Love Unwritten (Lakefront Billionaires, 2)

Chapter 16

I show up at the Lopez house bright and early the next morning with a packed suitcase full of my clothes and a pep in my step that was missing all last week.

My boss opens the front door in expensive denim jeans that showcase his muscular thighs, a black T-shirt that is formfitting without being off-putting, and his coveted Richard Mille watch. The diamonds sparkle from the morning sun rising behind me, although I quickly become distracted by the veins running up his arm.

Physically, Rafael is one of the most attractive people I know. Scratch that. He is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying a lot after spending years living in Los Angeles amongst models, actors, and aspiring musicians.

I can’t help the little flutter in my stomach or the skip of my heart whenever I look at him, although I do try my best to ignore it.

I look up to find his dark eyes already laser-focused on my face.

“Don’t mind me.” He smirks. The fleeting expression reminds me so much of the senior who smiled as often as he laughed, and it takes me by surprise to see him at ease for once.

I shake my head. “I see you ditched the lumberjack aesthetic.”

“Are you sad about it?”

“Marginally.” Although sad might not be the appropriate word. Worried for myself is more like it, although I’d never admit such a thing to him.

He leans against the doorframe. “Is it because I won’t be chopping wood for the fireplaces anymore?”

I choke on my next breath. “Why would that make me sad?”

“Because I caught you staring through the window sometimes.”

I pray the ground opens up beneath me and swallows me whole because hell has to be better than this.

“I don’t stare.” My defensive tone gives me away.

“I thought it was more polite to say that rather than the truth.”

“Which is?”

“You drool.”

“You’re delusional,” I say with a hiss.

He shrugs without a single care in the world. “No need to be embarrassed. It’s cute to see the lengths you go to sneak a peek.”

Cute? I swear I’ve never hated a word more.

“Pendejo.” I curse like I’ve heard him say countless times before.

His brows rise. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“That’s a bad word.”

“I know.” I grin.

His lips twitch as he rolls my luggage into the foyer. “Did you forget that I’m your boss?”

“Huh. It must have slipped my mind once you started flirting with me.” I saunter inside, swaying my hips with a little sass.

There is nothing more satisfying than seeing his cheeks stained pink. “I wasn’t flirting.” He doesn’t stumble over the words, which is impressive given the flustered look on his face.

Now I’m the one smirking. “All right.”

“I mean it.”


“Keep talking and I’ll fire you again.”

“No you won’t because you need me.”

He doesn’t verbally acknowledge my comment, but we both know it’s the truth. Rafael proved as much with my new nanny contract, which includes an overall pay increase, a reduced workload from six to five days a week, and a generous severance package should he feel the need to terminate our agreement.

His new stipulations not only provide financial but also emotional security. He is clearly trying to take what I said about his lack of appreciation into account, and for that, I’m grateful.

As I head in the direction of the kitchen, I’m overwhelmed with the smell of freshly baked biscuits and a faint hint of bacon, and my stomach makes an outrageous noise.


“Starving, actually.”

“Hopefully the birthday boy is too because I made a lot of food.” He rubs the back of his neck.

“Nervous?” I ask.

He drops his hand. “Is it that obvious?”

“No,” I lie.

His eyes narrow. “Right.”

“Everything will be fine.”

“He’s been…tough.”

“Well, he is your son after all.”

He shoots me a look. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re a smart guy. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

“You think I’m smart?”

“Don’t go fishing for compliments. It’s unattractive.”

Frown lines cut across his forehead. “I was curious.”

“About my opinion? Wow. You must be really desperate for company if you want that.”

The little splash of pink creeping up his neck has me questioning if he was telling the truth about being curious. It’s hard to believe a self-made billionaire like Rafael could be self-conscious enough to seek reassurance from others, but I guess he is human after all.


With a parting glance, Rafael heads toward Nico’s room. I follow him through the hallway that leads to the bedrooms at the back of the house.

Rafael stops in front of the comic book poster-covered door before stepping to the side to give me room. Not wanting to ruin Rafael’s birthday surprise, I remain quiet as I knock on the door.

“Go away!” Nico shouts. “I don’t want dumb birthday pancakes this year.”

Rafael flinches beside me. He tries to cover it up by shifting his weight, which only makes me sympathize with him more.

I want to dislike him, especially after the pain he put Nico and me through after firing me, but I can’t find it in me to even try. He might act cold and indifferent, but he is still a person with feelings, aspirations, and fears. One who won’t be able to learn from his mistakes unless I give him a chance to.

Rafael glares at the villainous Skotos, Erebus, and Eidolon posters taped to the door, his misery clinging to him like a second skin. If we go into the bedroom with him looking like this, Nico will probably shut down again, so it’s up to me to try to cheer him up.

I fake gasp before whispering, “No pancakes? This is worse than I thought.”

Rafael doesn’t even so much as look in my direction. I grab his arm and pull him away from Nico’s door so he doesn’t overhear our conversation.

“I know you said things were serious, but I wasn’t aware of just how bad things have gotten between you two. What’s next? No birthday cake?”

“I’m glad you’re amused by all this.”

Okay… Tough crowd. “What if I told you that I could make you look like a hero?

He scoffs. “Right.”

“Are you doubting me?”

“Not you.”

“Then who?”

“Me.” His cutting word slices through me, and I reach over and give his tense bicep a squeeze.

The little tingle spreading up my arm from the contact forces me to let go all too soon. “Things will get better.”

“How? It’s not like his condition is going to improve.”

“No, but you both can face the unknown together. As a team.”

Rafael’s scowl melts away. “We haven’t felt like one lately.”

His words drill a hole through my chest. “That might be true, but it doesn’t mean you can’t become one again.”

His long exhale fills the quiet.

“Just trust me.”

His gaze connects with mine, and for the briefest second, I get a glimpse of the man who hides his fears and hurt behind hard stares and endless scowls.

I see him, and damn, I’m hit with the urge to pull him into a hug and promise him that everything will be okay.

But then I remember how easily he cast me aside, and whatever desire I had to comfort him is replaced by an urgency to protect myself from getting hurt again.

I look away and clear my throat. “Ready?”

He nods.

I knock a second time.

“I said to go away!” Nico shouts loud enough to be heard clearly through the door.

“I could do that, but then you’d miss out on joining your dad and me for the best birthday pancakes in the whole wide world.”

Rafael’s head swivels toward me. “I thought you hated pancakes.”

“He doesn’t know that.” And frankly, I didn’t realize Rafael did since he usually makes them on Saturdays when I’m not here.

“Ellie?” Nico’s squeal draws a smile from me.

I open the door to find him rushing to put on his glasses. It has only been a week since I last saw him, but the days felt longer.

Something clicks into place in my chest, as if a missing piece of my heart is being returned to its rightful spot. I never thought becoming Nico’s nanny would lead to a love so strong, but it did.

I never want to put myself in a position to risk our relationship again. I’ve learned my lesson the hard way, so from here on out, I’m going to be cautious for both our sakes.

“Ellie!” Nico jumps off his bed and throws himself into my waiting arms. “You’re back!”

I brace myself for another one of Rafael’s frowns, which always appear whenever Nico shows me any kind of affection, but his face bears a neutral expression instead.

A drastic improvement, to say the least.

Maybe there is hope for him after all.

“Your dad apologized to me.”

Nico’s arms slip from around my neck as he pulls away. “Really?

“Yup. He was sick to his stomach over letting me go. Told me that he couldn’t sleep at night knowing I wasn’t here with you both.”

Rafael sends icy daggers in my direction.

I bite back a shit-eating grin.

“He couldn’t?” Nico asks. “He didn’t say anything to me.”

“Yup. He begged me to come back.”

“Does that mean you’re staying?” Nico’s guarded gaze slides from me to his father. Whatever happiness Nico felt from my surprise appearance disappears within a blink as a frown replaces his bright, gap-toothed smile.

I’m going to have my work cut out for me with these two. There is no way we are going to spend the next couple of weeks on vacation, tiptoeing around each other while ignoring the obvious tension.

I push Nico’s glasses up the bridge of his nose to get his attention. “I’ll stay, but only if you want me to.”

He wraps his arms around my neck and squeezes until every artery protests. “Of course I want you to!”

“Oh, great.” I fake my relief. “I was worried you’d forgotten all about me already.”

“Never, ever, ever!”

“Are you sure? Because you probably liked not having to eat your fruits and vegetables.”

His adorable, small nose scrunches. “Papi still made me.”

“How dare he care about your health,” I say with feigned outrage.

Neither one of them laughs.

All right then.

Nico wraps his legs around my waist and squeezes as tightly as he can. “You’re not allowed to leave again. You got it?”

“Never? What if you get sick of me?”

“No. Never. Right, Papi?” Nico hesitantly looks over at his dad.

I’m paralyzed when Rafael locks eyes with me. “No te preocupes, mijo. If she runs, I’ll bring her back for you.”

Goose bumps break out across my skin. Thankfully, my boss doesn’t notice, although I’m painfully aware of them and what they mean.

No matter how many times I tell myself I’m not attracted to Rafael, my body will always call me out on my pathetic lie.

Doesn’t mean you need to act on it.

For everyone’s well-being, it’s best for me to lock away whatever residual feelings I have toward him and focus on why I’m really here. Nico needs me, and I’m not about to ruin everything we have because his dad makes my stomach flip and my heart race.

No te preocupes, mijo: Don’t worry, son.

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