Chapter 13. More Handsome Than Felix

“Are you looking for someone?” Her smooth and tiny voice rang in his ears and Carson’s eyes widened. He immediately turned around to arrange his hair before turning to face her.

“Hey, my name is Carson and it’s nice to meet you. I’m actually… I’m actually..”

As Carson was talking, James appeared behind her back. A smile appeared on his face the moment he saw Carson.

“I was waiting for you, come on in” he made space for Carson to enter.

“Oh, you two are together?” The girl asked and Carson’s eyes widened.



The both of them said at the same tight and Carson glared at James.



They said again and while Carson was still glaring at James, the girl turned around and left.

“Who was that anyways?” Carson then asked as he came in.

“My cousin, she just came back from Canada two days ago, care for some milk tea and cookies?” James was walking towards the kitchen as he asked.

“No,” Carson scoffed.

“Then suit yourself, my laptop is over there” he pointed to the couch and Carson began walking towards it.

“I hope you have fun learning from me, handsome!” James winked afterward.

“Disgusting” Carson squeezed his face.


Skyler was sitting on a long bench and waiting when a familiar car stopped in front of her. Recognizing that it was Mason’s, she stood up and watched Alvin come down from it.

“Boss said I should take you home, he also got you breakfast” he passed food wrapped inside a carton to Skyler.

She collected the food and followed Alvin to the car.

“Why can’t I just meet him in the company?” She asked when she settled in the back seat.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“He’s busy with lots of work and hates being disturbed. Just go home and try to get along with his family, they might look problematic but they are actually nice” Alvin told her as he drove.

“His sister doesn’t seem to like me” Skyler muttered but it was not like she cared though.

“Ivy? Don’t worry about her, she just wants to spend more time with her brother, you know she hasn’t seen him for seven years” Alvin smiled.

“Seven years? What happened?” Skyler asked.

“Oh, my boss went to Paris to further pursue his career,” Alvin replied.

“Seems pretty serious, what about his mom?” She asked again.

“Maya has always been a troublesome lady along with Lady Rosa. You should try not to annoy them, especially Lady Rosa” Alvin rolled her eyes as he thought of Rosa.

“Hmm, the old man seems nice,” Skyler said.

“And very disciplined, same with sir Dylan and Antonio, they don’t have any problems so you don’t have to worry about them and I forgot to tell you that ma’am Emily is an angel,” Alvin said and took u turn.

“Ma’am Emily is Carson’s mother?” She asked.

“Yeah but she adopted him since she can’t give birth to her child and Hudson is cool, Jacob is cool too but a little shy also you shouldn’t be surprised if you see Ivy and Edna fighting, they do that all the time” Alvin added and finally stopped the car when he got to the mansion.

“No one might be at home or maybe you might meet few but if you’re tired of staying alone you can feel free to ask some maids to show you around or watch TV or anything, if you’re hungry, the maids will give you food to eat,” he told her.

Skyler nodded and came down, she knew the password to Mason’s room so she didn’t have any problem.

“Thank you, I’ll see you in the evening then,” she said and Alvin nodded at her before leaving.

After she was out of sight, Alvin drove off.



Many reporters and fans were waiting in front of the building. Some Fans were holding some stickers of Ivy and were holding some stickers of Blake.

The white van stopped and the bodyguard came down before helping Ivy and Blake down. Almost immediately the lights from the reporters started beeping on their faces and their fans were screaming their names.


“We love you Ivy!

“Blake, you’re so handsome!

“Can I get a picture, please?

“When is your movie coming out?

“Can you help sign my book?

“We love you!!

Screams from their fans were heard as they stepped down from the van. Ivy waved at them with a sweet smile and so did Blake as they found their way in.

When they got in, some securities were patrolling back and forth. A woman dressed in a purple gown and black heels walked up to them.

“Good afternoon Mr Blake and Miss Ivy, please this way,” she said professionally before turning around and leaving.

Ivy and Blake followed her and they got to a room.

“These sweaters were specially printed for your movie Love and bridges, you should try them” she smiled at them.

Ivy took one of the sweaters and placed it on her body.

“Looks good,” she said with a happy smile.

“You should try it, this way” The woman pointed to a door and Ivy went in.

Blake also took a sweater and went in. After some minutes, they both stepped out of the dressing room in the matching sweater.

“Wow, looks so good, I almost mistook the both of you for a cute couple but I remembered Blake has a girlfriend,” the woman said and all of them laughed.

Deep down within, Ivy knew she wasn’t happy.

“This way please” She turned around and began leaving then they followed her.

She led them to a fresh room, a man and woman dressed professionally were sitting with a microphone with them.

They both smiled as they sat down on the empty chair meant for them.

“Ivy Delgado and Blake Andrews, it’s so glad to have you here” the man smiled at them.

“Thank you” Ivy smiled and crossed her legs, a mic each was given to them.

“The matching sweater looks good on the both of you, I’d have mistaken the both of you for a couple if Blake didn’t have a girlfriend,” the woman said and they laughed again.

“You’re the person to say that and I think Ivy is very pretty it won’t be bad if we date someday” Blake replied with a simple shrug and Ivy tried her best to hide the blush forming on her cheeks.

“Aww that’s cute, hope Regina doesn’t hear this!” The woman laughed and Blake laughed along with her.

“So how do you feel about the shooting of your new movie Love and bridges?” The man asked.

Ivy smiled and put the mic in her mouth before speaking…



Skyler just finished explaining to her friends about being married through video chat but she didn’t tell them the name of who she married.

“Skyler, what do you think you’re doing? Marriage is not something you can decide on overnight, you see what Felix did to you!” Ashely’s face didn’t look happy as she scolded Skyler.

“Ashely I know what I did was stùpid but it’s to make Felix pay for what he did to me” Skyler muttered.

“Then you decided to marry a stranger? Do you know what he might do to you?” Ashely slapped her forehead.

“The difference between him and Felix is that there is no love in this marriage. We are helping each other out so I’m fine,” Skyler assured Ashely.

“Well, is he handsome?” Wendy asked.

“Erh… He’s not bad, he’s good looking” Skyler shrugged.

“In him and Felix, who is more Handsome?” Wendy asked again.

“Why the hell are you asking…” Skyler wanted to complain but on second thought, she just sighed.

“He’s a thousand times more handsome than Felix and no, I’m not talking out of anger” Skyler muttered.

“He must look like a Greek god, can you send me his picture, even if it’s unaware?” Wendy gushed.

“I’m sorry no can’t do it, he doesn’t like pictures,” Skyler said in a dry tone.

“Please.. for me..” Wendy gave her a puppy eye and Ashely pushed Wendy’s head away.

“Don’t mind her, so does your mom know?” Ashely then asked.

“She does, she’s speechless, to be honest but she will be fine” Skyler shrugged.

She talked to them some more before she hung up. Looking at the clock it was past five, she had been in the Mason room since she got there and she was bored.

“He said he’d fix some clothes for me, let me check” She stood up from the bed and went to the wardrobe.

A loud gasp escaped her lips, they were actually plenty of clothes of her size, gowns, dresses, t-shirts, sweaters, casual wear, even shoes and accessories.

“When did he do all this, I should thank him” She took the phone he gave her earlier and went to his contact.

She did not want to call so she sent a message instead.

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