My Tool For Revenge (I bought her)



Christa’s POV

GOING through my delivery book so as to know who is next for delivery, the door to my office bursted open, revealing one of my workers.

“Ma’am, Mr Yakuza is here to meet you”, she mulled and my eyes widened in curiosity, and astonishment.

“I can’t believe Mr Yakuza is here in person to see me”, I awed smiling broadly.

Well, he is one of my richest and famous patronizers who pays in cool cash, but he has never for once come in person, he is always sending his men.

“Let him in!”, I commanded and she bowed respectively before heading out.

…Moments Later…

We have been sitted in my office facing each other for the past few minutes, discussing a crucial matter.

I didn’t know he had come to ask for something impossible, to ask for Gianna, whom I already sold out weeks ago.

And for the time we had sitted, I have been trying to tell him that the girl in question, has been sold out, but this man before me, just wouldn’t want to hear of it.

“I’m sorry Mr Yakuza, I have given her out”, I proclaimed, again.

“What is that supposed to mean?”, hee asked authoritatively.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Gianna has been purchased by a multi billionaire”, I reported and instantly he landed me a resounding slap.

“I watched Gianna grew up, I spent so much money on her, were you thinking all the money I gave to you just because of her were some sort of charity donation?”, he barked the question.

I was left dumbstruck, as I watched and listened to him in total awe.

“I love the little girl, I don’t give a shit if she had been purchased or not, it is either you give back all my money or you retrieve her for me”, he uttered coldly.

Ahh! I knew I was doomed.

“Have mercy Mr Yakuza, how am I gonna get that huge amount of money?”, I cried.

“Why didn’t you think about that when you were giving her out?”, he barked.

My mouth was wide open.

“I don’t fucking care”, he continued, “I am giving you two weeks to provide my money or bring Gianna from wherever you kept her, or amma bounce brutally on you”, he roared angrily hitting the table as he stood up to leave.

“Oh goodness! What have I gotten myself into?”, I wondered aloud, watching him leave.

Gianna’s POV

I was dressed beautifully in a black short gown, with so much makeup that covered up my real paled face.

My wrist was dressed in bandages, my body was still hurting due to the pains.

We got to our destination about stepping down from the car when Greg pulled me back.

Taken me aback, he hasn’t spoken to me, since he tortured me.

“Dont you dare laugh or chat with any guy at the dinner hall, your laughter and chat are meant for I alone and no one else. Just me”, he warned sternly as he roughly let go of me and we got down, then went into the hall.

I was told it was a friend’s dinner party.

All eyes were on us as soon as we entered the hall.

I was tightly holding onto Greg’s hand, we were walking in hand in hand.

Everything were already falling apart, I couldn’t bear to fall here in these high heels now, my body was aching badly but I have to endure.

We walked further in, I widened in awe to the amount of high class people that were in the hall, they all looked rich and expensive, no wonder Greg made me wear a more expensive clothing.

I subconsciously turned to him, he looked so decent as well. You won’t even know he is a beast by just looking at his appearance.

“Can’t take off your eyes?”, he asked, catching me off guard as he smirked and began greeting the guests.

I quickly averted my eyes, and he chuckled.

“It is time for you to meet some important guests”, he said and took me to a table where four guys were sitting together.

Greg cleared his throat getting their attention.

“Gianna”, he called, “meet my friend, Jones”.

Jones stood up smiling and bowed as I smiled at him in response.

“This is Nelson, my childhood friend who is an idiot”, he continued.

Nelson glared at him but soften his gaze as soon as he looked towards me.

“Hello Gianna. You are a true beauty you know, Greg has told me so much about you”, he said.

I smiled.

He was a handsome dude, and well built.

“And here is Lionel, my best friend”.

Lionel just waved his hand at me sipping his drink.

I took a quick mental note to avoid him as much as possible. His aura was screaming danger, besides, show me your friend and I would tell you who you are has been working since time being, a beast should also have a beast for a best friend.

“Hi, I am Lionel, nothing more to say”, he coldly spoke as he stood up and left the table.

“Ah, don’t mind him. He is always busy”, Jones said, smiling.

A guy entered.

Just then Greg smirked as he looked at the guy who just entered.

“Oh nice, perfect timing”, he uttererd staring at the guy who just walked in.

I looked at the tall handsome guy who somehow seemed familiar to me.

“Meet Clems, my rival and a betrayer”, his tone was sarcastic for some reason.

“You look beautiful Gianna. I wish you don’t experience pains, you are too beautiful for such”, he said.

Ouch that is a hard blow, as if he knew how bad I was suffering.

Greg immediately wrapped his hand around my waist, pushing me closer and kissing my cheeks as I flinched.

“Clems, see, I got her now, she is now mine”, he uttered.

I saw Clems’ hands quickly formed into a fist, he stared at us for some seconds, and then left without saying a word.

“Why the hell does he look so familiar? And what could be going on between him and Greg?” I wondered.

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