Judas kiss

Chapter 6 8- You need to bring another woman.

Chapter 6 8- You need to bring another woman.

Della had just came from taking a few more clothes from her apartment. On Andre's part, it was

becoming tiring. He watched packing the few clothes that she had brought with her, in what used to be

their walk in closet. The left side had Andre's things and the right side had been left untouched ever

since she had left. If it wasn't for Marta, the dust would have simmered all over. She always kept it


"How long are you going to keep doing this?" Andre asked using a towel to dry his hair. He had just

taken a shower immediately after they had dinner. He was exhausted from work and the only thing he

wanted to do was cuddle her.

"Uh—" Della didn't really have an answer for that. As she was kneeling down, she turned to look in his

direction. It was distracting, why did he have to look like that? Andre had a habit of walking around in

his boxers, it always caught her off guard. Even though she had been his wife for a while now. Even

though they were lose, she could make out his manhood that didn't go unnoticed, even when limp as

jelly; barely hard.

"You should permanently move in, you're pregnant with my child and I don't want to force you into

anything but I want you here... with me." Andre said with streaks of his wet dirty blonde hair, falling


Della sighed at how vulnerable he looked saying this.

"I know I'm pregnant but.. I just want to have somewhere to go Incase this doesn't work out or it ends

as soon as it started."

Andre chuckled.

This woman really thought he would be stupid enough to let her go, for the second time. Beneath the

humor, it hurt that she didn't believe in what they had or felt for each other.

"You really think, I would make you pregnant then just leave..?" He questioned. Della looked away.. she

just didn't fully trust him. She didn't wear her heart on her sleeves anymore. She was cautious of every

step she took and she didn't want to depend on anymore. Even more so here father because she had

learnt the hard way that people.. leave whenever they want to and you can't force them to stay in your


"Della, you need to start trusting me?" He said more as a question. He was aware that she had taken a

leap of faith to be with him but she still didn't fully trust him.

"I do. I mean you're a great father to Leo—" She was interrupted.

"You trust me with Leo but you don't trust me with being with you." He said as a matter of fact. Della

looked away, back to the shelf; she really didn't want to engage in this conversation anymore.

"Andre.. can we not—"

Della had her mind set. She wasn't going to give in all of her heart and soul like she did when she was

younger. She wasn't naive anymore. Things could happen, nothing lasts forever. He would eventually

get bored of her. Maybe he only wanted to be with her because he hadn't been with her for a long time.

Della was afraid of change, she knew it could happen at any given moment. She would try and make it

work but she wouldn't fully give in. She had built her walls so high that it would take a lot of effort to

reach over. Yes, she loved Andre. Yes, she wanted to be with him. Yes, she had trust issues. No, she

didn't trust him—

At all.

"How will this work if you don't trust me?" Andre questioned.

"You can't ask that of me, trusting you would be too much. I don't want to look like a fool again." She

finally stood up, she wanted to walk out on him but he pulled her back. Her only thought were.. this

man was a womanizer before she met him, he was a womanizer even after he had kicked her out of his

life. She wanted to forget it all and move on. She forgave him but she just didn't trust him. Andre was

utterly good looking, that made her insecure. He could get any woman he wanted, she didn't want to

dwell on it but it was true and that made her insecure. He had once brought women in this very same

house to spite her, he could do it again if he wanted to. Trusting him fully would take a lot of weakness.

She just didn't want to be hurt. That type of pain was the worst. She just never wanted to experience it

again. Rejection wasn't a steady feeling. Della wanted to always leave space for disappointment. She

didn't want her son seeing her at her weakest once again.

"I will never make you look like a fool, Adela. I love you and I want to be with you and nobody else.

You're carrying my child and—" He paused. "I would never make the same mistake twice. I know what I


He immediately remembered..

*?Flashback *

"Mama, I swear she won't leave the house even after you told her to." Andre said on a phone call with

his mother. He had found her in bed with another man, his mother chased her out but she came back

and said their love was stronger than that. He had to believe her and that she wouldn't go until he gave

her a chance to speak. They were staying in the same house but he ignored her like a parasite. Della

told him that she wouldn't leave just like that and let everything they had go to waste.

"You have to be harsh with her my boy. She knows that you're her only chance of ever having a good

life." Jeanine hissed. "You're too soft, Andre. You have always been soft."

Andre sighed.

This was too much for him. He was hurt, just seeing her everyday hurt him. He knew she didn't have

anywhere else to go. He just didn't have it in him to kick her out. Like he should. His mother had thrown

her out but she came back and here she was staying in the guest room tolerating every single insult

that came out of his mouth. Even though it had only been two days. He felt like it had been years.

"Are you listening to me, Andre?" Jeanine questioned.

"Yes, mama." He answered, he only meant to please his mother. After all she had been right about her.

"You need to bring another woman so that she knows that she isn't worth your time anymore. Oui?"

Andre gulped down saliva that he didn't know he was holding. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

"Mama—" He was about to protest.

"She brought another man in your home, your marital bed Andre. You saw her yourself, naked with that

men cuddling her and-"

"Stop stop Mama!!" He growled, anger making itself a present feeling.

"Make it clear that she needs to leave before I come drag her by myself out of that house with her fake


Andre wanted to tell his mother that, Della didn't wear extensions. Her hair had always been naturally

long. Andre knew that because he had spent a year long living with her personally and watching her

get dressed and get ready everyday. He didn't know why he even wanted to defend her after what she

had done, his mother was right—

He was too soft.

That evening when he got back home from work with one of his conquests that he had picked up at his

mothers dinner party. He saw Della seating on the kitchen island stools probably waiting for him. He

could tell that she had been crying, her eyes were puffy and bloodshot red. She wore her winter gown.

It was cold, especially since it was starting to snow.

When Della heard the car. She quickly wiped her tears and tried to compose herself. She didn't care,

this time he would have to listen to her. She didn't have any pride or dignity left but she wouldn't let him

go; what they shared go. The days before Andre had broke all the picture frames of them together. He

had went all around the house with his garners destroying their wedding portraits before asking Marta

to clean up. He told her to get out but she told him with just as much force that she wouldn't go. She

didn't remember much, she had never seen that man in her life before. She was scared that he had

maybe touched her... raped her.

She was having symptoms but she didn't want to think about it. The possibility that Jeanine had let that

man touch her and that she was now pregnant didn't seat well with her. She needed to talk to Andre

first before telling him that maybe she was. She was afraid of even touching a pregnancy test. Her

hands would fidget so much that she would drop the pregnancy test. It wasn't helping that she was


When Andre got in with a woman with short jet black hair, they kissed all the way up the stairs. Leaving

trails of their clothing. The woman had smirked at her as Andre attacked her neck with lust. Jeanine

had set her up well enough not to care that he had a wife.

Della cried herself to sleep as she heard the noises throughout the night. Andre had been taking out all

his rage on the woman that he had brought home. He didn't care, Della had done the same thing to


"Andre stop.. not there ah God.."

"Ah God Please yes yes yes there"

"Don't s-stop ah ah.."

Della had tried everything to not hear them but they clearly wanted to be heard.

The next morning the woman was in their bed while Andre made her breakfast. Della decided she

would try. She would forgive him, he was just angry. This was all Jeanine. She just needed to make him


It got really bad.

He hit her left cheek out of anger.

She knew that was the last stroll. She would finally stop trying. It wasn't worth it. She just needed to

leave. The first thing she needed to do was get a rape kit. She didn't know if it was too late but the

nearest public clinic had confirmed that she wasn't raped.

Andre called his mother and told her that she had finally left.

She had finally left for good.

* End of flashback *?

"I'm keeping my apartment, Andre. Incase I ever need somewhere to go. I just need the comfort of

knowing I have my own things and my own place when this ends." She told him.

"It won't end." He replied.

"That's the same thing you said in your vows." She sighed. "I'm really trying.."

"I know.." He replied in a defeated tone. The only anger he felt was for his mother. He had no excuse

for the way he treated her as of present. She caused all this but he did it all willingly so she wasn't the

only blame.

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