Mated to the Alpha triplets

Chapter 8. Helen part 2

Chapter 8. Helen part 2


I breathed a sigh of relief as Miss B walked in towards us.

Sadie gave a simpering smile, "I was just explaining to Olivia here that she's not allowed to take personal calls during work hours."

Miss B raised an eyebrow, "And that constitutes yelling at her?"

"I apologize Miss B, but she just thinks she can do anything here. She seems to have forgotten she's here as a maid and not the princes' m…"

Miss B clicked her tongue and Sadie fell silent.

"I assigned her to you, Sadie because you had experience catering to the princes' needs, but also because I believed you would be professional and responsible. Was I wrong?"

"No ma'am."

"Good, get back to work. And no more of this."

"Yes ma'am."

She walks off and Sadie turns to me with lasers shooting out of her eyes. "Are you done with your phone calls?"

"Umm…yes, sorry about that. The princes have a guest and they want me to bring her biscuits and orange juice."

She rolled her eyes, muttering. "Follow me."

She led me to the huge refrigerator where she got out the orange juice and prepared a tray placing the biscuits, a jug of orange juice and a glass on it, before handing it to me.

"Here, and if you like, spend the entire day there. You'll still have to finish all your tasks before the day runs out."

I collected the tray from her and left without a word, heading back to the triplets' rooms.

Oh my God, so much drama in just a few hours. I can't wait until the day is over and I can go home, I snort to myself.

The door to their suite was closed when I got there, but I could still hear their muffled voices and Helen's shrill laughter.

Something burned in my chest, but I ignored it, balancing the tray on one arm so I could knock. I waited for permission to enter before I pushed the door open.

I ignored the eyes fixed on me and went directly to where Helen was seated, placing the tray on the stool in front of her.

My head was bent as I opened the jug's lid, and so I did not see the evil gleam in Helen's eyes. I started pouring the juice into the glass, and she subtly hit the stool with her knee. It bumped into me, and my hands shook spilling the juice only a little bit on her.

But of course, she used that to her advantage. "Olivia! You just spilled juice on me!"

I ignored the growls coming from behind me and placed the jug back on the tray. "I'm sorry, Helen. But you shouldn't have bumped your knee into me."

Lucas growled, "What the hell is wrong with you? Why must you always have to retort? You're clearly at fault, and yet you're still being rude."

Helen spoke softly, "It's okay, Lucas. You don't have to yell at her. I'm sure it was just a mistake."

The bitch

"Are you okay?" Logan spoke up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that my shirt is now soaked and I have nothing to change into."

Lucien quickly got up and led Helen to his closet. Within a few seconds, he was back.

“Where is Helen?” Logan asked.

“I gave her one of my shirts to change into,” Lucien replied.

“And you, Olive, I’m not sure Miss B explained this job to you better. You are no more with your parents. You are here to work.” Lucas said angrily.

“You spilled coffee earlier and this time around, it’s orange juice,” Lucien added.

I apologized and quickly cleaned the mess on the floor. I also sprayed some air freshener I saw in their room. Helen walked back into our midst just then.

“You guys are really something, I heard everything you said to Olivia just now. Yes, she is a maid, but that doesn’t mean you should talk to her anyhow. At least she is a human being and she has feelings too.” She said sweetly.

“She needs to learn her place, Helen,” Lucas growled.

“You look seductive in my shirt, Helen,” Lucien added.

Was the compliment necessary? I snorted.

“Really?” Helen asked innocently.

She looked at me as if she had the upper hand and I could only scoff.

“Yes, and this is the first time I’m giving out my shirt to a lady,” Lucien added.

“Huh… Thank you, Lucien. I don’t know what to do if you hadn’t given me your shirt to wear. I will return it as soon as I get it dry-cleaned.” Helen replied.

“Won’t you apologize to Helen?” Logan asked.

I quickly bowed my head and apologized. I cleaned the cup with some tissue and this time around, I successfully poured the juice into the glass cup.

“Give her your clothes, Helen,” Lucas said shortly.

“What should I do with it?” I asked.

“Sell it or burn it,” Logan said laughing.

“Wash it, Olivia. Why are you so daft?” Lucas shouted.

Helen cut in before I could say anything.

“I can’t have her wash my clothes, guys. And moreover, the clothes are too expensive, I don’t think she would know how to handle it better. I will do the washing myself when I get back home.”

“You know you have to wash it immediately to get the stain off,” Lucien added.

“It’s fine. I will do it myself.” Helen added.

“Give it to her, at least let her get the stain off the clothes,” Lucas said adamantly.

Helen finally gave in and handed the clothes to me. I reluctantly took my leave after paying my respects to them.

This is one hell. Now, my suffering has doubled. Both in school and here in the palace.

The idea of running away struck my mind but I couldn’t bear to leave my parents alone and I didn’t think I would be able to get away from the three devils.

Miss B directed me to the laundry room of the palace, where I washed and dried the clothes.

I returned to my duty and I was glad I could finish without any calls from the princes or disturbances from Sadie.

Just when I thought I was free to go home, the princes called for me.

I ran to their rooms only to be scolded for not bringing back Helen’s clothes.

It’s evening, and this girl is still here. Is she that desperate?

“Oh, you are ready to go back home when you have not completed your task,” Lucas said.

“I’m so sorry, I thought Miss Helen had gone home.

Lucas shot me a piercing look. "You thought? You thought, or you assumed? We don't pay you to think or assume, Olivia. We pay you to do your job." Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

My heart sank as I stammered out an apology. "I'm really sorry, Prince Lucas. It won't happen again."

Logan chimed in, "Well, you can't go home until you've delivered the clothes, so go get them."

Reluctantly, I turned to leave the room, cursing my luck for getting stuck in this mess. As I walked back to the laundry room, I couldn't help but feel a pang of resentment toward her. She seemed to

be enjoying the attention and the power she held over me, and it irked me to no end.

When I got back to the suite, she was reclining on a couch, scrolling through her phone. She looked up as I approached, her expression smug.

"Here are your clothes, Miss Helen," I said, trying to keep my tone respectful.

She took the clothes from me, examining them closely. "Thank you, Olivia. I hope you didn't have trouble cleaning it."

"No, it was fine and I was very careful with it too," I replied, holding back the urge to roll my eyes.

Helen seemed satisfied with my response, and she smiled.

With that, I hurried out of the room, passing by Lucas and careful not to meet his eyes. He watched me leave without a word.

I headed back to the kitchen to say my goodbyes to Miss B and back to the room I was given to change out of my clothes and get my backpack.

I was skipping out of the palace, excited to go home when I saw Lucas and Helen walking side by side, also leaving the palace building.

A car was waiting and I watched with a strange burn in my chest as Lucas opened the car door for Helen. She kissed him on the cheek and got into the car. They spoke for a couple minutes more before the car drove away.

As he turned to head back in, our eyes met, but I couldn't see the expression on his face.

I walked away quickly and headed home. When I got home, my parents fussed over me and I tried to ignore the events of the day.

We had dinner and I went to bed early. I was worried about school tomorrow, especially since Helen was back, but I soon dozed off.

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