Mated to my sister’s ugly mate


During dinner, the atmosphere in the Castle was tinged with an unsettling energy, like a faint growl echoing through the air. Shadow, ever intuitive, sensed that something was off. And when she glanced at Alpha Dominic’s face, her suspicions were confirmed. His usual cold and indifferent expression had transformed, his brows furrowed and his eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity. He radiated a predatory aura, as if a hunter whose prey had slipped away. Gripping his fork with a vice-like grip, he exuded a tension that sent shivers down Shadow’s spine.

Trying to diffuse the tension, she gently placed a piece of fish in his bowl, her voice soft and soothing. “Try this. I added a little bit of pepper today, so I’m not certain if you’ll enjoy it.” But instead of calmly sampling the dish, Alpha Dominic snatched it with his chopsticks and angrily hurled it across the table.

Shadow frowned, her mind racing as she wondered what she could have done to anger him. Was it because she had thrown her bag at him earlier? But no, she knew him better than that. Though he was unforgiving, he wasn’t petty.

As if reading her thoughts, Alpha Dominic’s gaze locked onto her, his voice cutting through the silence. “Where did you go last Friday?” His words hung in the air, laced with accusation and suspicion.

Caught off guard, Shadow looked up at him, her voice tinged with confusion. “What do you mean?”

An uncomfortable feeling settled over her, a sense of being interrogated. Was he insinuating something? “Are you feeling guilty? Did you hide something from my cousin? Couldn’t you resist the temptation of an affair?” His mocking smile only deepened the sting of his words, as he lounged back in his seat, reveling in his power.

Incensed, Shadow slammed her chopsticks on the table and stood up, her voice laced with defiance. “Look, I don’t care if you paid a fortune to buy me from the Eden family. Even if I was sold to your family, it doesn’t give you the right to order me around! And it certainly doesn’t give you the right to judge me.”

Without another word, she stormed out of the room, her anger propelling her forward. Her shoulder collided with the door frame, but she hardly noticed the pain as she stormed through the halls.

In the aftermath of her departure, Alpha Dominic found himself devoid of appetite. He laid his chopsticks on the table, his gaze distant as his thoughts consumed him. Just as he was about to retreat to his study, his phone rang, piercing the silence of the room.

Answering the call, Alpha Dominic’s voice resonated with authority. “Yes, Frank?”

The voice on the other end, belonging to his loyal servant, spoke urgently. “Young Master, I’ve just sent you the surveillance videos from last Friday. It might shed some light on your suspicions.”

“Thank you, Frank.” Alpha Dominic hung up, his mind focused on unraveling the mystery before him. He retreated to his study, where he opened the email containing the surveillance footage from the pharmacy. He watched intently as the images played out, his eyes narrowing with intent.

In the videos, Shadow could be seen interacting with two men, one of whom Alpha Dominic recognized as his cousin, Dylan. His senses heightened, Alpha Dominic noted the forced smile on Shadow’s face and the subtle pleas for help. Dylan, acting on her distress, whisked her away.

As the footage continued, Alpha Dominic observed their brief exchange in a crowded area, too distant to discern their words. Frustration creased his brow as he strained to catch any sign of impropriety between them. But to his surprise, they remained apart, their interaction devoid of the flirtation he had feared.From NôvelDrama.Org.

As the video came to an end, Alpha Dominic felt a pang of realization. Perhaps he had been too quick to judge, too consumed by his own suspicions. Shadow’s actions spoke of something else entirely. He cursed himself for his hasty accusations.

After storming off, Shadow sought solace in sleep. But hunger stirred her awake, her belly grumbling in protest. Regret washed over her as she realized she had left without eating. Despite her anger, she couldn’t ignore the growling emptiness. She slipped on a thick down jacket, wrapping herself in its warmth, and ventured downstairs in search of sustenance.

The Castle was a quiet sanctuary nestled amongst the mountains, a tranquil retreat away from the bustling Pack lands. Occasionally, the haunting howl of the wind could be heard seeping through the walls. As Shadow treaded through the silent halls, she hummed softly, a soothing melody soothing her troubled mind.

Finding her way to the kitchen, she eyed the leftovers and decided a noodle soup would quell her hunger. With a determination born of self-sufficiency, she set about creating her meal, the aromas of cooking filling the air.

As Shadow delicately sliced the tomatoes, an icy presence loomed over her, causing her flesh to prickle with unease. A silent question whispered through her mind was she truly alone?

The sensation intensified, clawing its way into her consciousness. Summoning her courage, she shut her eyes tightly, steeling herself to turn and confront the unseen presence. But before she could react, a frigid voice pierced the air from behind her, chilling her to the bone, “What are you doing?”

Her trembling hands betrayed her fear, causing the kitchen knife to slip from her grasp and crash onto her feet. Fortunately, the thick cotton slippers she wore acted as a shield against the cruel blade, preventing it from piercing her delicate skin. The harsh clatter of the fallen knife reverberated throughout the room, an ominous sound that filled the air.

Alpha Kilian, witnessing the knife’s descent, felt his heart plummet to his stomach. Fear etched itself onto his features as he quickly squatted down, his eyes scanning for any signs of injury. With relief flooding his being upon finding her unharmed, he exhaled forcefully before rising to his full height. His voice, carrying an authoritative edge, resounded in the room, “Are you foolish, or perhaps devoid of common sense?”

Shadow met his gaze, her eyes radiating a mixture of anger and defiance, as she snatched up the fallen knife and proceeded to rinse it in the sink. “Since I am apparently so foolish, perhaps it’s best if I refrain from cooking altogether? Maybe I should move out of this wretched Castle until your return, Alpha Kilian. After all, I wouldn’t want you to assume that I am keeping company with another man. Not that you even care to see me anyway.”

With a forceful slam, she planted the knife back onto the countertop, whipping around with a venomous glare aimed directly at him. She had reached her limit with this man.

Alpha Kilian’s face darkened further, his voice turning colder as he snapped, “Do you wish for my cousin to believe that I drove you away? Do you desire to fracture the bond between my brother and me?”

Shadow lowered her head, refusing to engage in any further argument. She had no desire to continue this fruitless exchange.

Bathed in the dim light of the room, Alpha Kilian stood tall, shadows dancing around him, but the slight shift in her expression did not go unnoticed by him. Despite her disheveled appearance, her tousled hair and her form hidden beneath the warmth of her bulky jacket, there was still a flicker of fire lurking deep within her cat-like eyes, obscured only by her downcast lids. His words had unmistakably affected her.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly before he finally relented, his voice carrying a note of rare apology, “It is my fault. I apologize for my previous behavior.”

Shadow’s widened eyes pierced through her surprise as she gazed up at Alpha Kilian, disbelief etched on her face. Was she hearing him correctly?

Yet, he offered no repetition of his apology. Instead, his gaze shifted to the tomatoes awaiting their fate on the chopping board.

Though her anger had dissipated, annoyance still lingered within her. A spark of mischief glinted in her eyes as she retorted, “I’ve laced them with poison. Care to partake?”

Alpha Kilian stared back at her, unwavering. “If you eat them, then I shall as well.”

A mixture of confusion and concern flashed across Shadow’s features. “Are you out of your mind?”

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