Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


“You know there’s possibly nothing you can do about it Sebastian” Evans announced to Sebastian as they both settled down in Evans office while Evans handed over a glass of blood to Sebastian.

“Thanks I was already getting hungry”

Sebastian as he took a sip but spat it out almost immediately.

“Animal blood, you’ve got to be kidding me, I know you quit snapping necks but I never did, besides I heard you promise Ace a whole brunch as a reunion gift”

“Well I did and Ace is a friend, secondly he won’t kill his prey unlike you, your prey rarely makes it out alive and we all know that”

Sebastian scoffed at his remark as he stood up and made way for the door.

“Come on in you” Sebastian ordered at a female nurse that just happened to be passing by.

The nurse Claire smiled at the pleasure of being invited in by Sebastian.

“Yes sir am Claire, how may I be off help” Claire smiled sweetly at Sebastian as it purely seemed like she was trying to get on his good books not to mention her boss Doctor Evans, she’s never been in his office not even his floor and she just happened to be running an errand.

“Didn’t ask for your name, and I need your help, don’t scream or move it’s not going to hurt”

“Sebastian don’t” Evans warned as he realized what Sebastian was trying to do, but it was too late as Sebastian has already sank his fangs on her neck.

“That’s more like it” Sebastian exclaimed retracting his fangs before wiping his lips to remove any possible stain of blood.

“Forget everything you just saw, and you got your injury from a dog bite now go and make sure no one see your wound till it heals” Sebastian compelled as Claire made her way out of the office.

“Now that’s how you treat a guest Montenero” Sebastian smiled as he took his seat while Evans glared at him.

“But you can’t feed on my employees Hunters”

“I wonder how you’re able to pull your restraint see that you work in a hospital so you possibly see blood everytime and you’re still a vegetarian”

“Well I built my restraint well and can’t take chances”

“Sometimes I wonder if Kate’s truly your sister I mean you can’t stand drinking from the neck and only feed on animals while your little sissy on the other hand wouldn’t hesitate to snap her victims neck in two” Sebastian teased as Evans glared at him, yes he was Kate elder brother but they surely had different personalities and perspective.

While he loved saving lives with a little bit of humanity in him, Kate was the direct opposite that’s why he hated her to the core.

“No wonder she always beat your ass up, she hell stronger than you, I’d advise you go back to drinking human blood, you don’t want a female to drag your position with you Montenero” Sebastian said as he held a serious expression this time, Kate is vicious and cunning you never know what she’s up to.

“That’s not your problem to worry about hunters it’s mine, and I think we have a much bigger one at hand, why are you here?” Evans asked obviously tired of Sebastian’s taunting, he has been trying to make him give in, in taking human blood and won’t stop till Sebastian breaks the wall he’s been building for years.

Vampires are lot stronger when they take human blood that’s why most vampires come and blend in the human world as they all leave their original home town Britaris to gain power.

Kate’s a twilight vampire same with Sebastian and the rest and they’re meant to be the rulers of Britaris, Britaris has seven province with seven rulers each, the Montenero’s, Hunters, Callahans which is Rowan’s family being one of the seven.

The other vampires are called minors cause they were turned by the twilight vampires.

So there’s definitely gonna be a power struggle, that’s one of the reasons Sebastian needed a child.

“What do you want Sebastian?” Evans asked again as he wanted Sebastian out this instant.

“Well you earlier mentioned that there’s nothing to do about Adia, but I think there is”

Sebastian announced as Evans watched him with keen interest wondering what he knew about.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“How do you mean Sebastian, that has never happened in centuries”

“Well, they’ve been a hybrid or two in history, I’ll have Arion work on that, we’ll have to find out everything about them”

“I haven’t Even heard of a hybrid in years Sebastian, well the only thing I can do now is keep the girl on a close watch, you know things are gonna be hard once she reaches the sixth month”

“We have to save her Evans, she can’t die”

“Do you like her Sebastian?” Evans asked quite perplexed that Sebastian was showing interest on a mere human, all he wanted was the child and the child’s gonna be safe only the mother dies.

“No you know I don’t, I just can’t let her die, she’s innocent, you have to find a way Evans”

“I’ll try, but don’t forget Sebastian the child has your blood, making him a twilight vampire too, do you think Adia can survive this, twilight vampires are more blood thirsty than the minors, you know” Evans warned as there was little or nothing he could do.

Adia child’s gonna start feeding on her once she clocks the sixth month, the baby is literally going to her blood till she dies.

She might not even make it to the ninth month.

“Do it Evans, work on all your research and find a way and am sure Ace told you about Kate, make sure a word doesn’t come out, no one must find out in Britaris especially Logan”

Sebastian warned as Evans nodded, Logan was his brother and if words gets out Adia is pregnant, he wouldn’t hesitate to rip her heart out.


“Sir we’re here, we just arrived in Oklahoma” a man announced as a good looking blonde walked out from the helicopter.

“Hmmm, just as I thought it would be” he sniffled in deeply dipping his hands in his pocket.

“Here sir lunch” dressed in a neatly cut suit chimed in a petite looking girl beside him.

“Good boy Griffin, you always know what I need” he said before sinking his fangs on the girls neck sucking her dry.

“Take care of this mess Griffin” he ordered dropping the body on the floor as Griffin nodded.

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