Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Chapter 23


I was walking through the woods. It was dark and cold as I stumbled. through the brush. I glimpsed the

moon blazing in the night sky through the jagged black branches of the trees above me. I followed the

beams that shone through the foliage and speckled across the ground in silvers blots.

Breaking free of the forest I came to a large house that I had never seen before. It was sprawling in

size and stature and I followed the gravel path as it wound its way up an incline to the entrance of the

grand manor.

The door hung open, almost wrenched off of its hinges. Something about the great building felt off.

Something evil lurked in the shadows beyond that door.

From somewhere inside I heard the loud, echoing ‘tick… ‘tick… tick… of what sounded like a giant

clock. The thrum of that rhythmic sound sent shivers down my spine and the hairs on my neck stood

erect, raised in silent alarm.

I stepped inside the gaping maw of the dark building, even as every one of my senses screamed at me

to turn back. There was another faint sound. barely audible over the loud ticking of the invisible clock.

It was a low growling and grunting. It was the sound of claws clicking on hardwood floors and the

lumbering breaths of an unseen beast.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the dim moonlight that shone through the clouds and into the windows of

the house. Forms slowly took shape in the darkness. Chairs, a table in the corner, frames on the wall. I

saw a couch, a bookshelf, and a dark figure on the floor..

The creature looked up as a cloud passed and the full force of the moon shed light onto the scene

before me. Two pairs of empty eyes. One belonging to the beast that was hunched over, black liquid

dripping from its jaws. The second belonged to the shredded b*dy of the man who lay beneath it.

I woke up gasping, my b*dy shooting upright as the final tendrils of sleep

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Chapter 23

released their hold on me. I looked around me, anchoring myself in

reality once more as I took in the sunlight streaming through the window of the blue villa.

Ignatius lay next to me, still fast asleep. Recovering from my nightmare, I lay back down and examined

his face as he slept.

When Ignatius was awake, his brows sat in a furrowed line over his piercing eyes. Asleep, however, his

face looked relaxed – it made him look.


Dozing on his back with his lips slightly parted and his face freed from his perpetual frown, Ignatius

looked like a boy who hadn’t experienced the harsh realities of life on earth yet.

I watched as his chest lightly rose and fell. He had one arm dangling off the edge of the bed and the

other lay under my head. I lifted my hand to shade his eyes from the brilliant light spilling in from the

window as he


He opened his eyes slowly and blinked at me. I watched as he swam himself back to consciousness

and gave me a dozy smile.

“Watching me sleep? Creep.”

“Don’t even try to deny that you’ve done it too.”

He grinned at me before popping his jaw open with a yawn and stretching out on the mattress. We

were both still n*ked under the blankets and I rolled into his arms, curling my legs around his and

snuggling against hist chest.

I felt his member pulse slightly as I brushed against it and I encouraged this idea with a slight rolling of

my hips..

“Someone’s needy. Geez, Dorothy. You get one taste of it and now you. can’t get enough.”

I sat up and straddled him, whacking a pillow down on his face for his teasing.

Chapter 23

Ignatius laughed under the pillow and pulled it aside, gripping the back of my neck and pulling me down

to plant a k*ss on my pouting lips.

“Don’t laugh at me,” I grumbled against his mouth. He moved his hands. down to my waist, guiding my

hips to rock back and forth on his growing


“Nah, don’t be embarrassed,” he nipped along my neck, pausing to admire his handiwork from the night


His mark was clear as day on the pale flesh of my throat red indents in my skin surrounded by light

purple bruising. I was branded forever by his


“I think it’s cute.”

I threw my head back and dragged my nails across his chest when he finally pushed into me, relying on

his firm hands to guide the movement. of my hips as I rocked on top of him.

The crisp morning air was just beginning to fade by the time we were done and I dropped my b*dy to

Ignatius’s chest. He brought his arms up to hold me to his chest and ran his nails up and down my

back. I lay there, inhaling his scent and listening to his heart pounding under my head.

“We should probably get up now,” I said unwillingly. “I need to tell Anita

the news.”

Ignatius seemed just as determined to stay right there but he sighed and

nodded his head.

“Probably should. We can grab breakfast on the way to Anita’s.”

He used a finger to tilt my chin up to look at him. “You sure this is what you want? I’m not stealing you

away from home?”

I shook my head. “I want this. I want you.” And closed my mouth around his finger, sucking gently and

staring into his eyes.

I pulled away and stood up, just as quickly leaving Ignatius to deal with at new semi-erection in my


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Chapter 23

“Geez, doesn’t take much to get you going again does it?” I quipped, and cackled as a flying pillow hit

the wall behind my head.


Blood. There was blood everywhere. The metallic, sulphuric smell of it filled my nostrils and clouded my


It was caked under my nails now retracted back to their human length. It was streaked across my bare

b*dy and I could taste the acrid tint of it in. my mouth.

I sat back on my knees, panting and heaving to catch my breath. All around me I saw red. The dark

crimson of fresh blood before it would. turn sticky and black in the cold air. I ran a red hand through my

dampened hair. Sweat pasted short curls to my forehead. Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

I exhaled loudly as I drew my fangs back in. Something had changed – I could feel it. Something inside

of me had broken free. I felt the cathartic rush of relief as I sat there, crouched in the center of my

home, surrounded by a sea of red.

There was no longer the ticking of a clock. It lay smashed and splintered outside the front door. There

were no rhythmic small hands tracking every increment of my life.

There was nothing. No one.

Julianna had retreated to the center of my chest, Content, for now, in the carnage we had unleashed.

I looked down at the mangled b*dy that lay in front of me, into the glassy dead eyes of my father.

It had been dark when I stalked the manor in wolf form. The house was silent and still. No light shone in

any of the windows. I had thought for a moment that my father might not be home.

But his scent was present in the air. A scent I had despised since I was old enough to understand that I

would never be good enough for my father.


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Chapter 23

He had been sitting motionless in the back garden, gazing out over the lights of the town that dotted the

dark blanket of night. He hadn’t heard me approach. But I knew he could sense me.

A few more steps and I would hear, just like every time before, those cutting words he liked to use so

often; “You’re home late, pup. Pathetic.”

He got no such chance this time. He had barely opened his mouth when I latched my jaw on his

shoulder and dragged him into the house. He was already partially through shifting by the time I threw

him to the floor.

My father was no doubt stronger than me. But the cost of his strength was his speed and agility. I

dodged his attacks, sidestepped the snapping shut. of his jaws. I nipped, tore, and shredded

meticulously as the old man weakened before my eyes.

We brawled throughout the bottom floor of the manor, shifting from wolf to man and back again. I

launched the giant grandfather clock from its place in the hall. For all of his muscled weight, he had

managed to dodge that flying

his thrunk of wood. It crashed to the ground outside as I leaped for

My father said nothing as he died. He had no final words or passing sentiment for me, only a look of

disgust and disappointment in the son he could never bring himself to care for. I felt no remorse in

snapping his


I felt nothing at all.

It was only later, as the sun rose. As I was standing in the shower watching the water at my feet run red

with my father’s blood that the weight of my actions crashed down on my shoulders. I had killed my

father. And I wasn’t anywhere done with my vengeance yet.

Ignatius would be the next one to fall. It was he who stood in the way. It was him who had turned

Dorothy against me. Without him, surely she would come back. She would have no choice.

I would cut down anyone and everyone until she had no one left to turn to but me. I would take back

the destiny that was owed to me.


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Chapter 23

I took my time in leaving. I went about my,

routine like the

downstairs living room wasn’t a nightmarish bloodbath of a scene. Like my father had left for work early

as he did every morning before I slouched down the stairs- not stiff and lifeless and growing cold on the

Persian carpet.

I stood before the mirror and fixed ny unruly hair. I put on fresh clothes. and removed every hint of my

father’s demise from my b*dy. I left the manor as it was and headed back into the forest. I was faster

than my own car, satiated by my own father’s blood.

I passed the wreckage of the grandfather clock on the gravel outside. The clock face was cracked and

broken, but the twisted metal of the hands was intact and pointed to exactly twelve o’clock frozen

forever in the exact moment my new life began.

I could feel the hollow, lifeless eyes of my father still following me, even in death, as I left.

It didn’t take long to arrive at the blue villa. Only Ignatius’s car wasn’t parked in the driveway. I tasted

the air. His scent and Dorothy’s were detectable, but faint and fading fast. I refused to believe it.

I stormed up to the villa, my heavy steps making the porch creak and groan in protest. I rapped my

knuckles aggressively on the door. Nothing. Not a sound could be heard but for the birds chirping in the

barren trees and the faint sound of music carried to me by the wind.

I tried the handle. The door was locked. Roaring in frustration, I kicked open the door and it sent

splinters flying as it exploded open. Rushing. inside I turned in circles, howling my rage at the empty

building. They were gone. Ignatius had left and he took Dorothy with him.

I was furious. Julianna raged in my chest along with me, howling for their

true mate.

The house shook as I slammed my fist into the wall, cracking the paint and causing flecks of drywall to

crumble and drift to the floor. Striding out of the empty villa I set off towards town, determined to know

exactly where. they had gone. I would find them. I vowed to both myself and Julianna. I


Chapter 23

will take our mate back.


There was someone else I had to pay a visit to


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