My Secret, My Bully, My Mates. Series

Chapter 0595

Chapter 0595

Ava blushes and it is adorable. She leans into Brett’s shoulder and it looks like they might be holding hands under the table.

“We weren’t glossing it over, because it really is a big deal and important to us, but since none of you seemed particularly phased by it, we didn’t want to push the idea. Not everyone gets a second chance mate and to be honest we weren’t sure how you boys would take it since it really hasn’t been that long since we lost your father. We wanted to be respectful of your feelings and we know that your own mate situation has been a priority too. We didn’t want to overshadow our new Alphas, but we are truly happy and” Brett smiles down at her and I realize for the first time that I don’t think I have ever seen him look like that before.

His mate died in a small attack when we were all really little. I only know that much of the story, but she was a force apparently. I don’t know if Oliver even remembers her. But it has always just been Brett and Oliver as the Gammas as long as I can remember. Now that I see him like this, happy and content, it makes me a little sad to know that he raised Oliver alone. Then another wave of sadness washes over me because he raised Oliver. He somehow managed to put losing his mate to the side to be there for his pup and do his duty as Gamma. He was always pleasant to all of us and even helped Kyle train me on some occasions when I was little and left to myself. That little voice in my head pipes up mentioning that my dad couldn’t figure that out, but Brett did.

I’m once again pulled from my thoughts. This time literally pulled into Oliver’s lap.

”Don’t do that, Baby. Our dads are different people and our situations were different. Don’t compare them. You are just starting to build a relationship with your dad. He needs a chance to explain himself.”

I bury my face in the crook of his neck and take a deep breath in. I know the other two were listening and I’m sure the exchange didn’t go unnoticed, but neither Ava or Brett say anything about my mood shift.

“So, if we are confined to the center of the pack, what good are we?” Dakota shifts the topic, thankfully.

“We were all actually interested in testing your abilities now that you are fully mated. Usually the full moon plays a part in gaining abilities, but clearly you have all changed some, just in the last forty eight hours. I know Gentry and Elena had plans to test your magic as well. There will be plenty for you to do. Don’t feel like you are being sidelined.” Brett tries to placate us, probably more me, since the guys were aware of the protection situation before me.

“It feels wrong to not be a part of patrols, though. What if something happens and we are miles from the fight?” Dakota asks.

“Welcome to the ‘fragile and needs to be protected box.’ I’m so glad you can all feel the bullsh*t of the situation now.” I laugh at them and Ava winks at me. She has always been a big supporter of me giving all of the guys a hard time.

“Osiston will be our go-between right now, since he is capable. I’m sure that Alpha Reggie and even Xander could make it through whatever barrier is up. Which logically means that Skylar, and even Mateo, should be able to as well since they are blood related. But, we are not testing that theory.” He points right at me before I can even get excited about the idea. “We know it’s you the Rogue King wants. We are not handing you over on a silver platter just to test a theory. But, let’s be honest, you will probably have to go against him at some point…” low, rumbling growls surround me. “…And, that is something everyone in this room needs to come to terms with.”

“It won’t be our first move though, so I’m okay with missing out if it keeps Bitty away from that c*ck sucker as long as possible.” Oliver wraps his arms around me tighter. I lean into him letting him comfort me as much as I am him and then move back to my seat so we can actually eat.

The rest of dinner is pretty mundane. My wolf and I are trying to wrap our heads around the idea that these are now family members, in-laws. We will do things like this all of the time for celebrations, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays and eventually with our pups. Oh f*ck! I cannot be thinking about pups right now. And I need to turn this panic off before someone notices and asks. My mates are too observant on a normal day, now they are super attuned to me emotionally. They either didn’t notice the brief moment of panic or decided it wasn’t worth mentioning.

I lost track of time being with them, but it was completely dark when we headed back to the packhouse.

“So our parents find out they are second chance mates right around the time we all figure out we are mates. I  wonder if they knew before we did. Like were we brothers before the Goddess confirmed all three of us were Sky’s mates?” Dakota muses as we walk up the front steps.

“No idea, but maybe that was part of the plan. At this point, I’ve stopped trying to keep up with what the Goddess has going on.”

“It’s about time!” Lil comes running at us. “You had a visitor and Sierra is super pissed.”

“Huh? Who the hell would visit, especially now?” I ask as we move through the house towards the back door. I’m not surprised to find everyone around the fire pit.

“F*cking Olympia, that’s who.” Sierra growls from her seat on the opposite side of the fire.

“Why in the hell would she come here of all places?” I wonder out loud, moving towards the long bench I know my guys typically occupy. I just wait for them to get situated and decide whose lap I’m going to sit in. I’ve given up trying to sit in my own seat out here.

“Hold the phone. Who’s Olympia?” Mateo asks.

“This b*tch who gave Sky and Mina a hard time when they would visit Xander and Alpha Reggie at the castle.”

“She wasn’t the worst though. Charlene wanted to rip my eyeballs out, but that was more because I told her off and embarrassed her in public.”NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“None of that information tells us why she would come here though. It sounds like she would not want to do over and more try to be friendly.” Mateo’s not wrong. I have no idea what she would want, but she wasn’t the one actively plotting against Mina and I, so maybe she decided I’m a better person to be on good terms with since I am friends with the future King and Queen.

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