Chapter 13

Dancing with Jake felt like I was walking in the sky. Dancing with Austin felt like- well I don’t know, it’s a feeling I can’t explain. Shut up.

I can’t believe I was dancing with Mr Kings. Yvonne should have been the one in my place right now. She’d be so happy to be in my place right now. I was a bad friend.

I shouldn’t have accepted this dance. I closed my eyes hoping it would be over soon. It seems god answered my prayers because the dance got over.

I stepped back awkwardly. “I uh, I have to go,” I said turning around only to see Jack. “Do you know where Yvonne walked off to?” I asked.

He nodded, but his eyes weren’t on me, but on Austin. “Where?”

“She went towards the bar.”

“Where is the bar?”

“The door opposite.” He replied. “Thank you, I’d talk to you… Later.” I said walking off to the door. Turning the door knob. I noticed the room was dimmed lit. Not many people were in it.

I entered looking around for Yvonne, but she was nowhere to be seen. I searched harder, I noticed a lady just behind a corner, she sat down on a chair, a bottle of wine in her hand.


I went towards her. “Oh my god. Are you okay?” I asked sitting next to her and taking the bottle of alcohol from her. She smiled.

“Of course, I’m not okay!” She replied smiling wider.

“I’m so sorry-” she cuts me off.

“Question. Do you have feelings for my Austin?” She asked.

What? “No, I don’t, I promise.”

She laughed. “That’s a relief.” She grabbed the bottle from my hand and drank from it.

“You have to stop, you’d be hurting so bad by morning,” I said. I had gotten drunk a year back at a birthday party I went to with Jake and trust me from what I experienced, I wouldn’t want someone to go through it. Though most people get drunk every day.

“Nooo,” she whined. “Why don’t you try some? It tastes fantastic.” She slurred.

“I’m okay,” I replied.

“Common… Just try it, a sip.” She choked.

“No Yvonne, I’d go ask Jack to take you home.”

“Why not ask Austin? I wanna go with him instead…” She choked out.

Why was she bringing up Austin? She is drunk and she likes him. Yeah. “You know I don’t talk with him,” I said hoping she understands but she glared instead.

“If it’s to throw yourself at him you wouldn’t hesitate!” She snapped. I looked at her, surprised. She is drunk. I reminded myself.

“Oh Tessa, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to” she choked again before she could finish.

“It’s okay. I’d just go call Jake.” I said before turning to go ask Jake, but not before I noticed the frown on her face.

I got out of the bar and looked around for Jack. I spotted him where those two guys were, his friends that I still don’t know their names, and Austin.

Seeing Austin made my heart beat faster. I wish there was a way I could just bring him here without having to go close to them.

My phone… It was in my purse and my purse wasn’t with me. Oh no. What if I’d lost it? I’m so careless. Idiot! I had some of my important IDs in there! I spotted the purse on a table close to where Jake was. Oh, he was with it.

Well, I guess I can’t ignore him. I sighed before walking toward him. “H-hey Jake, I want to ask something from you.” The four friends who seemed to be in a conversation stopped talking.

I grabbed his hand taking him away from them. “Can you do me a favour?” I asked.

“Of course.”

“Yvonne. She is drunk and has no way of returning home, can you drop her off?” I asked.

“Yeah, but then we’ll have to leave.” He said. I was glad I wouldn’t have to wait here and wait for him to go drop her off. “Yeah,” I replied. He smiled before turning back to his friends. He told them they grabbed my bag before coming back to me. Handing me the bag, we walked off to the bar.

Yvonne was still there. An alcohol bottle on her hand. She was going to drink from it but no drop came out. She frowned.

“Yvonne, let’s go.” I nudged her.

“Oh, you’re back with prince charming! Ah, my back. Let’s go hmm?” She said trying to stand up but she fell back down.

I got closer to her, trying to help her up. Oh my- she has more weight than I expected. I gave Jake the will-you-just-stand-there-and-watch-come-and-help look.

Getting it, I came closer and helped her up. “Oh! You’re so strong! You know I like fuc-” Yvonne try to say but I cut her off.

“Let’s just go now, okay?”

“Hmm.” She replied, she threw a hand over my shoulder. Just like that, we walked slowly outside the building.

We helped her into Jake’s car. I was worried she might puke in it. Going over to the passenger’s seat and sat down. Jake got in and drove off.


“Thanks for the ride,” I said to Jake. “No problem. Good night.” He said with a smile. “It’s morning,” I said with a laugh.

“Yeah. Good morning.” He said returning the laugh.

“Bye.” I waved going to my door. I opened the door and walked in. I was worried for Yvonne, we had dropped her off at her house.

Her drunken state is terrifying, I would have stayed with her if not for Anne. I sighed going towards Anne’s room, opened the door, and switched on the light.

She was sleeping on the bed, her small figure wrapped in pink blankets. I turned off the light and got out of the room.

I walked to my room, I looked at the time. 2:46 am. I’ve got 3hrs 4mins to sleep. I was so exhausted that I fell onto the bed without taking off my gown.


I woke up when the loud alarm pierced through my ears. Why hadn’t they put that stupid party on Friday or something?

Groaning, I got up. I went over to the mirror, I screamed, and I covered my mouth from screaming further.

I looked like a mess. Makeup smeared over my face. I observed myself more before going to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and bath. I came out.

I wore one of my office suits, and put on some makeup, while I was doing that a face entered my head. Austin.

He sure looked handsome last night. I mean, when is he not handsome?

“Jesus. Tessa, stop.” I told myself.

A blush crept to my face as I remembered Austin and I dancing. What the hell was I thinking?!

I hit myself in the head. Ow.


I entered my office, it was just as I left it yesterday. Dropping my bag on the table I went to open the curtains.

I’m not sure Mr Kings was in his office, I pray he shouldn’t come to work today. It would be awkward to see him.

I sat down on my office chair for 20mins with nothing to do. I sighed.

The loud sound coming from my office phone startled me. I placed a hand on my beating chest before taking the call.

“File 565b.” Came the husky voice of Mr Kings.

When did he arrive? I never know when he comes to work. I got up to look for the file, checking every filed case.

After 5mins of searching and still couldn’t find it, I decided to call Mr Kings. I walked to my table and took my office phone to call him. It rang twice before he took the call.

“I’m sorry sir, but I couldn’t find the file.”

He hesitated before he replied. “What do you mean? You’ve checked the safe?” He asked. I checked well. I checked all the file cases.

“Yes sir,” I replied.

The call went dead. Seriously? Is that how to end a call where he came from? He should have said ‘okay, thank you or something like that.

My office door suddenly flung open. Mr Kings walking in startled me. He didn’t even glance at me, he walked to the file safe and started looking at every file.

Ha! He is not going to see it. What was he thinking? That he would find it then insult me?

I walked toward him. I was at his back watching him find the file. He suddenly stopped. He turned around facing me with the file in his hand.

My eyes widened. I could swear I searched hard and didn’t see that. He glared at me. “What the fuck is this?” He asked. His voice is cold.

I blushed in embarrassment. “Oh… I did not see that.”

“I’m not surprised you’re blind.” He said. Do you see what I mean? I knew if he finds that file he will surely insult me.

I glared at him. “I’m not.”

“You’re not?” He asked raising his perfect eyebrow.

“I’m not,” I said firmly this time. “Why do you always take every opportunity to insult me, we didn’t even know each other till you thought it would be nice to transfer me here, I wish we never met!” I snapped. Okay, I don’t know why I said that. But it’s been in me for a long time to say it.

I’m feeling something towards him that I’m not supposed to be feeling. I was just giving myself reasons to hate him. I was going to click my leg to the ground when I missed a leg, and I stumbled.

Expecting myself to land on the ground but I didn’t, I landed in Mr King’s arms. I gulped. Our faces were so closed that if he or I move an inch our lips would touch.

For a moment I got lost in his beautiful hazel brown eyes. My blue ones reflected in his.

I don’t know how long we’ve been like this but some parts of me didn’t want this to stop, apart from did.

I was distracted when my office door opened. I gasped again. I tried to get out of Mr King’s grip. But he didn’t bulge. To be truthful, a part of me didn’t want him to let go.

I managed to shift my eyeball to the door. There stood Yvonne. Her eyes were a bit widened. She suddenly left, probably running from the sound of her footsteps.

Just a minute after she left, he released me. Then scowled. “Just be sure to check well next time.” And with that, he left.

What just happened? Oh my. I have to go see Yvonne. I walked to my table and took my phone before strolling out of the office to Yvonne’s quarter.

On reaching there, she wasn’t in her office. I hope she didn’t take that wrong. “Hi,” I said to the lady who was about to clean her office. “Uh… Do you know where she went to?” I asked her.

“She had to go home, she was sick.” The lady replied. I thanked her before going over to my office.

She wasn’t even feeling fine, then she had to see that. It was all my fault. How could I be so stupid? I would have to see her now, but I don’t think Mr Kings will let me leave during work hours.

When I got to my office. I rang Yvonne. She didn’t answer. After ringing her 5 times and she still didn’t answer it. I decided to go see her after work.

I stayed in my office for 5 hours. Doing paper works, well I left twice. I looked at the time, it was 4:pm.

I arranged the office before coming out. Strolling outside the building, I entered my car and drove to Yvonne’s place.

I was planning on spending this evening with Anne, but that’s not possible now.

I was a really bad mother…

On reaching Yvonne’s place, I knocked at the door which opened moments later. It was Yvonne’s house helper who opened it. She smiled at me.

“Come in. Miss Zachery is up in her room.” She told me.

Bowing down slightly, I thanked her, and I went to Yvonne’s room. It was slightly opened. I could hear someone whimpering. I entered to see a whimpering Yvonne.

She was sprawled on the bed. She sat up when she heard a sound. “What are you doing here?” She asked.

“Yvonne, I can explain…”

“Go on.” She replied.

“What you saw today was an incident…” And I told her exactly what happened. She frowned at the part when I told her Austin was the one who didn’t let go.

“So, there is nothing between you guys?” She asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Swear it.”

“I swear…” I said. She laughed happily.

“That’s good to hear.” She said jumping off the bed.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“Oh my, I thought you were down…”

She giggled. “Not anymore. Tessa, my friend is celebrating his birthday tonight, come with me.” She said

“I’d love to, but I’m still exhausted from last night’s party and I want to spend this night with Anne,” I replied.

“Come on, please… And besides, Anne would be asleep when you leave the house.”

“I don’t know.”

“Please Tessa. I promised I would bring you and besides it going to be fun… Please.”

“Okay, I guess.” I blurted out, oh my, what did I just say? I just couldn’t say no to her, she’s a good person who deserves to be happy.

She smiled.

“Okay, go home and change. I’d come to pick you up by 10 pm.” She said.





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