Reyona’s Revenge

Damage Control

Reyona had been antsy since she got back to the office. The CEO of Multilinks had been just as the tabloids had described him. Retro, urbane, and… very unusual.

The man had been in shorts, a biker shirt, and sneakers. He had a stud in his ear for God’s sake. And a headset around his neck, to boot.

Throughout their meeting, he sat astride his chair instead of in it, as any self-respecting CEO would do. If Reyona had not listened to him, she was sure that she might have dismissed him for a loafer who was merely holding the position because it had been in their family for ages.

All it took her was to listen to the man for about two minutes, and she was certain that Andrew Jordan could be blamed for a lot of things, but a lack of intelligence could never be part of those things.

He was astute and direct. He was clear about what he wanted, and she was sure that he wouldn’t do anything because he was pressured by the board or cajoled by anyone.

He was a man with a clear sense of judgment, and he made it clear by stating in clear terms to Reyona that even though he knew of her achievements and had a high regard for someone like her, he would only choose the company that met the major needs of Multilinks the most.

Reyona understood that, and she could respect his decision. She respects a man with his priorities set straight, but she couldn’t help but be antsy. Being connected to a company like Multilinks would be another boost for ReyDexter, as they are the biggest and most known telecommunications company in Kayooma and across the globe.

Even though ReyDexter had made a name for itself across the continent and many companies could vouch for them at this point, Reyona knew that being the exclusive CPA to Multilinks Co. would be another step up the rung for her and her employees.

It was also a matter of pride for her, because she knew that it would be a bit degrading if she lost the right to such an important project to her rival. The media had a way of ferreting things like that out, even though the contract bid had been kept private thus far.

She knew that she wouldn’t hear the last of it anytime soon, and she was determined to win. Not just for her alone, but for her team. They had put in their all, and even though they all seemed laidback about it, she could feel the anticipation as they prepared for the bid.

Even the least of her employees seemed invested in the possibility of the company being connected to multiple networks. After all, not only were the bulk of them using the network, but the best phones one could find anywhere were all products of Multilinks.

Reyona stood up from her chair that she had been twirling for the past hour as she went to the window to look out. The sights that really excited her did nothing to alleviate her apprehension, as she could barely see what was in front of her. The thoughts she had been trying to tamp down came to the surface again.

“Could he really affect my chance of getting this?” She thought against it as a bitter taste came to her mouth at the thought of him.

The secretary specifically said that he was a regular at Multilinks, and she had seen how close he was to CEO Jordan by the rapport they have. The two were friends for God’s sake. Reyona thought to herself, and she knew that it was not farfetched to think that he would know about the reason why she had gone to the company.

She did not know Andrew Jordan enough to know if he shared important tidbits about his business with his dear friend, but she knew that Maxwell would be despicable enough to want to sabotage, especially if that gave him a kind of payback for how she treated him and for what he perceived that she did to his sister.

Reyona became more sure that he would try to make things hard for her as she remembered how sure he had been about the accusation. It didn’t look as if he was making a baseless accusation or just guessing. He seemed sure of what he was saying. How did he guess? She thought again as she started pacing in the room.

No, he wouldn’t let her go easily if he knew how important that bid was to her. And of course, he would know. Only a fool would not know what it would do to a company to have Multilinks linked to their portfolio.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

The bastard might be a scum, but he was certainly no fool.

“No, I am not going to wait around and let him win,” she thought to herself suddenly. She knew she wouldn’t forgive herself if her employees efforts went to waste just because of a bastard who could wield his power of friendship to make a mess for her.

She went to her table to pick up the phone. “Charlotte,” she called as her secretary picked. She paused as she remembered that she had scolded the lady for not throwing the card away when she asked. It would be a miracle indeed if she still had it with her. She asked anyway.

Reyona dropped the receiver and smiled to herself. She thanked her stars for their blessing on her staff.

Charlot had thrown the card away after she snapped at her to do so the last time. But she had only done that after taking a picture of the card.

Reyona’s phone buzzed, and she checked to see the image her secretary sent to her. She replied with a quick thank before she jotted down the number. A spattering grayray was already mingling with the blue sky as dusk set in. Reyona held her breath in apprehension as the phone rang and rang without an answer.

Her apprehension turned to anger as the call went unanswered, and she dialled again. Was he deliberately not picking up her call?

Riiiing. Bastard, he must be toying with her. Riiiiing. He must be grinning at the reverse of their situation right now; after all, she had said she wouldn’t call, and here she was.

Riiiiin… “Hello,” a husky voice answered from the other end.

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