Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chapter 41


new college. I was nervous to attend a new school, even more A week after training began, it was time

for me to start at sa suwe Iguranus sill wasn’t back. It had been lonely without linij and I needed his

reassurance on that day more than ever,

Angie was at the door to escort me that morning. She attended the same college that I would be

starting at

Most of the Belke youngsters stayed close to home when it canse to colleges so it was likely that I

would be meeting more of ms peye these. The rumors susunding me were more extravagant than ever.

I was a femme fatale, a Tally spy, a nudist,

nd a nob*dy all at ove

Angie shouted for me to hurry up but I was its loved to tal

ne in getting ready, I was in no rush to be thrust back into

the nighmate that is being an outsider in a budding full of people my own age

Soner Ignatius and Rita had upgraded my wardrobe I had more than my fair share of options when it

came to what I would be wearing on my first day. I seeded to make a good impression, but the shelves

and shelves worth of new clothing only made getting ready even harder

After a few minutes had passed and I was still standing in my underwear staring into the closet, Angie

stormed up the stairs to hurry me along She kicked open the bedroom door and strode to my side,

pulling out clothing and chucking them onto

the bed

“S hart that hides your buy t its, jeans that accentuate your as s, Ighjatus’s jacket because knowing

you, you’re bound to get

51. and lysts for kis king the shuns of anyone who gives you loll today

She dumped it all on the bed and sat down next to the pile, folding her arms and crossing her legs. “Go

d, Dorothy. How did you ever tattage to get ready bsclate this?

“I had tower options back then I protested, pulling on the shirt and hopping to hoist the jeans over my

hips “And this isn’t any monal day. I’m about to meet all the people you sent my udsles to!”

Angie sled grimly “Yeah, sorry about that Bat you’ve got nothing to worry about, your bare as s is old

news already Everyone’s too invested in the recent Tally attacks to be concerned about some old


“Some of those people are blaming me for illa as well. I grumbled. “It’s bad enough they’ve all seen me

n*ked. But thanks to the Khall hearing all of my dirty laundry has been ained for the world to see too

“Relax. Dorothy. It’s going to be fine. If you’re lucky, people won’t even recogitize you at all. And

besides. I’ll be there, I won’t let anyone f uck with you I promise.”

I pulled on the chunky combat boots and struggled with the laces My shaking fingers weren’t helping

anything. I don’t need a bubysitter”

Angie stad off of the lied and knelt down to tie my shoes when my fingers fumbled over and over again.

“Ten not babysitting you. Think of it more like a personal b*dyguard. And, unlike you, most people like

me? She grinned at my glowering rxpressam “Meaning they I have no choice but to like you tou

She stood up and put her hands on her hups “You’ve got nothing to worry about. Now, will you please

hurry up or do you

ant to be late on your first day

“I want to polark to bed”

Tough Angie said as she dragged me down the stairs by the elbow. “You’re the future Luna of this pack.

You’ve faced a

use come back from the bank of death. You’ve even handled a rejection from your mate. You can

handle this.”

I moaned out loud and stomped along behind her to where Gideon’s van was waiting in the driveway.

Fae leaned her head out of the window and waved at me whale Gadeon was struggling to get the car


“S tupid bag of bolts,” he mu ntered when we clunbed in the back

Chapter 41

The van had been cleaned since we had driven Angie to the heal, but the floor at our feet still held a t

ang of rust in its scent and the seats were dotted with bloodstains. My insides teised at the memory of

the esperience, but I was lists acted from my morbid reminiscing by Angie sneezing my hand.

Fae turned around in her seat to face me. “Are you excited for your first day

“I feel like I’m going to throw ups,” I mu ntered blandly.

“Yeah, that’s not nerves, Fae giggled “It’s probably just Gideon’s driving that’s making you car sick”

Tin an excellent driver Gideon protested, before swerving to lodge the curb in front of us. The old van

screeched in protest and Fac looked at Gideon with a smig

I stared out of the window as Ear and Gideon began to bicker and Angie chimed in with her two cents.

At least I wouldn’t be completely alone at this new college.

I would be going in with something I had never had helse. I would be arriving with friends. That thought

was mildly contenting and I relaxed just a litle bit. I fidgeted in my seat while Cadeon was grumbling:

“What is it, pack on Gideon day or something

“Don’t worry, Gids,” Angie chimed. “We’re all Iul at something our weakness just happens to be straight


“I’ll have you know, Angela, it was my driving, that got you to the hospital not too long ago. I didn’t hear

anyone complaining


They carried

on with their bickering all the way to the large brick building that way to be my new school. There was a

lump in my throat by the time we pulled up to the entrance. Gideon turned off the van and it rattled to a

halt like the effort of driving had been too much of a strait

“Well.” Angie lazily waved her land. “Welcome to your new school,” she drawled unceremoniously and I


I drew in a deep breath and climbed out of the van

-Ignatius- All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Traveling with my father was just as uncomfortable and dreary I had expected Elhot, like me, was not

much of a talker, but when he did talk it was usually to go on and on about how rich I’d changed for the

worst since I had decided to grow a conscience as he liked to put it.

We had driven to meet with the elders of several nearing packs by then and I was on the brink of

throwing myself from the moving car and running all the way back home in wolf for..

I missed my home, I missed my mate. Dorothy and I spoke continuously through the mind-link but she

had training daily with both Rita and Angie and Thad meetings to attend.

So far, we had managed to secure three packs as solid allies, should we need to launch an attack on

the Tally. Unlike the other packs that would prefer to see us fall to the Tally people, these packs had

been burned by Tally attackers before.

They would much rather take the side of the Bielke than stand by and let a trusted powerful force be

wiped out by an untrustworthy one.

Even so, I was afraid it wouldn’t be enough. Too many people were happy to watch the Bielke burn. We

had garnered a horrifying reputation over the years that we were only in the beginning stages of fixing.

Ellot didn’t mind the fear people seemed to have for him. In fact, he enjoyed it. Elliot was a man who

wanted to be feared.

The way I saw it, fear doesn’t make someone a good Alpha. A true Alpha needs the devotion of las

people. When you lead by causing fear alone, you can’t be surprised when no one steps up to defend

you when you’re in danger.

We were on our way to the very last pack on the list and Elliot was droning on about how all of these

people had grown weak and soft. He looked down on them all, even those who pledged allegian to us.

Heaned back in the seat and closed my eyes,


10:48 Fri, Jan 26

Chapter 41

letting my thoughts drift to Dorothy

I missed my mate I regretted that I couldn’t be there for her first lay of college. I knew how daunting that

would be for her There was another reason I was eager to get back though. Tor hail sensed a

competitor hovering around Dorothy

I wasn’t sure who or bow but I sensed then presence and affect towards her Dorothy herself seemed

confused when t mentioned and said that she had been anmand many people while I had been gone,

let alone approached by anyone

1 who would be interested in taking my place


Trusted Doroid, and I knew that she was telling me the truth Which meant that whoever it was, they

weren’t open about Their antaumon. But they were

I fought the anger and jealousy that came with thinking of someone who threatened our bond, but I

wanted to get hack all

would be hell to pri

Ignats Are you ringo’s voice cut through my internal struggle

“What No sorry was distracted”

Elbot rolled his eyes and 1 get my teeth nyway as yellow and they were foaming at the mouth, yes!

as saying the Tally attackers. Their

We’ve been onto th

I tried to keep the tentation and

Bilbot madded: “ And they smelled of decay. It could be possible the Tally are purposefully altering the

bodies of their solders. As in giving them something to push them to that state, Not only are they

stronger than regular wolves but they sretni less sensitive ter pan as well.”

I don’t know about that “1 said. “That one guy seemed to be in agony when I was tickling his brain

through his eye socket.”

Elliot frowned “Ooously theres a limit to how much they can take, but there’s no denying that they can

take a hit better

Thou have a point there”

suspected some kind of rabies Elhot contuurd Candering they die almost as quickly as they show up.

But I’m not sure This feels like something cbe entirely

We’ve seen something like this before.” I said quietly

“What are you talking about?”

out of the window, watching the trees full by and wishing I could run next to them instead of being

trapped in a car sar who would never respect nie

To the woudi when I was younger. With mom”

Ellast fell silent and has fists tightened on the steering wheel. We never spoke about my mother,

adien atje lett. Elliot had put a stop to my constant question with a slap to the face and a loud

declaration: “She’s gone! Cet

Can We don’t need her We have never needed her. She served her purpose: She is useles to lix how

4 alugged crying pertry quickly after that And I never mentioned my mother agam. But in my bad. I

would watch her departure and like a bad move hoping one day the ending might change. Her bare

feet. Her streaming hau Her

– sine

“Do you contembre?” Tasked my father. “That day in the woods. That creature”

Elliot’s face was stay and he koja tus eyes forward I kept my eyes the nail as I spoke Tran into the

forest to play Awhile I

and Murture

dat gone very far.


Chapter 41

and mom picked me up as soon as she saw me. That’s when the creature came. The Not Deer.”

Still, Elliot said nothing. I felt like I was talking to a stone wall. “I had the same yellowy eyes like pus.

And the same foaming maw. You wanted to fight it. But mom. She just stood there while it opened its

jaws. She held me to her chest and closed her eyes like she had been waiting for that moment for a

long time.”

I sighed. “I didn’t understand it before but I do now. What did you do to her to turn her into the person

that she was? That quiet, broken being. Why was she so ready to die?”

“Enough.” Elliot hissed. “Mort- she is none of your concern. She gone. There’s no good in looking back

into the past now.”

I stared ahead of me. “I guess it doesn’t matter all that much now. But the fact still stands. That deer or

whatever it was. showed the same symptoms as the Tally anackers. There could be a connection. Can

you remember what we were told of the Not Deer?”

Elliot didn’t answer me, and it was clear from his expression that the conversation was over. I shrugged

my shoulders. 1 would have to discuss it with Rita when I got back. She knew more of the strange and

mysterious than I did.

I let my mind wander back to Dorothy and more pleasant thoughts. Tor growled at the noticeable

presence of the competitor around my mate and I bristled in anger, I would have to get back soon.

Dorothy was mine just as I was hers. 1 wouldn’t let anyb*dy come between is.




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