Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 50_ Sharing a room 1

Olivia rolled her eyes on seeing her mum and Bianca pull out two pregnant luggage cases towards Damien’s car, she could only imagine the number of poor innocent clothes that were forced into it begging to be spared..

She didn’t fail to notice the look that crossed his face at that moment, she didn’t blame him though, her mum was just a little too dramatic…

All these didn’t faze her, what troubled her the most was leaving her son behind for two whole days, it felt like torture..

“I’ll miss you the most baby” She whispered softly pulling Kelvin to herself..

“Don’t worry about me.. I’ll be fine alright?”

Kelvin turned to Damien and motioned for him to come closer which he did.

Damien crotched down to Kelvin’s height only to be engulfed into a tight embrace..

“Take care of mummy, don’t make her sad, give her her meal on time and also.. don’t let her sleep in the tub”

Sandy and Bianca chuckled at the cute order Kelvin was giving out to his dad..

Kelvin reached for his mum’s hand and pulled her down gently till she was around his height…

“Okay son.. I promise to do all that… be good okay?”

Kelvin nodded to Damien’s words, he suddenly pulled them in for a hug..

“I’ll miss you both so much”

Olivia sneered at Damien’s face which was only inches apart from hers, Kelvin moved abruptly causing the two to bump their heads together..

“Ouch!” Olivia screamed out glaring at Damien who was also doing the same..

Sandy cleared her throat breaking the eye contest going on between them, she pulled Kelvin to herself and turned her attention to the two who were now standing up on their feet..

“Like I said.. everything will be alright, you may go now” she shooed them away impatiently..

“Bye mummy.. bye daddy” Kelvin said his final goodbye as he watched them get into the car and soon after, the car sped off..

“I’m gonna miss mummy” Kelvin said with a small pout, he tried to put on a brave stance so that his mum wouldn’t stay back, he wanted them to stay together and to make that happen, he had to work towards that..

Even if it meant staying apart from them for two whole days..

Sandy giggled evily “Oh they are gonna love our surprise”


The flight to Chicago took about four hours thirty minutes or more, it was a good thing they boarded a private plane which belonged to the Sterling’s… well Damien in particular..

All throughout the ride, Olivia felt sick to her stomach, her fear of height was the one to be held responsible for her sickly feeling..

She almost jumped out of joy when the plane finally kissed the land..

Oh! sweet mother earth! how she missed stepping on the solid ground for almost five hours..

A black Mercedes Benz rolled up to them and immediately a guard walked over and opened the door for them to step in..

The moment her butt touched the plush soft seat, a small moan escaped her lips..

Damien turned to her with raised brows “What was that?”

“I didn’t call your name.. or did I?”

He snorted and stared out of the moving car, today she had been surprisingly quiet, he didn’t know why but he felt like he preferred her talkative state than her quiet state..

He had tried several times to strike up a conversation with her when they were on the plane but she ignored him all through..


A crashing sound was heard startling the two who were having a hearty chat..

A minute ago, Rihanna walked in in anger totally disregarding their presence no matter how many times they called out to her..

Hearing that sound made them truly realize that she was more than upset, she was furious and the only thing that could make her this furious was if something didn’t go her way..

Not too long Alexa hurried in, she was just about to go up the stairs when Tracy called out to her impatiently..


Alexa turned around finally noticing the mother and son who were standing at the other end of the living room..

She diverted her direction from the stairs to them worriedly..

“What happened to her?” Tracy asked.

Another loud crash was heard again startling them, Tracy turned to Alexa in worry, she was scared that her daughter might do something bad to herself if not stopped on time..

“She just found out that Damien went to Chicago with Olivia and not her”

Tracy sighed frustratingly, not this again, she closed her eyes and snapped them open once more..

“I’ll go check it out” Asher murmured and left for Rihanna’s room closely accompanied by Alexa..

As soon as they were gone, Tracy’s eyes blazed in anger, that godforsaken lady! why wouldn’t she let Damien be just for a second?

Her husband should have been here since yesterday but his flight got cancelled, hopefully he’ll be back today to put an end to all of this drama!

Asher got to Rihanna’s door and tried to open it but it was locked from the inside, he cursed beneath his breath banging the door hard..

“Rihanna! open up!”

“Yes Rihanna! come on girl.. we can sought things out ourselves okay? please don’t do anything stupid in there” Alexa pleaded but all fell on deaf ears as the sound of things crashing in the room reached their ears..


The two got into the hotel closely accompanied by three guards who held their luggages, they walked to the front desk to make enquiry about their room..

“Welcome Mr Sterling!” the chirpy female receptionist exclaimed in excitement, it wasn’t everyday one gets to see a famous personality walking into their place of work..

Damien gave a nod, the lady turned to the drawer next to her and pulled out a card handing it over to him..Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Please do tell us if you don’t find anything to your liking… Enjoy your stay here” She remarked with a wide grin..

Olivia raised a brow, wasn’t that supposed to be two? and she could tell that was the exact thought going through Damien’s mind, because the latter was foolishly pulling the card like it would birth another card..

“We booked two rooms” Damien interjected before the receptionist could speak..

“No sir, only one presidential suite was booked”

Olivia stepped forward, she wasn’t sure if this was his doing or not but at least there were other rooms in the hotel for her to stay..

“Don’t bother about that.. i’ll just book another one”

“I’m sorry ma’am, but there aren’t any spare rooms left, we are fully booked”

Damien and Olivia exchanged brief glances before it was diverted back to the receptionist who was all smiles..

“What?” They both asked in unison..

Few minutes later…

The guards pushed the luggage in and left the presidential suite afterwards..

Damien pulled off his suit jacket and tossed it to the large double king sized bed, he started pulling off his cufflinks when he felt a chilly gaze on him, he turned to his side to see the angry lady glaring hard at him..

“What? you’re not going to blame me for this right?”

Olivia stepped forward to him with her hands on her hips, from her expression it was obvious that she was displeased by this arrangement..

“Well who else is to be blamed? we could have lodged at a different hotel but no! you wanted to get close to me so badly!”

Damien chuckled and walked past her, she didn’t find what she just said funny at all so why was he laughing about it?

“I didn’t crack a joke!”

“well you did in a way.. this hotel has a five star rating, it’s currently the best in the city.. and i don’t want to get involved in a scandal saying..” he paused.

“The famous Damien Sterling was spotted at a three star hotel or probably worse..” He added mimicking the voice of a news broadcaster..

Olivia rolled her eyes “Seems more like a planned setting to me”

“Oh dear.. I hope you’re not getting any strange thoughts into your head? don’t think I’m so into you” he scorned..

Olivia ignored him and walked to her luggage cases, she pulled them and felt her hands were gonna break if she didn’t drop them back down..

“The least you could do is to ask for help nicely” Damien murmured pulling off his tie nonchalantly..

“But there’s no one else in the room to ask for help from” She said with a cocky smile which made his heart skip a beat..

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