Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Chapter 77


I sped along the winding road at an alarming pace, pressing my foot harder and harder on the gas as

my anxiety heightened. My grandfather had said they were coming from the far side of fielke territory so

that was where I was headed.

Fae knew to meet me there along with Gideon and a few other shifters. I would get there before them,

considering she would have to round everyone ups first. We had to be ready, all of the iron armor was

complete and Baelke shifters would be on standby until we gave them a sign that the war had begun.

There was always the possibility that this was a decoy attack, and so until proven otherwise, our army

would wait for the signal while Far and I scoped out the area

I swung my car to the side and parked in the road, climbing out and testing the air. No unusual scents

could be caught in the wind, but then again they could be masking their scent. I looked around for Far

and the others but none of them seemed to have arrived yet.

Plucking up the courage I took off jogging across the open field to my left. Any shifter hiding in the trees

beyond would see the coming from a mile away but my backup was coming and we didn’t love time to

dawdle around.

I was almost at the tree line when I picked up my grandfather’s scent. A moment later he stepped out

from the woods to meet me. 1 jogged up to him confused. What are you doing here?”

He didn’t answer me and merely looked at me with a pained expression on his wizened face.

It was only after I picked up another familar scent that it clicked in my head. A disgusting, putrid scent

that sent goosebumps pr ickling over my skin. My eyes widened in shock and I stared at my

grandfather in disbelief. “How could


Before he could answer me, Johan stepped out behind him, his rippling form was massive and he

towered over my grandfather who seemed to be battling with himself internally,

“I’m sorry,” the old man said gravely. There was no other way, the Bielke is done for Angela.”

I had thought he had changed his mind. He had been quiet and distant since Ignatius had taken over

the Bielke, but I had thought that would be the end of it. It seemed my grandfather had chosen to be a

traitor to the end.

“You’re a coward,” I growled as Johan pushed him aside and flashed me a malicious grin. “You’re a

traitor to your people”

Johan stalked towards me slowly, he knew I had nowhere to run. There was to cover in the open field

and he was much much faster than me. I had no choice but to fight and hope that the others showed

up before I got my neck snapped.

I grimaced when I remembered the flares that I had left in the car. Green for small threats, red for war. I

wondered if I would be able to make it to the car in time to send the red flare blazing into the sky to war

everyone. I soubted I would make it very far at all.

My skin bristled as I prepared to fight, itching to shift and run in the other direction instead.

“Don’t fight, Angie,” my grandfather exclaimed. “If you just come quietly they’ll let us all leave. Your

mother and brother are waiting for us

A pang of fierce pain shot through my chest when he mentioned the rest of my family. They were done

for, we all were

“Do you really believe he’s just going to let us go?” I growled at the old man, taking a few steps back as

Johan continues his daw, menacing approach. “They’re going to kill us the second we’re not useful to

them anymore”

“Your right on the money there Johan answered me humself and, waliout warning used on the spot and

lopped my grandfather I ad off with our swipe of his clawed hand

her’s buddy doppel to the door this head rolled twice and then

Chapter 77

came to a halt, empty eyes staring up at the sky and a mouth still open on an unspoken word.


Johan shook the blood from his clanes and turned back to eye me

“I do believe the last time we met I promised to tear you apart.”

I forced down my fear that bubbled up from my stomach and held back my tears. There was no time for

anguish. I was face to face with a monster and Johan seemed eager to kill

I squared my shoulders and braced myself for an attack, lengthening my claws and flashing my teeth.

“You can try.” I hissed as he toyed with me, sp ooking to the left and then the right in an attempt to

scare me. “But I’m not going down without a fight”

“Well, someb*dy’s brave, he taunted me and brought a bloodied claw to his lips to taste. “Not the best,

I’ll admit I’m sure your blood tastes inuch sweeter.

“Why did you hire me out here in the first place?” I growled at him and jumped away when he swiped

his claws at me.

Johan laughed at my unease. “Quick reaction time there, a second later and I would have torn a hole in

your stomach and strewn your insides all over the place.”

“You’re insane, Johan”

“To you, maybe.” He feigned another anack and laughed even harder when I flinched and took another

cautious step back. But everything is going exactly according to plan. Do you think I don’t know that

Ignatius isn’t here at the moment? Your pack is vulnerable. Dorothy is vulnerable.”

“What exactly is the plan then I took another cautious step back. If I could distract him for long enough,

hold him off from attacking and keep him talking until Fae arrived, I might stand a chance.

“Simple,” he stated nonchalantly. “You’re supposed to be prowling that big mansion on the cliffs. I’m

assuming that’s where Dorothy is hiding yes? But now, you’re all the way out here, and she’s all alone.”

Acry of horror escaped me when ten more Tally shifters emerged from the woods. I realized that Johan

himself had no intention of fighting me. It was like he said, all he wanted was to draw me away. So that

he could go for his real target. Dorothy, who was all alone in her home and completely unaware of the

approaching danger,


I had no choice but to prepare myself for a fight. Moirah was dead serious and she stood up straight

with her claws at the realy.

Looking at her I felt my heart breaking, shattering at my feet as I prepared to kill my own mother. It

would be easy, it

wouldn’t take much.

I had forgotten however about the circle of puppet shifters that sat around the fires just outside. Moirah

let out a sharp inhale and her eyes glazed over with a white sheen. She twitched a little as I stared,

caught off guard and confused at what she was doing

Only then did I feel the sharp claws dagging into my back as I was wrenched out of the tent and thrown

to the crowd. immediately swarmed by the corpses that had sprung to life on Moirah’s command.

I failed and thrashed on my back as the puppets clawed at me, sharp teeth latching onto my limbs as

they attempted to tear

With a deafening roar, I shifted into wolf form and for howded as he rolled to his feet, locking jaws

around one of the corpses and throwing them into the fur. The b*dy thrashed and writhed as black

smoke billowed up from the pyre before laying still and tautdding in the flames.

One by one, we opped and tore through the bodies that reached for in. Our attempted to pluck out our


eyes while another

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Chapter 77

locked its arms around nur grck with inhuman strength and attempted to squeeze the life out of us.

Tor was blinded by rage, and I was overwhelmed by the thousands of emotions that coursed through

me. My mother was trying to kill me. The thought stuck in my throat like a shard of glass that was

impossible to swallow without tearing me to picces

Why? How did things go so very wrong for us, for my family? How did my parents become the people

they were. How did it all

With another roar of fury, I tore myself away from the grasping hands and mowed down the assailants

with my teeth. One by one they went down, only to get right bark up again like my bites had no real

effect on them.

Which of course they didn’t. These beings felt no pain, had no soul. They would keep going until they

fell apart. With that in mind, I decided on a new plan and let the herd follow me to the fire pit. Once I

had positioned myself in front of the flames, 1er them come at me. Hatched my jaws on them as they

clumped around me and threw as many as I could into the fire.

A scream of frustration came from Mairah who stood at the entrance of the tent as she watched her

puppets burn. After the final b*dy had been cast into the flames and flailed about until it lay still, I turned

my attention back to my mother Slathered in the stale blood of the corpses and stuking with anger. I

prepared to launch myself at her

Her eyes cleared of their white haze and widened as she watched ane run straight at her with my teeth

bared. Before I could reach her, however, another shifter burst from the trees and blocked my path. A

large braway wolf that growled at me with a warning to stay hack. It wasn’t difficult to recognize the wall

as my father.

Elliot growled for me to stand dower and turned to face Moral himself. His voice was in my head just

like I assumed it rang in hers.”So this is where you’ve been hiding all these years, dearly beloved”

For a moment, Moirals booked stricken and a link of genuine fear crossed her face. She look so

terrified at that moment that a part of me wanted to get between her and my father, to protect her from

the life she had left behind so long ago

But after a moment, her face hardened and the regarded Elliot coldly, standing her ground and baring

her own fangs. Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

“You have a lot of nerve showing up here, Elliot, she hissed her words and they dripped with pure

venom. “But maybe it’s for the best. Maybe it’s fate. I have been granted the opportunity to take you

down myself

I watched with confliction as my mother and father circled one another. Moirah looked poised and

elegant, Elliot looked ready to kill

Ever so gracefully, my mother began to shift, her slender gray well form taking shape as she glared at

my father.

“You had a lot of nerve leaving the way you did.” Elliot’s words were equally venomous. “You betrayed

me Moirah. You betrayed your people.

As he spoke, anger shaking his b*dy, I came to realize something about my father. Elliot masked his

feelings with fury. expressed himself through terrorizing and brute force. I realized, at his words, that

Elliot had been hurt 100.

Moriah’s disappearance had haunted him for years. My father was wracked with guilt and shame that

his pride would not let him: accept. He evaded responsibility for his own actions by fighting back.

Despite his ramblings about how unnecessary a mate was to an Alpha, Elliot had needed Mairah, had

loved her in his own twisted way, more than he would probably let himself admit.

For the first time ever I saw my father for the broken, hopeless man that he was and it disgusted me. I

saw my mother for who she was, too. And at that moment I understood why she was so cold towards

me now, Why she always had been.

It wasn’t that she hadn’t loved me at all. Resented me, maybe, but it was like she said; she chose to

protect herself. She accepted that she had failed as a mother and she eliminated the possibility of ever

regretting her actions.

My parents were broken people, who I feared at that point could not be saved. As they leaped at each

other I held my breath, entranced by the generation that had failed me.

For a moment there was silence, and then Elliot and Moirah crashed into one another and the clearing

rang with the sounds

Fri, Jan 20

Chapter 77

of a fierce battle.

Elliot was so much larger than Moirah’s small gray woll, but she held her own and darted and snapped

around the large lumbering figure of the man she had married years ago.


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