Reborn- His Scarlett Moon

Chapter 88-Ryan’s POV ( Burning at the stake…. Past

I stood there, watching my mother wriggle as my father set her ablaze with the torch he had in his hand.

The pyre was dripping in oil and the moment the tongue of the fiery flame touched the wet hay, my mother’s flesh began roasting alive and I heard her shriek pierce the sky.

That was the moment I turned off my humanity, rather I lost it all.

I ran towards her as far as my feet could carry me.

I shoved and threw everyone aside who came in my way.

Just when I was about to take the plunge inside the fire and try and pull out my mother, or whatever of her was left, when suddenly she yelled, after watching me in front of her,

” Ryan, stop. I order you by virtue of the breast milk that I ever fed you, my son. ”

I shouldn’t have stopped. I shouldn’t have listened. But my feets did exactly the opposite. It braked into a sudden halt.

My mother smiled as I watched portions of her flesh and skin fuse together in the heat and then flake off and drop from her body, revealing the bone which then started charring.

” You cannot save me, my son. Not anymore. I am doomed. But if I fed you well and took real care of you, you will take my revenge, before this pyre cools down. ”

With that she went completely behind the veil of fire and that was the last time I saw her beautiful face.

” Mother… ”

I extended my hands to grab her like I used to when she taught me to walk, but she was gone forever and the realization brought me down on my knees. Big wet drops dripped down my cheeks as I sat there staring blank, motionless.

Then he came into my visual range.

He had the audacity to walk towards me with the torch still in his hand, with which he just turned the one , who brought me to this world, to ashes.

” You might hate me all you want but I had my reasons… She tried to kill… ”

I raised my hand, ” GUARDS! ”

I yelled and they came rushing in front of me.

” Take this old away and lock him up. I will talk with him in my court. As for now, bring in more hay and wood. This fire must not go out, come hail or storm or it’s raining, till I am able to quench my mother’s final thirst with the blood of the ones who did her like this. ”

With that I stood up and began walking towards the Pack House.

” You can’t do this to me Ryan! I am your father. I am also the Alpha… ”

” Was… Now I am that! ”

He was scuffling with the guards, behind my back but my words made their job easy as his body went limp with realization.

He had already given me the position and even the ceremony was over.

The office of the Alpha was not something that one could give and take at whim. He knew pretty well that he needed to challenge me in a proper, one on one duel if he wished to take back the office from me.

And he didn’t dare at the moment, given my mental state. I would have easily and happily ripped his heart out with my bare hands and fed it to the vultures, without having to go through the facade of trial in the courtroom.

As I walked in my room after that, I went straight inside the indoor pool.

I closed my eyes and let the ice cool water to take over my senses as I went under its surface. I didn’t know how long I would stay there like that. It was only when Beck repeatedly kept knocking that I had to get up.

” What is it? ”

I asked, reluctantly putting my clothes on my wet self.

” The court has been summoned. They are all waiting for you there for hours! ”

He said.

I scoffed, ” They seem to be quite good at that. Sitting and waiting while my mother was burnt. Why didn’t you wait longer Beck? Why did you interrupt my moment of peace? ” My voice was icy and colder than the water.

Beck immediately bowed, ” Please forgive me Alpha. I was naive. ”

I ignored him and walked straight to the court, leaving behind my wet footsteps on the ground.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I sat there as they went to bring my father.

Just then I saw a scuffle break out at the door and then Sherizad walked in. She was tossing my guards here and there as Beck ran in behind her, trying to stop her or something like that.

At that moment, strangely, there were absolutely no feelings for her in my heart.

It was over flowing with hatred.

It was craving revenge.

Infact, I saw her more as a distraction at that moment, which could possibly hinder that bloodlust,

” Now is not the time for Princess Sherizad. Who gave you the permission to barge into my court like this?

This is not your father’s place, that you can stumble into any time. Beck, take her back and make her wait in the guest room. ”

I said, without even asking why she was there in the first place. It wasn’t at all like her to come visit me like this, especially when she had herself been summoned back to her tribe from our northern expedition.

But I guess logic had left my presence and all I could see was my mother’s charred body in front of my eyes and breathing the air that seemed reeking with the scent of her burning flesh.

No matter how much longer I had stayed underwater, would anything change.

I saw Sherizad storm out of the court but I didn’t even bother to send someone after her.

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