Rise of the Billionaire actress

DDD 59

“What’s got you in a shit mood?” Layla couldn’t stop herself this time around. “Is there trouble in paradise or is this some weird mood swing?” She asked and sipped her tea.

Deloise was by the door, ready to leave the house when she heard her roommate.

“What do you mean?”

“Exactly what you heard. You’ve been a stormy cloud all week.” She reiterated, ready to churn up proofs to her allegations.

Deloise couldn’t defend herself. She knew she had been a kill-joy in recent times but could you really blame her? With the appearance coming, she lost sleep, strength and courage to move on.

“I don’t feel too good.” She replied to an unconvinced Layla. “And no, there isn’t trouble in paradise.” She added, hoping to alleviate whatever thought brewing concerning her relationship with Aron.

Matter of fact, that was her first time admitting the believed open-secret aloud.

Colour returned to Layla’s face. “As much as I’m pleased you finally found the balls to admit to your romance with Aaron Steele, I still don’t think that’s the case.”

Her eyes narrowed at her roommate, “There’s something, something I can’t put my hands on, giving the envious life you lead.”

Deloise almost laughed at her statement, envious? Ha! She doubted anyone would want to be in her position. They didn’t know that though, the only thing they saw was the glitz and glam of her new identity as a rising star.

No one saw the pains and sacrifices she had to pay, and was still paying. Her eyes were suddenly opened to the wisdom attainable only from experience.

A few months back, before the craziness began, if she saw someone living the life she so coveted, she wouldn’t comprehend why they’d be anything but happy and grinning from ear to ear at all times.

But the reality dawned on her. The painful but true reality.

“I’m just a bit tired. Shooting these days is a lot more hectic with the moody weather.” She sported a far from convincing smile, hoping to ward off any more questions or suspicions.

“Get over it, take a break or something. You aren’t doing anyone any good by stressing yourself like that.”

She nodded and Layla watched her leave their apartment with a worried look on her face. It was clear her roommate was at her wits end and any more push might lead to getting past the cliff.

On the other hand, Deloise walked towards the van scheduled to take them to the shooting site. They had to shoot a scene at an outdoor area and while everyone else was looking forward to it, she couldn’t wait until they were done and back from the entire exercise.

She got on the vehicle and moments after taking a seat, her phone rang.

“Doris..” She said with a less than exciting tone.

“Hey! How are you doing? By my guess, you should be on your way for today’s shoot.”

Deloise never got used to the idea of having a manager. She never got used to the surprise she got whenever Doris told or read her supposed engagement every morning.

“I’d tell you yes, but you already knew that.” Her voice hinted at the slight curve of her lips.

“Whatever. I have news for you.” Doris said on a serious note.

Chills crawled up her arms, whenever Doris spoke with that tone, it always resulted in two things. Bad news or good news. Whichever it was, it was always very serious. This time, she prayed it was the latter.

“Good or bad?” she asked, and for a moment, the line went still.

“It depends.”

“I’m all ears, let me have it.”

“It’s about the event. It’s going to be a launch event for a new line of business for a tycoon in Chicago. The event will be littered with stars as the host is impressive.”

Deloise’ heart plummeted, more public figures meant more publicity. Two things she didn’t need during her stay in Chicago.

“Other than that, I got news that we wouldn’t be alone. Stella happens to be the youngest contracted star under Preston Management. They are still trying to keep it under wraps but we got the intel. My guess is that they’ll make her try to rile you up, so be prepared.”

If there was any momentum Deloise had going prior to their talk, it vanished. Not only did she have to sit through the event without getting too much attention, she also had to sit through the endless taunts of Stella who would do everything to make her look stupid for fun’s sake.

Despite feeling grateful for the heads up, she couldn’t stop the discouragement that overtook her. She couldn’t even do anything about it. There was no going around it.


Aaron had an emergency meeting with Mr. Austin. By now, it was clear he assumed the role of his manager until he was fully set to be scouted by an agency.

“Why do I have to go? It has nothing to do with me.” Aaron said as he went through the invite handed to him.

“No. That’s where you are wrong. You have to go. You have a reputation to uphold. It’s Deloise’s first outing, and not just that, it will give you a great opportunity to socialize the industry. It’s going to be a star studded event.”

Aaron’s attention perked at the mention of Deloise.

“Don’t you think it’ll be dumb to follow after her just because we are supposed to be a couple. This isn’t a promotional event, this is business. I doubt she would want me following her around when she’s trying to build a name.”

Mr. Austin felt confused at the state of his reasoning. “Are you looking out for her or is this your way of trying to evade the situation? Whatever it is, that’s beside the point. Like you said, this is business, and we are all trying to get ourselves out there. You both signed a contract, so might as well treat it as business. You are going, and that’s final.”

“Why was I invited if my choice wouldn’t matter anyway?” Aaron relaxes into the chair, “Anything else?”

“I appreciate your maturity on this topic, so far you’ve been impeccable and that’s commendable.” He said, referring to the project they had going on. “You’ve both succeeded in painting a picture of having relations, what is the plan going forward? You do know the shoot is coming to an end and we need to keep people talking.”

“I know that. I’m currently working on it. The next news will blow your mind.” Aaron assured with a mysterious glint.

“Whatever it is you have in mind, make it bigger.”

Aaron smirked at the implication of his words. Not just to him, but to the girl involved.

So far, his favourite pass-time included thinking up ways to get his girlfriend’s face a permanent shade of red. And he was doing a great job at it. It was only up from here.

“Have a good day.”

Aaron waved a finger on his way out, definitely in a good mood and ready to pack up for his impending journey to Chicago.

Aaron crossed the hallways of the building, headed outside when his phone rang. He took a glance and was shocked at the name displayed. Hell had to be freezing for him to receive such a call.

He kept walking. Refusing to pick it up until the third ring. Knowing the nature of the one at the other end, it was clear he wouldn’t take no for an answer. A frost covered his face as he picked it with a sense of urgency.

“What do you want?”

His tone was cutthroat, rid of respect.

“That’s no way to talk to your father, young man.” An equally firm voice said.

“Perhaps the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Aaron bore a cynic look, there was only so much he could take. He wasn’t only running out of patience, but his anger built at a sickening rate.

“Let’s meet. I need to speak to you.”

The voice spoke in a tone he knew so well. It wasn’t a request.

“We are speaking.” Aaron pointed out, “I doubt we’ll still be in the next one minute,” he added sarcastically but meant every word.

“Don’t make things harder than it needs to be-”Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oops! Your minute expired. Have a terrific day.” Aaron didn’t wait for a reply before hanging up the phone.

He went ahead to turn it off, his countenance was grave as he proceeded out of the building. Upon stepping out the doors, he caught sight of two flashy black cars situated in front of his car.

The covered plate number told him everything he needed to know. Aaron jaws clenched as he watched the windows wind down, revealing the very person he despised with all his might.

“You’ve always been the impatient one, son.” The elder Mr. Steele said, “Get in.”

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