Meant To Be



”I’m going to invite Lucy and Nat to my birthday party”

”Don’t you fucking dare Sam” Monica said, glaring at her.

Here we go again!

”Why the fuck you are so against it, Monica?” Sam asked, glaring back.

”Yeah, why?” I kicked Rocco’s leg when he asked that.

One thing I got to know from years of friendship is that, never, I repeat, never get in the middle of a girl’s argument.

Thankfully, they are both busy glaring at each other to notice us.

We do this shit twice or thrice a month according to our schedules. This time it’s my place. I live in a separate house, apart from my family.

When I say family, it means the whole family.

My grandmother died before I was born, so it’s just my grandpa Adriano, his first son, a. k. a my father Gilbert, his second son Gino, my uncle and his wife Melissa, along with their daughter Karina, it’s our grandma’s name, live in our family house, but I moved out as soon as I joined college.

His third and precious child, my aunt Giada and her husband Claudio Radaelli live on the other side of Rome, their kids Enzo and Monica live separately too.

As Monica works here as a CCO, Enzo is a senior resident at GG hospitals. Enzo was never close to our group, for some reason he hated my guts.

”Because I don’t like Lucy! You can call Nat though, whoever she is”. Monica shrugged and took a bite from her pizza .

”Why? Lucy is so sweet! I agree that she seemed like an uptight person at first, but I got this feeling that she was going to be my best friend” Sam said to Monica and looked at me.

”You should have seen her face when I brought up your romantic, almost, kiss Alex” she said, giving me a teasing smile.

She did what?

I didn’t even get a chance to react when Monica screamed at me.

”You fucking tried to kiss her again? What’s wrong with you Alex? Did you forget how she slapped you for just kissing her?”

I opened my mouth to speak but Sam beat me to it.

”Just kissing? What do you mean by that? What did you do when a creep grabbed my ass at some party when we were in high school? You kicked his genitals and punched him so hard that you bruised your knuckles!! She is the same as me! Let’s feel happy that she just slapped him instead of filing a sexual harassment complaint. And that was her first kiss too”.

Rocco chocked on his drink ”First kiss? She has two kids for God’s sake!” I kicked his leg harder this time, making him groan in pain. Why can’t he keep his fucking mouth shut?

Sam looks confused but Monica..

”Kids? I knew it, she was a whore! No wonder her presence irritates me.” Monica had a disgusted look when she said that and, for some reason, that made me angry.

”I suggest you shut your mouth instead of jumping to conclusions when you know nothing, Monica” I said, calmly trying to keep my cool.

Monica has always been a conservative person in our group. She never let her guard down around others. She is always in her defense mode when it comes to outsiders.

She looked at me in disbelief ”You are taking her side? Who knows she may be cheati-” I cut her off before she could finish that sentence.

”And when did you start judging people? Thinking about worst-case scenarios? No, she isn’t in a relationship. They were orphans and she adopted them”

”Really? How come I don’t know that?” Rocco said, gaining a smack on his head from Sam.

”Ouch! That hurts, woman! You guys need to stop abusing me” He said, rubbing his head.

”Maybe we will, when you learn how to keep your mouth shut” I snapped, giving him a cold glare.

”Why are you glaring at him? He also has a point. Why is it only you who know about this when she also worked under Rocco for a few months? She is totally fooling you both” Monica crossed her arms, looking at me and Sam.

”I don’t think so, it’s not Lucy who said that it was her first kiss, Nat screamed at her for not telling the details about her first ki-”

”ENOUGH” I shouted, making everyone freeze.

I have this strange feeling inside me, whenever I think that I’m the only guy who kissed her.

I took out my phone and called Carlo. My private investigator and hacker.


”I need you to do a background check on Lucy Vitale, my assistant. I just need to know her past and present relationship status, Carlo, nothing more.”

”Sure sir, I’ll get it done as soon as possible”

I hung up and looked at Monica.

”Is that okay? Now we will know if she is fooling us or not”.

”If you are going to do that, you should have asked him to do a full background check!” Oh god! Nothing satisfies her.

”What I did is already invading her privacy, Monica and you guys better don’t do any background check on her” I warned all of them.

After almost two hours, I got a call from Carlo. I rolled my eyes and put it on speaker mode when Monika signalled me to.

”What did you find?”

”Sir, Are you sure you don’t want to know anything other than her relationship status? There is something odd-”

”Is that why you took that long? Just tell me what I asked you, Carlo, and delete all other information” I snapped, cutting him off. I fucking hate it when someone cuts me off and here I am doing it again and again.

”Sorry sir, I will. And she was never in a relationship, sir, but adopted two kids 3yrs back who are brothers”

”That’s it?”

”Yes sir” I hung up.

”See? She isn’t cheating or fooling anyone, now stop assuming the worst about her!”I said, looking at Monica.

She glared at me and got up muttering she was sleepy and went to one of the guest rooms.

Rocco sighed, giving me a blank look.”I didn’t get why you did a background check on someone just to make this silly fight stop”

”They aren’t fighting among themselves, they involved Lucy and were judging her”

”I didn’t judge her though” Sam pouted, but we ignored her.

”So? Why do you care? This isn’t the first time they have been arguing about someone. You shouldn’t have gone to that length just to shut them up”

Shit! He is right. What did I just do? Why do I always do something without thinking when it comes to her?

I shrugged and ran my fingers through my hair.

”She isn’t just someone, right? Did you see his face? He is blushing. At last, someone started to wake-up the lover boy in you”, Sam said, laughing, and Rocco joined her when I didn’t say anything.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

”Bullshit! I’m also going to sleep” I said and went to my room, which is on the first floor. I took a warm shower and wore my shorts.

I switched off the lights and lied on my bed thinking about her. She said it isn’t just sex for her, that she would get attached fast, but it looks like she is attracted to me too.

The way her face flusters whenever I get close to her, the way she blushed on the plane and when she called me Hottie.

The fact that she thinks I’m hot and I was her first kiss makes me all giddy inside.

Fuck! I’m behaving like a fucking teenager! I’m even smiling like an idiot.

She is beautiful inside out though. When she said she adopted her kids I was shocked, it would be an understatement.

It’s not that she can’t, but raising two kids alone isn’t easy. That too, when she is an orphan herself.

I can tell that the boys love her, the way the older one snapped at me for checking her out still makes me laugh.

It wasn’t fun at that time, but now it is. She raises them well too.

God! She is driving me crazy! Her doe eyes, her lips, her smile. I groaned, turning to my left and closed my eyes hoping I could get some sleep.

But when I couldn’t, I got up and huffed in annoyance. Well, if I can’t sleep, I can at least work.


”You look tired…. sir” Lucy said, placing my coffee on the desk.

Yeah, and you are the reason.

”Nothing I couldn’t handle, Ms. Vitale, now tell me today’s schedule”. I said, taking a sip of my coffee without looking at her.

After yesterday’s sleepless night, I decided that it’s best to ignore her. I thought having sex with her will keep her out of my mind when I saw her in my office for the 1st time, but now I’m not sure anymore.

I always do something stupid when it comes to her. The thing is I don’t think I’m ready to date anytime soon.

It’s too early for that after I almost got married. And I also think this attraction will fade away in time if we remain professional.

”That’s pretty much it sir”

Huh? Did I zone out?

”O-Okay, you can go now” I said, shooing her with my hand.

I face palmed myself when she was gone. I couldn’t even look at her face.

When I thought things wouldn’t get worse, Lucy stormed inside with teary eyes.

”S-Sir, J-Jay is in hospital, I-I need to go”

Something twisted inside me when I saw her like that. She is literally shaking.

”I’m driving” I said.

She looked at me for a second and nodded.

”Which hospital?” I asked when we got into the car.

”GG hospitals”

Good, it’s just a 15min drive, but I drove fast and we reached within 8mins.

We went into one of the rooms after finding where Jay was, in the reception. He was sitting on his bed with a few bruises on his cheek, a swollen eye and bruised knuckles.

”What the hell Jay! How did you get into a fight?” Lucy went and started scolding him.

Wasn’t she crying until a few minutes ago?

”Jay didn’t do anything wrong Mamma, it’s that kid in his class who always makes fun of us”

Oh! The smaller one was here too?

”Didn’t I tell you to complain to your teacher when someone bullies you? Then why-”

I went out of that room and sat outside to give them privacy.

I never understood mothers, maybe I would have if my mother was alive.

I stood up when Lucy came out.

”Is everything okay?” I asked when she looked sad.

”Yes. Thank you sir, for driving me here”

”It’s fine.” I said, placing my hands in my pockets, looking around.

It’s awkward. What should I say now?

”Wow! It’s fancy seeing you Alessandro. What brought you here?”

Came an annoying voice.

”My hospital, my wish. What are you doing here, Enzo? I’m sure pediatrics isn’t your ward.” I said, looking at him without hiding my annoyance.

He shrugged ”I came to see what brought you here and now I know why” He said, looking at Lucy.

”I’m Enzo Redaelli, senior resident” He introduced himself to her with a smirk.

”I’m Lucy Vitale, nice to meet you” she said, giving him a hand shake.

”It’s nice meeting you too Lucy” He said, kissing her hand and gave me a got you look.


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