happen again.”

Spirit stayed quiet after that because she was not the kind of wolf that wanted to rub my face with the fact that she had been right.

I met Julietta at the Grey Oak 2 days later and I told her everything that had happened. She was not surprised by the cruelty which again told me we were making the right decision. We carefully made a laid-out plan and the next day we said our goodbyes again both returning home with much to do.

Returning home, I walked straight to Don Lorenzo his office. I fell onto my knees in front of him, “Don, I have spent the last days in the woods. Seeking redemption for my faults. I see now that everything that has happened was my fault. If I had respected my Alpha more and not forgotten my place none of this would have happened. I see now that you gave me so much and I am so grateful. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

Don Lorenzo laughed, “Well, well, well look who comes crawling back. I am glad you finally saw the light. You may stand up.”

I stood up and looked at him with adoration which seemed to please him. He lifted my chin, his finger caressing my lips, “You know I am not so scared anymore to get cursed. Seems I already am cursed being barren and all.”

I just looked at him with big innocent eyes and did not move when his face came closer. I had to channel all my willpower not to flinch when I felt his lips on mine, his mustache sticking into my skin. His tongue aggressively opened my mouth and I let him explore my mouth willingly.

Luckily for me, he then pulled away and licked his lips looking at me pleased, “I have wondered what you would taste like since the day I met you.”

He slapped my butt and told me I could go now. I bent down to kiss his ring and smiled at him before leaving. I closed the door but started listening when I heard him talking again. I heard him talking on the phone, “You owe me 1000 dollars, Carlos. I told you I would tame her. Tasted her sweet lips today but saved the other lips for another day.” He was laughing at something Carlos said and replied, “Of course, you can taste her too after I am done with her.”

I laughed softly and walked away with a wicked grin, “If only those idiots knew what I had in store for them.”

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