Ouch, My CEO Fiance Fell For His Maid

Ouch! My CEO Fiancé Fell For His Maid Chapter 124

Ouch! My CEO Fiancé Fell For His Maid Chapter 124

Ouch! My CEO Fiancé Fell For His Maid Chapter 124

4-1 Wanted Him (Book 2)

I was standing near Margret who was working on the salon’s main counter. We had decided to go for a hundred percent advance bookings and were discussing advertising it.

“For the time being you can take over the reception,” I suggested her. The poor woman was an arthritis patient, so I used to involve her more in desk jobs.

“By the way,” she bent over the counter with that sinful glint in her eyes,” how is it going with that gorgeous hunk?”

She was so secretive, and the question was so unexpected that I had to pull back to look at her face.

“Umm. Ah. Nothing serious…” Nobody here knew that he was here in the Salon before everyone else arrived. They were also not aware that he had invited me for the lunch, next day.

“I think he likes you. Give him a chance, Eve.” She suggested me with kindness.

As I continued to stand next to Margaret at the salon’s main counter, I couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward about her question regarding the ” gorgeous hunk.” I knew she was my sincere employee and only wished the best for me, but I wasn’t sure how to respond.

Mrs. Margret and June did know about my past a little bit.

I cleared my throat, trying to buy some time to think of an appropriate response. “Margret! He’s nice and all, but I don’t know if it’s anything more than that,” I finally replied.

Margaret raised an eyebrow, her expression telling me that she didn’t quite believe me. “Come on, Eve. You can’t deny that there’s chemistry there. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. We all felt it.”

I couldn’t help but blush a little at her words. I had noticed the way he looked at me too, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up. “Maybe you’re right, ” I admitted. “But I don’t want to make any assumptions.”

Margaret nodded, understanding written all over her face. “I get it. But you should at least give him a chance. Who knows? Fate might surprise you.”

I chewed on my bottom lip, contemplating her words. Part of me wanted to take her advice and see where things could go with the “gorgeous hunk,” but another part of me was scared of getting hurt.

Before I could respond, Margaret interrupted my thoughts. “You know what? Let’s make a deal. If you agree to give him a chance, I’ll help you come up with a killer advertising plan for the salon’s advance bookings.”

I smiled at her offer, grateful for her support. “Okay, deal,” I said, feeling a sense of excitement building within me. Maybe taking a chance on love and the salon’s new marketing strategy wouldn’t be so bad after all.


“He has invited me for lunch tomorrow,” I announced at the dinner table while chewing the pizza slowly.

“Who?” Aniya asked me absent-mindedly while scrolling through her phone.

“Aniya! We are not allowed to use screens during dinner, remember? And I am talking about Adonis.” I flared my nostrils for some effects.

“I am sorry.” She quickly tossed aside her phone, “And don’t tell me you didn’t ask his name!” “I actually didn’t ask his name,” I admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed.Upstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

Aniya’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You’re going on a lunch date with someone whose name you don’t even know? That’s quite bold on your part, Eve.”

I shrugged, trying to play it cool. “I mean, it’s not a date, per se. Just lunch.

And I’m sure he’ll introduce himself tomorrow.”

Aniya interjected, ’Well, just be careful, honey. You never know who you’re meeting these days.”

I nodded, knowing that my friend was just looking out for me. One day she would be advising me to give it a chance and the very next day she will be passing me warning signs.

I’ll be careful, girl. Don’t worry.”

As we continued to eat dinner and chat about other things, my mind couldn’t help but wander to Adonis and our upcoming lunch. I couldn’t wait to see where this could lead.


It was all foggy around me. I was standing at a familiar place where no one was around. It was a lush green ground with white lines indicating the boundaries of the area.

Where was I?

Just then my gaze fell on something through the thick fog. The bleachers …. They were surrounding the field. I narrowed my eyes and tried to see goalposts on two sides of the field. Was it a football ground?

F*ck! It was my school’s football ground. Right?

I could hardly see through the fog now. I kept turning around with no idea where should I start walking but then magically, the fog started thinning.

The bleachers surrounding the field were now more visible, and I could see that they were old and worn out, with rusty metal frames and faded wooden seats. The fog had given the place an eerie, almost ghostly feel, and I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I was not alone.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the light fog, distant at first, but gradually becoming louder and clearer. It was a voice I recognized but couldn’t place my finger. It was calling out my name, and I felt a sense of urgency in its tone.

I turned towards the source of the voice and saw a familiar figure emerging from the fog. As it approached, I could easily make out his familiar face. He looked worried and anxious and was calling out my name.

Without waiting for a second, I ran to him and lunged at him.

“Elijah!” I squeezed my eyes with happiness when I felt his arms around me, “Where were you?” strangely I was not crying.

In the past two years, I had made peace with his absence from my life.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, his voice tense. “You should go back.”

I tried to speak, but my voice caught in my throat. He cupped my cheek gently and looked at me lovingly, “I know you can’t forget me. But you should not come here, Eve.” “I know. I still miss you. I still crave your company. Your friendship.”

“I miss you too, Evelyne.” He held my hand and began leading me towards the exit, his steps hurried and determined.

As we walked, the fog began to lift even further, revealing more of the surroundings. I could now see the school building in the distance, its red brick walls towering above the trees.

As we approached the exit gate, he turned towards me, “Promise me you’ll never come back here again.’

I nodded, still too shocked to speak. With that, he opened the gate, and we stepped out of the football ground, leaving the fog behind us.

“Let me drop you home, silly girl.” “Elijah!” I wanted to tell him that I loved him.

“Shh. I understand my love. I understand. I love you too, Evelyne.”


My eyes fluttered open, and I looked at my surroundings. I was still in my room and there was no Elijah. But I was no more upset about it. There was no more sense of loneliness.

He used to visit me in my dreams after every two to three months. Initially, those foggy dreams used to make me cry. But not anymore.

Now I used to welcome them. It was my only connection with him.

As I lay in bed, trying to hold onto the feelings and emotions of the dream, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for his visit. Those dreams always reminded me of the love and understanding I shared with Elijah and gave me hope that one day we would be together again.

I slowly got out of my bed and started my day. Aniya was still sleeping. As it was Saturday, which was my day off from my job, I needed to do my duties of doing the laundry and cleaning the apartment which also included scrubbing bathrooms.

I wanted to get done with it so that I could get ready in time for my lunch date. While roaming around in my apartment I could not get past the warm feelings of the dream. Even though it had ended, it had left a lasting impact on me. As always.

I took out a lemon-yellow sundress along with my Brazilian set of lingerie and headed to the bathroom.

After taking shower, I stepped out wearing a robe, “Hey there.” Aniya peeked inside and then entered the room, “Ready for lunch with your Adonis?” “Very much!” I took off the towel from my head and plugged in the hair dryer, “Your pancakes are ready and safe in the oven.”

I announced and started to blow dry my hair.

Aniya was shifting uncomfortably on her feet, “I need to tell you something.

I mean inform you about this…” “About what?” I asked her busily finger-combing my hair.

“We … we need to cancel our movie plan for tonight. I might… spend the night outside.” She quickly finished it.

“I am not your mommy, Aniya. Nor I am a judgmental fellow. Enjoy yourself. Forget about movie night.” I said casually. We were still following the rule of never bringing a stranger to our apartment for having s3x, “Just don’t forget to take precautions for the night.”

Aniya gave me an embarrassed grin, “So, you’re meeting Adonis for lunch today, right?” She asked me the same question again.

“Yes, I am. I told you. No need to feel guilty about the movie plan, Aniya.

Now shoo away!”

Aniya smiled, “Don’t forget to ask his name this time.”

I tried to ignore the blush quickly spreading my cheeks, “Uh. Will try. I’m really enjoying this cat and mouse game with him. I hope I don’t embarrass myself in the end.”

Aniya placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.

Just be yourself and have fun.”

I started putting on my dress after Aniya left my room. However, after getting ready when I was placing my purse on the kitchen counter so that I could grab a glass of iced water, she walked into the kitchen wearing a cute mini-dress and high heels.

I whistled and raised an eyebrow, “Now look at you! Where are you going? Weren’t you planning to spend the night with some hottie?”

Aniya winked, “I’m meeting some friends to enjoy my day. It’s been a while since we all hung out together.”

I nodded, “Sounds fun. So are these friends…. guy friends?” I shifted my tongue to my left inner cheek.

Aniya checked her phone, “It’s just one guy I am interested in. We just want to catch up and have a good time at his place.” “Well, have a great day and a magical night. And be safe, okay?”

Aniya hugged me, “Of course, Eve. I will. And you too have a great lunch date with Adonis. Can’t wait to hear all about it when I get back.” She was about to turn on her heels when she turned back and snapped her fingers.

“You know, Eve? For you, I want to break one rule tonight.” “And that is?” I smacked my lips.

“I won’t be home. So, bring your Adonis here and have a great time.” Her suggestion brought a heart attack to my faint heart.

“Are you nuts?” “No, silly. If I am not home, then why not. Go for it. I don’t have any objection.” She sent a flying kiss my way and left the kitchen.


I parked my car in front of the restaurant and got down. That black Mercedes was parked there, a telltale sign that Adonis had reached way before time.

While walking to the main door, I stopped when the door opened, and someone stepped out. It was HIM.

His face lit up when he saw me. He looked handsome in casual t-shirt and denim trousers.

“Hey there,” he said with a warm smile as I approached.

“Hi/ I replied, feeling a little shy.

“Wow, you look amazing,” he said, his eyes lingering on me.

I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. “Thanks, you’re not looking too bad yourself, ” I said, trying to sound flirty and failing miserably I guess.

We walked into the restaurant together and were led to our table. As we were handed the menu card, I couldn’t help it and found myself once again studying him. He looked so confident and sexy, and I was starting to feel a little weak in the knees.

“So, tell me if you read any books lately?” after getting done with our order, he attempted to break the silence.

“Danielle Steele,” I said without waiting for a second. Last night I re-read the book that was a birthday present from Elijah.

“Ah, romance,” he said, flashing me a grin. “What was the name of the book.

I told him about the novel, that I couldn’t finish last night, and we started talking about our favorite authors. As we talked, I felt my nerves starting to melt away. Adonis was so easy to talk to, and I felt

like we had a real connection.

As we ordered our food, I couldn’t resist teasing him a little. “So, what do you do when you’re not driving your fancy car around town?” I asked, arching an eyebrow.

He laughed. “Well, I’m a businessman, but I also like to stay in shape. I work out a lot. You can call me a fitness freak.”

“I can tell,” I said, running my eyes over his toned arms. “You look like you could bench-press a car.”

He grinned. “Shut up, long legs. Stop pulling my leg.” He punched my shoulder playfully. We continued to flirt and banter throughout the meal.

As we walked back to the car, he held my hand and leaned on the car, asking, “What are you doing tonight?” I felt my eyes widen, but he quickly squeezed my hand and added, “Hey, I don’t want to overwhelm you. I know, it’s too soon. How about we become friends first?”

I was taken aback. “Friends?” I asked incredulously.

He nodded. ‘Yeah, let’s not even exchange names. We both know we have something special here, but if in case, it doesn’t work out, we can part ways without any hard feelings. For now, let’s just stick with ‘long legs’ and ‘ Adonis’.” He paused, waiting for my response. “So, what do you say?” “What do you have in mind?” I asked him.

“What are you doing after lunch?” “I have nothing to do after lunch.” “Then spend the day with me. Please.” he surprised me with the suggestion.

“You mean, till night?” I clarified.

He chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean.” He waited for my response.

After a moment of consideration, I nodded back and said, “Alright, I’m in!”

Being a gentleman he held my hand and led me to the passenger door of his car.

As we set off on our day together, I couldn’t help the thought creeping into my mind.

The question burning at the back of my mind was… I was ready to spend the day with him. Was he ready to spend the night with me?

He was an Adonis. How to tell him that I wanted him?

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