King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 2: His Concern

Chapter 2: His Concern


“Kataleya how old are you now?” Azura questioned Kataleya, hands-on hips as she did.

I knew that the little devil was trying to test her. She fucking acted like she was eighteen or some shit like that, she was a dangerous one.

Kataleya blinked and held up six fingers.

That’s my fucking pup.

“Good girl.” Azura replied, with an approving nod and went off to fuss over one of those Westwood pups.

I may see them often enough, but they all fucking look the same. Well maybe they don’t, but to me, they do, not my fault that there’s an entire fucking army of them.

“Kia’s taking her time.” Liam remarked, glancing towards the villa as he picked up one of his little fuckers.

“I’ll go fucking take a look.” I took a final drag on my cigarette before tossing it to the ground and making sure I snuffed it out with my boot, walking towards the house, almost fucking stepping on one of these roach-sized pups. How the fuck are they all over the place?

I followed her scent, frowning as I realised she was upstairs, but what got me worried was the speed of her heartbeat. It was far too fast for my liking. In a flash, I was up the stairs. My heart was racing with worry the moment I saw her on the floor in the girl’s bedroom.

“Kiara! Kiara!” I lifted her into my arms, tapping her face. Fuck, what the hell happened? “Come on, wake up!”

Her eyes flew open, blazing purple, and she sucked in a breath as if she had been deprived of oxygen.

“Fuck, Amore Mio…” I hugged her tightly, my own voice hoarse, my heart thudding with relief as I held her close, stroking her back. “I got you.”

“Al…” She whispered, grabbing my shirt, her heart beating erratically as she looked around and then up at me.

The sound of the kids screaming and laughing from outside reached us and she exhaled, slumping in my arms with clear relief.

“Thank the goddess… You’re all ok.” She murmured, her lips brushing my neck before she showered my neck with quick kisses, sending rivets of sparks through me.

“Yeah, we’re fucking ok, but what about you? What happened?”

She looked around the room and the ground as if searching for something.

“I… There was a… a note.”

Her eyes looked haunted as she looked around the room. I kissed her lips softly, my hand twisting in her hair and stroking her waist, wanting her to know she was going to be fucking ok.

“It’s ok, everything is fucking alright. Relax.” I reassured her before looking around to see what note she meant. “Where’s the note?”

She shook her head, looking confused and I wondered if last night’s fucking sexathon had fucking drained her out.

“I…” She placed a hand on her glossy hair, and sighed, biting those luscious lips of hers, before she shook her head in defeat.

“Never mind. We’ll deal with this shit later; shall we go outside?” I asked, stroking her thigh.

She nodded, looking into my eyes and I felt my stomach twist. The look of fear that filled her soft blue- rimmed soft green eyes was one I hadn’t seen in years…

Whatever the fuck happened was serious, and I was definitely going to ask her later. For now, I’ll get the men to scour the area. I stood up, lifting her to her feet and wrapped my arms around her tightly, never wanting to let her go.

If there was one thing I fucking hated above everything else, it was seeing my queen in any kind of pain. I kissed her neck and shoulder sensually, my hand massaging her back comfortingly until her heartbeat steadied.

“I love you, my sexy beast.” She looked up at me, her eyes holding so many emotions, and I frowned.

Whatever the fuck happened had shaken her.

“And I fucking love you, Amore Mio.” I replied, gripping her chin before kissing her passionately, only breaking away when she gasped for air. “We’ll talk later alright?”

She nodded, exhaling and giving me a tight hug before we returned to the garden after grabbing the sauces.

“Are you ok, Kiara?” Scarlett, Kiara’s mother, asked her.

“Yeah, perfectly.” Kiara replied, blushing lightly under everyone’s gaze.

My nympho always looked fucking hot, but I fucking swear, each passing year she seemed to somehow become even fucking hotter…

“Right, everyone sit down!” Raven, Kiara’s brother’s mate and also Kiara’s best friend, called out.

She was probably the smallest one here, I’m sure Dante was her fucking height already. No idea how the fuck she had five pups at once, she had looked a fucking sight.

“Is the Alpha council still on next month despite Elder Allen’s health?” Rayhan asked me as he took the seat opposite.

“Yeah, we can’t really delay it, the winds are changing. It’s fucking needed.”

I glanced over at Elijah, his frown deepening. There was something afoot. After years of living in fucking peace, I could feel it in the air. Something was coming… but I didn’t know what…

“Do you boys really need to discuss work?” Maria, Rayhan’s mother, scolded.

“Blame him, I didn’t do anything.” I replied coldly.

My brother, Rafael Rossi, died five years ago protecting Maria, his mate, and Delsanra… a death I won’t ever get over.

It was taking its toll on Maria too. With each passing year, she got weaker, slimmer, and more exhausted, as if simply living was becoming harder for her. Although she had kept her sanity, with our kids serving as a fucking distraction for her, it still wasn’t enough. I didn’t want her to lose herself, but when you are mated to a powerful Alpha, the parting is even fucking harder…

“Alejandro?” Maria’s voice brought me out of my fucking thoughts, and I raised an eyebrow.


“Are you ok?” She asked, concern clear in her grey eyes.

I smirked,All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

“One hundred fucking percent.” I replied.

She smiled slightly, giving me a nod. Once upon a time, we couldn’t stand each other, I’m sure Raf’s fucking proud of our bond now.

“Daddy, may I sit next to you?” Kataleya asked softly, her large dark eyes were the same colour as mine yet were filled with a warmth mine lacked.

“Sure thing.”

My youngest pup, I swear despite how fucking crude my language was, this angel was the politest fucking sweetest thing on this damn planet, and sometimes I felt she was far too pure for this fucking world.

Unlike her elder twin and brother, her special ability was completely different from theirs. She smelt of something soft and sweet, yet you could only smell it when you were around her. You wouldn’t sense her coming or be able to track her scent. Which can become fucking worrying at times in case she wandered off.

Kiara sat down on my other side, kissing my lips softly, and I was fucking relieved. She seemed a little better again.

“After eating, I can’t wait to cut the cake.” Skyla stated, she was the elder of the twins and I swear she was fucking Lucifer incarnate at times.

“Once you finish your food properly.” Scarlett told her granddaughter.

Scarlett was only three years older than me, yet her daughter was my mate, it was fucking fun when that shit came out in the open. Who would have thought…

Skyla’s sharp green eyes turned to Kiara.

“Can I use the big knife to cut the cake?” She asked, her eyes sparkling.

“Not the big one, now eat your food.” Kiara replied, shaking her head.

Skyla pouted with displeasure and I smirked.

You ain’t getting away with shit when your mama’s around pup.

Kiara’s hand found mine, and she gave it a squeeze, almost as if she was reassuring herself.

‘We’ll figure out the note later, but whatever it was, don’t worry about it. I will always fucking protect you and the kids.’ I said through the link, letting my confidence and reassurance flow through the bond.

She gave me one of those beautiful smiles of hers and nodded, and I knew she was going to be ok. I just hoped that whatever it was, it was no big deal…

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