Mistaken by the Billionaire Marquess


CHAPTER 48: Transfer

– LIA –

I FELT relieved on what Kelleon said. The burden I felt that I caused someone’s death was removed from my heart.

“Thank God,” I whispered before laying back on the hospital bed and closing my eyes.

“I was not fast enough to react. If I just moved fast, Mama Tine wouldn’t get shot,” Kelleon said with a low voice.

I touched his hand. “There’s no need to apologize, cariño. If we have to blame someone, it’s Denisse.”

He took a deep breath. I felt a few fingers trailing my jaw. “Are you tired, mi amor? Do you want me to call a doctor?”

I shook my head. “There’s no need for that. I just felt happy that this is finally over.”

“Me too, mi amor,” I can hear his smile. “We can finally get married.”

I turned my head to him while pouting my lips. “I don’t want to have a gunshot wound while having our wedding. It looks so uncool.”

He let out a short chuckle. “Then we will wait until your wound’s all healed up. But I’m not promising,” he said. “I want us to get married as soon as possible.”

“You want to marry me that much, huh?” I teased him while moving my eyebrows up and down.

“Yes!” he exclaimed. “I will tie you to my body if that’s what I need to do for you not to leave my side.”

I smiled and moved closer to him. The tips of our noses touched and I rubbed it together. My hands found their way to his nape. I gave him a peck of kiss.

But Kelleon being a horny dog, a kiss that’s supposed to be short turned into a long one. He deepened our kiss by grabbing the back of my neck and head. He pulled my closer to him and ravished my lips.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Soft moans and groans filled the room. His tongue licked the upper part of my mouth that gave me a tickling sensation. My body shivered as our tongues locked with each other.

“We should stop before it went to something more serious,” I spoke when our lips separated. I pointed my gunshot wound. “Look, I’m still wounded.”

He pursed his lips. “But that’s just a harmless kiss.”

“You know that it’s harmful for the both of us,” I answered before laying down again.

Kelleon reached for my hand and caressed it softly. “My parents and Papa Ezekiel are having a hard time looking for a blood donor for Mama Tine.”

I turned my head to him. “Can’t the hospital ask the blood bank?”

He shook his head. “The blood’s rare. It will take several hours for the blood from Mama Tine’s family to arrive.”

“Can I know what blood type it is?” I asked. “Maybe I know some people who have that blood type.”

“Lewis A positive.”

My whole body suddenly became excited when I heard his answered. A smile plastered on my face.

“That’s good!” I exclaimed while clapping my hands. “I can donate! We have the same blood type!”

Kelleon looked at me, surprised. “Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yeah!” I looked at him with a ‘duh’ face. “That’s also my blood type. You can check my Red Cross profile or have me tested.”

He stood up. “We should check for your compati–” he stopped halfway. “Wait, you have a gunshot wound. You can’t donate your blood.”

“Only a doctor can say that,” I get up from the bed. “I was only shot on the shoulder. Besides, I think I didn’t lost a lot of blood.”

“Mama Tine needs it now. And if the doctor said that it’s safe for me, then I’ll donate my blood.”

Kelleon looked hesitant. He ran his fingers through his hair while sighing. “I can’t risk it–”

“That is why we will ask for the professional’s advice,” I stood up and cupped his face to look at me. “If the doctor said that I can’t donate, then I won’t. I promise.”

He closed his eyes before our foreheads touched. “Okay. We’ll ask the doctor.”

FORTUNATELY, the doctor named Doctora Guillermo, who is a distant relative of Papa Killian, explained that my wound is not fatal and only a few amount of blood was lost because Kelleon was fast enough to drive me to the hospital.

I got the permission I needed from the doctor and then drew a sample of my blood to check if Mama Tine and I are compatible.

“I hope that the result will be positive,” I said while staring at the nurse walking away from us. “We can’t wait for more hours just to find a blood donor.”

A hand touched my waist and pulled me closer. Kelleon buried his face on my neck. “I can’t believe you can donate even when wounded.”

I ran my fingers through his hair. “Let’s be glad that I’m in a good shape. Plus, Mama Tine will now have a donor if the result said that we’re compatible.”

He turned his head to look up at me. “By the way, when did you found out that you have a Lewis A Positive blood type?” he asked.

“Well, I caught dengue when I was nine years old,” I answered, reminiscing that difficult time of my life. “It was so severe that I needed to have more blood since my platelets and red blood cells count is so low.”

Kelleon suddenly sat straight while staring at me. “Did you find a donor?”

I shook my head. “We didn’t. The doctors said that my blood type is rare and the blood banks here don’t have that kind of blood.”

“I was just lucky that my heart pumps fast that it can supply more blood throughout my whole body. It took a few days for me to have a normal blood count. Thankfully, I recovered from that illness.”

Kelleon hugged me from the side. “Thank god for that,” he kissed my cheek a couple of times. “I don’t know what will happen to me if that illness…”

“Shh…” I cut him off. “I’m alive until now. Those illness can’t kill me. Besides, that’s been several years before. Let’s just don’t talk about it and talk about more importantly things.”

“Like our wedding?” he said while grinning.

“Yeah, that’s important. But that’s not what I’m saying,” I answered, earning a frown from him.

He snorted. “What are the other important things? All I know is our wedding, our future family, and of course, you and I having our best times in bed,” he was grinning from ear to ear while talking.

I playfully hit his bicep. “I’m talking about Denisse and her family.”

“That does not seem important to me.”

I looked at him in the eye. “Care to explain why her family is in jail with her?”

“Simple. They’re the mastermind of that wicked plan perfectly executed by Denisse,” he explained. “Her father made Denisse, his illegitimate daughter, to copy your face in order to marry me.”

My eyebrows furrowed. “What? I don’t even know his father.”

“Yeah, you don’t know him, but he knew that I was looking for you,” he answered. “Some months after our first meeting in Venice McKinley, I started commanding my men to find more information about you and bring you to me because I plan to marry you. Count David Cantos might have heard about that search and used it as an opportunity.”

My head hurts after that. “Why? Why would he use his own daughter? For wealth?”

Kelleon caressed my back softly. “Not just for wealth, but also for power and connections,” he answered. “You see, our family is one of the most powerful family in Spain. We’re one of the main supporters of the Crown and the King favored us. It’s not shocking that a bastard like Count David Cantos will come up with that sick plan just to be connected to us, the Gonzales.”

“Woah, I suddenly felt pressured,” I reacted. I didn’t expect that his family will be that powerful in Spain. To actually have the King’s favor, they are really something.

“Don’t be, mi amor,” he kissed my lips before pulling away. “You’re already above my standard. The only thing that I’m pressuring you is about our wedding.”

I chuckled at his answer. “I also want us to get married as soon as possible. But we have to settle some things for now.”

He smiled at me, content with my answer. “Then I’ll make sure that everything is settled before planning our wedding.”

I’m restingmy head on his chest, when a thought cross my mind. “By the way, do you have a picture of that Count?”

“Hmm, I have. But for what?” he asked, confused.

My mind went back to the memory that resurfaced while I was unconscious. “Before I woke up earlier, I had this dream,” I answered. “No, not a dream. A suppressed memory, rather. I heard the name Count David in that memory, but there’s no surname. I just want to check if that’s him.”

Kelleon stared at me for a couple of seconds before speaking. “What was happening in that memory of yours?”

I can feel his uneasiness in his voice. I was having second thoughts. If ever that it was confirmed that the Count David we’re talking about is the same, then I’m sure that Kelleon will not let this passed. He can do much worse things to them.

“The man…,” I hiccuped, making me stop for a moment. “He was beating me.”

I saw how his fists clenched. He was gritting his teeth. I can sense that he was very mad, but I continued.

“He said that I am a prized possession, that’s why he can’t kill me. He said that he will target my parents after me so that he can get close to your family. He said your family and his will be partners,” I answered while stopping my hands from shaking. Bullets of sweats were created on my forehead.

While caressing my back, Kelleon opened his phone and typed something. After a few moments, he stopped before slowly showing the screen to me.

My eyes widened when the photo became clear on my eyes. That man, is the same as the one I saw in my memories, just a bit older.

“Is it him?” Kelleon asked with the cold voice he used in our first meet.

I slowly nod my head. He typed something on his phone before taking a deep a breath.

“Cariño?” I called him when he was silent for a minute.

He looked at me slowly and gave me a reassuring smile. “They can’t hurt you anymore, mi amor. I’ll make sure of that,” he said before chuckling.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked.

“I have a hunch, but I won’t tell you about it for now,” he kissed my jaw and suck the skin on my neck. The force was not enough to create a mark, but it made my skin a bit red which disappeared after some moments.

“Then I won’t ask,” I spoke. “How about Alejandro? What will happen to him?”

“I stripped everything. From wealth, to connections, to power. He will also be jailed for attempted murder. He was the one to told Denisse to bomb me,” he answered.

My hands cupped his face and was about to kiss him when a doctor and nurse walked to us.

“What a nuisance,” Kelleon whispered. I pinched his nose before looking at the hospital staffs.

“How’s the result, Doc?”

Doctora Guillermo smiled at me, giving a good news. “Your blood’s compatible. We can started the blood donating process now, if you permits.”

I nodded and squeezed Kelleon’s hand. “I’m ready to donate, doc.”

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