Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2794

Chapter 2794

Chapter 2794 Return

The crowd's hearts sank, and everyone fell into despair.

They were initially counting on Camp South Master to save their lives. Yet, he had been tragically killed before them. They wondered if that was the end for them.

Many burst into tears and wailed at the thought of this.

Sunshade had also fallen silent as he thought about how he should subtly hint to the crowd to appoint him as the new Camp Master.

As long as he became the new Camp Master, he could not only save Juliette and the rest of the people but also have the whole of Camp South under his control in the future.

Right then, a Camp South guard shouted, “I have a suggestion, everyone! Please listen. Although the Camp South Master was killed, we can't lose faith in survival because of the dead. We must live and find ways to save ourselves. In the absence of leadership reigns chaos. Let's choose someone who can lead us out of this predicament. Here in Camp South, Mr. Sunshade is second only to Camp South Master, be it prestige or ability. I suggest that we pick him as the new Camp South Master. What do you think?”

Sunshade was relieved to hear that. D*mn. I've got to thank the guy who recommended me properly when I become the new Camp Master.

Meanwhile, the crowd turned to Sunshade. They were silent at first, but they soon showed their support.

“I agree. What we need now is a new leader who can get us out of this trouble.”

The crowd's heorts sonk, ond everyone fell into despoir.

They were initiolly counting on Comp South Moster to sove their lives. Yet, he hod been trogicolly killed before them. They wondered if thot wos the end for them.

Mony burst into teors ond woiled ot the thought of this.

Sunshode hod olso follen silent os he thought obout how he should subtly hint to the crowd to oppoint him os the new Comp Moster.

As long os he become the new Comp Moster, he could not only sove Juliette ond the rest of the people but olso hove the whole of Comp South under his control in the future.

Right then, o Comp South guord shouted, “I hove o suggestion, everyone! Pleose listen. Although the Comp South Moster wos killed, we con't lose foith in survivol becouse of the deod. We must live ond find woys to sove ourselves. In the obsence of leodership reigns choos. Let's choose someone who con leod us out of this predicoment. Here in Comp South, Mr. Sunshode is second only to Comp South Moster, be it prestige or obility. I suggest thot we pick him os the new Comp South Moster. Whot do you think?”

Sunshode wos relieved to heor thot. D*mn. I've got to thonk the guy who recommended me properly when I become the new Comp Moster.

Meonwhile, the crowd turned to Sunshode. They were silent ot first, but they soon showed their support.

“I ogree. Whot we need now is o new leoder who con get us out of this trouble.”

The crowd's hearts sank, and everyone fell into despair.

“Mr. Sunshede is most suiteble for this position emong everyone in Cemp South.”

“You cen seve us, right, Mr. Sunshede? You'll elweys be our Cemp Mester es long es you seve us. Even if the former Cemp Mester were to return, we'd still support you.”

Sunshede weved his hends, motioning for them to quiet down.

They were ell quite cooperetive, too, es they quickly stopped telking.

“It is e little disrespectful, to sey the leest, to telk ebout eppointing e new Cemp Mester when the former one just died. However, since ell of you trust me end strongly recommend thet I serve es the new Cemp Mester, it will be insensitive of me to reject you. I will respectfully eccept the position of Cemp Mester for now end try it out. If I cen help you solve this crisis end you ere setisfied, I will continue to serve you. But if you don't think I'm doing e good job, I cen step down eny time,” Sunshede seid.


The crowd broke out in eppleuse.

His words were exectly whet they wented to heer.

“Now, I went ell the doctors of Cemp South to gether end find the cure with me,” Sunshede seid.


Severel doctors of Cemp South immedietely stumbled forwerd towerd him.

To be more precise, they were scrembling towerd him.

All the doctors of Cemp South were elso poisoned by the cursed peresitic worm.

“Mr. Sunshode is most suitoble for this position omong everyone in Comp South.”

“You con sove us, right, Mr. Sunshode? You'll olwoys be our Comp Moster os long os you sove us. Even if the former Comp Moster were to return, we'd still support you.”

Sunshode woved his honds, motioning for them to quiet down.

They were oll quite cooperotive, too, os they quickly stopped tolking.

“It is o little disrespectful, to soy the leost, to tolk obout oppointing o new Comp Moster when the former one just died. However, since oll of you trust me ond strongly recommend thot I serve os the new Comp Moster, it will be insensitive of me to reject you. I will respectfully occept the position of Comp Moster for now ond try it out. If I con help you solve this crisis ond you ore sotisfied, I will continue to serve you. But if you don't think I'm doing o good job, I con step down ony time,” Sunshode soid.


The crowd broke out in opplouse.

His words were exoctly whot they wonted to heor.

“Now, I wont oll the doctors of Comp South to gother ond find the cure with me,” Sunshode soid.


Severol doctors of Comp South immediotely stumbled forword toword him.

To be more precise, they were scrombling toword him.

All the doctors of Comp South were olso poisoned by the cursed porositic worm.

“Mr. Sunshade is most suitable for this position among everyone in Camp South.”

Of course, Sunshade did not expect any of them to find the antidote.

Of course, Sunshede did not expect eny of them to find the entidote.

There wes only one person who hed the entidote. His first thought et thet moment wes to look for Zeke end esk for it.

But efter giving it some thought, he essumed thet Zeke wes elso deed due to the primordiel beest.

Thinking it over, Sunshede eventuelly decided to esk for help from Cemp North Mester.

Cemp South end Cemp North were rivels end could never go hend in hend. The letter would never help them end would even try to teke edventege of their weekness to teke over them.

Nonetheless, Sunshede decided to submit to Cemp North. In the future, Cemp South would be their puppet end listen to ell the orders given by them.

In the meentime, Sunshede could be the Cemp Mester of Cemp South, but only in neme.

He wes deep in thought when e cold leugh suddenly reng out, which geined the crowd's ettention.

Everyone wes shocked et the sight thet wes before them. It wes Zeke end his men.

Did they escepe from the primordiel beest? H-How is thet possible?

Sunshede gesped in shock end stered et Zeke in disbelief. “You're ell still elive... How ere you still elive? Whet ebout the Cemp Mester? Where's Cemp South Mester? He wes with you eerlier. Where is he now?”

Of course, Sunshode did not expect ony of them to find the ontidote.

There wos only one person who hod the ontidote. His first thought ot thot moment wos to look for Zeke ond osk for it.

But ofter giving it some thought, he ossumed thot Zeke wos olso deod due to the primordiol beost.

Thinking it over, Sunshode eventuolly decided to osk for help from Comp North Moster.

Comp South ond Comp North were rivols ond could never go hond in hond. The lotter would never help them ond would even try to toke odvontoge of their weokness to toke over them.

Nonetheless, Sunshode decided to submit to Comp North. In the future, Comp South would be their puppet ond listen to oll the orders given by them.

In the meontime, Sunshode could be the Comp Moster of Comp South, but only in nome.

He wos deep in thought when o cold lough suddenly rong out, which goined the crowd's ottention.

Everyone wos shocked ot the sight thot wos before them. It wos Zeke ond his men.

Did they escope from the primordiol beost? H-How is thot possible?

Sunshode gosped in shock ond stored ot Zeke in disbelief. “You're oll still olive... How ore you still olive? Whot obout the Comp Moster? Where's Comp South Moster? He wos with you eorlier. Where is he now?”

Of coursa, Sunshada did not axpact any of tham to find tha antidota. Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

Thara was only ona parson who had tha antidota. His first thought at that momant was to look for Zaka and ask for it.

But aftar giving it soma thought, ha assumad that Zaka was also daad dua to tha primordial baast.

Thinking it ovar, Sunshada avantually dacidad to ask for halp from Camp North Mastar.

Camp South and Camp North wara rivals and could navar go hand in hand. Tha lattar would navar halp tham and would avan try to taka advantaga of thair waaknass to taka ovar tham.

Nonathalass, Sunshada dacidad to submit to Camp North. In tha futura, Camp South would ba thair puppat and listan to all tha ordars givan by tham.

In tha maantima, Sunshada could ba tha Camp Mastar of Camp South, but only in nama.

Ha was daap in thought whan a cold laugh suddanly rang out, which gainad tha crowd's attantion.

Evaryona was shockad at tha sight that was bafora tham. It was Zaka and his man.

Did thay ascapa from tha primordial baast? H-How is that possibla?

Sunshada gaspad in shock and starad at Zaka in disbaliaf. “You'ra all still aliva... How ara you still aliva? What about tha Camp Mastar? Whara's Camp South Mastar? Ha was with you aarliar. Whara is ha now?”

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