Mommy daddy is the lycan king

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

“Do not worry; the physicians at the settlement will take charge until you return tomorrow,” he assured

her. He took hold of his black singlet and yanked it over his head, leaving him n*ked from the waist up.

She silently stared at him with eyes filled with intent. His shoulder was broad and defined, with muscles

she had only seen in movies in the past. This was her weakness, and it will be hell keeping a focused

mind through all this.

“This is the most n*ked I will be with you.” He said, breaking her out of her thought.

As if it made things any better.

She was in hell, and the sweat tickling down her face told her she was. How was she going to bear

being close to that literal. hotness without losing control and doing more with her hands than she


What was wrong with her, and why was she acting like a h orny teenager?

“Alright then, let me take a look,” she said, and she stepped towards him, shoving all the dirty and

profane thoughts away from her mind.

She came to stand before him and then examined the skin of his upper b*dy. From afar and without

concentration, everything looked fine, but the closer she got and the more intent she looked, the clearer

the changes in his b*dy became.

It took over an hour of careful examination, and she learned a few things.

What he had wasn’t a plague; from what she had studied and learned so far, the life span of a plague

was three years, and that was in rare cases; most didn’t make it past their first year. Yes, he was the

Lycan king: he could indeed subdue it, but there was more to it.”

“I think this is more than just a plague, she told him, taking a step back for the first time in over an hour

of close-up examination. “It has a few similarities with the plague of the other Lycans, but this is so

different from what they had. Yours moves differently from theirs and also feels differently. She had

touched him and compared the extent.

She stared at him after he became silent and didn’t respond to her observation. Is there something

more I need to know?”

She saw a flicker in his eyes, but before she could discern it, it disappeared. “You’re right, this is more

than a plague; it is at curse,” he answered.

Once again, he had succeeded in leaving her in a state of confusion.

“You said it was a plague?” She reminded him of the words he had used to describe his ailment


She didn’t appreciate his lack of forwardness with her, and it was making it very hard to trust the words

he was saying now.

“Yes, it is a plague, but it sprouted as a result of a curse. Most plagues in the world’s history are the

result of a curse.”

“What sort of curse is that, then?” she asked.

“A curse cannot be placed on the Lycan king by any other living being, and so the scholar deduced it

was placed by the moon goddess herself.”

It turned out that the more he answered her questions, the more confused she became, and that wasn’t


“You were cursed by the moon goddess?” she exclaimed, and her eyes were wide with disbelief.

She didn’t think such was even possible to begin with. The goddess loves her children, and the last

thing she would do is allow any to suffer, so why did she do this?

He pressed his l*ps together and nodded.

“What did you do?”

She didn’t want to sound judgmental, but the goddess ways were always pure, and she wouldn’t place

a curse on her child if he didn’t do anything to deserve it. She was the perfect representation of justice

and fairness.

“I made a mistake. I was young. I was foolish, and I made a terrible decision that brought about the

deaths of over three hundred lives, and as payment, the goddess placed this curse on me,”

Fiona crossed her arms over her chest. “You are going to have to do more than this summary you have

given me,” she told him. Yes, she was asking for much here, but she deserved to know. If she was

going to try and find a way out of his curse, then the least she needed was the entire truth that led to

this point.

He sighed and nodded. Fine, then you should sit because it is a long story”

She obliged and took her seat on the mahogany bench in the room, which was far from him, yet she

could hear him.

“I lost my parents fifteen years ago, and I was barely fifteen. They lost their lives fighting the plague and

the rebels, and after getting the plague, they didn’t return home and instead continued fighting the

plague till their last breath. While they were battling the plague, my father gave instructions for

fortifications around each pack estate-a way to keep the rebels out and also to keep the pack members

in. At his death. I became the Lycan king, the youngest to ever be, and the responsibility passed to me.

I had to make sound decisions about the plague and the rebels, and for the first five years of ruling, we

did our best to tame and control the plague and the rebels as well. They moved from towns and

communities to another, wreaking havoc and infecting as many as they could. It had been five years of

battling the rebels, and I kept losing men and people while trying to save each community they

attacked. With every loss, it took a while to recover, and I didn’t know what to do. So, ten years ago. I

made a plan: the next community they attacked would be their last.”

“How did you do that, then? Fiona asked, knowing that was not something that could be done without

endangering a lot of innocent people.

“We had gotten information about where they would attack next, and I instructed the king’s force to

stand down, and when they entered Freefield, a southern community, the king’s force would lock the

community down. Then they would set the entire community on fire.”

Fiona gasped and covered her mouth, knowing what that meant. His decision to tame the rebels and

the plague had led him to condemn the innocent along with the guilty

“We had victory over the rebels for a while, but at the cost of over three hundred lives in the Freefield

community, which had nothing to do with it. He explained, and his tone held a level of guilt and remorse

that made her heart go out to him.

“The king’s force returned and told me how it all went; many were traumatised by the experience. They

told me they heard. the cries of children and babies within the communities, and they couldn’t do

anything about it. Many of the king force killed themselves just to stop the nightmare and the evil they

had done. I grieved and mourned my wrong. If I had taken another route and sought better counsel,

then perhaps there could have been another way that would have saved the lives of the innocent. I was

desperate, and in my desperation, I ended an entire community. He paused and pressed his l*ps


“It was my pain, my wrong, and I knew it. These marks appeared on my b*dy shortly after. I believed it

was the tears of the moon goddess. Of course, that wasn’t the end of the rebels, though. We enjoyed

peace and thought we had put an end to them, but we didn’t They were only kept at bay, recovering

from their loss and taking their time. They attacked again five years ago. First, they attacked the

Langheld community and then carried on from there. They have since been rampaging and causing

chaos in the community. Out of the one hundred and fifty communities in the werewolf world, they have

afflicted over one hundred and twenty. It was a lost battle, and we needed help, so we came to you.”

what to

“I do not know what to say. She told him, and he didn’t look as though he blamed her.

“A part of me wanted to protect this truth and keep it hidden, but I can’t. You need to know what you are

dealing with. He confessed, “There is a way out of my plague, and only the healer with the silver fur

can help me,” © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

He was right; this truly was a lot of truth revealed, and many would have kept it hidden in order to

protect their image before others. He had chosen truth over it all, and though the act he had committed

in the past was horrible, he was a much different man from who he was then. From everything he had

told her, she knew he still carried the guilt of his actions from teb years ago. He was not a perfect man,

just one with many scars that have become a part of him. He was like everyone of

them, with pain, guilt, and shortcomings.

“I do not know if I can do anything, but I will do whatever I can,” she assured him with a nod of her


“Thank you. That is all I need,” he told her, and he put all his clothes back on.

“What are you doing?” she asked, surprised that he was wearing his clothes instead of starting her


“You need me half-n*ked to heal me?” he asked, a brow on his rose.

She pressed her l*ps together and remained silent, realising he was right. He didn’t have to be half-

n*ked for her to heal him. She didn’t mind if he was, though.

“No, you do not have to be n*ked; I can do what I need to do as long as I hold your hand.” She replied.

“That’s good to hear, then.” He smiled at her.

His plague was nothing like what she had dealt with in the settlement. Yes, she discovered she could

heal him after close examination, but the cost of it was great. He was right when he said she wouldn’t

have the strength to do anything else.

Healing the plague of the other Lycans at the settlement made her hungry and a little weak. Healing his

left her in a state of hunger, hallucination, and extreme exhaustion, and she wasn’t even taking away

the entirety of his plague. She had to heal him at a slow pace, or she would die if she attempted to take

it all upon herself.

In total, she had spent three hours with him. One hour for his examination, and the two hours that

followed to heal a portion of his curse. In those two hours, she took breaks every five minutes just to

eat and regain her lost strength. It was necessary, and he understood. Hallucination was the last thing

she expected, as she had never had that side effect before, but it came with it.

After the session ended, she asked him if he felt any change, and he told her he did. He told her a part

of him he thought had died had come back to life.

“You do not have to bring me out, my king; you can easily tell one of your se rvants to do this while you

stay in,” she told him. Yes, she was healing him and breaking his curse, but that didn’t make her more

than she already was. She was a healer, and he was the Lycan king

This is the least I can do for what you are doing for me. He told her casually.

They stepped out together and approached Jace, who stood beside her car. Her escort immediately

stepped forward, took hold of her hand, and helped her into the car.

“Take her home and help her into the house; she is really exhausted. He told Jace, though his gaze

remained on her in the


“I will,” Jace answered before entering the car.

After they arrived home, Jace helped her get into the mansion and then into her room.

She told him she could help herself from then on, and he understood and tumed to leave when Fiona

called to him.

Jace.” He hatred and turned to her.

“I forgive you for what you did,” she told him, and she saw the look of relief wash over his face. “We do

not make the best decisions when we are desperate, and I understand why you did what you did. You

are not a horrible person. I see that now!

He bowed his head, grateful for her words. “Thank you, Ms. Lawson:

She smiled and said, “You’re welcome, Mr. Cruise!

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