My contract love story

Chapter 15

“Like both of you, I and my wife agreed to marry each other for convenience. It was a rocky start for us but at the end of the day she is my only companion whom I hold dear” he said with a bit of solemnity in his tone, and for the first time he looked somewhat lonely.

Ashleigh melted on seeing the old man’s plight, he seemed to regret not having her by his side. At the same time, her heart wavered, was this going to be her fate as well?

“My dear, I felt your emotions earlier. I understood all you meant and I want to tell you to be strong, because there is a lot more from where that came from” he held her hand firmly, speaking with calmness.

Ashleigh only nodded in understanding, thanking the man quietly as he let her hand go. He began to walk to the door slowly, the both of them watching as he left. At the door, he turned back to look at Adrian.

“Tell Mr. Turner to come tomorrow with the contract for signing. For the sake of your wife I have agreed to your conditions” he announced, turning back to leave. The two of them stood awkwardly for a while, allowing the message to sink in to them.

“That is Mr. Oscar Fernando, the CEO of grazec group of companies. He was the major figure which was needed to approve this contract signing and he surprisingly came today” Adrian said, looking at Ashleigh for her reaction. Ashleigh who was already unsettled with everything, just let out a quiet ‘oh’.

“So that means my job here is done then” she voiced out quietly as she left , walking past the chefs and Tara and leaving the room with a silent click of the door.

Adrian felt his heart being pricked continuously, his impatience which died down earlier had now resurfaced.

“Now, I need someone to tell me what the hell happened over the dinner preparations”

As the morning sun rose on the Cagliari mansion, Ashleigh woke up in a sour mood. Most of the night had been spent recapping the whirlwind of events: the ring, lunch, dinner… To think it all happened in one day! And Adrian? The very thought of him made her heart skip a beat several times a day, no less. A pathetic smile played on her lips.

Currently dressed in the company shirt, trousers, and sneakers, she sat at her dresser, a scrunchie holding her hair back. The pre-dawn sky was a canvas of fading darkness, slowly giving way to the orange glow of the rising sun. The clock displayed 6:45 am in bold red numbers.

Tranquility shattered as her door unlocked and swung open. A familiar cologne reached her nose, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching. In the mirror’s reflection, their eyes met for a fleeting moment before Ashleigh broke the contact, reaching for her watch.

Adrian stood close behind her, hesitant.

“Good morning, Ashleigh,” he began.

“Like you requested yesterday, I have information about your parents.” He retrieved an envelope from his suit pocket.

Adrian’s original plan had been to provide a basic overview. But after a meeting with the kitchen staff, he’d called his secretary to expand on the information, ensuring Ashleigh had everything she needed. They’d worked late into the night, fueled by Adrian’s guilt that kept him wide awake despite his desire for sleep. Two meager hours of sleep later, he was up at 5 am, ready to face her.

The coldness radiating off her was palpable. Only when he mentioned her parents did she turn back, her gaze laced with sarcasm.

“Oh, you’re finally ready to tell me? What’s the catch this time?” He gave no response to her comment and continued.

“Mr. Turner investigated for the past week, and this is what we found. Your parents, and your entire family for that matter, are not originally from America. You are a first generation American simply by virtue of residing here.”

She absorbed all this information, her face a mask of emotions. Apart from her aunt, she truly was an orphan in the real sense. The parents she’d hoped to meet after years of separation weren’t there to welcome her. What was the point of all this, then? Silence stretched in the room as Ashleigh contemplated this. Finally, she spoke again, her voice mellow.

“Can you tell me how I ended up in the orphanage?”

“The information we obtained indicates you were separated from your mother at birth in an emergency. For your safety, she requested you be taken away from your hometown and brought here by a close confidante.”

“You may have noticed some peculiarities about the orphanage you grew up in. It remains in a somewhat hidden location to this day. This strategic choice ensured you had no contact with anyone outside those assigned to look after you. Your aunt also came into the picture at your mother’s request.”

“Have you been able to find out where I’m from?”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“Not yet.” Adrian lied.

He decided to withhold the information until his plans were finalized. His investigating team had also advised that for her safety, she should avoid traveling to Italy for the next few months. Word was going around that her father’s family was currently investigating the possibility of her being alive. He knew they would find out the truth eventually, but for now, as long as the search was restricted to Italy, Ashleigh was safe here.

“To conduct further investigation, the team needs a DNA sample,” he explained. Her eyes lit up in anticipation.

“When can I get it done?”

“Not right now. I have some things to attend to first.”

“Can’t they just come here and take a sample? I heard there are simpler test kits available now?”

“No. You’ll be doing the test under my supervision.” He finished, Ashleigh sighed as she stood up. By this time, the sun had begun rising, and Ashleigh assumed it was probably time to leave for work.

As she began packing her necessities in her backpack, she expected Adrian to get up and leave. But he remained where he stood, watching her movements keenly. He noticed her choosing a pair of earrings and a bracelet that seemed new, but not part of the jewelry he’d ordered for her.

The ring box was propped open, the wedding ring displayed elegantly on it. It was anathema to Ashleigh. She was in a dilemma. Wearing the ring to work was obviously out of the question, and normally she would just ignore it and go on her way. Now that Adrian stood so close, he could see everything she did and had noticed her hesitation.

She saw Adrian’s hand move past her to the jewelry display on her table. He grabbed a dainty necklace and the ring. He placed the ring on the necklace and then clasped it around her neck. Thankfully, her hair was already up in a bun, so there was no need for him to brush it aside.

Denial warred with an undeniable attraction. She shouldn’t feel this way, not after everything. But the sight of them together in the mirror sparked a flicker of something she couldn’t quite suppress.

They looked picture-perfect. His eyes squinted as he adjusted the clasp of the necklace, securing it. A few strands of hair strayed stubbornly from the gel, just like him. His face, though calm, held a hint of urgency as he fastened it. To her eyes, he embodied perfect handsomeness.

Adrian stepped back from her, finally looking forward to seeing if she was staring back at him through the mirror. He gently brought her back to reality by adjusting the necklace to rest perfectly on her chest.

“Always wear this necklace in public,” he said in a soft tone. “In my family, it’s considered bad luck for a married woman not to wear a ring. It implies wishing your husband ill.”

He cleared his throat after a moment of silence. Ashleigh simply looked at him, then at the card in her hand.

“I’ll be away for a while,” he continued.

“Mr. Oscar requested I take a work trip to his company in Mexico. I’ll be gone for the next month. While I’m away, you’re in charge. I made sure to clarify that with all the staff after last night’s debacle.”

“What’s the point of all this?” Ashleigh finally asked.

“To apologize,” he said.

“I’m sorry for how I made you feel. I may hold most of the power in this contract, but unlike what you said earlier, your requests are very important to me.” He assured her, but Ashleigh remained silent, her emotions a mystery.

“If you say so” she replied, tucking the necklace under her shirt before grabbing her backpack. A glance at her phone sent her eyes wide with shock. She’d spent far more time with Adrian than intended, and work loomed. There were also a couple of missed calls from her friends, probably already waiting at the bus stop.

“This was a nice talk, but I’m already late. I should get going.” She hurried out of the room, leaving Adrian with a multitude of questions about her decision to continue working after their marriage. He knew better than to ask. He was already learning about her various moods and how he triggered her defiance. It was best to let it rest for now.

Turner entered through the door Ashleigh left ajar and stood behind Adrian, his demeanour instantly turning serious. The mood in the room shifted as well.

“Good morning, boss,” Turner began. “I have information from the hangar. The private jet team is ready and awaiting your arrival.”

Adrian hummed casually as he strode towards Ashleigh’s dresser. Picking up the ring box, he tossed it carelessly in his hand as he listened to the details Turner relayed about his Mexico trip.

“Turner, contact the investigation team,” Adrian instructed. “I need information on Ashleigh’s father. While I know he was from a mafia family, I need specifics: his current whereabouts and activities over the past three years.”

“Also, see if they can find any other close relatives on her mother’s side,” he added. Turner diligently noted everything on his phone.

Adrian dropped the ring box back on the dresser and strolled out of the room. Mr. Turner followed closely behind. Lost in thought about whether he’d covered everything, he stopped abruptly in the hallway, Ashleigh’s image flashing in his mind.

“Instruct Mr. Atkinson to assign close guards for Ashleigh,” he ordered. “They’ll follow her wherever she goes. Let him know, and Ashleigh as well, that she should avoid public transportation whenever possible.”

With that final directive, Adrian continued his walk towards the car which would take him to the hangar, and then boarding the jet that would whisk him away to Mexico.

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