Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 72_ Embarrassed 2

Sandy and Cassie traced the sound to Bianca’s room, they stood in front of the door where the sign was clearly hung..

“I guess she’s on do not disturb mode.. we better get going” Cassie suggested taking a step forward to leave..

However, the sound came again this time louder, their eyes widened and that also sounded like a man’s groan..

“Bianca open up!”

Bianca’s hand froze on air with the baseball stick ready to strike Xander’s butt for the third time, she dropped the stick to the ground staring at the poor figure groaning on her bed..

“Quit whining! I didn’t even hit you that hard!” she scorned walking to the door, she pulled it but it didn’t open..

“It’s not opening!” She groaned out in displeasure….

Cassie placed her ear against the door, she had a feeling Bianca wasn’t alone in her room, did her daughter bring any man home?

“It’s locked Sandy..”


Thirty minutes later..

The mini living room was quiet as Bianca narrowed her gaze at the two kids who had their heads bowed down..

“So who among you both locked us up?”

Kelvin and Kiara both pointed at each other, Bianca closed her eyes with a sigh..

“What on earth were you thinking when you hit your boyfriend with a stick? he looks scared and hurt”

Bianca turned around to face her mum and Sandy who were tending to Xander’s every need like he was really hurt..

She knew that he was faking being hurt just so they can scold her or worse, force her to tend to his needs..

They didn’t even bother to ask him why he was here in the first place..

“Scared? He’s faking! all he wants is attention and nothing more”

“Which you aren’t giving to him.. he needs attention but… baby, will you please stop fighting with him every time? the poor boy is hurt and needs you by his side”

Bianca sighed in defeat, nothing she says to them matters, they really thought that she was Xander’s girlfriend..

Xander flashed her a toothy smile which annoyed her deeply..

She pulled her gaze off him to the the kids before her who were now whispering to each other’s ears in turns..


They jolted out in startlement, Kiara blinked her cute brown large orbs at her..C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

“Aunt.. I’m very sorry, Kelvin forced me to do it and I had to help him because he’s my best friend..” she pouted..

Kelvin snapped his head to her “Liar! I didn’t do that.. it was you who locked the door and also flushed the key down the toilet”

Bianca’s eyes widened in surprise at their cute devilish plans towards her..

Why on earth was everyone so eager and desperate to match her up with Xander? the latter was an annoying freak who thinks he could get whatever he wants with the snap of his fingers..

“That’s right! no dessert for you both tonight!” she declared..

The doorbell rang, Kelvin was ready to bolt towards it only to be caught back by Bianca..

“Not so fast little man.. I’ll get it myself, I want you both to sit down here without moving an inch.. and think about what you’ve done!”

She hmphed! and walked to the door, she pulled it open for a smile to spread on her face..


Olivia embraced Bianca tightly with a small chuckle..

“Mummy! Aunt!”

Kiara and Kelvin crashed into Olivia’s body, she kissed Kiara’s forehead before lifting Kelvin up with a small groan escaping her lips..

“Baby.. I missed you the most.. you’ve put in so much weight in just two days..”

“Hey Hun”

“Hi Olivia”

Bianca pulled in her luggages taking them away while Olivia strode to the couch where a figure lay with a white sheet over his body..

“Mum! aunt Cassie!” She exclaimed embracing them one after the other..

Her gaze fell on the figure once more “Uhh.. there’s a man on my couch” she pointed out for them to laugh out like she had just dropped a joke..

“That is Xander Gray and also Bianca’s boyfriend.. you know how she is? they had a little fight again and she ended up breaking his butt” Cassie sighed at the end of her speech..



Alexa stared at the mirror taking in several deep breaths, her big brother was in their grandfather’s study, they seem to be having a conversation..

She had been practicing in front of the mirror for over twenty minutes on how to approach him nicely and convince him to unblock her card..

it’s been really tough for her, she just couldn’t speak nicely.. even to her own reflection! jeez!

“Arrghhh! this is a lot harder than I thought..”

She turned to her phone that rang out on her bed, she left for the bed and picked it up, when she saw who it was, she hesitated for a while before taking it..

“What is it?” she asked impatiently..

“Our car broke down.. we won’t be able to make it there in the next two hours.. send a car to come get us” A deep male voice resonated at the background..

Alexa’s face scrunched in displeasure, this was so far the worst henchman she has ever seen or heard of.. and what does he mean by ‘we

“I gave only you a job! what do you mean by ‘we’?!”

“this is a one in a lifetime opportunity.. I had to invite a few friends and family over..”

Alexa’s jaw hung in disbelief, this fool might actually bring his entire community with him and eventually put her in a big trouble..

And who does he even think he is to be offer a ride by the Sterling’s?

Her brother would definitely cut off her oxygen supply if he gets to know about her plans tonight, it was already worse that he froze all her cards..

“Now listen carefully to me long beard… you better get yourself over here before the next forty minutes or else I’ll skin alive!” She barked out loud and threw her phone back to her bed..

“Who was that?”

Alexa froze for a second.. no.. no.. no. no.. not him, not Damien! did he overhear her? she panicked before turning to him slowly..

How come she didn’t hear him walking in?

She forced a tight small at him “Umm.. hey bro”

Damien’s brows furrowed, was it his hearing or did Alexa just threaten someone over the phone?

“Who were you talking to?”

Alexa gulped down hard, she had to say something, anything! or else Damien will make sure to figure everything out..

“Huhh.. that was my.. boyfriend! yes.. boyfriend”

He squinted his eyes at her, it was a little hard to believe that any man would be able to put up with her endless drama..

“Oh really? I can’t wait to see him at the event tonight.. in the meantime.. I’ve received reports about you..”


Damien inserted both hands into his pocket staring around her room, he had a feeling she was hiding something from him after all she was his sister..

They practically grew up together..

“In the last two days I’ve been away.. you’ve been causing one trouble or another.. and about today.. what made you think that it was okay to take Becky’s card?”

Alexa went loss for words “If you hadn’t frozen my cards I wouldn’t have done that.. please Damien.. I’m a total mess-

“This should be the last time you make that same mistake.. I’ll unfreeze your card when I feel it’s the right time.. but for now, I’ll keep a close eye on you”

Alexa opened her mouth to speak once more, but he already walked out through the door closing it behind him..

She sat on her bed and banged her fist on the soft mattress..

“Darn it bro! you’re making me mad..”


Cassie and Sandy listened to the one hundred reasons their daughters wouldn’t be making it to the party..

“I’m tired of staring at my boss’s face.. would you please let me stay?” Olivia murmured exasperatedly..

“I’m very sure Xander would be there and to cut the long story short, I hate those lousy rich people.. they only know how to show off” Bianca added..

“Nonsense!.. we’ve been invited by the Sterling’s themselves.. do you know what this means?” Sandy asked staring dreamily at nothing in particular..

Olivia frowned, well yeah.. she knew what this party might turn out to be.. Kelvin’s identity as Damien’s son would be at stake..

“The press and the guests are going to confirm that Kelvin is Damien’s son at the party.. and then we’ll get involved in one of those nasty mean scandals on social media” Olivia reasoned hoping to change her mum’s mind against going to the party….

“Don’t be ridiculous Olivia.. no one is going to find out that Kelvin is Damien’s son”

Olivia’s lips parted in shock, was this one of the ridiculous ways to convince her?

She pulled Kelvin to stand in front of Cassie and her mum..

“Look at this cute soul.. he looks completely like his father.. even Damien believed that Kelvin was his son without conducting any DNA test.. the guests won’t be daft you know?”

Cassie sighed and pulled Bianca along with her to a distance far away from Olivia..

“Mum come on..”

“Listen Bianca.. you have to go to this party! Olivia will choose to go if you change your mind!.. otherwise she and Damien will be strained once more”


Bianca groaned out in displeasure, she sighed when she saw her mum’s hardened expression..

“Fine I’ll go.. but don’t blame me when if I eventually break anyone’s butt again!”

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